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Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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A Dream Come True

By __suzy__ Updated
Tags  angst   romance   suzy   rose   baesuzy   jennie   rosie   blackpink   parkchaeyoung   parkrose   rozy 
Characters Bae Suzy, Park Rosé
With 2 chapters, 5 votes, 35 subscribers, 550 views, 12 comments, 5305 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Everything was perfect in Rosé's life until the stranger she has been having dreams about shows up and turns her life upside down.

Heat (ShuQi)

By nadezda Updated
Characters Shuhua/Yuqi
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 50 views, 702 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only

Marriage Without Dating

By Suncute Updated
With 18 chapters, 94 votes, 968 subscribers, 259 comments, 83937 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

Sa isang twist ng tadhana na dala ng yumaong lola ang mangyayari kay Jimin. Siya ay isang workaholic at ambisyosang omega na mapipilitan magpakasal sa isang estrangherang alpha na nagngangalang Minsik Dalisay upang makuha ang kanyang mana. Ngunit sa halip na isang kilalang alpha ang kanyang makilala, isang may-ari ng computer shop na abala sa paglalaro ng roblox ang kanyang nakaharap.

Come Every Summertime

By witherfork Updated
Tags  fluff   tagalog   purefluff   notangst   winrina   fluffpromise 
With 1 chapters, 11 votes, 75 subscribers, 250 views, 8 comments, 6823 words
Status Subscribers Only

Win and Rina. In another universe.

Something About Her

By ChetManning00 Updated
Characters Huh Yunjin, Kim Chaewon
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 30 views, 6481 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Not Too Late

By ChetManning00 Updated
Characters Myoui Mina, Son Chaeyoung
With 2 chapters, 2 votes, 14 subscribers, 60 views, 20206 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only


By YuesJN Updated
Tags  seoksoo 
Characters 李硕珉洪知秀
With 1 subscribers, 3640 views
Status Members Only

  “叮咚,恭喜宿主完成任务,您已获得回到现实的机会,请问是否留在攻略世界?”   洪知秀揉了揉酸痛的腰,看着一旁睡熟了的李硕珉。睡着的李硕珉很乖,不如同白天的喧闹,正安安静静地躺在自己身边。他情不自禁抬手摸了摸脸颊,在长达几周的系统相处中,他似乎早已对李硕珉也暗生了情愫。但理智告诉他,他攻略的最初目的就是回到现实世界。他在李硕珉唇上落下了亲亲一,微笑地拨开了眼睛的刘海:“再见了,我们亲爱的硕珉。”     随着一道白光,洪知秀回到了原来的现实世界。他与往常一样上班,通勤,联谊,似乎一切都恢复到了正常,也似乎几周的攻略都是一场梦····   但洪知秀总感觉似乎少了什么,心里的空虚无人替补,明明只是恢复到了原来的生活。是因为李硕珉吗,他也不知道。   而攻略世界里的李硕珉一醒来,刚要把旁边香香软软的哥哥揉进怀中,却扑了一个空。他有些诧异,顾不上穿衣,连忙从床上跳了起来。   “哥····哥····!”李硕珉慌张地穿梭于各个房间间,但无人回应。   “哥····”李硕珉普通一声跪在了地

Cosmic Dreams

By revexx Updated
Tags  adventure   alien   family   fluff   seulgi   siblings   yeri   cuteness   love   joy   space   galaxy   wendy   irene   cosmic   redvelvet   joyrene   wenrene   seulrene   wenseul   joygi   wenjoy   cosmos   wenri   yermseul   revexx 
Characters Irene Seulgi Wendy Joy Yeri Red Velvet
With 4 chapters, 7 votes, 2470 views, 19 comments, 10086 words
Status Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Join Hyunnie, Ddeulgi, Wannie, Joyiee, and Yerimie, the five whimsical aliens with hearts as big as the cosmos—on an enchanting journey across the galaxy! From their magical spaceship adorned with glowing doodles to their mischievous escapades that light up the skies, these adorable siblings bring laughter, love, and a sprinkle of stardust wherever they go. Together, they explore new planets, befriend quirky creatures, and discover the true meaning of family amidst the wonders of the univ


By tomatoking11 Updated
Tags  5114 
With 19 chapters, 1 votes, 101 subscribers, 66590 views, 43 comments, 32 words

1️⃣ "我才是你唯一的小狗" 2️⃣ "爱·五部曲"  (完) (一)控制不住 (二)爱护·喜欢 (三)尊敬 (四)敞开  3️⃣狗日记 (一)小王日记之咪观察日志 (二)小莎日记之养狗手册 (三)小王日记之冬日小记 (四)小莎日记之大吃特吃 (五)小王日记之哄包第一要义 (六)小王日记之捕高手 (七)小王日记之恋爱手记


By tomatoking11 Updated
Tags  5114 
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 59 subscribers, 22080 views, 20 comments, 20 words

萌萌圆脸探店美食博主×心灵手巧裁缝哥 通篇胡言乱语


By Wanghe Updated
Tags  markchan   nctdream   nomin 
Characters NCT DREAM
With 21 chapters, 5 votes, 64 subscribers, 6800 views, 15 comments, 155 words

高中校园AU 主笃副传,非传统完美好学生 已完结,番外掉落中。 可能是纯爱 微博@望鹤wh,欢迎大家找我玩


By angelbird Updated
Tags  jeongcheol 
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 1480 views, 1 words

