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“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Yeji's Journey (Commission)

By ApplePeachEW Updated
Characters Yeji
With 5 votes, 97 subscribers, 310 views, 72 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

My Roommate's Friend is Weird

By ChetManning00 Updated
Characters Kim Jisoo, Lisa
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 80 views, 12594 words
Status Completed, Members Only

Kim Jisoo is a creature of habit, very sure of herself and doesn't like overly excited and peppy people. She thinks her roommate's friend is odd and weird, all the words that can be associated to that. But for some reason, she can't really get her mind off of that woman. Why was she always smiling? Why was she always showing up? She really didn’t know.

The Business of Infidelity

By ohsehunky Updated
Characters Oh Sehun, Park Yura (OC), Bae Joohyun, Kim Sejeong, Kim Jongin, Kim Doyoung, Kang Seulgi, Yoo Siah, Kim Jongdae, Kim Minseok, Park Chanyeol, Doh Kyungsoo
With 31 chapters, 36 votes, 318 subscribers, 251 comments, 148831 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only

Within Your Realm

By Pixiess Updated
Tags  seventeen   wonhan   seventeenau 
Characters Yoon Jeonghan, Jeon Wonwoo
With 2 chapters, 60 views, 1595 words

  In part of this world, Devils were considered a myth . They secretly lived between humans. They never showed their true forms, transforming themselves as humans. 


By Strayfudge Updated
Tags  verkwan 
Characters 夫胜宽 崔韩率
With 8 chapters, 2 votes, 20 subscribers, 4190 views, 9 comments, 12 words

Serendipity in Seoul

By DOs_eyes Updated
Tags  comedy   fluff   exo   comedyromance   baekhyun   kyungsoo   baeksoo 
Characters Baekhyun
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 130 views, 1 comments, 3368 words

Kyungsoo, a meticulous and somewhat introverted barista, prides himself on his perfect latte art and efficient work ethic. Baekhyun, on the other hand, is the charming and outgoing server who can talk his way out of any situation. Despite their differences, they share a deep bond and enjoy their dynamic at the café. One day, a regular customer, Jisoo, who has a massive crush on Kyungsoo, accidentally leaves her diary behind. Baekhyun, ever the meddler, convinces Kyungsoo to read it, h


By wyzdz0218 Updated
Tags  zuochuantaiyi 
With 1 subscribers, 490 views, 15 words
Status Members Only

abo  o装b 强制发情 设定俩人已交往 没什么剧情为肉而肉的短打           “太一 你知道吗 比起听不见 我更害怕失去你”       “….你在说什么呀航平 我并没有想离开你啊,我们不是已经在一起了嘛”太一不解 俩人刚刚还好好的 只不过聊到了上次美穗叫他出去吃饭时那家餐厅,航平问他聊了什么,太一没有回答,对方的氛围就开始不对。 航平就默默低下了头,有点长的刘海挡住了他的上半张脸,太一根本看不见他的表情,搞的他有些不安。        “我们之间不是无话不说嘛,为什么太一要对我隐瞒呢?”航平心里不由得烧起一团火,外面的雨越下越大,航平更加烦躁,看着眼前的太一,他觉得有什么东西要爆发了,下一秒他的砰的就爆发了,瞬间挤满在狭小的房间里。        “航平?你怎么了!”太一并没有告诉航平自己是omega,现在房间内的呛的他头晕,不安要达到了顶峰。眼前的人不说话,自己的鼻腔里都是alpha浓烈的,太一从中察觉到对方很生气,这不是他一个omega能承受的


By SevenDuo Updated
Tags  ryujin 
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 120 views, 1 comments, 6 words

校园    梦女    两个女高中生的纯情日常    


By yrmydreamv Updated
Tags  riku   siri   sion   nctwish   onri 
Characters sion riku
With 4 chapters, 1 subscribers, 310 views, 2 comments, 78 words

  포타숀쿨同人 上班族是温X跟踪狂陆 ⚠️素材、角色私设阅读时请注意勿上升真人 原文名称:스티키마에다군 原文系列地址: Written by:블랭크  Translated by:yrv     系列正文共11篇,会陆续翻译后更新 先谢谢大家阅读໒𓍼ྀི𓈒. .𓈒 ྀི১   블랭크님 감사하고사랑해용~ㅜㅜ♡


By 19_twing Updated
Tags  wenjunhui   wonwoo   wonhui 
With 6 chapters, 37 subscribers, 11630 views, 14 comments, 53 words

有🥩但走剧情 其他cp不确定会不会有 有的话会是奎八澈汉 内含ooc‼️我只能说🥩会有带感设定

Karly's Bucket List

By ligayas823 Updated
Tags  taeny   yoonhyun   yulsic   eunrong   seulstal   jensoo   lisrene   winrina   ningselle   jiminjeong   suse   bbangsaz   renjunxisa 
Characters Winter, Karina, Giselle, Ningning, Isa, Renjun
With 7 chapters, 44 votes, 53 comments, 27072 words
Status Friends Only, Members Only, Subscribers Only

My mom always tells me, life is too short and simple. You go ahead and live while doing what you want and love. Simple? Yeah, when you have resources.    Naalala ko lang naman yan when I found an old diary of mine when I was in elementary school. I laughed and almost cringed sa mga sinulat ko. I would actually write in it at the very start of my day, kaya I wouldn't call it a diary. I called it a bucket list. I would list the simple things I wanted to do that day.   


By OvOniki_051209 Updated
Tags  niki 
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 210 views, 75 words

年下/双向暗恋/he “姐姐,我早就认出你了...(^^)”


By chipsjeong Updated
Tags  jeonghan 
With 1 subscribers, 120 views, 4 words
Status Members Only

被后辈们拥着走出休息室的时候,尹净汉的脑子还有点发懵。 虽然后辈们的脸还没有认全,但面对摄影机,尹净汉还是拿出了专业的水平,微笑点头打招呼,一副完美到不能再完美的前辈做派。 “前辈,请帮助我们完成challenge任务吧!” “内~” 尹净汉并不喜欢这种突袭challenge,但考虑到摄影机拍摄着可能要被剪进花絮里,也还是积极配合着,被几个后辈拉着在舞台后面临时教学。 “前辈辛苦了!喝水吧!” 尹净汉擦了擦额头上的汗珠,接过了后辈递来的水。 眩晕感袭来的时候,他只觉得恍惚,后辈们的脸和他们调笑的声音随着意识的消逝逐渐模糊起来。 “前辈,真是好骗呢” 早就在练习生的时期就听说了公司里净汉前辈长得美貌,是难得一见的尤物,特别是出道时留着一头标志长发,再加上那双青涩又带着些灵动的眼睛,隔着屏幕就能把人七魂勾去六魄。他们也曾在宿舍对着这张漂亮的脸打手枪,把抹到贴在墙上的海报,如今,无数夜里的发泄对象就在他们面前,几乎不用费多大力气就能把他抱起来。 一想到