+SCANDAL+ Moon Saerin

I am moon saerin

Character Name— Moon Saerin

Birthday— 30th of October, 1989

Age— 24 (turning 25)

Birthplace & Hometown— Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity— Korean

Blood Type— B+

Height— 165cm

Weight— 50kg


— Korean ( fluent )
— English ( conversational )
— Japanese ( terrible )

Face ClaimLee Ji Min

Backup Face ClaimKim Ha Yul

Style— Saerin's style is pretty mature. I mean she knows that she's got a hot body so why not flaunt it? Her wardrobe has almost no pastels or neons because they just make her look like a hormonal teenager but rather is filled with neutrals and some dark shades with the occasional bright red. She is a mostly dresses, skirts and shorts person, not one for pants because they cover up her legs. Her dresses and skirts are always short unless it's a formal occasion and more often than not, tight-fitting. She loves her minis, absolutely detests midis or maxis. In summer, she likes to wear sleeveless tanks or even tube tops with a pair of tiny denim shorts. For her shoes, she adores high heels. Wedges are a personal favourite however because she still finds it hard to walk in stilettos but she can walk fine in the nonetheless. She absolutely loves boots, the only good thing about winter is that she can bring out her cute little wedges booties or her Jeffrey Campbell Litas or maybe some knee-highs. She finds sheer black stockings, black Litas, a black pleated skirt with a thin silver belt and a champagne blouse with a white blazer to be one of her favourite things to wear. Boots with dresses/skirts are definitely a win. She pays attention to her looks you see, she's someone who is very fashion conscious.

Personality— (+) Easy to read, honest, independent, playful // (-) Foul-mouthed, violent tempered, blunt, socially awkward, impulsive

When the cameras aren't rolling the first thing Saerin does is let out a deep breath and a curse word of her choice. It usually shocks people to see a girl use a vocabulary that fits a drunk middle-aged man. But Saerin really doesn't give a about any of them. She is someone who is rather foul-mouthed, she swears in every sentence. It's not to sound cool (though it may have started out like that, she won't say anything about it) but it just comes naturally to her to stub her toe and let loose a loud "KKKKKK" or sometimes a "FU-ARGHHH" if there are people near that she doesn't not want to corrupt with her language. Apart from the language of a pirate, Saerin also has the temper of one. She has an incredibly short fuse, it's really not to hard to get her riled up and lunging at people. And when her short temper is lit, it usually becomes very violent, Saerin attempting to strangle the life out of people (not seriously though...maybe) but physical attacks is usually what she resorts to. Saerin is someone who has a lack of control over her own emotions, she tends to let them get out of hand too easily and then completely blow up.

Because of Saerin's tendency to let her emotions get out of hand, she thus becomes someone who wears her heart on her sleeve. She is someone who is pretty easy to read as much as she tries to cover it up. When people say that some people can be read like an open book, the term has never been applied more to Saerin, everything she feels is written in the fire in her eyes, the tightness of her jaw, the occasional twitching cheek muscle when she's trying (unsuccessfully) to hold anger back. Because of her completely inability to lie without everyone calling her out on it, Saerin eventually gave up on it and adopted a rather honest attitude. While she might be callous and violent, there is one thing that you can trust her to do and that is tell the truth. The only problem is that she is so honest that she becomes blunt and insensitive and thus completely and utterly and hopelessly tactless. Saerin isn't one to waste time sugar-coating things, she tells it like it is and if the other person gets upset then them.

Saerin is a very energetic person, someone who is always filled with an infinite supply of hyperactivity that people get tired from watching her. It seems that she can just go on forever and forever, bouncing off the walls and speaking and swearing at a mile a minute. Because of her immense energy supply, she is also a pretty impatient person. When she wants something she wants it now now now! You want her to wait? But whyyyyyyy...yyyy? She is also a very impuslive person, someone who lives in the moment, who doesn't think about things before she does them and sometimes she regrets it when she reaches the other side. Her energetic nature means that Saerin has an inability to concentrate, constantly getting distracted by other things. Perhaps that was why she was never much good at academics, she just didn't want to focus on boring words on a boring paper when she could be outside doing sports! Or dancing! Or anything but sitting and reading and writing. Saerin is a pretty reckless person and combined with her impulsiveness, it is definitely a dangerous combination. She is the type to do things just for the thrill, a definite adrenline junkie. And even after she's completely terrified after jumping out of a plane and kissing the ground all she ever ends up saying is again!

