wikyd. chapter 6

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Author's Note:

So I’ll be using a few idols to play the villains again. I hope I will not offend you or anything. Enjoy reading and tell me what you think about this update!

Bambam found himself enjoying in the arms of a certain brown-haired guy named Kim Yugyeom.

The party had already started hours ago and it’s now past 12 midnight. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves because as the night deepens, more students come and drown themselves with alcohol and loud music. But what made the night special was that, Yugyeom had never left his side.

Very surprising, indeed.

He had thought that he’d be left alone once the party had taken off to a whole new different level where people would be so overly drunk they’ll start confessing to their crushes or vomiting everywhere or just left somewhere, knocked out. Even though a lot of girls had invited Yugyeom to the dance floor, he politely declined every single invitation.

And comes the twentieth girl of the night, “Hey oppa,” it was Hani, one of the prettiest freshmen in JYP University according to a survey the student council had set during the first year’s orientation.

For some reason, Bambam felt threatened. He’s well aware of the fact that he and Yugyeom are just friends because being his partner for the party doesn’t really equate to being Yugyeom’s boyfriend. That doesn’t work that away. And here’s a pretty girl standing in front of them. Hani has a bright personality and she’s tall plus she’s really, really pretty to the point that Bambam wants to really give up now because this girl is exactly Yugyeom’s type.

“Oh, Hani, what’s up?” Yugyeom coolly replied. He had known Hani before because they were enrolled at the same summer dance class but they were not really that close because Yugyeom was always surrounded by his guy friends and he didn’t really pay any attention to the girls.

Hani made her way towards their seats and sat beside Yugyeom opposite to where Bambam was settled in the latter’s arm, “I know how your dancing is great,” she started, scooting closer to the tall male before continuing, “And I so badly needed a partner right now,” she whispered against his ear earning a laugh.

“As much as I would love to dance with you, I think I’ll have to decline,” he said, pushing the girl off of him. She looked like she was offended by the action but Yugyeom chose to ignore it. “I’m with my partner right now,” he said, pulling Bambam to his embrace, “And I would also like to have a moment of peace with him, if you don’t mind.”

The girl glared at Bambam before walking away, stomping her way through the sea of people who had seen the rejection. She grabbed one of the guys at the side and danced her anger away.

“Is that okay?” Bambam whispered, “I mean, she is pretty and asking you for a dance.”

Yugyeom just shook his head and chugged his drink down, “You’re my partner, right? I don’t think it is right for me to leave you here alone.”

“But I feel like I’m preventing you from having fun,” worry was evident on Bambam’s voice, “I know you love to dance and just sitting here with me, you’d never enjoy the party.”

“Who said I don’t enjoy sitting here with you?” Yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows but there’s a hint of teasing on his voice. Bambam looked at him in confusion and scrunched his face up when Yugyeom pinched his nose, “Stop overthinking things. Having you here beside me is enough. I actually like your company more than any of the girls that had asked me to dance, don’t you know that?”

It seemed like a confession and Bambam felt his blush creeping across his nose and spreading around his cheeks. “You’re such a cheesy person when you’re drunk.”

“I’m not cheesy. I’m just romantic,” Yugyeom whispered against Bambam’s ear.

“Whatever you say, Mr. Kim,” Bambam giggled.

On the other hand, Mark was never fond of parties, especially when it’s club-inspired.

Seeing people getting wasted made him cringe. Sure, he drinks alcohol and all that but getting drunk at the club and finding one’s self in a whole new different place and remembering nothing that had happened the night before that, nuh-uh. And Jackson, his suppose-to-be partner, is nowhere to be seen.

‘I thought partners are supposed to be together during the whole trip?’  he thought.

Since he doesn’t like going to the party and he’s bored, he found himself by the pool outside, his feet dangling and playing with the water. The night was so chilly and he cursed at himself for not dressing into a more comfortable and warm clothes. He only had an oversized gray shirt and pair of black pedal pants reaching just above his knees.

