Originalstory (115 originalstory stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Chaebol Scandal; a Twist of Fate (재벌 스캔들; 운명의 뒤바뀜)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Park Jae Seok (OC) & Lee Minsoo (OC)
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 1 comments, 17388 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Mystic Elite (미스틱 엘리트)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Byul Yeonghon (OC) & Noh Ye Ran (OC)
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 9819 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Puppy Stuff

By Odd_Puppy Updated
Tags  originalstory 
With 4 chapters, 11 subscribers, 500 views, 2 comments, 1505 words

  Thoughts, recommendations and more about what's going on inside my head. 

Letters of love (愛の手紙)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Nakagawa Mamoru (OC) & Kazeko Yui (OC)
With 1 votes, 2353 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Wolf Lord: Oracle of the Crescent Moon (狼卿: 三日月のオラクル)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Ishikiba Enma (OC) & Chikara Naoki (OC)
With 1 votes, 2882 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By acid22 Updated
With 180 views, 1528 words
Status Completed

  pearl脚步匆匆地拐入巷子里的小酒馆,倾盆大雨紧跟着落下。他躲在一处角落,垂着眼睫去注视被雨水打湿的地面,恶劣的天气来临得始料未及。   同在酒馆门的还有三两个年轻人,不同是在pearl来之前已经摆好姿态,点上香烟,许是从酒馆里出来透气。   七月的雨下得又急又闷,猛然砸在地面,使酒馆里传来的歌声变得断断续续,飘渺得pearl都有些犯困。奇妙的是他同时感受到那三两个青年投来的灼灼目光……不明白为什么,pearl礼尚往来地回敬一记眼刀。   在呛人的烟雾和难捱的闷热中,他转身推开了酒馆的门。   现在不过晚上六七点,来喝酒的客人稀少,空调的冷气开得很足,让闷出一头汗来的pearl好受许多。   只不过这样好的心情,在瞧见吧台前坐着的那人时,一瞬分崩离析。   pearl停顿的动作太突兀,近处还在和友人聊天的zahir很快分来个探究的眼神,在瞧见来人时眼里明显地露出讶异,他也很意外这样的碰面。   怎么说?pearl有些不知所措,他讪讪转开眼神,故作镇定地绕开za

Fox & Wolf: the Marriage of the Fox Fairy (狐与狼:狐仙的姻缘)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Hei Zi Ye (OC) & Tian Xueyue (OC)
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 1 comments, 12714 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Strangers & Scars (낯선 사람과 흉터)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Jung Il Hyun (OC) & Gong Sanju (OC)
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 18677 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Fiery; Legend of the White Dragon (火热; 白龙传说)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Shu Anying (OC) & Fan Rongniao (OC)
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 6430 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Demon-Killer: Glory of the Sacred Moon Blade (デーモンキラー: 聖月刃の栄光)

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Koji Yuya (OC) & Haruka Ayume (OC)
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 5387 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Beneath the Lights of Love (在爱的灯火下) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Zhan Hua Hua (OC) & Zhou Jing Yi (OC)
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 2 comments, 12717 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Zhan Hua Hua, the mistreated Fourth Daughter of the prominent Zhan family, is set up in an arranged marriage with the young cold General Zhou Jing Yi by her late mother a few nights prior to her untimely death, in secret...

Please Don’t Pursue Me, Mr. President! {hiatus}

By XOXOBlockMania_21 Updated
Characters Wu Zi Feng (OC) & Kuai Ji Xue (OC)
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 16855 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Bittersweet Notions Of Forever

By seoul_lover Updated
Characters Lee Nara (oc), Lee Soo Hyuk, Wonho, Goo Joon Hee, Hong Jonghyun, Kim Woo Bin, Kim Young Kwang, Bang Sung Joon, Kang Ha Neul, Shin Sung Rok, GD, etc.
With 104 chapters, 230 votes, 1973 subscribers, 136370 views, 2909 comments, 992104 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Kasih Tidak Berakhir (Love Doesn't End)