Saerin has what you might call a fiery personality. She's called this because of a lot of things, the fact that she's rude, confrontational, easily agitated but there is also more. Saerin is a very independent person. She does what she wants and doesn't let herself lean on others. This is mostly because Saerin has too much pride, she won't actually let others help her because that is a blow to her dignity. Her independence combined with her pride makes her someone who doesn't take from anyone, she is a strong independent woman who don't need no man (or anyone). But Saerin is also stubborn, onstinately so. When she sets her mind on something, there is absolutely no changing it from now on and even if she realises that the other person is right, she absolutely refuses to admit that she is wrong. Similarly when Saerin sets her mind to something (though she doesn't set her mind to many things) she will be absolutely determiend and work hard to reach that goal no matter one. She is a realistic person who doesn't believe in miracles and knows that the only way that she's going to get there is through her own blood sweat and tears. She is definitely ambitious, always wanting to reach the top and willing to get there by any means. Any.

When the cameras are rolling, Saerin cannot be completely herself because she would be completely mauled by the directors. Everything she says would get completely cut, wasting the time of everyone. So she tones it down but anyone who knows her even slightly can still hear the barbed undertones despite the sweet speech. Saerin is a lot more playful in front of the cameras (though she also is with her friends), lightly teasing her unnies and oppas and picking on her dongsaengs like no tomorrow. She acts as if she is completely comfortable in front of the cameras and definitely very very loud. She is also a lot less rude, instead disguising her cutting scathing remarks with sarcastic, witty comments. She has a tongue of quicksilver and mind that's even sharper, always ready to take advantage of someone's poor situation and turn it into a joke. She can even keep up with some of the gagmen who are renowned for destroying idol's images and leaving them floundering in the wake.

When she's with her friends, it's almost the same as when the cameras are rolling. She is a lot more relaxed with them, much less wound up than she usually is and while she is as foul-mouthed as ever, the temper is almost practically gone as they've already crossed that 'get angry at each other' hurdle miles back. She's playful and joking, always ready to lighten up the atmosphere with a few dirty jokes that have her friends rolling their eyes and hitting her up the head. She is someone who is incredibly loyal to her friends, friendship doesn't come easy to her and she cherishes each and every one of them. Saerin still can't believe that they actually put up with her in the first place. But she can also be rather clingy to her friends, getting easily jealous when she sees them talking to other people and worrying that they will like them more than they like her. It's unfounded in the end but that niggling insecurity that no one likes her is always there at times. She knows full well that it's her attitude that is driving people away but it's not something that she can just turn off. With new people, Saerin tends to hold back, watching them from afar. She isn't really comfortable in social situations, she tends to be rather awkward and not know exactly how she's supposed to act.


— Chocolate
— Sumemrtime
— Going to the beach
— Horses
— The colour red
— Pretty things

— (Looking at) Fresh snow
— Vanilla scented candles



— Manual labour
— Dirty stuff
— Bugs
— Snakes
— Rain and thunderstorms
— Citrus fruits

— Cold weather


— Horse-riding
— Art (usually sketching, origami or painting)
— Dance (contemporary or hip hop)


— Lying // Voice goes higher, fidgets, can't meet you in the eye and it's so obvious that she gave up on it and just decided to be (bluntly) honest all the time
— Sad // She won't let herself cry in public but you bet that her room will become a lake
— Stressed + nervous // Paces, bites her bottom lip, pulls at her hair and gives herself pep talks
— Actually she talks to herself a lot and it's not the usual "you idiot how could you forget that!" but an actual conversation that sounds like "Hair is so ugly today. Urgh I know, it's like I haven't brushed it. Well... Wait why didn't I brush it? Idiot!"
— Excited // Shekindasoundslikethiswhenshe'citednoonecantellwhatshe'ssayingitallsoundslikeoneword


— Left-handed
— Allergic to all nuts except peanuts
— MASSIVE sweet tooth, if she could, she would eat chocolate, cake and brownies and sugar for every meal of the day
— Because of the massive amounts of sugar she consumes a day, she has almost insomnia. She can't sleep for more than 4 hours a night but she is always tired so ends up taking power naps everywhere. She just can't sleep for long times.
— Despite the fact that Saerin has the language of a boy, DO NOT MISTAKE HER FOR A TOMBOY OR SHE WILL SLAP YOU
— Despite Saerin's preference to punch, kick and slap her way through life she has not ever taken martial arts so it's just brute strength (which ain't a lot) and surprise behind her attacks. It would be pretty easy to take her down if you knew it was going to happen

