✗ X.Press - Moon Saeryun (Silver)

Moon Saeryun

username — morninginmarch

nickname — Anna

activity rate — 7/10


name — Moon Saeryun

nicknames — Ryunnie-oppa (called by his precious baby sister ONLY)

birthdate — 30th of October, 1994

birthplace — Seoul, South Korea

hometown — Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
Height/weight — 175cm/56kg

languages — Korean (fluent), English (More like engrish, "Ah, herro? How, how areyou?"

How do I look?

face claim — Lee Chi Hoon

gallery — Gallery

backup face claim — Bae Sang Gon

gallery — Gallery


appearance — He has a birthmark in the shape of a snowflake on the left side of his hip. Also has a ton of piercings (he may be a bit of a masochist...) a bunch on his ear, a naval piercing which he wears a ring with a bird on it and yes he has piercings, just a simple silver bar through them.

fashion style
- General consistencies: Tight pants, boots, neutral and dark colours
- Casual: Saeryun's policy on pants is the tighter the better. True there are some people out there saying that his family jewels will dry up but it's not like he's ever going to think about having children anyway so it's fine. His pants range from hugging the legs to outlining the buttcrack tight. They are almost always black or grey, matched with boots. He loves his boots from knee-high leather ones to doc martens to military style boots with chains and studs. Boots are amazing. On top, he usually wears a plain top in champagne or another light neutral shade, topped with a few accessories.
- Dorm/practise: This is the most dressed down that he will get, he usually wears a sweatshirt or a hoodie if it's cold, sleeveless or not. He will wear baggy harem pants or shorts. His top is almost always oversized, enough to hide his face in for winter and he always wears bright blue high top sneakers.
- Airport/variety: It's honestly not that different from hiis casual. He usually won't wear jeans so shiny leather pants, or jeggings will do. On top, he wear's a short-sleeve top made out of a silky material and a big coat which he can hide his hands in. If it's extra cold, he will wear a cotton scarf that's bright red, sometimes without the jacket. Beautiful fur boots are a given. In summer, he will wear shorts with a pair of sandels and a button-up top or just a plain one, usually in lighter shades for a lighter season.

i am who i am

traits — (++) Charming, sociable, independent, passionate// (--) Troublemaker, flirty, ty, not a team player, insensitive


"Come on, it was just a joke, it was funny!"
There are two ways to refer to Saeryun, either he's "an annoying little who ruins my day simply by looking at him" or he's "a hilarious guy with a witty sense of humour". He takes both as a compliment because fun is the epitome of Saeryun's nature. Yes he admits to it! He's a mischievous, cheeky little brat. He gets his kicks from playing pranks (sometimes harmless) on other people, in general the perfect prankster. Why you ask? Because he's bored and he absolutely cannot stand boredom, he must have something to do! That and his victim's reactions are hilarious, honestly, it was just a bit of jam, it'll come out in the wash...maybe. If Saeryun pulls something on you, that means he likes you, it's his way of showing affection. On the flipside. Saeryun's pranks can get a lot more dangerous, or just really really stupid. Saeryun is a troublemaker, always has been. That's probably why he spent most of his time in detention during school, because he always must take credit for the trouble he caused. It's his pride and joy and he doesn't know why his principal didn't like "give me the booty show me the booty I want the booty" playing during his speech at assembly, after all the masses found it hilarious! He was just doing a favour for the rest of the school. Apart from that, Saeryun  has a bad habit of disregarding his own wellbeing. He's a reckless, daring and careless person who has a habit of doing the stupidest things just for the lulz. He's a real adrenaline junkie. He just seems to love giving everyone a heart attack by opening his parachute at the last second just as his instructor for sky-diving almost dies from the stress. Saeryun always does things impulsively, never thinking them through and more often than not, getting in trouble. He seems to love making the people around him worry. After all, Saeryun has no love for rules, after all, aren't rules made to be broken? On top of that, he has a complete disregard for authority. He will show his respect to those who have earned it in his books.


"Your eyes remind me of the shimmer of the quiet lake back at my home."

