wikyd. chapter 7

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It was 2 in the morning and Jaejoong was still standing, thanks to his high tolerance for alcohol.

He was still inside the party hall, settled in one of the couches while a passed out Yunho was lying beside him. Almost half of the students had already returned to their respective rooms while confessing every single emotion bottled up inside of them and Jaejoong was kind of enjoying hearing those things, it makes him want to do mischievous stuffs about it. But his attention drifted off to his partner.

Yunho had his head rested on Jaejoong’s lap and the latter just admired how handsome the basketball player was. His eyes traced the very outlines of Yunho’s face, from his tousled hair down to his smooth forehead, his closed crescent-shaped eyes, his perfect nose, his mole before settling on his lips with a shape of a heart.

‘My sleeping handsome,’  he giggled at his thought. ‘That sounded funny.’

But those eyes fluttered open, revealing clear brown orbs, Jaejoong almost stopped breathing. Before he could say anything, Yunho gave him one of those smiles that brings you to the edge. Jaejoong doesn’t know what to do. Was he supposed to smile back at him? But that would be so embarrassing considering that he was caught staring.

“Beautiful,” Yunho breathed out and Jaejoong could strongly smell the alcohol. “You’re so beautiful, Jaejoong,” he repeated and lifted his hand to caress Jaejoong’s right cheek. The latter blushed at the action but didn’t make any movement to remove the hand instead he leaned on to the touch.

He was about to answer the handsome male when Yunho’s hand swiftly went and gripped the back of his neck and pulled him down harshly, connecting their lips. Jaejoong’s eyes widened. After a few seconds of recovering from his shock, he found himself responding to the kiss. His right hand was comfortably lying on Yunho’s chest while his other hand was combing the latter’s smooth hair. Their lips danced with elegance. It was slow yet gentle, something that the two needed from each other.

After a few seconds, Jaejoong released himself from Yunho when air became an issue. He opened his eyes and directed his gaze downward just to see Yunho smiling warmly at him. Their faces were just a few centimeters away from each other and Jaejoong fondly smiled at him as well. He returned the gesture and caressed Yunho’s face with his hand and the latter closed his eyes, falling back to sleep.

“Aren’t you giving in a little too early?”

Jaejoong jumped slightly when someone talked from his behind. He turned his head around and saw his bestfriend-slash-soulmate with a smirk on his face.

“Seriously, Yoochun, you should stop scaring me like that!” Jaejoong scolded and looked down at his partner to see if he had woken up, fortunately he didn’t. Yoochun just laughed, commenting how Jaejoong was being a little bit paranoid as he sat down at the couch, opposite to the latter. “Am I?” Jaejoong whispered after a short silence.

“You know, I’m not used to seeing you this lost,” Yoochun started, leaning back onto the couch to be comfortable while he eyed the older male who was gazing lovingly at the male sleeping on his lap. “You always look at things with a positive outlook and whenever you want something, you’ll do everything to achieve it. Where did your confidence disappear to?”

Jaejoong thought for a moment. He tried assessing himself and how he had managed to pass through every single challenge life had randomly thrown at him. He did try to look at the brighter side but this time, it’s different. “I don’t know,” he sighed, “Whenever he’s around me, I can’t think straight and my heart would start beating so fast I thought it’s going to jump out of my chest.”

“Are we talking about the same thing or you’re trying to tell me that you’ve developed a certain disease or something?”

“Ha-ha, very funny,” Jaejoong narrowed his eyes at the younger and the latter just laughed. “I’m serious here.” He firmly said.

Yoochun just shook his head and tried to steady his breathing from laughing too much, “And I am too,” he replied. “But I think that you should let him figure out your feelings for him. Alone. And, yes, he had showered you with a little bit of his affection but what if he has a different motive?”

“You’re the one who’s being paranoid.”

“I’m just worried about you,” Yoochun’s voice had started to become soft, almost a whisper but loud enough for Jaejoong to hear despite the loud music banging in every corner of the party hall. “You’re my best friend and I just want you to be sure of your decisions because I don’t want you to regret and blame yourself after if everything doesn’t go as planned.”