His thoughts wandered to a certain Wang. He hated the guy so much but at the same time, he adored him. As much as he want to deny the fact that he’s attracted to Jackson, he just can’t change his feelings that easily and that’s making him frustrated, he wanted to pull his hair out. He didn’t even know when this kind of feeling had started blossoming at the very pit of his stomach because every time he sees him or even just hear his name, he could feel his very whole being fluttering and shuddering in utter excitement.

‘ you, Wang,’  he snarled. ‘I hate you for doing this to me!’

Feeling like he had enough playing with the water, he settled himself on one of the beach chairs beside the pool. He just sighed in peace as he gazed towards the full moon. The sky was decorated with stars with no visible clouds and it was so pretty. And just like that he fell asleep, forgetting that he was supposed to be looking for Jackson because they’d be in deep if JYP, the principal, finds out that they’re not together during the party.

While Mark was in deep sleep, Jackson was going crazy. He had been looking for the red head ever since he went back to the room finding the latter gone.

‘Now where did that little lamb run off to,’  he thought. He’d wanted to pull Mark to the party but the latter had strongly disagreed because he obviously doesn’t like parties. ‘It makes his head ache, he said.’  He sarcastically imitated the way Mark had protested. But he was amused at the red head’s reaction because Mark’s face had turned into a reddish color from complaining too much.

His thoughts stopped when he spotted the person he was looking for. He silently approached the sleeping beauty on a bench chair and shook his head when he saw the light clothes Mark was wearing. He took off his black leather jacket, revealing the black tank top he was wearing underneath, and laid it on Mark’s body.

For unknown reason, Jackson kneeled beside the chair and just admired Mark’s sleeping face for a moment, “You sure look pretty for a guy,” he said, brushing away a few red strands from Mark’s forehead.

Jackson had completely forgotten about the party because he decided to climb onto the beach chair, pulling Mark into his embrace as he arranged his jacket to cover the both of them. He lay on his side and made sure that Mark is completely covered with his warmth. He gently supported Mark’s head and positioned it on top of his arm so the latter won’t wake up from feeling uncomfortable because of the hard beach chair they were currently resting on.

“Sweet dreams,” he whispered and put a small, gentle kiss on Mark’s forehead before he followed the latter to dreamland.

Inside the party hall, Jinyoung was looking for Mark as well.

“Hey, Jaebum, have you seen Mark and Jackson?” he shouted. They were currently in the middle of the dance floor, dancing and grinding against each other, losing to the sounds of party rock music.

“I saw Jackson moments ago, leaving the party,” Jaebum shouted back snaking his arms around Jinyoung’s swaying body.

Jinyoung was thinking whether he should look for his friend or just enjoy the night with Jaebum. Honestly speaking, his crush for Jackson is just a form of infatuation. He doesn’t really like Jackson that way. He just admired him because of his well-built body and his handsome face, nothing more than that. So it fascinates him whenever somebody concludes that he loves Jackson because their reactions are so funny, not failing to humor him.

Before he could tell Jaebum that he’d be leaving for a while to look for his friend, someone had harshly pulled Jaebum away from his body, making him disappointed at the loss of contact. He spun around just to see a girl grinding herself against Jaebum who stayed still because of shock. He and Jaebum made eye contact and Jaebum was sending SOS message through his eyes.

And since Jinyoung was irritated as well, he sauntered towards them and pulled the girl’s hair.

“Ow- hey, what the are you doing!?” The girl hissed loudly, earning a handful of attention from the crowd.

I  should be the one asking you that, Yoon Bomi.” Jinyoung said his irritation clearly evident on his face. Yoon Bomi is one of the many girls who annoy him to death. They used to be the best of friends shockingly, but Bomi ruined it all when she decided to feast upon Jinyoung’s ex-boyfriend (his boyfriend at that time).

“Now tell me who gave you the ing permission to steal away my ing partner?!” He said, grabbing Jaebum’s arm.

“So what if he’s your partner,” she smirked, “You’re not even together.” She said before making a fake shock expression, “Don’t tell me you convinced yourself again that Jaebum oppa likes you? Stop daydreaming !”

