dream a little dream...


The wheels of the mobile chair kept rolling at awkward angles as the small fist tried grasping the scarred hand that guided its remote.The giggles that pierced the air became Sunggyu's favourite tune to his ears,while he spun his daughter in his lap;it was the closest he ever got to twirling her small frame in the air.

He'd dream at night that he could hold her high enough to touch the skies,but then he'd wake up drenched in sweat and be remembered of the harsh reality:he'll never be able to walk her to the aisle.

The only comfort he found when he was on the verge of losing his frail mind was his little Heeyeon cuddling in his bed,the sweetest reminder of why he kept going through another day of torment when all he felt was giving into the temptation of losing himself into oblivion first chance he got.

He didn't regret his choice,he never wished he didn't stand in between Yun Hee and the bullet that sprung towards her.

What Sunggyu loathed was the aftermath;part of it, anyways.

Somehow, Yun Hee had made sure she'd leave her mark,damning him forever to forget about giving up;it was so easy!

But she never did easy.

No...she had to peacefully mock his eyes,his ears,his freakin' heart with her sleeping figure like that  damn Disney character that slept through 100 years.He would've waited longer if possible,but it wasn't what was eating him from the inside.

The unknown scared him.More specifically IF she ever opened her eyes again.The doctor's odds had brought the matter down to 'if',instead of ' when'  Yun Hee will wake up.

Meanwhile,she damn straight left him forgetting at times that she was stuck in a comatose body and have him spending quality time with their bundle of joy,the only beautiful thing left after tragedy struck.

His crippled status didn't bother Sunggyu;the physical one, at least,cause deep down he was half way lost without her.

He had tones of help from his friends, already infatuated with his daughter,but no one could ever fill in the void that she left when she never opened her gorgeous eyes and look at him and their daughter.

Sunggyu was left keeping the faith for both of them,but sometimes he found it hard to even breathe, much less hope she'd pull through.

Heeyeon took over at those slippery times,filling up the tiniest place and giving him no choice but to cheer up and take in another breath;he'd be able to last one more day,to pray one more time for Yun Hee to join the party that their daughter was throwing with every giggle that came out of her bubbly small body.

"She'll burf all over the carpet if you keep going round-round like that."Dongwoo's serious voice interrupted  the 14th twirl of his wheel chair.

"Do you really want to have a face-off with her?"Sunggyu tickled little Heeyeon, making her squirm in joy.He was smiling like he just had a taste of heaven."Hear that Hee?Uncle Dino wants us to stop before you are sick."

"Daddah whee!"she patted his hand that rested on the remote.

"No more 'whee' Heeyeon-ah,or daddy will get sick as well."Dongwoo leaned to take her in his arms."How about I take you out for a stroll?"

It wasn't the first time Sunggyu would give into his daughter's demands,forgetting he sometimes didn't have the stamina to put up with them.He probably looked on the verge of fainting if Dongwoo's worried gaze was any indication.

"No, I want daddah whee!"the little creature slapped the other male on his cheeks.

"Daddah is tired, baby.You have me , now!"he cradled her, trying poorly to keep her small fingers away from poking his eyes out.

"No, I want daddah!"she pouted.It was her tantrum whenever she was too tired,but fought it to her last breath.

"Like father, like daughter."another voice stumbled into the room."How's the tiger-princess?"Woohyun pecked her small nose,making her squealing at him."Why do you want uncle Dino to cry, huh?Be a good girl and help him say Hi to Sandman."he wincked, already knowing he won that round.

​"Yeah, baby Hee.Don't you want to come with me?Sandman promised me he'd take us where  we want this time."Dongwoo fake- whispered.

After sometime contemplating her odds, Heeyeon yawned,leaning her head on his shoulder and gave her ok to take a nap;the  golden rule of getting in touch with Sandman.

"Can we go-go play  Fairy?"she softly spoke already half asleep.

It took them a while before they found out she asked things like that when she missed her mother.In her sleep she managed to dream she'd play with the Fairy( that was what she called Yun Hee) and she always made sure to thank Sandman for aiding her.

Sunggyu was torned,but at the same time thankful she found a way of coping with her mother missing,though he still had a long way till he looked with ease at Yun Hee like his offspring did.

"Sure, we'll give a big kiss and hug."Dongwoo patted her soft hair, giving Sunggyu a worried look.

"Tell her I said Hi."Sunggyu said with tears pooling in his eyes.

Woohyun's hand was gripping his trembling shoulder, reasuring him he was not alone,but at the end of the day he faced all that on his own miserable self.He never met her in his dreams and he knew he was a little gelous of his daughter for being able to;God, he had so much to tell her, to share with her, even if it was through an illusion.

Instead he talked to her everyday facing her unmoving body,with no proof she could hear him;taking off the plug was never in his agenda,because then he'd really lose all of him.

"Let's go say Hi, adult way."Woohyun spoke."It's been a while since I've nagged Yun Hee,anyway."

"You're pushing your luck, Namu.One of these days she'll talk back at you and you don't know sharp-tongued she can be."Sunggyu feigned amused.

Deep-down he prayed for the day when she'd fight him again,no matter the means.

But two years had already passed without so much as a hint Yun Hee was there anymore.Sunggyu could only hope.And everytime he caressed her frail  unresponding hand,he felt the burn in his back where the bullet pierced his spine all over again.And he saw the blood trailing down from her temple where the same bullet had ricochet when he had made a grab for her and shielded her.

'If it didn't go through you,she'd be dead on the spot.You saved her life,Sunggyu.'

Those words cut him each time he recalled the police and the medical team praising his efforts or sacrifice,as they saw it.What good had it been to become crippled for life if she was stuck to a bed,facing borderline death?

Pinning the guilty tag on anyone was fruitless at this point;it didn't do anyone any favours.

Both his and her parents were denied contact(they did play an important part in them getting desperate enough to fight their families and their crazy ways to keep them apart),so it wasn't surprising to hear him voice out his frustration whenever he thought he was alone in the small house he managed to buy for them after having been deprived of his birth rights.

His little piece of heaven was where she could join him and he'd never give up that arrangement,no matter how much his friends tried to get him into a more apropriate place.

Money couldn't buy him happiness,not unless they got her to wake up.

Until that day, Sunggyu was very content to live with his family in that simplest place.

Woohyun pushed his chair for far less of a distance it took them to reach the room where Yun Hee was resting.His sigh touched Sunggyu's nape,a sure sign of his own distress.He still felt partly responsable for pushing his friend to take measures that in the end turned disastruous.

"She'll have both our heads if she sees us this low spirited."Sunggyu raised his hand to pat him encouragingly.

"Right.Better be safe than sorry."Woohyun plastered his trademark smile before pushing the door open.


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what's real and what's not? who's the one that slipped into a coma?


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need feed-back 2 set the flow.i'm not sure who dreams and who's awake....