“I know,” Jaejoong whispered as he returned his gaze at the cause of his problem. “But I’m willing to take a risk. For him.”

Yoochun stared at him for a moment, seeing nothing but seriousness and sincerity on Jaejoong’s face before sighing in defeat. He placed a small smile on his face before saying, “Alright, I’ll let you do whatever you want for now. But I won’t be holding myself back if he decides to break your heart. I’ll rip him into pieces.”

Jaejoong just laughed, “Thanks, Dad,” he teased making Yoochun laugh.

“Well, whatever,” Yoochun stood up and straightened his clothes, “I’ll be going now. I left Junsu at our room. Apparently, he’s suffering from seasickness.”

“Why’d you leave him then?” Jaejoong furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head.

“Stop doing that. My Junsu is still way cuter than you and he was sleeping when I decided to go here and check up on you,” Yoochun rolled his eyes, “It’s not like I was gone for an hour.”

Jaejoong smiled and just nodded, “Tell Mom I said hi,” he continued to tease and Yoochun just nonchalantly waved at him before walking towards the exit. Jaejoong’s smile remained on his face, feeling somewhat happy and relieve that his best friend accepted his decision to pursue his love interest. He’s very much thankful for having a supportive friend.

Jackson stirred on his sleep from the dull ache growing on his neck.

He silently groaned and slowly opened his eyes, “Holy - What the are you  doing here?!” He almost screamed, causing the ache on his neck to worsen.

Jaebum just laughed, “Chill, man, you don’t want to wake your princess up, do you?”

“I would be if it weren’t for you!” Jackson spat. He slowly removed himself from the warm body sleeping next to his and sat, facing Jaebum who was seated across him. “You’re such a ing creepy staring at me like that. I thought I was having a nightmare!”

“Sorry,” Jaebum chuckled and soon fell silent.

Jackson eyed his friend for a moment. He noticed how Jaebum’s smile didn’t reach his eyes and the lonely aura the latter is emitting. “What? Didn’t got laid?” He tried to lighten the atmosphere but he only got a shake in the head as a response. Jackson rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me that ing look. Now tell me what you’ve done.”

“I messed up,” Jaebum started and pulled his hair out of frustration. He kept repeating those words to himself it was as if he was in a daze and reciting some sort of spells or something.

After a few minutes, Jaebum fell silent. “You finished?” Jackson asked, a look of boredom painted on his face. “You know, moping around like this won’t let you do any good, right? Start speaking up already.”

“I confessed to Jinyoung.”

“You confessed to Jinyoung what’s the problem with that- HOLY ING YOU CONFESSED TO JINYOUNG AS IN PARK JINYOUNG WHO HAS A MAJOR CRUSH ON ME, THE WILD AND Y JACKSON WANG?!” Jackson felt like his eyeballs are going to pop out of its socket.

Jaebum glared at his friend, “Now you care,” he muttered. “It was just the spur of the moment, okay?” He defended. “I wasn’t really planning on confessing this early.”

“Where is he now?”

“At our room,” Jaebum replied, looking at his shaking hands.

Jackson looked at him as if he was stupid, “You left him in your room after confessing? What kind of douchebag are you?” He sighed, “I may not know anything about love and relationships but damn, I think you really screwed up.”

“I didn’t know what to do. I want to stay with him and talk it all out but I couldn’t, okay? When I saw him crying like that, I felt like I should step up and so I blurted out my feelings, catching him off guard. this stupid heart and this stupid mouth! And the fact that he likes you? I ing don’t know anymore! I’m afraid of getting rejected.”

He was dumbfounded to see his friend crying. Jackson wasn’t prepared with anything like this. How he wished someone would help him right now, a love guru perhaps.

“You won’t.”

