
lee yoon and hye ryeong's story

miss, you look beautiful today” hye ryeong’s maid said as she dressed her lady today, hye ryeong smiled, smiled genuinely, it's her wedding day
“miss, did I just see you smiling ?”
hye ryeong’s smile widened a bit, there were many reasons behind her smile today, not only she is going to marry someone that made her heart flutter, but also she is going to be in a higher position than her father, the only thing she had wished for years. But the smile disappeared the next instant, those words she heard where yoon asked sung yeol
“please take care of yang sun and make her happy”does her happiness mean so much to him her heart questioned as soon as those words reached her ears
there is no answer to that question, no there is, yoon’s likes yang sun, but hye ryeong’s heart doesn’t want to hear that answer, I don’t mind though she finally decided on this answer, it’s not like I even expected to get married to him, having this much is sufficient than not able to see him at all, hye ryeong thought, it is better to think she doesn’t mind than be sulking thinking he doesn’t love her.

The wedding started, they both walked performing the ceremonies, in a few minutes, the ritual was complete, they both are married couple now, but what one another was thinking was oblivious to each other. There was this sadness in his eyes, hye ryeong couldn’t bear to see, as she walked down with him, he didn’t even look at her for a second lost in his own thoughts as he did the ceremonies without life, she couldn’t see him like that, no, is he thinking of yang sun ? and yes, he is she knew he would be thinking about her.
but to him, he was thinking some serious things, he was trying to get some matters straight, his heart ached a little for yang sun and he did not deny that, but not when his queen is standing right next to him, he can’t have such thoughts, he already had his talk with sung yeol, he asked him to take care of yang sun and make her happy. But what about his happiness ? can he be able to be happy just by seeing her happy ? or can he have his chance at happiness. Can this lady beside him show him his happiness ? he took one look at her and she was looking in his direction with a confused expression, what is she thinking about he thought. She was always mysterious. But there is one thing he must warn her of, one thing. The attack that they were planning.

“crown princess” he didn’t know what to call her, hye ryeong ? or anything else, after struggling on what to use, he decided on this, better this as it is her position now.
“yes sunbae-nim” hye ryeong didn’t address him to be crown prince, she just decided that earlier, a few moments when they walked down the aisle,  he was never going to be hers so better have their old hye ryeong-sunbae talks than bear  the awkwardness being crown prince and crown princess. He was a little surprised that she still called him that but he continued since there was no time left for the celebration where they attack on gwi.
“today later in the celebrations there will be chaos, we are attacking the gwi so be careful”
“is it possible ?” she asked immediately as she heard his words
“do you know gwi ?” hearing him she remembered that he didn’t know about the slave life she lead all these years, she corrected her sentence
“there were so many talks about him and people did die, so he does exist” yoon just nodded at this as he explained
“yes it is possible, there were three things that were needed but we only have two, since we may never get many opportunities where we can lure gwi out, we planned on this, hoping that this would work”
“I really hope this works” hye ryeong said as she let out a sigh, if this happens then it might be even an end to her slavery,
“I hope it does. All the vampire trouble be gone” Yoon said genuinely hoping that things come to an end now, he thought since there was nothing more to talk he was about to leave when hye ryeong spoke
“umm, sunbae-nim, I have something to tell you”
“please say it” he said
“ummm, that is” she paused a little, the words she was about to speak were things she never expected, she didn’t want to say, but she had to, gaining her courage she said “you can have a mistress sunbae-nim if you want, I am not going to throw a fit about it” she knew she meant yang sun by that
“what do you mean ?” he asked half knowing what she meant, whom she meant
“the bookseller, I know you have feelings for her sunbae-nim, though we are married, if she agrees to be your mistress, I don’t mind it” explaining that she stormed off the room, this was the hardest thing she has done in a while, harder than she thought, a little tear escaped her eye which she immediately rubbed off and went towards her dressing room, the only place she can be alone for some time as she have to attend the ceremony later. Her statement left him speechless, he didn’t expect that she know that about him, but she did. How can she know so many things ?  she knew gwi’s existence which was very much protected by the king, she knew his feelings, feelings that he never shared with her, and one question rang again in his mind. Who are you ?

The attack on gwi, was a failure, with all the preparations the king made backfired and gwi was filled with rage. Hye ryeong feared again, this time she needs to know what gwi does to the crown prince, she need to save him, she was about to leave to gwi’s palace when she saw yang sun. the jo yang sun, who made crown prince’s heart flutter
“what are you doing here ?” hye ryeong asked her
“I came here to find crown prince”
“why ?” may be yang sun also worried for yoon, that is why she came searching for, but this reply irritated her a little, why must she her jealous heart asked, but rather got a shocking reply
“I want to know if kim sung yeol scholar was alive, I heard he was in the battle yesterday” her heart felt at ease but also pitied the lady in front of her eyes for the unrequited love she was in being a human and he being a vampire. She scolded her, tried her to divert as she reminded her of how he couldn’t let go of his past love yet, she just wanted her not to be hurt and in that process hurt her yoon, not yours a voice echoed. Hearing yang sun’s reply hye ryeong understood that she was indeed in love with him, when she goes to gwi, she can also get information on kim sung yeol, she asked her to wait while she left to meet gwi.

