Leeknowxhyunjin (39 leeknowxhyunjin stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

One Shots
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By emji_88 Updated
Characters Hwang Hyunjin Lee Know
With 7 chapters, 1 subscribers, 90 views, 9846 words
Status Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded



By Jeor91 Updated
Tags  hyunjin   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters 黄铉辰 李旻浩
With 2 subscribers, 1190 views, 12 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Piaochi Updated
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 1 subscribers, 2260 views, 16 words
Status [M]

When it's time to let go

By Sway10 Updated
Characters Hyunjin and Minho from Stray Kids
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 320 views, 3698 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By hyunooo Updated
Tags  hyunjin   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin_leeknow
With 2580 views, 1 words
Status [M], Members Only


By Piaochi Updated
Tags  hyunjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 1 subscribers, 1830 views
Status [M]

In Another Life

By Sway10 Updated
Characters Hyunjin and Minho from Stray Kids
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 6 subscribers, 580 views, 1 comments, 10615 words
Status Completed

Hyunjin is a typical teenager who has a crush on the most popular celebrity and kpop idol, Minho. In a world where idols are allowed to date, Hyunjin's dream of dating Minho doesn't seem out of reach. However, he quickly learns that he shouldn't cultivate his feelings for the older.


By Piaochi Updated
Tags  hyunjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 4 subscribers, 5480 views
Status [M]


By _sixpence_ Updated
Characters Hwang Hyunjin,Lee Know
With 1060 views, 2 words
Status [M], Members Only


By _sixpence_ Updated
With 1 subscribers, 460 views, 17 words
Status [M]


By Piaochi Updated
Tags  hyunjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 1720 views, 61 words

双性转 中世纪背景 黄铉辰第一人称视角 全文1.2w+


By xinhe2953 Updated
Tags  leeknowxhyunjin 
With 280 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

主24线,有永远line(无明确左右位之分) 含青春疼痛文学 8对4有恋兄情节


By Piaochi Updated
Tags  hyunjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 3430 views, 4 words
Status [M]


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 3 subscribers, 3990 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By Piaochi Updated
Tags  hyunjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 3 subscribers, 3110 views
Status [M]


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 4 subscribers, 4620 views, 12 words
Status [M]


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 3 chapters, 690 views, 31 words

阅前须知: -半回忆向 -未完结(作者正在努力创作)   --   00 多少恍惚的时候 仿佛看见你在人海川流 隐约中你已浮现 一转眼又不见 (《假如爱有天意》-李健)     -- 01 "Je t'aime" ou "aime"?   他在人群中第一眼就看见了那个身着白衣的男人。   那个人在小巷的转角处用画笔勾勒着路过的形形色色的人,还有道路对面的柳树。   真的是个画家了啊,李旻浩想。   他的眼睛像几年前一样,弯弯的,软软的,总是笑眯眯的。   李旻浩拉了拉上的罩,装作不经意的从他身边经过


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 1790 views, 5 words

阅前: *微💛/伪现背 *小露骨 整体还是很甜啦 -- “恋爱就像甜得发腻的奶油蛋糕,即使吵架也是香甜的。”   祝大家读得开心~    00 他的汗液顺着脖滑落在布满褶皱的被褥上。   即使偏过头,余光也能看见李旻浩伏在他身上那洋洋得意的表情。   他又一次的,被李旻浩玩得彻底。   01   前些日子,黄铉辰有些固执的拉着金昇玟跑去理发店,说一不二的一定要剪短发——极短、极短的短发。   金昇玟有些不解,但是在理发店前看着黄铉辰坚定的样子,无奈还是陪他进去了。   结果就是,黄铉辰的头发发生了逆天的改变。顺下毛也只到眉毛的刘海,和短的刚过耳朵的碎发,涂抹了大量的发胶的而傲慢不羁的挺立着,优秀的T区也终于没有了头发的遮挡,没有一丝遮蔽的露了出来。  


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 1 subscribers, 2050 views, 7 words
Status [M]

【旻辰】落 落泪

By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 1 subscribers, 1020 views, 2 words