By icehstv Updated
Characters Dhiraviam Rajakumaran, Richard Jose (Ricardo), Nithin Jake Joseph, Abhinav Vishwnanthan, Sravan Rajesh, Sean Banerjee (Sean Indrajeet) Xiao Zhan (Xian), Wang Yibo (Wang Feng), Jerry Yan (Luo Kang), and Dylan Wang (Moon/Yue)
With 2 chapters, 20 views, 3691 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

The General's Princess (将军的公主) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Xiang Jiyue (OC) & Shang Xuwan (OC)
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 9219 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

The Bride Switch (新娘开关) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Wui Xiang Liu (OC) & Kang Li Yan (OC)
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 1 comments, 12179 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Branded (ブランド化) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Ichiro Shinji (OC) & Wada Ryosuke (OC)
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 6650 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Heavenly Demon Queen (天上恶魔女王) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Shen Feixing (OC) & Long Huoyan (OC)
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 7712 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

狼 逐

By gumgumtara Updated
Characters Original characters based on IZ*ONE
With 37 chapters, 7 votes, 21 subscribers, 3640 views, 38 comments, 123 words
Status Completed

關於48維度地球四環大陸上的史詩式復國故事。 來自北方的黑魔法師王子野心勃勃征服世界,以「破舊立新、人定勝天」為號,一面窮兵黷武、一面蠱惑人心,令周邊文明小國一一淪陷。 在虛假的承平盛世中,魔法師公主因為偶遇雙性奴隷小孩,誓要以善良和智慧為基礎進行改革,卻因此無法避免與邪惡勢力進行存亡之戰⋯⋯ 翻譯改編自作者同人小說 Precious Slave

Curse of the Snow Flower (雪花的诅咒) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Koh Myeonryu (OC) & Jia Yuancheng (OC)
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 4984 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Used To This

By soulsjuel Updated
Characters Jenna Ortega, Ruel Vincent, Sunday, Olivia Rodrigo, Kim Taehyung, Conan Grey, Emma Myers, Georgie Farmer, JVKE and OCs
With 2 chapters, 260 views, 8071 words
Status [M], Members Only


By jonghyunforever Updated
Characters Gaeul, Jiah, Original Characters
With 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 90 views, 1 comments, 669 words
Status Subscribers Only

This is going to be an original story. It's been a few years since I came out as lesbian, so I really wanted to write a lesbian romance story. I will definitely be taking some inspiration from my feelings towards my in real life crush in writing this. I hope you guys like it <3 Also just adding the people pictured are AI generated. <3


By Chatterboxbr Updated
Tags  drama   philosophy   originalstory   psychology 
With 1 chapters, 90 views, 9 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Отношения - это хаос.

You & Me

By moomookkkk Updated
Characters Yoo Jeongyeon/Kyungwan, Myoui Mina, Im Nayeon, Hirai Momo, Park Jihyo, Son Chaeyoung, Kim Dahyun, Chou Tzuyu, Minatozaki Sana
With 42 chapters, 29 votes, 901 subscribers, 14090 views, 136 comments, 178899 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


By moomookkkk Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   originalstory   softangst   2yeon   michaeng   motzu   jeongmi   saida 
With 39 chapters, 10 votes, 745 subscribers, 9550 views, 71 comments, 125777 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Dodging Bullets {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Sol Yan Woon (OC) & Kim Jinri (OC)
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 6103 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

BL Syndrome; Extraordinary Phoenix (BL综合征; 非凡的凤凰) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Jiao Yin Lin (OC) & Hong Jin Cheng (OC)
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 3872 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Lucky Bride (幸运新娘) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Wen Jiangxue (OC) & Xia Taiyin (OC)
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 9911 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Mischievous Imperial Wife (调皮的皇后) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Guang Yongheng (OC) & Wei Hanlin (OC)
With 7 chapters, 1 votes, 17272 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Unlikely Hero; falling under the Villainous Grandmaster's control (不太可能的英雄; 落入恶人宗师的控制之下) {hiatus}

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters Tang Yiran (OC) & Gu Xianjin (OC)
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 4334 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Bad Boy, Good Girl

By PeltingSnow Updated
Characters In Byung Hee (OC) & Bang Ne Mo (OC)
With 9 chapters, 16 votes, 23 comments, 25688 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Someday We'll Know

By moomookkkk Updated
Tags  romancedrama   angstromance   originalstory   namo   chaeyu   jeongmi   saida   godjihyo 
Characters Yoo Jeongyeon, Myoui Mina, Im Nayeon, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Park Jihyo, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu, Gong Seungyeon
With 10 chapters, 10 votes, 162 subscribers, 1370 views, 5 comments, 27315 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Love, the most unexplainable thing on Earth. All of us have different interpretation, different understanding. but all of us agreed that Love is the most wonderful thing a human can feel. What would you do if you found it when you aren't ready and left you when you're all geared up?

