Under the Volcano.


It was finally the weekends and Jessica had planned something for the whole group. We we're going out. The whole group; IU, Wooyoung, me, Jessica, Taecyeon and a few others. It was going to be fun, or that's how Jessica described it.

She always looked forward to the group going out, just as long as Wooyoung was going, she always tried to plan an event like this. But this one was different to the rest.

She had the whole day planned. We were to go bowling first, go out to eat, and just roam around the mall. It was going to be fun, right?

Me and IU car pulled along with another friend of ours (I'd like not to mention who they are, so to protect their identities). By the time we got to the bowling alleys they were all already there.

We were just a few minutes late, but Jessica seemed to be angry about it.

We went inside. Our time there was pretty average, pretty normal. We played a couple of rounds, we had fun, at first I thought it wasn't that bad. Afterwards we ate lunch at a near by restaurant across the road. And we went to the mall that Jessica said we were to walk around, just to go 'window shopping'.

This is the thing I want to tell you about. No one ever anticipated this from happening. She spoke up, "you're going to do your dare, right Wooyoung?"

We were all confused. First if all out of all things she wanted to play that stupid game. It was bad enough for us to play it during school, but now she was bringing it up when it was time for us to finally relax. To be honest I was sick of that game. Just a few days of playing it in a row, I hated it, I mean I didn't mind the dares cause at least I had the guts to do something crazy. But to the extent Jessica was bringing them up to... I was pissed off.

I asked her what dare she was talking about, and she apparently had made a dare with Wooyoung during school, but not in front of us.

She told us what it was; "I dared him to kiss IU, here."

We were all confused, I know she'd given us some pretty crazy truth questions and dare activities, but this was the worst. Even if she was that kind of person, we thought this was going too far.

We stayed silent. She kept pushing Wooyoung, who resisted, towards IU who had been hiding behind me. Apparently she too had known about this, Wooyoung had told her about it.

I saw in her eyes, while she was pushing them to do it, that she was anticipating it. She knew no matter what the others said, they'll end up doing it. She was pushy, to the extent that you would be sick of it. She would never take 'no' as 'no', she always took it as a no that was actually intended to be a yes.

There group still fell silent. I didn't know why I didn't do anything to stop this, I was just stunned that Jessica would do something like this, I just let her do whatever she wanted to do.

There was some sort of volcano that was in display in the department store we were in. It was something that people could go under and go out the other. This is the reason why I called this chapter 'under the volcano' in the first place

Jessica was pushing the two if them together into the volcano (thing). She was shouting, people around us were even looking. I was imagining what they were thinking, a couple if teenagers being restless again.

She finally got the two of them under the volcano.

She was screaming inside the volcano, telling them to just do it. We could hear her from outside. We didn't know what was happening inside. We just sties there waiting for what would happen.

Then we heard Wooyoung talk from inside; "fine, just go outside, and don't come inside." That was a request that was understandable since the two were really shy.

We heard Jessica complaining. She was practically whining. I was a bit angry. She couldn't even follow a straight forward request. It was bad enough that they had to do a big dare, but she was pushing hem to do it in front of everyone.

A few minutes had passed. We were all just patiently waiting outside for them the finish (except Jessica was beginning to become restless).

Finally we saw Wooyoung, his face red, run out of the volcano display. He had a very embarrassed face. IU came from inside the volcano soon after. I asked if he really did it, and she nodded embarrassed as well. I smiled.

But it soon disappeared after I heard Jessica say; "You're lying!" I couldn't believe what this girl was saying. She was pushing her luck. I helped IU and Wooyoung and did what a good friend would do. I told Jessica that he did kiss her and that she just needs to believe them once in a while. But she wasn't satisfied.

She kept pushing them (again) to kiss in front of us. But I had enough. I pulled IU away from Jessica and the rest of the group and went to the other shops.

We didn't speak directly to Jessica for the rest of the day. We just pretended to look around until we had to go home.

The next day at school was unbelievable. Everyone was talking about what happened yesterday. Me and IU asked Wooyoung if he told anyone, and we also asked everyone who came the day before. But Jessica was the only one that seemed to not give a straight answer. She kept changing the subject. Trying to confuse us to what we were asking.

We weren't supposed to tell anyone else. It was too risky, and her mother might find out about IU and Wooyoung. We could risk anything. But now, the secret is out.

I hated her even more that day.

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awww it's so sad D:
awwwwww WooU :[
but omfg... Jessica seriously needs to stop being a busy body... -___-
_nonsensical #3
Jessica must be a really thick skinned person.. She just keeps causing Wooyoung and IU more hurt my her 'love' advice and plans.. Poor Wooyoung and IU can't even say out their true feelings..
This story is nice,
update soon!
wow jessica is mad annoying in this story, and whatever "advice" she was giving wooyoung, i dont think its good. anyways update soon :D really like your story
_nonsensical #6
Wow, a relationship really can't run under someone else's advice... Jessica's love advice seems to me as a recipe to disaster for Wooyoung and IU's relationship...
interesting story update soon :D
_nonsensical #8
Why is Jessica so inconsiderate? Is there a reason behind her attitude?<br />
omg...anon, can you please punch that jessica's face? gosh, that annoying girl