Strangely, no one can hate Saeryun for all the reckless things he does. Maybe it's that charismatic aura he gives of that draws everyone to him, maybe it's the blinding smile where his eyes disappear into half moon crescents, maybe it's the way that he talks, how he weaves words so smoothly and eloquently or maybe it's maybelline. The thing is Saeryun is a very charming person and he knows it. He can get anyone eating out of the palm of his hand with a few sweet words. He's y and he knows it,he is well-aware of his good looks and uses them to get away with anything he wants to. It's difficult to stay made at him when he flashes you his dimples and gives that kicked puppy look that he has mastered. And yes, he is a massive flirt. Flirting is second nature to Saeryun, he flirts like he breathes but don't worry it's not with intent. If he offers you a sweet word, it's just a habit and not like he is actually interested in dating you. Well at least not the dating part because Saeryun is someone who sleeps around. Yes, he's proud of being a and ing (or mostly being ed) by anyone who tickles his fancy. After all, seize the day, or seize the that works too. He's a pretty big tease too, he likes to wear the tightest pants that outlike his bottom beautifully then bend over slowly or maybe eat a popsicle in the most suggestive way possible. But don't worry, he's only like that towards those whom he is interested in getting into that guys pants. Saeryun is just so confident in everything he does, he definitely does not have self-esteem issues. He is outgoing and sociable, able to make friends with everyone thus has a lot of connections but not many he can really call a friend. Despite the fact that he's easy to get along with, he never lets anyone close enough to actually get to know him because he is a rather distrustful and private person. He doesn't like to share details of his personal life, not really.


There's no I in T-E-A-M but there's one in V-I-C-T-O-R-Y

Even though Saeryun is someone who is very sociable, when it comes to workmates, he kinda is not the guy that you would want on your team. He is not a team player, preferring to work alone and do things by himself because relying on others, in his opinion is a sign of weakness. He doesn't possess a sense of team spirit, why should he let others take the credit for something that he worked on himself? Saeryun is someone who doesn't take most things in life seriously but for those rare occassions where he does, he throws himself into it 110%. He's a hard-worker when determined, in that sense and becomes very passionate about it. Because of that, Saeryun is someone who at times can be very insensitive. He is a blunt person who says the first thing that comes to his mind possessing no brain to mouth filter. Because of that, he is a (mostly) honest person. But when he's chatting up the man at the bar, his lines are so rehearsed that it bypasses his lack of a filter and it's easy to spit out the same out dribble (your eyes look like the stars) and all those other cheesy one-liners that only Saeryun could get away with. In general, Saeryun get be someone who is rather tactless at times...okay almost all the time but he never intended for that to happen, so forgive him?


It's showtime!

Saeryun is used to being the centre of attention and he has no problem with going on stage, in front of the bright lights of sets and trying to find that tiny red dot of the camera. But his persona that he portrays for the fans isn't too different to his actual one. He just, you know, tones it down a bit. He's outgoing, friendly and usually the moodmaker/ice-breaker for them, trying to create an easy environment when they're filming. He is careful however to not hog the spotlight, after all, he is well aware that some haters might pick up on it and reluctant as he is to be in a team, they have to at least try together. He definitely hams it up for the fanservice, after all, making sure to lather on the charm for the fans or the MCs because what are good looks if you don't use them? And of course, he makes sure to cater to all the diehard shippers there, being very touchy-feely with his bandmates and as flirtatious as he can in a homophobic nation like S.Korea.


background — Saeryun's family life is like one big bad soap opera. And here's the cast, first we have Saeryun's father "Younggil", the wealthy head of a successful hotel chain across Asia. He's married to Saeryun's stepmother "Minha" and together they had a daughter named Haerin, Saeryun's precious baby sister who was blind. Then there's the servant girl who was Younggil's mistress, a peasant called "Misook", Saeryun's mother. The husband, the wife, the mistress, the illegitimate son and the disabled daughter, all living together under one roof. Sounds like fun.