— She adores orange/coral lipstick
— Favourite flower are peach coloured roses
— Her ringtone is the standard "ring ring" which in an age of customised ringtones, ends up being pretty unique
— Twitter: @ScandalCinnamon | Instagram: @CinnaRIN
— Biual
— Switches but prefers to take the 'bottom' position during


BackgroundSaerin's family wasn't exactly poor, her parents were ordinary working class citizens but they were always a little pressed for money. They lived in a modest apartment and weren't in poverty but financial struggles occurred regularly and Saerin is ashamed to say that it was mostly her fault. She was born to them as an only child after her parents tried again and again but miscarriages, stillborns and other birth complications gradually dulled their hopes of having children. When she was born, premature by two months with the possibility of being genetically 'defective', her parents held their breath and hoped that their baby (finally) would manage to fight her way to life despite her tiny form being completely surrounded by tubes for the first month of her life. But when she was pronounced healthy after a month of not-knowing, her parents sighed in relief and vowed to give their daughter everything they didn't have. Growing up, Saerin was a normal kid but when it came to primary school things changed. Now, Saerin wasn't bullied in primary school but she was picked on quite a bit, whether it was about the state of her clothes or her inability to stay focused in class and thus she was deemed dumb. Of course Saerin had to retaliate, lashing out at the people who dared to look down on her which is why she always went home with bandaids plastered over her body and a note from the teacher.

Dancing was like a reprieve for Saerin. She could work herself to the bone and use up her energy so that she wouldn't then go and do something stupid. Dancing allowed her to work off all her anger and from a young age, Saerin always loved it. Her parents knew that she did and they used their hard-earned cash to send her to lessons even though they looked to the empty account with something akin to worry. But it was for their precious daughter, so every little bit was worth it. Her parents could also see how much she was suffering at her school and decided that maybe government schools weren't cutting it for her. Academics wasn't ever Saerin's strong point thus when it came to high school, she was enrolled in a private performing arts school. She managed to get in with a full scholarship, saving the further stress on their finance but excursions, uniforms, books and every other bit not covered by her scholarship still added up. She could always change to a government school, Saerin had offered her parents but they told her not to, the new school was doing her good. The only thing it didn't change was her violent, foul-mouthed nature. Some of the girls there were from rich, upper-class families who couldn't see anything past their noses and made Saerin especially glad to deliver them a punch to their plastic faces whenever they insulted her. Did she get in trouble? Of course, but Saerin was not going to just sit there and let people walk all over her!

Her big chance came when she was 18 years old, scouted by DSP media after one of her dance perfomances. it wasn't unlikely for the scout to be there, Saerin attended one of the few performing arts schools in Seoul and it was a good place to pick up potential idols. She was asked to audition and she made it. Now she had a chance to become famous and earn enough money to repay her parents for all the financial pressure that her selfish whims had put on them. She moved out to a dorm because the apartment was a bit cramped anyway but stayed enrolled at her school. Saerin trained hard, determined to reach the top of the pyramid but after so long, she's beginning to lose hope.


— father | Moon Younggil | 60 | Chef
— mother | Lim Misook | 58  | Administration worker


—best friend | Yoon Bora| 24| Sistar Member| Mature, materialistic, snobby, daring| Bora and Saerin have known each other for quite some time and are like two peas in a pod. Despite the fact that the two of them clash in terms of personality, it kinda works in the opposite attracts kind of thing. The two of them know each other inside and out and have a sort of friends-with-benefits relationship. It started off as an experiment that gradually became a thing. It's not like the two would ever fall in love (though admittedly, both have entertained the idea a long time ago) because they know each other too well to be compatible but have a regular stress-relieving session now and then. It's just after all and it's not awkward at all post , Bora would just suggest a movie and the two would clean up and throw popcorn at each other.
— close friend | Choi Siwon| 28| Super Junior Member | Suave, chic, calm, OCD| Siwon and Saerin are also rather close but not as close as she is with Bora. Nonetheless, the three of them together make up an odd sort of friendship trio, with Siwon being the voice of reason amongst two wild women. He's the one that Saerin can go to with more serious things that are too deep to be brought up during fun times with Bora. He's a good listener and understands and sometimes provides good advice (more often than not terrible) which Saerin follows diligently.