The two friends sharply angled their heads towards the now-awake Mark, who was already sitting up. He had woken up when Jackson shouted something about Jinyoung and confession. It made him curious so he pretended to be asleep and listen to the conversation. He wasn’t planning on making any comments but since it involves his friend, he couldn’t stop himself from doing so.

“What do you mean?” Jaebum slowly asked as he wiped his tears away.

Mark crossed his legs and faced Jaebum, “It’s true that Jinyoung has a crush on Jackson,” he said as he pointed his head towards the guy seated beside him, “But that doesn’t mean that he likes him in a romantic way or anything.”

“Really?” Somehow, it gave Jaebum hope that maybe, just maybe, he’ll have a chance with Jinyoung. Just that possibility alone, made his mood lighten up. “But I left him after confessing,” he frowned.

“I think that’s pretty normal,” Mark said and Jackson raised an eyebrow at that. “I’m sure that Jinyoung wants to be alone after hearing your confession. Give him some space for now and let him sort out his feelings.”

Jaebum just nodded while Jackson just stared at Mark. “I think that was the longest conversation I’ve heard from you. And since when did you become an expert of love?”

Mark rolled his eyes, “I’m not an expert of love. I just happen to know Jinyoung and his feelings. I’m his friend after all.”

“Good point,” Jackson nodded. “But you seem to be enjoying my jacket wrapped around your body.” He teased and wiggled his eyebrows at Mark who looked at the jacket he was gripping tightly around him for warmth. Mark harshly took it off and throws it on Jackson’s head.

“Whatever,” Mark said as he stood up, “I’ll be sleeping with Jinyoung.”

“Hey! I’m your partner, why’re you sleeping with him!?” Jackson shouted. Mark just sticks his tongue out before disappearing towards the rooms. Jackson just laughed at Mark’s childishness. He was somewhat relieved that the latter is finally warming up to him.

“I don’t get you,” Jaebum eyed Jackson who gave him a confused look. “You keep on telling everybody that you’re not gay but the way you look at Mark completely contradicts that. So which is which?”

Jackson just looked at him with an unreadable expression on his face. Jaebum was thinking if Jackson didn’t understand him or somewhere along those lines. He was about to repeat what he had said when Jackson gave a pained look and clutched onto his head, “I think I’ve had too much alcohol. The headache is killing me,” he said and stood up, almost running to where Mark had disappeared to.

Jaebum was half-shock and half-amused at Jackson’s behavior. “Damn that was so hilarious. He’s so ing obvious.” Just a minute ago he was crying. Now he’s laughing way too hard and to think that he was alone beside the pool, anyone who will see him would think he is crazy.

As soon as Jaebum left, Jinyoung plopped himself on the bed. He was thankful because Jaebum was considerate enough to give him the time he needed to think and sort out his emotions. But he was somewhat lonely especially now that he is alone. He couldn’t blame Jaebum, though.

It was surprising to know that Jaebum ever liked him that way because the latter was one of the heartthrobs in the campus. He’s good at sports and ranked 7th in academics. He’s tall and good-looking. He’s like the man of every girl’s dreams and the source of jealousy bottled up inside of every guy’s being. But he’s also someone who everyone can look up to. He may look like a playboy but Jinyoung knows deep in him that Jaebum is more than that.

But the fact that the same Jaebum confessed to him is making his stomach turn in wondrous ways. He couldn’t describe the feeling. It was somewhat foreign yet achingly familiar. His thoughts went to the time when he had first met Jaebum when they were in their freshmen year. He only knew him through the rumors and pictures that his friends had shown to him.

Due to the fact that he was a bit uncomfortable to the new environment of living on his own and inside the campus, he wondered through the forest-like part of the school. He wanted some piece of mind because the students have a lot of different personalities, it’s making him dizzy. But he didn’t expect to see Jaebum sleeping under one of the trees. He didn’t know what to do but he didn’t want to leave either.