Younggil met Misook on one of his non-business related trips. At that time, she was just a poor waitress but pretty enough to catch his eye. She fell in love with him, but he was already betrothed to someone else but he still kept her, showering her with gifts and taking her around as his arm candy, everyone thought that she was his and that basically sums up how Younggil viewed their relationship.Younggil kept her in his mansion whilst he married his young fiancee Minha. Minha refused to give her husband a child but he was patient enough to wait, that and he was satisfied with his mistress. It was then that Saeryun was conceived. When he was born, his father allowed him to take his father's surname of "Lim" but did not acknowledge his son in any other way. Their relationship was distant but his father took him to the balls and functions that the elite participated in, passing Saeryun off as Minha's child. It was around then that Minha decided to conceive an heir, having become a bitter woman from the attention Younggil showered on Misook. It was difficult for Minha to conceive, suffering miscarriages and one stillborn. When she finally birthed a daughter, within a year her sight deteriorated, becoming blind.


The shame of having a disabled daughter drove their father to take longer and longer business trips, away from the house more often than not. Still,  he invested in numerous surgeries in an attempt to restore Haerin's sight, each one was increasingly unsuccessful and it sicked Saeryun to see Haerin being forced to endure all that pain and the lack of acknowledgement from her parents. "Now she can't even be married off" he had heard his steapmother say venemously. He had considered running away from home numerous times but he had to stay for Haerin, she was the only thing keeping him here. He hated his mother, a weak woman still staying as a servant in the house of a man who has since rejected her. Younggil and Minha tried for another child but it was unsuccessful,and the thought of adoption was not something they could ever consider. Saeryun vowed that one day he would become rich and successful enough to take Haerin away from them, away from a household that viewed her as no more than a poor investment.


It was that which lead him to the entertainment industry. He refused to be the heir to his father's company, as an illegimate child it was unlikely but there was the chance that Haerin would be made the heiress, to serve as no more than a figurehead. He could not allow that to happen, for his baby sister to be used like that. Thus he started attending hip hop dance lessons in secret, knowing that his father would not approve. He would tell his family his plan after he had succeeded and were no longer in any position to stop him. He suffered numerous rejections at auditions from SM and YG but JYP accepted him and that was the start of a whole new world. /starts singing/ /gets shot/

likes — Horses, summertime, fresh snow, pretty things, the colour red (because it looks good on him), strawberry scented/flavoured things, chupa-chups (but he's conscious of his diet)

dislikes — Manual labour, dirty things, bugs, snakes, rainy days, citrus fruits, the colour yellow, horror movies

hobbies — Horse-riding, art (painting, ORIGAMI, sketching), playing the violin, solving jigsaw puzzles,

habits — 
- Telling a big lie : His voice goes an octave higher, he fidgets and won't meet you in the eye. So it's pretty obvious
- Nervous : He paces, worries his bottom lip until it's swollen and almost bleeding, pulls at his hair
- Sleeping : He is a very heavy sleeper and can sleep through an earthquake ("That doesn't make it okay!"). He also must hug something like  a toy of a warm body and has a tendency to sleep-talk
- His two ways to get out of something (blame) is to flirt or to aegyo

- He's claustrophobic
- Back when he was a trainee, he was an insomniac who slept less than four hours and then took naps all the time. Nowadays, he gets at least 6 hours but it would be all too easy to fall back into bad habits
- Ambidextrous
- Homoual (I guess you could say he's closetted but he won't deny it when asked but he may choose not to answer)
- He has a history of eating problems but no given the pressure the companies put on their idols to be underweight. He still has trouble eating large portions but he no longer has self-esteem issues
- BB cream is his goddess
- He loves anime and watches it almost obsessively but his favourites are Attack on Titan and Kuroko no Basuke
- Also loves jpop groups Alice Nine and Passpo
- He can't cook at all but surprisingly can bake. It seems anything not involving baking deserts in an oven results in utter failure
- Is a er for romcoms but also adores epic action movies
- A massive fan of the marvel cinematic universe, he particularly loves Thor
- Quote: "United we stand, divided I conquer." This is because Saeryun is only in this business for one reason only, to make enough money to save his sister and he is hardly much of a team player

stage name — Silver (Two reasons, one because the way his words flow is like quicksilver and the other is because silver is always second to gold and this isn't his first rodeo anymore. That and he took a stage name because in the past he used his real name and didn't want that to affect him too much this time)
persona — Prince Cheesy Charming (His fans aren't fooled by his one-liners "all my fans are my girlfriends" but they can't hate him for it because it's become one of those habits that he layers on the cheese. They call him Prince Charming but it's in a way that everyone knows what they really mean)
Position — Lead Dancer, Sub-vocalist
back-up POSITION — Lead Vocalist, Sub-dancer (or anything else, I'm not fussy but considering that Saeryun did not start dancing/singing/rapping before he could talk, he has not trained a lot in fields so becoming main would be the result of 'natural talent' but honestly, if my baby gets a position I'm happy)
Talent twins — 

