Chapter 5

In My Life

I spent most of my time in the room working on some music while Jungkook moved downstairs where Jimin and my brother were.

I went down stairs once to get some snacks and wow I regretted it so much. Who knew getting yourself some food QUIETLY required you’re annoying brother to nag for 40minutes.

“Haeun-ah Taetae is here!” I hear Jimin yell from down stairs. I roll my eyes but made no effort to get off. He is going to come up stairs anyways on his own. Like I didn’t know, I hear footsteps climbing up the stairs and getting louder the closer he was.

“HEYYYY!” He yells making the biggest entrance ever. I nod my head while biting into an apple.

“Let’s go outttt!” He jumps on my bed peaking over my shoulder and looking at what I was doing.

I turned my head and looked at him weird, “What’s up with you? Mr. Kim Taehyung wants to go out on a Thursday night when we have SCHOOL tomorrow?”

He puffs out his cheeks before lying down on my bed as I close up my computer taking another bit into my apple, “I feel like doing something but I don’t know what. Let’s get food!”

“What are you a girl on her period? Its 8pm are sure you want to go out?” I point to the clock. “Yeah let’s get food!”

Before I can go against his words I was bragged off my bed as he takes my wallet and my phone from my desk. “Hyung we will be back! I am going to steal your sister for a bit and get something to eat!”

“Just don’t come back too late you two!”

“I want to follow.” We all turn our head to Jungkook. He was already walking his way over to the door and put on his shoes. He looks at me up and down before pointing at my pants, “You are going to wear that out?”

I cross my arms in front of my chest, “Pajamas are comfortable.” He rolls his eyes and walks out, “Your embarrassment not mine.”

I glare at the males back throwing a fist. Only if I could reach him I would have given him a taste of his own medicine! BUT! I am a patient young lady so I shall hold it in.

“Yeah Jung Haeun go ch-“

“BYEEEEE!” Taehyung and I bust out of the house and the three of us run a few blocks until we couldn’t see my house anymore. “What should we eat?” I ask catching my breath.

“How about tacos?” Jungkook asked. He already caught his breath and why am I not surprised. He is a professional dancer attending dance classes at where my brother works because it’s free for him. That’s what happens when you are friends with the owner.

“I’m down.” Taehyung says grabbing my hand and swaying it back and forth as we walked towards Taco Bells.

Once we got there we ordered and sat at a random booth as we waited for our food. “So why did you want to follow Jungkook?” I asked taking a sip of water.

“I’m hungry and mind as well gets a bit before I actually get home.”

“Either way I’m glad you’re here buddy!” Taehyung says wrapping his arms around the male who just shrugged it off.

We chattered and talked but it was mostly me and Tae. Jungkook wasn’t really much of a talker. Even before we finished Jungkook stood up and waved before leaving. The two of us watched him leave and walk down until he was out of sight.

“What was that about?” Taehyung asked looking at me while taking a bit out of the taco.

I tilt my head, “What?”

“That.  He just left when he finished without saying goodbye or anything!” From the tone of his voice I knew Taehyung was I little bit annoyed and shocked at the same time.

I rolled my eyes, “He is always like that. Leaves whenever he wants, comes whenever he wants and basically does whatever he wants to. You see why I hate this kid?”

He raised his eyebrows and I knew what he was going to say, “Do you really though?”

“I hate you.”

I really REALLY dont like this chapter but it has literally been forever since I put a new chapter so here it is.....yayyyy!!!.....

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