Truth or Dare?


Ever since the whole "forbidden" thing had been happening between IU and Wooyoung, it seems to me that me and IU had become more rebellious. The rebellious feeling of trying to keep this a secret from her mother, we try hard to keep everyone else excluded to stop people from spreading the secret.

I know the two of them had been 'going out' for a while, but they really seemed to like each other. Jesscia and I became their 'guides'. The two of them were still awkward with each other. So the two of us (mostly Jessica) ended up telling them what to do. They liked each other, don't get me wrong, they just didn't know how to act on how they feel.

We always sat in our usual seat, with the usual gang, IU, Wooyoung, Jessica, me and one other friend that Wooyoung was close to (we will for now call him... Taecyeon, but he is not in this story as much).

We always sat together during break times and we always did the same thing; me, Jessica and Taecyeon always tried to bring them together, alone.

Then Jessica, being the one that loved to see them together the most, had made us do a game. This game was one of the things that brought the group together, it was the cliche game that was 'truth or dare'.

I've always disliked that game. But being a good friend of IU, I had to put up with it.

Jessica had always been the clever one when it came to this game. She always knew what to say.

When ever it was IU or Wooyoung's turn (which was always one after another because the couple always sat next to each other).  She had always given them the worst challenges, after all, the whole reason she wanted to play this was because she thought it would be amusing to her, and to force the two together.

"Truth or dare?" she asked Wooyoung. She was always interested the most when it came to Wooyoung's turn. She seemed to fancy him. IU and I had always had a conspiracy, ever since she's been talking to him about IU.

We though about it for quite a bit. At first it as just a joke to us (but this is a whole other subject I will get to in a different chapter).

Wooyoung never liked this game either. He's always complained to Jessica about playing this game (he even complained to me about it).

"Uh," he always hesitated to which to pick, because which ever it was Jessica always had a dirty little trick up her sleeve to throw at him (once he told him to brush his teeth in the outside drinking fountain), "Dare?"

That was a bad choice. Even if he picked truth it would have been just as bad.

Jessica smiled at his answer. She was already plotting to what to do. She even asks me to what we should make him do. But I already knew that she had something.

I always pretend to take part. Look happy. I didn't want to burst Jessica's bubble. I didn't know why, but I always let her do what ever. I didn't think, at the time, that it was a bad thing.

"I dare you," she would always start, and stop in between her sentences to take affect. She seemed to think about what she was saying. But she has already had it all planned in her head.

"I dare you, to hug IU for 20 seconds. AND you have to show everyone." the fact that she said "you have to show everyone" means that everyone around us (which was a lot of people) had to see this. It might not seem as bad when I sawy it here, but in our school PDA (public diplay of affection) was not tollerated.

The couple didn't seem to like the idea. The two of them looked at each other, hesitating. They didn't know what they should do.

"WHAT?" Wooyoung said. Although he sounds mad, he was just... Embarrassed. He wasn't use if he should do it, "just do it for 10 seconds."

Even that was enough for Jessica, "Fine." she said, "10 seconds, and you HAVE to do it properly."

Wooyoung awkwardly slid closer to IU, looking at her well and his eyes were asking if he should keep going. They weren't talking out loud but it seemed they knew what they were taking about.

Wooyoung finally had the courage to hug her (but it was just a one arm hug). They kept this up for "10 seconds".

Jessica never seemed satisfied. She always thought that they weren't doing it 'properly'. So what she did was she would count back up to 10. She would always... 'Restart the clock'. It was so it would take longer.

Their truth or dare question always seemed to take up the longest. After all, I've mentioned it already, they were the only reason we were playing the game.

This is what passed the time. If we never did this, we would have never done anything. IU would have never talked to Wooyoung and vice versa. Jessica was the whole reason everything is 'flowing'.

She seemed to 'keep us together', but I was having second thoughts about her. Did she really do this because, like me, she genuinely wanted to see them together and keep them together. Or was it simply because this whole 'game' amused her. She seemed to want to intervene between them. When ever me and Taecyeon wanted the two of them walk alone together, Jessica would always agree, of course. But she wasted to go along with the two of them. So we were thinking, so much for 'alone'.

I never liked to say this (because in the present time, me and Jessica are no longer in 'speaking terms' because she ignores me, but I still see her as a friend, but I'm feeling that it's useless for me and I'm wasting my time), but she seemed to be a third wheel.

She was always in the way.

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awww it's so sad D:
awwwwww WooU :[
but omfg... Jessica seriously needs to stop being a busy body... -___-
_nonsensical #3
Jessica must be a really thick skinned person.. She just keeps causing Wooyoung and IU more hurt my her 'love' advice and plans.. Poor Wooyoung and IU can't even say out their true feelings..
This story is nice,
update soon!
wow jessica is mad annoying in this story, and whatever "advice" she was giving wooyoung, i dont think its good. anyways update soon :D really like your story
_nonsensical #6
Wow, a relationship really can't run under someone else's advice... Jessica's love advice seems to me as a recipe to disaster for Wooyoung and IU's relationship...
interesting story update soon :D
_nonsensical #8
Why is Jessica so inconsiderate? Is there a reason behind her attitude?<br />
omg...anon, can you please punch that jessica's face? gosh, that annoying girl