     Singing Twin  EXO's Xiumin (EXO's Luhan)
     Dancing Twin  SHINee's Key (BAP's Daehyun)

     Rapping Twin — n/a
     Talking Twin — SHINee's Key

Fanclub name — Golden Girls/Guys
Fanclub color — #ffcc00

Entertainment Background — 

Saeryun was accepted into JYP Entertainment at 15 years old and within under a year, was already prepped for debut. He was to be the second half of the male duo they were releasing. Whilst Saeryun couldn't really sing much, that was covered up by auto-tune and Jihoon's (OC, other half of duo) superior singing.Their concept was young, fresh, hip-hop pop duo and they were moderately successful. 'Sky High's' debut was about as eye-catching as any other rookie group with attractive boys under 18. Either way, Saeryun adored Jihoon and the two of them worked together well as a team. They lasted around 2 years before breaking apart. See, they were both hormonal teenage boys and Saeryun at that point was discovering his uality and realised that he was more than likely gay. As for Jihoon, he was as openly gay as one could be in the Korean entertainment industry. It was inevitable that they would end up tumbling into bed. For Saeryun, Jihoon was an experiment (to which Saeryun confirmed that he was most definitely not interested in women) and perhaps even his first love.


Their friends-possibly-lovers-with-benefits relationship started a year after their debut and  lasted until their disbandment. It ws a photo of them sharing a not-so-innocent kiss that was posted on the internet that started it. There were claims of photoshop but soon the news spread like wildfire. In a way, it raised a lot of publicity for Sky High, most of it negative. There wasn't a way to pass it off as an accidental innocent kiss, Jihoon's hand was gripping Saeryun's jaw in order to pry it open for a sloppy open-mouthed kiss (because Saeryun loves to be manhandled). It was then that Jihoon noticed a way for Saeryun to escape the scenario, as in the photo Saeryun had no closed his eyes yet. Thus Jihoon played it up as purely one-sided, admitting that he was gay and attracted to his dongsaeng but denied that the attraction was mutual, assuring everyone that Saeryun was indeed straight. Essentially, Jihoon took all the blame and was basically barred from ever entering the entertainment industry again.


But Saeryun did not escape unscathed. Whilst he had been painted as completely innocent in all of this, there was still wild speculation that perhaps it was mutual (which it was). Saeryun was also extremely mad and sad that Jihoon did all of this for him which made him think that maybe his love for Jihoon was not all that unrequited. At the possibility of his  son being gay, Saeryun's father became furious and demanded that Saeryun relinquish his surname, which Saeryun did gladly, becoming a Moon, his mother's surname instead of a Lim. Saeryun was essentially disowned, he has no rights nor titles anymore but was allowed to visit his younger sister and only his younger sister. He didn't care, he hated his mother for being so weak and staying as a servant in his father's place in the first place.


Saeryun lost all contact with Jihoon after the scandal, they couldn't be seen together in public after all. Saeryun sulked around for a few months because he stumbled across SC Entertainment purely by accident. He walked through their doors whilst sulking and the receptionist asked if he was here for the audition. He thought "why the heck not" and auditioned and surprisingly succeeded. For the last 2 years, he's been training at SC Entertainment. He decided that he was going to succeed and fulfill Jihoon's dream in his place. He became obsessed with training, working hard and staying behind to practise by himself because he was determined to succeed. He didn't make many friends there, mostly because of the rumours flying around that he was the coach's pet just because he practised more than anyone. It was hard but Saeryun endeavoured!

family ties

family — 

Father | Lim Younggil | 49 | CEO | Cold, ruthless, clever, leader

— Mother | Moon Misook | 42 | Maid | Subservient, weak, gentle, clumsy

— Stepmother | Hwang Minha | 40 | Trophy Wife | Bitter, cruel, low self-esteem that hides behind a confident mask

