wikyd. chapter 5

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Author's Note: 

Sorry. This would be a short chapter but I’m still hoping that you’ll like it. As promised, I’ll be posting on Mondays not  on Tuesdays anymore due to an early update (because it was the King’s birthday!). Enjoy the first part of the acquaintance party!

P.S. I would like to apologize for any grammatical errors because I didn’t proofread this one. I was so busy with my fieldwork that I rushed this but I did put a lot of thinking as to how I will narrate their acquaintance party experience.

Mark could not absolutely hide his surprise.

It was odd when Jaejoong came to his dorm room early in the morning, demanding him to be ready for the acquaintance party later. Although he was still in a daze, he moved his body and did what Jaejoong had told him. While he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, he was very much confused when he saw his cousin packing some of his clothes. He wanted to question the older’s actions but the latter had sternly said to him to be faster.

Now he knows what’s wrong.

They were standing along with the crowd of students in some kind of a port located at the far right end of their island school. But that’s not what made his jaw drop. It was the four large cruise ships in all its glory along the coast.

“Don’t tell me-“

“Yup,” Jaejoong interrupted, “It’s where we’re going to have our acquaintance party!”

Mark held his breath for one moment. He could not possibly believe of what he heard and what he could be seeing now. When Jinyoung explained to him how the acquaintance party is held in JYP Academy, he assumed that they would be doing it in a club, on land.

The older one seemed to notice that Mark was flabbergasted by the turn of events in which he chuckled because he finds the reaction adorable. “Hey, I know that you still want to admire the cruise ships but first, you have to find your partner! I won’t be with you once we depart, so I better hand you to him.” Jaejoong said, grabbing Mark by the wrist with his left hand while his right was busy with his phone.

“What do you mean that you won’t be with me?” Mark asked when he was pulled out of his astonished trance.

Jaejoong still continued to lead their way through the crowd and fiddles on his phone as he answered, “There are four cruise ships, right?” He asked. Although he did not see it but he felt that Mark nodded before continuing, eyes still on his gadget, “Students will be split according to their year levels. Since you’re a sophomore and I’m in my junior year, we’ll be riding different cruise ships.”

‘What the hell?’   Mark thought.

“Oh, and we’ll be returning tomorrow,” Jaejoong added.

Now that’s another shocking information for Mark to comprehend. ‘Just how many surprises does the Academy have on its sleeves?’ he mentally questioned. He silently groaned when he felt his head starting to ache.

“Yunho!” Jaejoong shouted when he spotted the said male. He fastens his steps with Mark behind him.

Yunho turned towards the voice that had called him and smiled when he saw his angel walking towards his direction, “Hi,” he greeted when the latter stopped in front of him with the most beautiful smile planted on his beautiful face.

“By the way, meet my cousin,” Jaejoong started and turned his head to Mark, “This is Mark and this is Yunho.”

“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Yunho said and extended his right hand for a shake in which Mark was hesitant to receive but did it anyway since it would be disrespectful to brush the offered handshake off.

Jaejoong smiled sweetly at the interaction before turning his attention towards the taller male, “Where’s your friend?”

“He sent me a message not too long ago and told me that he’ll be here in five,” and just as he ended his sentence, the friend Jaejoong was referring to, was walking towards them from Jaejoong and Mark’s behind. “Speaking of the devil,” he said with a smirked as he waved towards his friend.

The doe-eyed male looked behind him and was impressed at what he had seen. “I think you’ve hit the jackpot,” he whispered towards Mark. In curiosity because of his cousin’s words, Mark turned his head slightly around just to bring it back to its previous position. He unconsciously placed his palm on his chest, feeling his quickening heartbeat, praying to the heavens that all of this would just be a dream.

“Jackson,” Yunho called and approached his friend, walking pass Mark who widened his eyes at the reality that the  Jackson Wang is just right behind him. “You’re so late, man. What took you so long?”