He was going towards the opposite direction to where Jaebum was sleeping when he accidentally tripped on a rock, half-embedded on the ground. He made a loud ‘oof’ sound as he fell on the ground, hands prompted out of reflex. He mentally cursed when he realized that he had rolled up his sleeve just above his elbows. He hadn’t recognized Jaebum’s presence that had woken up until the latter approached him.


“Hey, are you okay?” Jaebum said, bending down to help Jinyoung on his feet. He helped the latter to remove some dirt off of his uniform.

Jinyoung nodded, “Yeah, I’m alright.” He said and was confused as to why he’s feeling shy all of a sudden.

Although Jaebum was about to let go, he noticed blood on the younger’s elbows. “Of course you’re not,” he said and got hold of Jinyoung’s arm, gripping lightly on the skin above the wound. He took out his handkerchief from his left pocket and gently wiped the sides of the injury to get rid of some dirt that might irritate it.

At that moment, Jinyoung’s eyes traveled towards Jaebum’s face. He admired the latter’s spiky yet neatly styled hair, down to his cute typical Korean eyes, his straight nose and to his thin reddish lips. He was snapped out of his reverie when a pair of brown orbs was directed to his. He thought they’re going to have a staring contest or something but Jaebum gave him a smile before returning his attention towards his wound.

Jinyoung mentally died inside. Jaebum smiled at him and he thinks that it was the cutest. He couldn’t erase the image on his mind especially when those small eyes turned into crescents, full of dreams and sparkles.

“There you go,” Jaebum said, interrupting Jinyoung again from his daze. He looked down at his elbow and saw Jaebum’s handkerchief was carefully wrapped around his wound, not too tight but not too loose either.

“Thank you,” Jinyoung blushed.

Jaebum gave him a smile again and Jinyoung thought he died the second time. The handsome male then lifted one hand and ruffled Jinyoung’s black hair, “You better be careful next time,” he said before passing through the dazed guy, leaving him there alone and dreamy.

End of Flashback

Jinyoung actually knows that Jaebum was too popular to remember that incident. But his heart skipped a beat just from reminiscing the embarrassing moment of his life. He fondly smiled at the memory.

But there came a knock on the door. “Come in,” he said. He was hoping it was Jaebum but he saw Mark entering the room.

“I know you’re disappointed but no need to show it on your face. I’m a bit offended,” Mark dramatically said before sitting down on the bed parallel to where Jinyoung was lying.

Jinyoung just rolled his eyes and laughed a moment later, “Sorry, I was just hoping a little bit too much.”

“I heard,” Mark said and lied down on his back as he stared at the ceiling. Jinyoung didn’t speak up. Mark, then, twisted his head to the side to face Jinyoung who was looking at him with surprise. Mark knew what Jinyoung was thinking so he beat him up to it, “Jaebum went to the pool where Jackson and I were hanging out- wait a minute, why was Jackson even there?” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Aren’t you partners?” Jinyoung gave him a did-you-forget-about-that look.

Mark rolled his eyes, “I know. But I was alone at the pool before I fell asleep then I woke up with Jackson sitting on the same beach chair as me and Jaebum settled on one beside ours- Oh my gosh!” He exclaimed, “What if they were plotting something ridiculous-“

“Oh shut up,” Jinyoung cut him off. “You’re overthinking it.” He muttered and dipped his face on the bed. Mark just looked at his friend, his face now neutral and serious.

“You should really think about it,” Mark said in a small yet firm voice, breaking the silence as he returned his gaze on the white ceiling, “His feelings and yours. I think Jaebum is serious about you but he’s friends with Jackson so I’m still in doubt.”

“I understand,” Jinyoung whispered who was now side-facing Mark. “Thank you,” he smiled.

Mark closed his eyes and smiled as well and the two drifted off without them realizing it. The talk was just the one Jinyoung needed in the middle of the chaos his emotions had created. Now he knows where to start thinking.

Author's Note:

Another overly dramatic chapter. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s happening to me because I’m not feeling down or anything. But let me hear about your thoughts okay? And by the way, I can’t think of anyone that I can pair up with Youngjae! Help me, you!

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