— Little sister | Lim Haerin | 14 | Student | Kind, optimistic, mature, naive

my best forever friend

friends/rival — 

— Best and only friend | Bang Minah | 21 | Girls Day Idol | Sarcastic, blunt, affectionate to her friends only, fabulous,  clever

— Ex-boyfriend/fwb | Choi Jihoon | 22 | Assistant choreographer | Strong, stubborn, short-tempered, protective

Our love story

love interest — Minjun

backup love interest — Zico (Block B) or X.Press member


personality (for minjun) — Minjun is someone who knows his way around words. After all, like any entertainment veteran, he's well-versed in picking just the right words to come across as the suave, sultry type. On the surface he comes across as the dark and mysterious, the slow and careful sort of seduction just resting beneath his surface (think he's y in the way Girl's Day 'Something' rather than Hyuna's everything). Of course, Minjun knows how to talk to the ladies and the men, flirting is something that comes to him naturally. It's completely normal for him to slip a line of that sort in here and there. Being the object of Minjun's attention has a certain intimate quality to it, it makes you feel special and you can't seem to tear yourself away from his gaze. Minjun is someone who is a bit more physical in his advances but not too much otherwise he comes off as a creep, even though that's unlikely considering that sophisticated and charismatic aura that he emits. He accompanies his flirtations with tucking the woman's hair behind her ear, grazing his fingers over her (or his) hand just lightly and when he's daring, places his hand on their knee. But that is when he's actually serious about getting into her/his pants otherwise, any other time it's purely verbal.

Minjun tries to be one of those more lenient, 'cool' managers. He understands how much pressure is on them and how hard they are pushed. Thus he tends to keep his distance from the boys, it would be unprofessional to get too close (it's all useless in the end, he finds himself growing increasingly attached to them). But Minjun does all this unconscious skinship, like slinging his arm around their shoulders, ruffling their hair and even giving them a hug for victory or when they really need it. To be honest, the band is kinda creeped out by all the touchy-feely but eventually, they get used to it and realise it's just Minjun's way of communicating. However, at the beginning when some of them tried to take advantage of Minjun's rather laid-back attitude dealing with them /coughsaeryuncough/ he showed just how professional he could be. If the band is being tough to him then he will be tough right back at them. He isn't above taking away privelleges and when Minjun is mad, he sticks through his decisions like the stubborn guy he is. He maybe definitely was not swayed by Saeryun's flirting to try to get out of trouble.

Minjun is someone who has a rather short temper. It's why the band treads carefully around him and don't try to annoy him by testing Minjun's limits anymore. Happy Minjun means more free time and vacations and treated dinners and lunches, but angry Minjun means house arrest, confiscation of anything remotely unhealthy and living on vegetables instead. Yes, Minjun will go there, he is a rather vindictive person who likes making someone pay for making him angry. So don't poke a sleeping Minjun. Minjun is someone who you would call emotionally stunted. It explains his short temper since he doesn't have a rein on his anger, he also doesn't understand the feeling of love. He understands physical attraction, the basic needs of a man but he is completely oblivious to love. After all it's just ...right? However once Minjun does realise (which may possibly take an eternity), Minjun becomes very affectionate to his lover, showering him/her with attention to the point where his lover flips for being molly-coddled. He's very kind and sweet to his lover, becoming the perfect boyfriend. However he also is someone who is very protective and possessive over his lover. He won't let any harm come to him/her. He is also someone who gets easily jealous.

First meeting — The first time they met was when they each met their manager privately after having made it in so that they could discuss their past, their strengths and weaknesses etc.Saeryun honestly didn't care because he didn't want to be forced to listen to this stupid manager so he went in on a strawberry and cream lollipop and playing flappy bird on his phone. It didn't take long for Minjun to become really mad that Saeryun wasn't listening and after verbal cajolling didn't work, he walked out from behind the desk and smacked the phone from Saeryun's hands. That shocked him, enough for him to take the lollipop out and deadpan that Minjun had ruined his high score. Then he shifted into flirty mode and purred "unless it was the lollipop that upset you, did you want me to something else?"To which Minjun laughed and said that Saeryun was too much of a brat and returned to his chair, dismissing Saeryun.

