The TOP 30 day challenge.

I've never finished these challenges and in the spirit of finishing things I shall compress this challenge in one post. LOL.

Day 1: Favorite T.O.P physical quality

I discovered the wonders of the perfection that is labeled by a three lettered name T.O.P very recently (LOL. I just had an image of GD's lyric of Butterfly. LOL GTOP. kekeke). I was a KPop noob probably still am, but that aside, I watched KJE chocolate to watch my then current bias GD. This guy. aisht! Anyway, I shall not delve on how I jumped ship (reluctantly in my defense). But shall concentrate on the challenge question. The first thing that attracted me to TOP is his eyebrows. Seriously, his brows. It's manly perfection. LOL

Then it was his eyes (that he describes as too intense).

Then it was his nose.

Then it was his thin upper lip and his full lower lip.

Then it was his cheekbones.

Then it was his jawline.

Then it was his neck....

Then (uhhh... I should stop before I have to mark this as an H).



I basically think he is physically perfect. So to answer the question can I just say all of him? kekeke, I'm such a cheat.

Day 2: Favorite T.O.P hairstyle

His White Fauxhawk hair! <3


This one is a close second though.


I love this too!!! I shall now stop here but I like everything about him so... it would have been easier if you asked a hairstyle that I didn't like. No wait... I don't think I have one...

Day 3: If you could give T.O.P anything what would it be?

Difficult question, uhh... what wouldn't I give? God these are the moments I'm happy I don't know him, imagine him owning my soul? How unhealthy is that? To be serious... I really don't know, my sincere well wishes? What can I possibly have that would be worth anything to him? I would give him my disturbing topdara fics but alas I'm afraid it would psychologically damage him so I'll keep that to myself... kekeke.

Day 4: Favorite T.O.P article of clothing

If I had my way half of the time he would be .

...and if you don't agree... I don't know what's wrong with you... LOL

But since he MUST have clothes... I like my TOP in suits... dayummmm, I can just imagine ing 'em.

I like this hair too.

Oh my... I suddenly miss his black hair...

This. Is. Just. Perfect.

But I like him whatever he wears this Tabi in a suit is just... a favorite. I like him in street clothes and sweats too.

I wouldn't mind taking any type of clothes off him.

Day 5: Which alcoholic beverage would you drink with T.O.P?

Sevvy is a beer drinker. But TOP looks like he's a man who goes "Miss, Rhum on the rocks please." I like whiskey, but for some reason I think he's a rhum drinker. LOL. I don't know. I think he likes his wine too. To be honest, I really don't think we have anything alike... but if ever I do meet him and we go drinking I'll have whatever he's having (and get him drunk)

Day 6: If you could play a boardgame with T.O.P which would you play?
I don't knowwwwwww... I don't play board games. Why not play strip poker but can I just have him TOPless already? ; ;

It upsets me that I will never get to see him . WAE IS LIFE SO UNFAIR?

Day 7: Favorite T.O.P stage mistake

M-mistake? Tabi never makes mistakes. He is perfect. Leave him alone.

Day 8: Where would you and T.O.P go on your first date?


Day 9: Favorite T.O.P OTP

OWO TabiSan FTW!

Day 10: Favorite T.O.P rap

Seriously? I-i can't pick!

I loved the Haru Haru bit.


His intensity! O.O

I love how coarse his voice sounds. It's just really manly. The tone and the delivery! OwO TOP is perfection.


In the rap battle, his acting was such TOP class that he needed some time before getting fired up. Can I just say how much I hate the police that showed up! I was like WTF??? Go away! I want moar!!!! ; ;

I love the way he raps and the fact that he writes them himself and they are usually meaningful is a big plus! OwO I just love him.

Day 11: If T.O.P were a fictional character who would he be?

I'm a big lover of fiction and with everything I know I'm going to choose Ren Ichinose of Strobe Edge.



OwO Doesn't he feel a lot like TOP? In character, Ren is a cool, gentle, quiet boy. In the story, he is very deep and somewhat strange. He's just Choi Seunghyun in manga form LOL. Although, this one doesn't CHOOM. LOL.

Day 12: Which song would you like to hear T.O.P cover?
Hmmm. I dunno, but something of GD's since they did an awesome job switching parts in High High? Though I would love for BB to cover 2ne1 songs, less comedy value though. Uhh... How about something from Linkin Park back when Chester was still intense and the ?

Day 13: If T.O.P were an ice cream flavor which flavor would he be?

Pistachio mint.

Day 14: Favorite T.O.P Variety show moment


LOL. This is the preview, I wont post the whole thing. This was epic shiz man. My favorite part was him imitating Seungri and when he was trying to rap and he just forgets and he tries and tries. And he made that joke about being innocent and pure. And he was just effin perfect here. I love you!

Oh mai, and I would insert another interview when Jiyong was being asked about Sandara having him as an ideal and TOP was like: "If I was there I would have picked her up together with her board and I would have been her ideal instead." OwO Wae you do that to me TOP?
Day 15: What are 10 songs you would like to see on T.O.P’s ipod?

Wae would I care what's in his Ipod? I don't care. But I would love to know what he listens to though.

Day 16: Favorite T.O.P picture

I have yet to find a picture of him... so...

I really don't have one. I just like all his photos.

Day 17: If you could cook any meal for T.O.P what would it be?

Wae do I cook for him? Does he get after? I'm not after a relationship with TOP I just want to see him ... and possibly kiss him (). LOL. Wae do I need to cook for him, he probably won't like it. I'll spare him the social obligation of saying it was something he liked. He should just get . ; ;

Day 18: Favorite T.O.P shoes

I'm not a big shoe fan. I never notice his shoes. Now I have to keep my eyes peeled for it.

Day 19: Favorite T.O.P ring

OwO I don't know. LOL. Will he hate me because I don't really notice these small details?

Day 20: If T.O.P dated a celebrity who would it be?

I want him with Sandara Park.

But if not he can have anybody. I want him to have a girl soon though.

Day 21: Favorite T.O.P photoshoot



Day 22: Whatever you want

What? Do I get to have TOP?

Day 23: Favorite T.O.P personality trait

I love how he's deep.

Day 24: A song that reminds you of T.O.P

Errrr... his songs? LOL. I'm tired already. Ahaha. No more!

Day 25: Who would you want T.O.P to do a duet with?

I would love it if he does a collab with Dara! Ohmai. Heart Attack! CL too!!!!

Day 26: Favorite T.O.P dance move

B-but we're talking about CHOOMTOP here! He dances perfect! How can I choose.

(is actually really tired and don't want to look for one.)

Oh and he's freaking good on his feet. He does a mean C-Walk. It's gangsta, I don't know why anyone expects him to dance like GD or YB, he's different. He was in to the underground rapping for a long time. It was never his thing.

Day 27: Favorite T.O.P performance

OwO Big Show High High

I love all the times he sang Big Boy. *drools* and all the times he sang Act Like Nothing's Wrong..

and I loved Digital Bounce because he does this hand movement thing like he's touching himself. Mmmmm... TOP

Day 28: What made you fall for T.O.P?

Because he is sooo fine and his voice is like out of this world. I just love him. He's deep and beautiful what's not to love?

Day 29: If you could describe T.O.P in one word what would it be?


Okay. LOLJK. Uhhh... Perfect.

Day 30: Favorite music video T.O.P has been in

Right now? Beautiful Hangover





Finished. That tire me out. Off for some smokes.


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Hey I was looking through top blogs and I wanted to know... what variety show was it when he imitated Seungri?