“Just needed to impress my date, that’s all,” Jackson chuckled, his eyes focused on Mark’s back. Yunho just stared in Jackson in bemusement before shaking his head.

Jaejoong then decided to step in, “Hey, Jackson. I’m Jaejoong, it’s nice to meet you,” he said and Jackson shook his hand in return. “Please do take care of my cousin,” he said as he grabs both Mark’s shoulders and spun the latter around. Mark mentally cursed. “Well then introduce yourself,” Jaejoong whispered while nudging Mark who just finished murdering his cousin in his head.

“Mark,” he sternly muttered eyes on the side as he reluctantly lifted his hand.

Jackson’s smirk widened and decided to play around a little bit. “Jackson,” he said in his y voice.

He got hold of Mark’s hand and lifted it towards his face before placing a gentle kiss on the back of the latter’s palm. Mark immediately retreats his hand and stared at Jackson in horror, although he could feel his face burning up from the sudden action. And oh how Jackson gently kissed his hand, Mark thought and mentally slapped himself for thinking so.

Yunho literally face palmed at Jackson’s cheesy behavior while Jaejoong was silently fangirling. “Okay, stop flirting, Jacks,” Yunho had enough and decided to break the silence that followed after the kiss. “The cruise ships will be departing in ten minutes so we have to embark.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Mark,” Jaejoong said and hugged his cousin.

“We’ll go first,” Yunho said, taking Jaejoong’s belongings in his own capable hands, before him and Jaejoong went towards their co-juniors who were already getting ready to get in the cruise ship.

Jackson turned to Mark who was still looking at where his cousin was headed not because it was interesting to see them leave but because he could not possibly look at Jackson in the eye right now considering that his burning face haven’t cooled down yet. Of all people he could be partnered with, he ended up with Jackson. If only he knew, he should have accepted the numerous invitations he had. Now why didn’t he let Jaejoong ask on who could be Yunho’s friend when they were in the middle of the phone call?

‘So stupid,’  he scolded to himself as his head started to ache again at the thought of being accompanied by Jackson until tomorrow. That would be agonizingly long for him.

He was so into his thoughts, he was not aware that Jackson is already standing behind him until the latter decided to blow on his ear, “Let’s have a fun time, baby,” his voice hoarse and Mark felt like his soul had left him.

Jaebum and Jinyoung were already in the front of the line when Yugyeom suddenly pulled them out.

“What the-,” Jaebum almost cursed but he reminded himself that Jinyoung was beside him so he held his tongue, “What’s wrong, Yugyeom?”

The younger one smiled at them before pulling someone from his right. “Hyung, I want you to meet Bambam,” Yugyeom said rather enthusiastically. “Bambam, this is Jaebum hyung, my cousin.”

Bambam who dyed his hair in mahogany brown, let out a small smile before shaking Jaebum’s hand, “It’s nice to meet you,” he said his Korean getting better thanks to Yugyeom’s free tutoring services.

Jaebum was impressed and smiled as well. “I see that Yugyeom’s teaching you well,” he complimented and Bambam just chuckled and nodded his head, agreeing to what the older had said. “Is that your real name, Bambam?”

“Oh, no,” Bambam shook his head before continuing, “My real name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul,” he said and laughed at Jaebum’s reaction who was frowning at the name that almost sounded like an alien to him. “I’m from Thailand so I have ‘Bambam’ for easy pronunciation,” he clarified.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you,” Jaebum said, smiling sheepishly.

“None taken.”

“So um, this is Park Jinyoung. He’s my partner for the acquaintance party,” Jaebum introduced and watched Jinyoung and Bambam exchanged words of ‘nice to meet yous’.

“Holy-,” ‘Jinyoung’s standing beside you!’  Jaebum quickly reminded himself, “-fudder,” he finished with his broken English as he witnessed something unexpected. The three males turned their heads as to where Jaebum was looking and almost got a shock as well, except Bambam.

