wikyd. chapter 8

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Author's Note:

Since I’ve been missing MarkSon a lot, here’s a chapter dedicated to me, lol. I’m dedicating it to you, you. And omg, we’re over 100 subscribers, thank you so much! That’s really awesome. Thank you for reading and supporting WIKYD even though sometimes I post ty chapters. Thank you for bearing with my grammatical errors and typos because most of the time, I don’t proofread. Please continue voicing out your comments because they’re all fully appreciated! You just can’t imagine how touched and thankful I am whenever someone comments. But if you’re not up for it, it’s okay either. Because I love you that way, haha! Thank you guys, you’re all the best!

It had been two days since the students had gone back on land. It had been two days sine Mark had seen Jackson. It had been two days since Jinyoung had seen Jaebum. Unsurprisingly, it had been two days since Yugyeom and Bambam decided to be inseparable.

Now is another day. The continuation of classes is inevitably today.

It was Monday early morning when Mark woke up with someone shaking him off from his sleep. Since he’s a light sleeper, he unwillingly cracked his eyes open. He squinted at the sudden brightness and tried to get his eyes used to it just to see his cousin as his sleep intruder.

He groaned and wraps the white blanket around his head, hoping that everything is just a dream- a nightmare, if he might say, and was about to go back to sleep when the said intruder yanked the blanket away from Mark’s body, making the latter shiver from the morning coldness. He lazily stretched his hand out to reach for his phone located on the top of his nightstand to check the time. “What the hell, hyung. It’s only six in the morning and I don’t have classes until one in the afternoon,” he complained and buried his face on his pillow, attempting to go back to dreamland the second time.

But it was in vain when his cousin pulled the pillow below his head, a few curses slipping out of Mark’s mouth as he did. He was about to reach for the other pillows and found himself on his bed with nothing on it other than his self just to see that Jaejoong had all the pillows with him before disappearing towards the living room.

He didn’t have much any choice considering that he can’t sleep with the coldness, so he lifted his body up from his still-inviting bed and followed Jaejoong. The older was already preparing breakfast and Mark sat on the chair and laid his head on his crossed arms, placed on top of the dining table. He almost drifted off when a delicious aroma filled his nostrils. He lifted his head and saw a smiling face consisted of rice, eggs and bacon on his plate. “Do I look like a five-year old to you?” He deadpanned.

Jaejoong just shrugged his shoulders before walking out of the dining room just to return seconds later with something on his hand. He placed a jersey on the table beside Mark’s plate. The latter look at the jersey and back to Jaejoong with a questioningly look, “What’s this?”

“Uh, a piece of clothing?” The older raised an eyebrow, causing Mark to roll his eyes.

“I meant, what’s with the jersey? Is this supposed to be mine?” He asked eyeing the object as if it was his first time seeing one.

Jaejoong shook his head, “Nope, its Jackson’s,” he replied and shoved a mouthful of rice on his mouth.

“And you’re giving this to me because?”

“So that you can give it to him,” Jaejoong replied with an isn’t-it-obvious look.

Mark frowned, “Why would I give it to him?” He said as he started eating when he realized that he had forgotten all about the delicious food in front of him.

“Well,” the older started, settling down his spoon and fork on his plate, “I heard from Yunho that you’re the reason why Jackson is sick,” he said.

The younger’s frown deepens. ‘Jackson’s sick?’, he thought. ‘And I’m the reason? What the , this feels like I’ve become a criminal or something.’  But worry overtook his thoughts. He, then, remembered the time when he had woken up with Jackson’s jacket on his body. ‘Of course,’  Although he doesn’t want to really admit it but it was his fault why the playboy is now on bed suffering from a cold which surprised him really, because he had never thought that Jackson could get sick because he’s all muscles and ‘immune’ is practically written all over his body.

“So are you going to give it to him or are you going to give it to him?” Jaejoong asked, pulling Mark out of his reverie.