Mr. Pool Boy

By Zozzita Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae, other ot6
With 2 chapters, 21 subscribers, 320 views, 2 comments, 2511 words

An unemployeed gamer junkie, Byun Baekhyun is reunited with an old classmate, Park Chanyeol. 

make daddy proud

By naxxerie Updated
Characters Michael, Daniel, Clarissa, Fay
With 3 chapters, 6 subscribers, 410 views, 5015 words
Status [M], Completed, Crowdfunded

Fallen Fair

By lilaoya Updated
Tags  originalstory 
With 1 subscribers, 830 views, 1705 words
Status Subscribers Only

Abandoned as a child, Saori grew up not believing relationship and love. 


By crayou Updated
With 1 chapters, 3 subscribers, 170 views, 2802 words
Status [M], Members Only

The Immoral Immortal

By WIAN13 Updated
Tags  adventure   fantasy   originalstory   xianxia   blnovel 
Characters Original characters
With 3 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 390 views, 6149 words

  You all know how the story goes whenever a bunch of demons appear in the world. The world falls into chaos, blood rains, cities burn and etc. Either way a Righteo


By wintersee Updated
Characters Mom, Daughter
With 1 chapters, 240 views, 1166 words
Status Completed

"Death is just another part of life." People can say this very easily. It is only when the one who is dear to you has left do you realize the impact of death. Nothing can describe how empty it leaves you inside. Dying isn't hard, it comes as easy as breathing, but staying alive and well, this is what takes a lot of effort. This is dedicated to all the people who lost their lives in their battle against novel corona virus SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) May all


By Zen_06 Updated
Tags  originalstory   gxg 
Characters open pairings
With 1 chapters, 60 views, 299 words
Status Completed

What happened in the bookstore?


By Zen_06 Updated
Tags  originalstory   gxg 
Characters open pairings
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 160 views, 1217 words
Status Completed

What happens when you meet someone of the same age as you, but not in a very desirable situation?

Dreaming Of The End

By WynterLee22 Updated
With 4 chapters, 2 subscribers, 110 views, 6224 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

The overworld

By Gaylord38 Updated
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 160 views, 1 comments, 1119 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Glory days and ways

By sun_light Updated
Characters Areum, Jisoo, Mi-hee, Eunseo
With 26 chapters, 2 votes, 6330 views, 47 comments, 51484 words

Areum is a girl who lives a life we all dream of. She's popular, has great friends, decent money, and the boys want her. She seems like your typical rich girl, but her life has much more to it. She has her feelings hidden deep within herself and only a few really understand her. Drama has always surronded her, but never would she have guessed that year 11 would bring this much stress into her life. Everything starts to change for Areum in ways she would never have expected and its takes a tol

The King's Taster

By SeonNyeo26 Updated
With 38 chapters, 6 votes, 94 subscribers, 8470 views, 12 comments, 74400 words
Status [M]

A Losers Predicament

By ImMyOwnWorstEnemy Updated
Tags  originalstory 
Characters Dean, Akira, Ash and Mason
With 1 chapters, 1676 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Play with Me.

By babby_brownie Updated
Tags  originalstory 
Characters Callum Endevring, Isaac McCule, Derek Devers, Gracie Micheal, Caroline Millers, Kaleb Stracener
With 1 chapters, 10 views, 750 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Being A Fallen

By LadyAnne08 Updated
Characters Hellen "Helly" Gray, Hannah "Hanny" Mears, Taemin Lee, Minho Choi, Kibum Kim (Key), Jinki Lee (Jin), Jonghyun Kim
With 25 chapters, 15 subscribers, 1010 views, 3 comments, 23597 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Are you one of ‘them’?