relationship/interactions — When you compare Saeryun's flirting to Minjun's, Saeryun is a lot more vulgar whilst Minjun is more refined and sophisticated. Minjun sees Saeryun as nothing more than an immature annoying brat whose trying to play big. Saeryun is annoyed that someone can out-flirt him. See when Minjun realised that the only thing that would shut Saeryun up was when he flirted back and better, enough to get Saeryun thrown off guard. The intimacy in Minjun's words makes him feel uncomfortable, almost as if he's implying towards 'making love' instead of just ''. Saeryun isn't used to having an emotional connection to people that he is physically attracted to. Saeryun's nature to create chaos wherever he goes makes it a really tough job for Minjun. Out of the entire band, Saeryun is the one whose been yelled at the most and gone through Minjun's increasingly creative ways to discipline him. Every single one always involves staying behind at the dance practise rooms to work harder under Minjun's careful supervision.

Both of them will admit that the other is rather pleasing to the eye at first glance but it's their respective personalities and their flirting matches that turns the belligerent incredibly high. Saeryun was getting increasingly ually frustrated that Minjun wouldn't just him already. Saeryun's worn his tightest pair of pants around him and bent over enough times to break his back and he's pretty sure he's seen Minjun's eyes stray to his but maybe he was just making it up to placate himself. In Minjun's case, he's trying to maintain a professional distance and failing at how attracted he is to a man four years his junior. It's one day when Saeryun comes back to the dorms with hickeys down his neck and smelling of aftershave and alcohol (but he wasn't drunk by that point, having already sobered up) that the tension finally got the better of them. Minjun was up waiting for Saeryun to lecture him on leaving the dorms late and not telling anyone where he went until he noticed the marks and it was answer enough. Then Minjun was struck with a brilliant idea that may or may not have been influenced by the fact that he hadn't gotten laid in a few months. Since Saeryun was a man so ruled by lust, then would be a way for Minjun to get the upper hand. They ended up sleeping together, Minjun making sure to asset his authority and from then on, they started sleeping together regularly. Everyone in the dorms was aware of it and mostly, they were just pissed about the noises coming from the manager's room almost every night (because Saeryun is a ). It started off as just relieving but eventually it turned to love. At first Saeryun believed it to be unrequited because Minjun is an idiot when it comes to love but eventually it's reciprocated.

Ending — I'm just a er for happy endings, I want them to be adorably cute together and hot at the same time ;)


 — Most people who know Jiho describe him as "short-tempered". Which is true, Jiho has a very short tether and it doesn't take much to drive him over the edge. And when he does lose his temper, more often than not he exercises it in a violet manner. Thus people have described Jiho as hot-headed and aggressive. Jiho is someone who is rather forceful in his manner of people and in the way that he deals with others. He has a tendency to push his opinions onto other people, acting in a very dominating manner (of male posturing). In fact, he would almost seem like a leader except for the fact that he has no sense of responsibility or maturity.

Contrary to popular belief, Jiho isn't nearly as terrifying as he seems. Once you get to know him and see past the intimidating mask you realise that Jiho is only acting this way because he doesn't know any other way to act. You see, Jiho is someone whose "people skills are rusty". He possesses no social sense at all and has no idea how to converse with people propely past grunts and mumbled sentences. He's very awkward in crowds, he doesn't know what to do with his hands or his mouth and he just gets increasingly frustrated and bam, violent rampage. Okay he would get arrested if it was actually like that but you get the picture. He's really just a lost puppy. On stage he can fake it until he makes it and besides, he doesn't need to talk to all his fans for that long right?

Jiho is someone who is actually quite innocent. No he's not a but he certainly isn't experienced in the field of . Or love for that matter. He's like one of those preschool boys who pulls the pigtails of the girl he likes because he has no maturity in love either. You have to admit, it is endearing, watching the big guy try to get his head around these new concepts. Jiho is also someone who gets embarrassed really easily. Just watching Saeryun wear those pants that define his just so and having Saeryun basically wave it in his face makes his face turn really red from embarrassment and arousal. But if anything, Jiho is a quick learner and despite his lack of experience, Saeryun won't have the opper hand for long.