“Geez, wow, thanks for giving me a lot of choices. That’s totally a big help,” he sarcastically said as he went to his room, jersey firmly gripped by his hand. Upon arriving at his room, he took his backpack and placed the jersey inside it so that he won’t forget it once he gets out of his dorm.

He went back to the dining room and sat to where he was previously seated. “I thought you wouldn’t finish your breakfast,” Jaejoong said, amused.

“This is too good to be such a waste and I’m starving,” Mark said as he practically devoured his food making the older of the two laughed cooing at how Mark was totally adorable so early in the morning with a worn out face and disheveled hair.

“So, what’s up between the two of you?” Jaejoong suddenly asked after finishing his breakfast, elbow propped on the table as he rested his chin on top of his palm. Mark creased his eyebrows together, abruptly stopping himself from eating. “You and Jackson,” he clarified.

Mark swallowed the food on his mouth before answering with, “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. The two of you somehow give off this aura that there’s something intimate  about you two,” Jaejoong explained, with a hint of teasing on his voice which didn’t go unnoticed by Mark.

“We’re not in that  kind of relationship if that’s what you’re asking,” Mark glared.

“Really?” Now the teasing was really evident. It was as if the older wasn’t even hiding it at all. But Mark knew that Jaejoong loves teasing him which is kind of a pain in the because the older is really persistent and witty. Mark couldn’t even think of something to counter Jaejoong’s attack most of the time.

The red head leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms across his chest, “Can you stop teasing me early in the morning? Have at least some conscience after waking me up from my beauty sleep,” he grumbled.

Oooh, defensive,” Jaejoong laughed when Mark throw him dagger-like glares. “You should really stop being so hypocrite about your feelings.”

“Says the one who doesn’t have the guts to confess to someone he likes who, in return, clearly shows interests in you,” Mark straightened his back and Jaejoong just sat there with amusement on his face. “Maybe you should also stop playing hard to get,” he smirked.

Jaejoong went silent but the amusement was still evident on his facial features. Mark thought he had crossed a line there but didn’t make any side comment. He was waiting for a reply from the older who was thinking, eyes focusing in no particular corner of the room. His amusement turned into a soft expression- a small with a mixture of sadness and thoughtful smile gracing his lips.

“I will,” he said in a small voice after a long pause. He finally looked up and he directed his gazed sharply at Mark’s.

Mark, on the other hand, smiled at the response. Well, he wasn’t really expecting that but there’s something about the way Jaejoong had said it that made him feel at ease, made him feel like he wouldn’t be much guarding Jaejoong’s back from now on because it seemed like the latter found a better and stronger protector than he is. Mark truly regarded Jaejoong as his own older brother and as a younger brother he should be taking care of Jaejoong. The red head only nodded as a response until the two of them went into a comfortable silence.

Maybe this isn’t a good idea.

Mark thought as he stood just right in front of the door of the one and only Jackson Wang’s dorm room. For five minutes after arriving, he just stared at the door, horror smeared on his face. His heart was beating so fast, he has a hard time soothing it down.

Calm the down, damn it.

He demanded as he placed his palm against his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat. He inhaled through his nose and exhaled with his mouth. He repeated the same action for a minute, effectively settling down his heart from ramming through his chest.

Here goes nothing.

Although he wasn’t really thinking straight when he said that, he knocked. Then realization hit him at what he just did. ‘Mothering good Lord!’  he chanted as he debated whether to run away or just melt right on the spot (if that’s even humanly possible but Mark’s willing to try). Before he could even come up to a decision, he heard the door clicked, , and there stood a shirtless and pale Jackson leaning on the door frame.

Mark was frozen on his spot. His words stuck on his throat as he deliciously eyed the wild beast in front of him. Jackson was only on his pyjama pants, black hair scattered around his head and some sticking on his forehead, beads of sweat glistened on his face down on his bare chest and abs, holy mother of ers. Mark had never seen Jackson in such a state but somehow, he liked what he was seeing.

ing wake up, Mark!

He scolded and mentally slapped himself to distract him from thinking erted things. Oh boy, this doesn’t look healthy at all. Mark was in real trouble.