阅前: ·点梗下 写了点让人心软软的 ·算是个日常向 无预警 放心读   ///   黄铉辰做了个噩梦。   窗外的雨还下着。睡前忘记关窗,被打湿的泥巴味顺着风吹进卧室。黄铉辰从梦中挣扎着惊醒,皱了皱眉。   他踮着脚轻悄悄地走进了隔壁的房间。   灯是关着的。屋子里是熟悉的木香味。黄铉辰的手摸索着打开了灯,深灰色被褥中本应躺着的人却不见了。   黄铉辰慌乱的四处看了看,发丝也跟着颤动。走遍全家也没看到李旻浩的身影。   他抓起床头的手机,按下了最近通话中的第一栏。   "您好,您拨打的用户已关机,请稍后再拨。"   机械女声冷漠的重复着同一句话,黄铉辰无力地垂下胳膊,任那声音回荡空旷的房间。   为什么偏偏在这个时候,李旻浩不在


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 570 views, 23 words

阅前须知: -oe/一发完 -第一人称回忆向 偏be -是在朋友的点梗下的产物 -某些情节灵感源于:《夏日终曲》   -- "His name escapes me."     "是真正遗忘了吗。"   -- 00 他的眼睛像一样,亮闪闪的。一旦对视,心就会软得一塌糊涂。   01 他的模样,他的身体,黄铉辰记不起太多了。   第一次碰面很普通,并不是浪漫的开头。只是在朋友之间的一场饭局上,二人初次见面,商业性地道好。二人交集不多,也没有想过以后会是彼此最重要的人。   中间的几次偶遇,黄铉辰也已经记不太清了。只是一次在酒吧时印象极为清楚。黄铉辰看到了坐在吧台前,又一次偶遇了独自一人品味红酒的男人。  


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 2920 views, 5 words
Status [M]


By Fancie_rit Updated
Tags  hyunjin   hyunho   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 3180 views, 8 words
Status [M]


By Piaochi Updated
Tags  hyunjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 4 subscribers, 4020 views, 3 words
Status [M]


By Piaochi Updated
Tags  hyunjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin 
Characters hyunjin leeknow
With 24 chapters, 5 subscribers, 9650 views, 23 words
Status [M], Completed


By AJasper Updated
Tags  leeknowxhyunjin 
With 2 chapters, 410 views, 64 words



By AJasper Updated
Tags  leeknowxhyunjin 
With 1 chapters, 30 views, 43 words
Status Members Only



By AJasper Updated
Tags  leeknowxhyunjin 
With 1 chapters, 70 views, 64 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Don’t Breath

By AJasper Updated
Tags  leeknowxhyunjin 
With 160 views, 8 words
Status [M]

Admiring from afar

By Loveleegirl Updated
Characters Lee Minho, Hwang Hyunjin
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 980 views, 2461 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only

Sweet Lies

By Sway10 Updated
Characters Lee Know, Hyunjin
With 7 chapters, 15 subscribers, 1780 views, 2 comments, 9464 words

Minho wanted to become a singer. It was his dream ever since middle school. He would do anything in order to make his dream come true, even if that meant that he had to pretend to be a girl.


By Sway10 Updated
Characters Minho, Hyunjin, Han, Chan, Seungmin, Changbin
With 1 chapters, 8 subscribers, 500 views, 2393 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

Shades of You

By Sway10 Updated
Tags  boyxboy   drama   idollife   idols   jyp   minho   oneshot   romance   hyunjin   homophobia   lightangst   reallife   hyunho   minjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin   hyunjinxleeknow 
Characters Hyunjin, Minho
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 780 views, 3 comments, 3960 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only


By Sway10 Updated
Characters Hyunjin, Lee Know
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 9 subscribers, 860 views, 1 comments, 1751 words
Status Completed

It's three in the morning and Hyunjin cannot fall asleep. He seeks comfort in their dorm.

The Distance Between Us

By Sway10 Updated
Tags  boyxboy   drama   jyp   minho   oneshot   hyunjin   jisung   bangchan   slightangst   han   predebut   hyunho   minjin   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin   hyunjinxleeknow 
Characters Hyunjin, Lee Know
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 820 views, 1 comments, 3301 words
Status Completed

Hyunjin retells the story of his predebut days with Minho and how their relationship has changed over time. The story is mainly set during the Stray Kids Survival Show

Days Gone By

By Sway10 Updated
Characters Hyunjin, Lee Know
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 30 subscribers, 940 views, 5 comments, 7454 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

Next To You

By Sway10 Updated
Tags  boyxboy   drama   fluff   minho   hyunjin   jongin   reallife   hyunho   minjin   chan   felix   reallifeau   straykids   leeknow   leeknowxhyunjin   hyunjinxleeknow 
Characters Hyunjin, Lee Know
With 2 chapters, 12 subscribers, 720 views, 3 comments, 4602 words

Stray Kids are having their first world tour and Hyunjin learns a few things along the way.