“You motherer-,” Jinyoung so badly wanted to punch Bomi’s face. Even if she’s a girl, she’s still a in front of his eyes and he hasn’t forgiven her for what she had done. Before he could even hit her, Jaebum stepped in.

Jaebum held Jinyoung’s fist and gently pushed it down. He walked towards in front of Jinyoung shielding the latter from the girl’s view. Bomi then turned her attention to Jaebum and gave out a sweet smile making Jaebum sick at how fake the smile was. “Look here, whoever you are, I don’t really mind your sweet false attitude towards me but I won’t tolerate you throwing names at my partner.”

“But it’s the truth, oppa!” Bomi pouted, crossing her arms across her chest. “He’s a .”

“I know,” Jaebum said, chuckling at the process. Jinyoung just looked at him in utter disbelief while Bomi then smiled in victory, finally making Jaebum agree with her.

“What the are you doing?” Jinyoung had completely lost his self-control. “I thought you’re on my side?!”

“Oh your hideous fantasies,” Bomi pitifully said, making Jinyoung turn his head sharply towards her direction to glare at her, “How I wish I could show you the reality of everything. Can’t you understand what is happening around here? Jaebum oppa totally agrees with me that you’re a because you have a ing horrible personality!”

If stares could kill, Bomi would have been dead by now. “You’re a ing hypocrite, Bomi.” He said, voice menacing.

But for some odd reason, Jaebum felt like Jinyoung’s voice cracked along those lines. And to confirm his feeling, he saw how Jinyoung’s eyes turned glassy. He could clearly see the pain on his brown orbs and it made his heart ache. He had never seen this side of Jinyoung. He had always view him as someone who’s strong-willed, someone who’s not easily swayed by emotions. But this weak little creature is just begging to be protected and that’s exactly what Jaebum would be doing.

“Jinyoung,” he called his voice gentle. But Jinyoung did not turn his head to meet his eyes, instead he looked down, and Jaebum could feel how Jinyoung is trying to swallow his tears. He pulled the latter into his embrace, effectively hiding Jinyoung’s face on his chest. He leaned down and whispered to his ears, “It’s okay to cry.” And just that, Jinyoung let his tears fall, wetting Jaebum’s shirt.

Since he wanted to get away from this mess right now and tend to Jinyoung’s weakened state, he lifted the latter into his arms. Jinyoung instinctively wrapped his slender limbs around Jaebum’s neck, his face nuzzling on Jaebum’s collarbone as he continued to pour out his emotions silently.

Jaebum then turned to Bomi before saying, “I agree with you that Jinyoung can be a sometimes but you know what? That made me fall in love with him.” He said and left, shocking both Jinyoung and Bomi.

Once they were outside and far from people’s attention, Jinyoung lifted his head and looked at Jaebum, his eyes red and puffy from crying as tears still slid down on his cheeks. He wanted to say something but he couldn’t. The words were stuck at his throat so he could only stare at the man who had just indirectly confessed his feelings for him.

“I know you’re shocked,” Jaebum said, starling Jinyoung, “But I won’t be asking for your immediate response,” he said as he made his way towards their room. He opened the door with little difficulty before settling the silent Jinyoung on the bed, “I want you to just rest right now and we’ll talk later.” He said before making his way towards the door.

Before he could get away from the bed, Jinyoung grabbed his wrist. “Where are you going?” He managed to ask even if his voice was hoarse and frail.

Jaebum then let out a small smile before kneeling as to make his eyes on level with Jinyoung’s, “I love you, Park Jinyoung.” He whispered and Jinyoung held his breath. “I really want you to think about it so I’ll be leaving you alone.” He said as he run his thumb against the knuckles on Jinyoung’s hand. “I’ll always be waiting for you,” he breathed and placed a long, gentle kiss on Jinyoung’s hand before standing up and walking out of the room.

Jinyoung was left with so much thinking to do.

Author's Note:

I think that was so dramatic, I’m so sorry about that. I know that a party is supposed to be fun but I kind of feel like adding up some intense scenes, lol. And I want to also highlight the relationships of YugBam and JJ Project because I personally think they lack moments in this fic. But I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, you.

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