

The way everything turned our world inside out after this new girl came along. She was in a different class to me and IU's. From what I heard she was quiet intelligent. No one really knows.

Her name was Jessica. When we first met her she seemed shy, kept to herself.

She didn't have anyone to hangout with. So she hung out with us. It was awkward at first. But when we realized she wasn't as shy and innocent as we thought she was, our lives had changed.

IU's secret soon spread out in the year group. Everyone teased Wooyoung and IU about their fling together.

Only a few weeks of being with us, Jessica had already known about our little secret. As for her, being an out going person, had already made a move on Wooyoung. She had told me she's talked to him before, said that she asked him about IU.

Jessica had told Wooyoung to talk to IU and ask her out. She hasn't yet told IU about their little talk with each other, but I wasn't willing to wait.

I soon told IU about this. We were best friends. We told each other everything. Even if someone was talking about us behind our back.

I know I'm explaining this to you a bit too fast. The reason being is that this whole story has changed since she came along, she was the reason the couple had gotten together and the reason that this story's ending is a downer.

In the same day a group of boys had approached me and IU they were all laughing facing the middle of the circle.

Jessica walked up to he group and started a conversation. IU and I looked curiously, we realized that in the middle if the circle was Wooyoung.

He looked embarrassed. He looked like we was burning up. IU and I walked up to them.

I asked one of Wooyoung friends closest to me; "What's the problem?" the group was screaming now

"Just talk to her already!!! Ask her out already!!!" everyone was in an uproar.

Finally Wooyoung merged from the group, Jessica by his side. The four of us, IU, Wooyoung, Jessica and I sighed his group and walked to a more silent part of the school.

Jessica did all the talking. Even I didn't participate in her conversation. She was practically taking to herself for all I know.

Wooyoung kept a distance from the group, but Jessica kept pushing him to talk. So what she has decided was to become he "messenger" for the two. She asked the two what they wanted to say to each other. He asked Wooyoung what he'd say to her, she'd deliver the message to IU and vice versa.

This all went on for a few days. The two never talked directly to each other. When Wooyoung and his friends pass our group, a boy always say "Wooyoung says hi" instead of him saying hello to her directly.

Finally Wooyoung had asked Jessica (he seemed to be taking to her the most about his situation) to give IU a note.

The note said (although this all happened a few years ago, I have put small tweaks into the story, especially this note, because... well it WAS a few years ago); "I know you've known that I have liked you for a while. But I'd really like to talk to you and get to know you more". What seemed to me and IU was a normal admiration note we looked further down he note.

The two if us knew that they have not know each other well. He has already admitted something. The last part of the letter said; "I really like you, would you like to go out with me?"

In fairness, to me this note was pretty straight forward. But there was something about IU that you had to know.

The two of us had something in common. It may not come as a surprise but the type of people our parents are, are similar to each others.

As you see IU and I was unable to date any one. At such a young age, innocent girls like us weren't allowed to be distracted by boys. Neither did we want to be involved with them. Until now.

IU had asked her mother whether she could date anyone, but she did not directly mention Wooyoung to her, seemingly obvious of what the answer was.

She expected the out come. Her mother had said no dating, until at least near the end of her college years.  Hearing about this IU was disappointed, even though she already knew the answer she was still unhappy.

The next day she couldn't bring herself to answer Wooyoung's letter from the other day. She couldn't disappoint him. She really liked him after all.

What she did next was unlike her. She had told Wooyoung that she could date him. Partly the reason being (she had told me) that she really liked him so much, that she'd take the risk for him and the other reason because she has said Jessica had put her up to this.

I had mixed feelings about this, I though that maybe Jessica was either being nice or stupid. She had told us some of her stories of boys liking her. Boys older than our age liked Jessica. But most of the stories didn't end well for her (those stories will be revealed [if necessary] to you in a later date). I didn't not exactly trust her per-say.

But that's my opinion, I'm only here to tell my side of the story.

So this whole going-out-in-secrecy thing was born. They were careful of what they did. They tried not to go alone in dates. She always asked me and Jessica to chaperone. We were never to leave them out of site.

Soon Wooyoung ditched his group of friends and started to hang around us and on our side of the building. Wooyoung started to think about IU endlessly, he was unable to focus. He kept doodling on paper, books, even his arms. Putting her initials everywhere.

Meanwhile on IU's side was a some-what similar story. She would endlessly talk about him, in school AND online. They were in love with each other.

But what they were oblivious of, was Jessica. While Jessica was also in on this situation, she too was listening to IU daydream. So what she didn't know was that she has gained feelings for Wooyoung also after talking to him endlessly. Only, I, at that moment was he one who noticed. As a bestfriend who told each other everything, couldn't bear to tell IU about this

It might break her heart. Maybe it was best to keep it a secret for now. 

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awww it's so sad D:
awwwwww WooU :[
but omfg... Jessica seriously needs to stop being a busy body... -___-
_nonsensical #3
Jessica must be a really thick skinned person.. She just keeps causing Wooyoung and IU more hurt my her 'love' advice and plans.. Poor Wooyoung and IU can't even say out their true feelings..
This story is nice,
update soon!
wow jessica is mad annoying in this story, and whatever "advice" she was giving wooyoung, i dont think its good. anyways update soon :D really like your story
_nonsensical #6
Wow, a relationship really can't run under someone else's advice... Jessica's love advice seems to me as a recipe to disaster for Wooyoung and IU's relationship...
interesting story update soon :D
_nonsensical #8
Why is Jessica so inconsiderate? Is there a reason behind her attitude?<br />
omg...anon, can you please punch that jessica's face? gosh, that annoying girl