“Hi,” he greeted as nonchalantly as possible. He doesn’t want to be caught staring at Jackson’s mouthwatering physique but he also can’t stop himself from drooling at it.

“Hey,” Jackson’s voice came out hoarse and deeper than his usual tone. Very sensual, Mark thought and literally slapped his cheek for thinking so. “You okay?” The younger asked, eyeing Mark as if he has some kind of a mental illness.

“O-oh, I’m okay, really, I’m fine,” Mark cursed himself from stuttering, he totally blew away his cover. “I mean, I should be asking you that. Are you okay?” Of course he’s not dimwit! He’s ing sick and it’s completely obvious at his current state.  “I mean, you’re sick so of course you’re not okay,” he scratched the invisible itch at the back of his neck as he stuttered his way out of the awkward conversation he was having with the sick wild beast, “So, what I’m trying to say is that, can I come in?”

What. The. . Did. I. Just. Said.

Jackson let out a breathy laugh causing him to cough after a few ha-ha’s. “Whatever,” he murmured and turned his back, disappearing inside his dorm room, leaving the door open. Mark was confused and embarrassed. He doesn’t even know what to do. His body was still frozen. And if he ever decides to step inside the cage of the wild beast, he feels like he won’t be making it out alive. “Aren’t you coming in?” Mark saw Jackson’s head peeking at a corner.

He swallowed thickly before proceeding towards the dangerous opening of the cage of the wild beast in small, slow steps. He really wants to run away right now and lock himself up in his room but he just completely dug his own grave when he had asked Jackson if he could come in because seriously speaking, that was the stupidest question Mark had ever asked to a sick person especially to someone like Jackson Wang. Never in his entire life did he imagine that he would be making a big fuss over Jackson’s half- body and the fact that he’d be entering Jackson’s dorm room, made his body tense.

Mark heard rumors that no one had entered Jackson’s lair. Not Yunho. Not Jaebum. Nobody. He confirmed the rumor when Yunho mentioned it when he visited Jaejoong’s dorm room for just a chill out after a tiring basketball practice. Yunho had not expected Mark to be there but he wasn’t really bothered by the presence of the latter, so the varsity player just continued to ramble.

So, he was confused even though he is now inside Jackson’s dorm room and while he was in a daze, he had somehow closed the door behind him. He looked around and it was surprisingly neat. He imagined Jackson’s room to be messy, with empty cans of beer and junk food on this side, used clothing on that side and just in utter chaos but no, the room was clean- sparkling  even.

He moved forward and saw Jackson lying on the couch, the television was on, curtains were down and the lights were off. He approached Jackson and saw him with eyes closed, his breathing even which made him conclude that the latter was asleep. Was he really deep in his thoughts that long enough for Jackson to fall asleep or was it because of the flu? Finding no prominent supporting detail to accurately answer the question, he his heel and went to the kitchen.

Rummaging through the refrigerator, he decided to make chicken soup. When he was young, his mom had taught him how to cook certain dishes until he broaden up his cooking experience and then was known for being the most talented in cooking within his family. And since he owed Jackson a favor (for letting him borrow his jacket), he just want to think of this act as a ‘thank you’ gift.

The red head set aside the jersey Jaejoong gave him and medicines he had brought from the health service of the university and started cooking before Jackson wakes up. He looked at his wrist watch and saw that it was past 8 in the morning and decided he would be skipping class today.

Don’t misunderstand. I’m just a caring person that way. And why am I explaining this? Damn it.

Jackson woke up when something cold was pressed against his burning forehead. Through his sense of touch, he determined that it was somebody’s hand. It was long and soft and cold. And he actually liked the feeling on how it was naturally and comfortably lying on his forehead like it was meant to be there in the first place.

He slowly opened his eyes, “Angel,” he whispered, his voice hoarse from the sleep and his cold.

The other snorted, “I’m not Angel, I’m Mark.”

Jackson chuckled, “I mean, you’re an angel,” he replied, slowly sitting up from his lying position. His head was throbbing but it was better than last night. He could still feel himself burning inside, it was crazy.