6.3k+  剧情见上篇 我写的都是我编的 🚗预警


By emji_88 Updated
Characters Hwang Hyunjin Lee Know
With 7 chapters, 1 subscribers, 90 views, 9846 words
Status Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded


Hunters and Foxes

By kimscheon Updated
Characters Song Jihyo, Jo Insung
With 11 chapters, 7 votes, 21 comments, 49431 words
Status [M], Members Only, Subscribers Only


By sfwofBerneseMount Updated
Tags  winter   karina 
With 13 chapters, 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 1580 views, 6 comments, 64 words
Status Members Only



By Ting5114 Updated
Tags  5114 
With 4 chapters, 113 subscribers, 26580 views, 45 comments, 5 words
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装作不是 EP40

By Mint_Coconut Updated
Tags  wonhui 
With 1 subscribers, 570 views, 21 words
Status Members Only

*abo 黑莓月桂叶alpha X 薄荷晚香玉omega *o装a/暗恋/久别重逢 *前期联盟军校学生 后期上校 X 心理医生 “深呼,深呼!” 医生面色焦急,看着文俊辉呼乱得不成样子,短促的呼频率可能会引起更强烈的收缩。 “调整呼,跟着我的指令走好吗?” 文俊辉在疼痛和混乱中挣扎着点了点头,只感觉像是有一只大手在狠狠捏着他的肚子,捏紧又松开,循环往复,把他折磨得痛不欲生。 额头上的汗越来越多,他咬牙努力调整着呼,可是真的太疼了,当呼变得又深又缓慢之后那阵刺骨的疼痛感觉像是倍放大十倍,收缩的感觉更明显,文俊辉死死捏着枕头,因为太过用力支撑着的手肘都被磨得通红。 “好好,再保持一会儿,再次深呼。“ 随着不断地调整呼,宫缩的频率总算开始慢慢减少,文俊辉疼得意识也开始昏沉。 “再坚持一会儿,还不能睡。” 医生开始给文俊辉止血,必须得等到血止住才算是暂时脱离危险,如果血止不住随时都面临必须早产的可能,omega此

Winrina = Jiminjeong

By iamrandom21 Updated
Characters Winter Karina
With 160 chapters, 613 votes, 4311 subscribers, 265860 views, 3883 comments, 449193 words

This will be a compilation of Winrina/Jiminjeong short stories. 

Une Petite Histoire D'amour

By Carbocistein_12 Updated
Characters Baekhyun Mia NanaLucy Gabriel (Gaby)
With 2 chapters, 1 subscribers, 110 views, 1065 words
Status Members Only

A little love story about two people taking a second chance at forever.   


By winko_ Updated
Tags  hozi 
Characters 权顺荣 李知勋
With 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 3020 views, 1 comments, 12 words
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如题,写点醉酒虎虎 3.7k小短打 沿用《禁止触碰》世界观 有借梗

All of the Whispers of the Wind

By FindingHiraeth Updated
Tags  winrina 
With 5 chapters, 8 votes, 65 subscribers, 620 views, 3 comments, 7336 words

Damien Winter Kim is a travel blogger who dreams of imprinting her footprints around the world. However, she questions everything as she travels to Slovenia where she unravels something about herself. 


By Yuzhou_ Updated
Tags  5114 
With 1 chapters, 25 subscribers, 21000 views, 16 comments, 6 words

“我相信你的爱。” 就让这句话做我的墓志铭。   纯爱小短打➕不定期掉落捡手机 小红薯宇宙大王Yuzhou_

Title: Autumn Came Author: Yunjae2024 Genre: slice of life, Angst, Romance, AU, friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers Main: YunJae/JaeHo Length: 32 chapters Beta: Me Rated 13+ Inspiration(s): I crave romance, and autumn is right around the corner. Please enjoy! Update Schedule: W

欲情遇难 符4x你

By 2648319220 Updated
Tags  enhypen 
Characters Sunghoon
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 930 views, 1 comments, 116 words
Status Members Only

符4朴成训x你 | 《欲情遇难》   先婚后爱ABO设定 长篇    wb:摇滚MAX   过激平权主义炮beta大小姐x被欺负张就卡机的傻子恋爱脑Alpha   魔改一下ABO世界观:ABO都能闻到,B也会有但是很淡。   ⚠️爱男别看 ⚠️女主有名字 ⚠️一切为剧情服务 ⚠️ooc致歉 勿上升真人   大小姐爱之前:Alpha就是天生的下贱种,随时随地爱发情的公狗,凭什么Alpha是社会优先权?!   大小姐爱之后:人人都有,怎么就本宫没有!我爱我自己的beta身份,但是你凭什么是Alpha,凭什么对着就会发情!


By nevermind1013 Updated
Tags  yangyang   wayv   wayvyangyang   wayvxyou 
Characters 刘扬扬 yangyang
With 10 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 1410 views, 6 comments, 120 words
Status Members Only

你✖️刘扬扬 不要命,不要清醒(连载中) “I want love or death.” “By morning you will be gone. ” 国外工作,和他发生了一夜情,原以为一夜过后就会形同陌路,却在公司碰见了。 原来他是老板的儿子,这下该怎么办? “睡完就跑,你把我当什么了?还是……嫌我技术不够好?”