Jiho is someone who is fiercely protective of those whom he is close to. Those who bother seeing through the incredible hulk the rage monster really are true friends and Jiho won't mind getting his hands a bit dirty for them (but not to the extent of murder, he is not a psychopath). He is also rather possessive of his mr/miss right to the point where he won't let his lover even glance at someone else. But remember, he's inexperienced in this field so don't be too harsh on him. Nonetheless, he gets jealous really easily and tends to sulk when that happens, the picture is enough to make anyone forgive him.

FIRST MEETING — Jiho walked in on Saeryun sitting on some man's lap in a very suggestive position. Once Saeryun noticed, he winked and invited Jiho to join them. To which Jiho went completely red and walked away furiously. The next time they officially met was after practise, both groups (minus a few members here and there) happened to go to the same Korean BBQ place for a late dinner. The moment Jiho saw Saeryun he stood up, pointing at Saeryun and shouting "Hey you're that---!" at which point he discovered that the whole restaurant was staring at him and wanted the floor to open up and eat him, he was so embarrassed. Saeryun found it hilarious and insisted that they all share one big table, which Saeryun insisted on sitting next to Jiho whispering dirty things into his ears. At the end of the thing, Jiho was so red that it defied human nature for that much blood to be in his face for so long. He ran away.

RELATIONSHIP/INTERACTIONS — Their interaction is basically Saeryun the experience uke teaching Jiho the inexperience seme the basic way of life from 'How to talk to people without exploding in anger 101' to 'How to confess to the girl or guy you like without running away COWARD'. The between them is so obvious that everyone notices it. How Jiho acts like Saeryun is a ert yet is undeniably interested in what Saeryun is offering and his eyes are straying lower and lower everytime. How Saeryun realises that Jiho isn't easy but instead of giving up like he always does, tries to win Jiho over seriously. "It's just for a lay!" Saeryun denies even though he hasn't slept around since he decided that he would get into Jiho's pants. As time goes on, Jiho gets over his embarrassment and starts to get bolder, flirting and teasing back. It's all a result of Saeryun's careful education from demonstration but even Saeryun is shocked at how quickly Jiho picks it up. Suddenly, he isn't the power bottom anymore but he kinda likes it.

At the beginning of their interactions, both groups have a betting pool going on about how long it would take them to finally give into the , how many rounds will they do, how long will it take them to realise that they're totally in love (how are they going to find out the second one you ask? Well technology is marvelous these days isn't it?) Honestly both bands are so tired of themk dancing around each other and way too many popsicles in suggesstive ways. They start of as just buddies, friends with benefits but eventually they start falling in love, but both of them think that its' unrequited. It's a rocky path, Saeryun sleeps with someone else to try to convince himself that it's just which results in Jiho getting mad and finally working up the guts to confess. After that, the two are so sickeningly domestic and the amount of PDA they exhibit (of course, only in the presence of those who are accepting) is enough to make anyone throw up their lunch. But that won't happen until after a long journey for these two idiots.

ENDING — I can just imagine them moving in together and living and being domestic together. "Honey, I'm home!"

Famous last words

comments/suggestions — Okay, let me make this clear, I know that Saeryun is a and a fiend but you are NOT under any obligation to write M Rated scenes. I don't expect that from a non-M story and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable because it is NOT necessary to be graphic. Implications and the flirting/teasing would make my heart fly but you don't need to write out the actual .

scene requests
- Minah and Saeryun having a shopping spree together
- Flashback to the scene where Jihoon takes the fall for Saeryun and Saeryun gets really mad and upset
- In which Jihoon becomes assistant to their choreographer for the new dance and everyone is amazed at the easy skinship that the two of them share, that and the way that they keep touching each other unnecessarily, it's like they're intruding on a private moment
- Saeryun hugging, draping himself over, clinging, glomping his team mates
- Drunken spin the bottle, truth and dare and never have I ever. Oh and maybe even seven minutes in heaven

turn in — back to the story


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dongsaeng chigu ah~! you just wrote a character that I always wanted to write (and can't articulate properly enough in words) and thus would love to read about, so if you gets chosen for this story tell me and I'd totally read the story just for Saeryun (and his love interest =P)