“there you come crown princess” gwi said with an intimidating voice, not only that, there was another figure, kim sung yeol’s person there, what is she doing here ? hye ryeong wondered
“I am sorry I didn’t know that was going to happen yesterday” she said, she has to act as if she was along with him still, if she didn’t and he doubts she will be in trouble and also yoon.
“how can I believe you ?” he asked
“my father attacked me even together with the king and crown prince, if I had known wouldn’t I inform you earlier, I wouldn’t have been in that place too” this was the perfect answer, a perfect justification for her act that could convince gwi, she needs to be perfect, a perfect lie can only save her and yoon. Looks like she managed to convince gwi, he went back to his seat and said
“you, once you become the queen, you shouldn’t forget your role. Do you have any information on what they are planning to do in the palace ?” queen ? that would be after the king’s death and when crown prince becomes the king, what does he mean by that,
“they won’t tell me since my father attacked the king” she meant what she said, she may not be able to gain their trust soon, and the king himself told her earlier that he doesn’t have much faith in her and also asked to support crown prince while he was not there. She promised to him in her heart that she will always be supporting to him. her thoughts were distracted by gwi saying
“any way the king is going to be taken care of tonight” she was shocked, this means gwi is going to kill the king.

Yoon searched for yang sun, that was his last hope, a hope to end all this mess, and get rid of gwi. It was hard for him to digest the fact that he has to give up her life to gwi, but there has to be options too, but first he has to find her first. she was not only his childhood friend but also someone  whom he liked, killing his heart he went searching for her but found no clue of her. By the time he returned, the king was gone. He remembered the king’s last words that he must play along with gwi and place the blame on him.
“I do not wish to die like my father and grandfather” yoon fell on knees and begged gwi, it is easier for him to die than rather say those words to gwi, he got stabbed again in his heart, one more scar formed,
“who is it then that helped the king plot this ?” yoon has no answer but the minister answered as he brought in his friend hak young. Before his eyes, he saw a vampire, gwi, his friends blood and he was helpless and not doing anything. Satisfied by the punishment gwi left saying that he would deal with crown prince later. Yoon didn’t know where his steps were taking him, he wandered around the palace like a living corpse, he didn’t know what to do, he was lost, he lost two more important people in his life and gwi won, the battle he tried hard to win, he lost, only if he found yang sun it might have been different
“you say that kim sung yeol took yang sun away ?” he heard hye ryeong ask one of the soldiers, did he listen right ?
“what are you talking about ?” he asked her as he took fast steps towards her
“yang sun came to find you and I asked her to wait in my quarters” hye ryeong said, she was glad that kim sung yeol was alive since yang sun was worried about him earlier, but the fact that he took yang sun with him made her wonder what yoon might be feeling after hearing that.
“yang sun” yoon muttered. But the way he said and the way hye ryeong took it were completely different, he didn’t know if offering yang sun to gwi might end her life, but it was a chance they can take to save the nation’s future and if things didn’t seem that way, he thought he could save yang sun, if that was not the way things work, there will be kim sung yeol to take care of yang sun, but he took that chance away, placing the country’s future lower than his love. He was not as noble as he seemed and she hid herself knowing that it might be threatening to her yoon thought. Rage filled inside him and the tears he was holding for a little while now hearing the king’s death and witnessing his friend’s death broke out as he stood there tears flowing his eyes.

Tears flowing his beautiful eyes, sunbae do you love yang sun that much ? hye ryeong thought as she felt her seeing him cry like that soon after her murmured her name.


my dear readers...!!
so how is it ??
i will be making little changes to the orginal part and will be using the some scenes from there like you might have already noticed. i wanted to thank my precious subscribers and commentors for sharing your views and subscribing my story
i hope you all love yoon-ryeong couple like i do
and also to my upvoter gloglo93
thank you all

how i wish there were more yoon-ryeong moments in the drama :(


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Thank you!
And today I have relived the Lee Yoon - hye ryeong's story again, and feel happy that I have received the love and support from you guys when I was writing this. Thank you my dear ones 😊 :-)


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klophazel #1
Chapter 14: would you write other yoon-ryeong fanfic again, author-nim?
Fysteekat #2
Chapter 14: Aww I love ur story more than the drama...I love every part of it especially the ending
Kiev_21 #3
Chapter 14: Ahhhh at last this story come to an end..... I'm gonna miss you author shi n your fic.....
Keep writing....
The fluff ending really is a good scene...
P/s: I'm sorry for not commenting on previous chapter... :)
Good luck in the nearest future!!!
Chapter 14: Yayy omg both of them survived!!! IM SO HAPPY ABOUT THE ENDING!!! YOON AND HYE RYEONG BEING CHEESY I LOVE IT!!!
thanks for the wonderful ending author-nim!!!

Now that we say goodbye to this couple, I think there's a new couple to come lol.
Xiumin X Soeun~ ^^
Yaya808 #5
Chapter 14: Thank you so much!!!! Wished this was what actually happened but so happy that you gave them a happy ending:)
awesome-raji #6
Chapter 14: Awesome ending!!
Love this fic!!
Plz write more are really good!!

Thank you for the awesome story!!
gloglo93 #7
Chapter 14: Omg i thought hyeryeong will die :'( thank you authornim :)
gloglo93 #8
Chapter 13: Authornim :'( how could you make hyeryeong die? You promise me that she wouldn't die :'(

Will read next chapter
likatulay #9
Chapter 14: woow!! ending was soo good.. you are good, hope there will be another story about kim so eun and changmin.. the ending is better than the real movie...