“Hey, guys,” Jackson greeted, “What’s with the ugly look?” He was kind of expecting to receive some protests from his friends but they were too shock to say anything. He looked at Mark and back to his friends before chuckling. “This is Mark, guys. He’s my date.”

“It’s not a date,” Mark immediately denied.

“It’s a date,” Jackson said as-a-matter-of-factly, “At least, that’s what I think,” he finished with a playful smirk.

Deciding to ignore Jackson’s remark, he turned his attention to his one and only friend in their circle of, well, acquaintances, “Hey, Jinyoung. I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he said, walking towards his classmate-slash-friend.

“Hey to you too,” Jinyoung greeted back, confusion with a mix of disbelief written on his face. He leaned towards Mark’s ear and whispered, “Why are you with the Jackson Wang?” There wasn’t any hidden controversial emotion behind those words to Mark’s relief because he’s fully aware of Jinyoung’s humongous crush on Jackson.

“I’ll explain it to you later,” Mark whispered back and Jinyoung just slightly nodded.

Jinyoung patted Mark’s back gently before whispering, “You’ll have to tell me how Jackson is in bed at the end of this party, alright?”

“Ew, that’s gross!”

“What’s gross?” Jackson intervened.

“You are,” Mark sharply spat.

Jaebum whistled and commented, “Feisty,” getting a laugh from Jinyoung and Yugyeom while Bambam was still pretty clueless as to what is happening around him but nonetheless laugh along with them.

Jackson narrowed his eyes for one moment before putting back his playful signature smirk on his face, “I like feisty, especially in bed,” he said as he drop his voice while finishing his sentence. Mark felt shivers running down his spine. Looking at Mark’s reaction, Jackson just laughed while clutching at his stomach, “As if that would happen! Don’t worry, I don’t do pretty males.”

Being indirectly described as pretty by Jackson made Mark somewhat a little bit happy much to his dismay because he was supposed to hate him. But the way Jackson confirmed that there wouldn’t be anything between them made him, um, disappointed. ‘, what am I thinking?!’ he groaned again as he felt the pain rushing to his head for the third time that day.


The announcement made everyone rush towards their respective cruise ships. Yugyeom hastily introduced Bambam to Mark and Jackson before dragging the younger male towards the ship located at the far end of the port. Jackson had his rucksack on his back and stretched his arm out to carry Mark’s duffel bag before the latter gets to it. Mark tried to get his bag from Jackson’s hands but the latter is just too strong for him so he let him carry it while he followed Jackson behind as he sulked like a kid with arms across his chest. Taking advantage of his back facing Mark, he let out a small smile after seeing Mark with a pout on his face, thinking that he is way too cute for a guy.

‘I’m so looking forward for this year’s acquaintance party,’  he thought, Mark’s adorable face still on his mind.

Although confused, Mark still found himself following Jackson.

Just a while ago when they boarded the ship, the receptionist gave them only one key. Mark tried to ask for another room key but was completely ignored because there were a lot of students who were getting their respective keys as well. Jackson didn’t spare him the details though instead he instructed Mark to follow him as they went towards the rooms, two floors below the deck.

Jackson stopped in front of a door with the room number 037.

“Are you sure this is-“ the door clicked open, “-oh.”

Mark went inside after Jackson and saw two neatly arranged beds parallel to each other, two nightstands located at the right side of the beds decorated with a lamp and a telephone. The room was brightly lit because the walls were painted with white and the floor was a wooden brown. It was simple yet reminded him so much of America.

‘Wait, two beds?’ he questioned and immediately widens his eyes at the realization. ‘Oh my ing gosh! I’m going to share a room with Jackson?!’

As if he heard Mark’s thoughts, “Yup, this is it,” Jackson said as he placed their things on the floor before facing Mark, “This will be our room for the night.”

Mark nearly fainted.

Author's Note: 

Thanks for reading you. Don’t forget to voice out your thoughts ok?

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