要望海 is The Next Generation!

Character name  Kaname Nozomi [要望海]
birthdate  January 12, 1997
birthplace  Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
hometown  same as above
ethnicity  Japanese
nationality  Japanese
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height  167cm
weight  46kg

blood type  O

face-claim  Happiness/E-girls' SAYAKA
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personality  Nozomi is a person that does not involve herself with total chaos and perfers to be calm and tranquil majority of the time. Nozomi also likes order and so needs things to function in an orderly manner and if not, it's not pretty. Nozomi is easily able to expressed her feelings and they can some time be intense and others don't know how to handle it at times. This makes Nozomi somehow wholesome and everyone sorts of just wants to love and protect her. Then again, it's Nozomi's own fault it she's easily persuaded to believe in almost anything and everything. However, because of that and learning  from past mistakes she's now tentative and slow to say and do things if it isn't something she isn't familiar with or trust. / peaceful, organized, emotional, pure, gullible, hesitant
background  Nozomi grew up as an only child and to a single-parent home. She never knew her father and didnt let the other kids in the neighborhood bully her for it. Then again it kind of caused some trouble for her and that's why her mother enrolled Nozomi into some activity to release a lot of her energy and focus it elsewhere. That's how she came to love dancing and has been doing it since forever. It became her life and her mother was happy for her. She was a part of a dance academy and somehow she got scouted all the way from overseas and took up the chance to pursue a career elsewhere and to see where it would go. Her mother was super supportive despite the distance they'll be from one another. Nozomi hasn't seen her mother in neary six years.
hobby(ies)  sketching, shopping online, playing mobile games

specialty(ies)  dancing, gymnastics, drums
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company  Starship Entertainment
training period  about six years

position  Dancer

talent twin  Happiness/E-girls' SAYAKA
ending page
comments  fluent in japanese, moderate in korean
scene requests  none
password  62


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how tf were you able to make that many (says the one who is currently onto her third batch of her trainees)

btw I think you might have to change one of her seats since one of my oaca girls is sitting there... sorry :/
OMG I LOVE SO MANY OF YOUR FC'S AND TALENT TWINS. Z.HERA. SONAMOO. MINTTY. Aaaaaaaah. Also hi I'm just here stalking your girls.