“You know, even though you’re sick, you still speak alien,” Mark retorted and easily sat beside Jackson- his back touching the latter’s knees- on the couch which was big enough to accommodate two bodies lying horizontally.

“Whatever you say, Princess,” Jackson teased as he bend his right leg up and propped his right elbow on top of his knee, his knuckles supporting the side of his head. He saw Mark rolled his eyes but made no further comment. He was about to tease the older again when he saw a bowl of soup on the table. “You cooked?” He asked, surprised evident on his still-hoarse voice.

“Yeah, got a problem with that?”

Jackson’s eyes widen a little, “Are you applying to be my housewife?” He teased.

The red head cringe at the question, “You have the nerve to ask that? What if I put some kind of poison on your food, are you still going to continue to flirt with me?” He scowled.

“Of course,” Jackson answered with no hesitation. He was seriously astonished at the fact that Mark cooked for him. He did consider the latter to be cute and adorable and along with every synonym of those two words because that was a fact and is obviously seen. He wouldn’t deny the glowing attractiveness of the red head which confuses him to no end because apparently, he’s now having an identity crisis (he wasn’t surprised by that though).

Although, Jackson was known for being wild and y, which means that he’s also rude and harsh with his words and actions. But now, he’s somewhat comfortable and at ease with Mark’s presence. It feels like the latter is his mediator- mediator to his actions, mediator to his feelings and mediator to his whole being. When he’s around with the red head, he can’t seem to find the vigor he usually possesses when talking and flirting to girls because somehow, he had acknowledged Mark as someone special. It’s not just because the latter is naturally attractive but because the latter balances his inner turmoil. That’s the reason why he seemed to be calm and relaxed with Mark.

But he’s not ready yet. Jackson is not ready yet to accept the fact that he’s turning gay for a certain Mark Tuan. Well, he did have a lot of flings with pretty boys but this time it’s different. And that’s what he fears the most. Since he’s known for being wild and y which means freedom for him, he’s expected to just play around which he expected from himself as well. But then again, even though Mark is his mediator- someone who balances him- he’s still the reason why he’s confused right now because Mark is making his heart beat in wondrous ways which he considers a foreign feeling. There’s no absolute direct translation to that kind of feeling in his vocabulary.

And now, his heart is beating crazily as Mark feeds him with the chicken soup he made because when he tried doing it on his own he ended up spilling the chicken soup all over him, which was surprisingly delicious and just right for his taste buds right now. The way Mark carefully blows the heat away from the soup, the way he carefully feeds him, the way he had taken care of the spilled soup on his bare abdomen, the way he just sat there prettily like a personal nurse taking care of his personal master, made him warm.

“There, you’re finished,” Mark announced as he put the empty bowl on the table. He reached for the medicine and handed it to Jackson, popping the capsule on the latter’s open palm, “It’s time for your medicine then after that, you’ll need to rest for the day.”

Jackson nodded. He put the capsule in his mouth and got hold of the offered glass of water, swallowing the medicine with it. “Thanks,” he coughed and slowly lied down after. The medicine had a fast effect on his body that he started feeling drowsy the moment his back hit the comfortable couch.

The red head was about to stand up when Jackson reached for his wrist, “Stay,” he whispered, sleepiness on his voice, “Please.”

Mark just eyed the younger until Jackson went limp, drifting off to a much needed sleep. Subconsciously, Mark reached out his hand and Jackson’s forehead, brushing away a few strands of hair and down to his cheek. He flattened his palm on the latter’s cheek before bending down and placing a soft kiss on top of his forehead. “Sweet dreams,” he breathed and stood up, disappearing through the dining table.

Then Jackson lied there, with a small content smile on his lips.

Author's Note:

I really hoped you like this update because I’m kind of satisfied with it. I mean, whenever I read this chapter I’m like, did I actually write this? Because I don’t know, I’m never fond of narration because I’m into dialogue ‘cause that’s a bit easier. Anyways, thank you for reading. Write your comments below!

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