Christmas D-Day.


Everything was falling apart now. IU never wanted any of this to happen, neither did Wooyoung. The excruciating pain everything has caused them. You may think that all of this time they were happy, all lovey-dovey in their own world.

But you though wrong.

Every single sentence every single word that I have said wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Jessica.

Everything should have been happy for them. Everything just started to fall into a million pieces.

I know it's not my place for me to be blaming her, but it was the truth. The painful truth. The truth that wasn't suppose to happen.

All of this happened in a haze. Even I never remembered all the things that happened. Those days went by in a blur. But one thing I DID know, was that she messed it all up.

By the time it was Christmas you may have thought it was supposed to be the "happiest time of the year". But things like this? Doesn't make it so happy does it.

The things that happened near the end of the year, was worse than what have ever happened between the couple.

By this time of the year... was going down.

You know all that mess with IU's mom not approving all this? Well, let's just say that it all started one sunny day, everything was bright and jolly... Right?

"Hey. Can I talk to you for a second?" IU whispered to him. He seemed clueless to what was about to happen. They walked a but further to where we were all sitting. It seemed like the whole group was aware of them walking away.

They seemed to be talking about something. Something that seemed to make Wooyoung's face darken. We waited. Patiently. Worried.

IU came back, her face seemed to be confused, maybe even disturbed. But Wooyoung didn't. We didn't know where he went.

It was practically expected for Jessica to ask, "What were you guys talking about?" she said in a pushy tone. It seemed she was REALLY wanted to know what was going on between them.

IU didn't answer for a few seconds. She was taking her time, her head was down. She sat down. Most of us were around her trying to know what was happening.

She hesitated, "I told him that I can't go out with him cause of my mom. You know..." the way she said "you know" was almost forced. She wasn't sad about it. It was just the way it is.

"What'd he say?" Jessica was really getting to my nerves. Was she really doing this now? I didn't get the courage to tell her to just leave her alone.

She seemed too hesitant to answer back to Jessica, "Well, he said he'd wait for me. He asked me when I'm allowed to go out with someone, he said he'd wait that long."

Everything was good. Everything can still work.

For now.

I know you'd say, well, that wasn't THAT bad. So what if she can't date. He'll wait for her. Right?

What I didn't know about was what Jessica was telling Wooyoung. I didn't know since I was never in their clas. The two of them was the one that were in the same class. She was the one that was giving Wooyoung the love advice, what he should do. I never knew what the hell they were talking about.

The past weeks before Christmas wasn't the best for the two of them. They didn't seem to talk to each other anymore. What was happening between them? They seemed to be just strangers to each other.

How was it ever like this. One day they're together. One day they were ignoring each other.

Was it the result of Jessica's "good" advice. That's one of the thing's I, your anonymous source, will never know.

Weeks turned to days until it was time for Christmas. The day everyone is waiting for, the day everyone will share gifts. But I'm not sure if I would wait for this day just yet.

It seemed that before all this drama between the couple completely ignoring each other, that Wooyoung had given IU a present. It was a mystery to how he gave it to her. All I know was that it was a small boxed package. 

IU seemed to be scared. She didn't want Christmas to come. She didn't want her mom to see the package and suspect it was from him. She wanted to be a good person to Wooyoung, but at the same time she didn't want to disobey her mother.

The days past. I was unaware of what happened over night. What IU and Wooyoung talked about over night. Whether it waws good or bad.

But in this story, weren't most of things that happened ever good?

IU came up to me, I was oblivious. She spoke, "Do you want to see what he gave me?" I didn't know why, but I was surprised. For whatever reason. She might be happy because of the gift. Maybe it made her happy, it made the whole drama between her and Wooyoung go away. Maybe?

She opened the clear topped-box. Inside was a pile of chain that was bundled untidily. She untangled it to show a silver necklace with the letter "I" hanging on the bottom of the chain. It was beautiful. She seemed to love it. I was happy for her, she was smiling again.

"I'm giving it back to him."

Suddenly, everything around me suddenly fell silent. Things didn't make sense. Why was this ever happening? Things seemed to go right for them after she saw the present. It was a sign they were together, right? I didn't know what was happening.

I couldn't bring myself up to it, but I asked, "How come?" trying not to seem shocked, I looked at her concerned.

"Because," everthing seemed to go slow motion at that moment. Like the universe was waiting for her to answer, "I don't deserve it. He shouldn't wait for a long time just to go out with me." 

You know when you get that gut feeling when you think someone was making a big mistake, but they're going to make it anyway. Well that's what I was feeling. But me, I couldn't do anything, I shouldn't. I have no right to. It wasn't my decision to make. Either way, I couldn't speak after her reason. I just nodded and off she went. 

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awww it's so sad D:
awwwwww WooU :[
but omfg... Jessica seriously needs to stop being a busy body... -___-
_nonsensical #3
Jessica must be a really thick skinned person.. She just keeps causing Wooyoung and IU more hurt my her 'love' advice and plans.. Poor Wooyoung and IU can't even say out their true feelings..
This story is nice,
update soon!
wow jessica is mad annoying in this story, and whatever "advice" she was giving wooyoung, i dont think its good. anyways update soon :D really like your story
_nonsensical #6
Wow, a relationship really can't run under someone else's advice... Jessica's love advice seems to me as a recipe to disaster for Wooyoung and IU's relationship...
interesting story update soon :D
_nonsensical #8
Why is Jessica so inconsiderate? Is there a reason behind her attitude?<br />
omg...anon, can you please punch that jessica's face? gosh, that annoying girl