Love Interest— Park Ji Young | Kahi (Jo Mi Hye | Miryo)

Age33 (turning 34)

GroupSolo, ex-After School

Personality— Your first impression about Kahi is that she is a very intimidating sort of figure. Having been in the industry for quite some time, she has a presence which demands respect and subservience. Upon first meeting, many people are terrified by her dominating aura and the way she phrases things which sound rather cold. And it is true, Kahi has a tough exterior, a rather cold one that always brushes someone off. It's not that she has no heart but rather she is slow to trust people and prefers to test them with an unfriendly outlook before letting them in. On cameras, Kahi has a very warm, friendly image but behind the scenes, she is someone who becomes rather closed off and private, someone who prefers to keep things to herself. She is someone who is very confident about her abilities and about everything she does. In fact, you could even call her arrogant and cocky with the air she carries herself with. She believes that she is capable of doing just about anything if she looks like she can and honestly, with her success she is entitled to that arrogance. She is someone who is very confident in her looks as well, definitely a bit of a narcissist. She spends a lot of time preening and working on her appearance and takes great pride in it. And everything else, Kahi is someone who has a lot of pride and won't be budged by anyone. She is a rather domineering person, someone who prefers to be in control and for people to bend to her will

But aside from that rather icy and unfriendly exterior, underneath Kahi is like a soft marshmellow. With her friends Kahi is the life of the party. She is someone who once she let's loose (or gets a few drinks into her) she becomes a party animal where her confidence allows her to do just about anything. She is an outgoing person, someone who adores being the centre of attention and is never one to shy away from the spotlight. Kahi is very protective over the few people that she loves to the point of possessiveness. She is the type to coddle someone, swathe them in cotton wool and not let them ever get hurt, or experience the real world. It becomes rather suffocating really. She is a bit of a mother hen at times, naggy and bossy and always so self-righteous and overbearing that it becomes rather annoying. At the same time, it's one of the few ways the Kahi can show her affection. She is a perfectionnist and selectively OCD about things that are neat, orderly and perhaps symmetrical. As well as that, she's a control freak, not only in her business but also in her love life. She has to know exactly what her lover is doing at what time and plan dates a year in advance. She is someone who is constantly prepared and organised and gets unrattled by thigns donw on impulse.

First Meeting— surprise me ;) but something dramatic!

Interactions— Kahi and Saerin are both two very headstrong characters and as expected, they clash a lot. The almost ten year also serves to make things just slightly worse between them. Saerin hasn't even been friend-zoned, she's been too-young-zoned and rookie-zoned. At the beginning of their relationship, the two of them hate each other's guts. Kahi hates Saerin's disrespect and blatant rudeness and Saerin hates how fake Kahi is in front of the cameras when she is really a massive . Saerin takes any opportunity she can to (childishly) make Kahi's life miserable and she in turn deals with it in a rather mature and composed way (whilst fuming inside) which serves only to anger Saerin. As they get to know each other more, they start to realise that they're hating each other just to keep the other's attention on them which turns down an even worse path. Perhaps the two idiots might not have realised that they're completely in love but everyone else around them has. The when they're both in the same room is just insane and makes everyone want to choke on it and no one can believe how none of the two involved have noticed it yet. The causes Kahi to not even friendzone Saerin but rookiezone and tooyoungzone not that Saerin admitted her obvious crush on the senior (no way...hurr hurr). Eventually after more half-hearted insults, the two might give into the tension and just . But no, that's not why there was so much tension, why can't the two idiots just get their heads out of their asses and admit that they're in love? But both simply reject it as just and will definitely need someone to put them in a closet together (seven minutes in heaven anyone?) to get them to admit their feelings for each other (with too of course).

Love Rival— Kim Yu Jin | Uee (Son Ga In | Ga In)

Age— 26

Group— After School

Personality— Uee is the perfect girl and perhaps that's why Saerin is so jealous of her because Uee is clearly better for Kahi than Saerin will ever be. Uee is kind, sweet and gentle and always there with a smile on her face. She is the image of the ideal lady, always willing to lend a helping hand and loved by everyone. To top it off, she's successful and gorgeous, there is no wonder why Saerin is so jealous of her. But Uee has a vicious streak that she keeps well hidden from everyone else, she is someone who is rather self-centred and selfish. To protect her reputation Uee is willing to do anything and sometimes, she does things just because she doesn't want anyone else to have them. One has to wonder whether Uee is truly in love with her ex-leader Kahi or if she is just playing at it because she doesn't want Saerin to get together with Kahi. Uee is quick to judge others and she sees Saerin as a threat and will do anything to retain her position as queen. That doesn't mean that she doesn't have a heart though, Uee is just someone who's been lead astray.

First Meeting— Again, surprise me.

Interactions— Saerin and Uee's rivalry is rather one-sided. Well it goes two ways but the intensity of the rivalry varies depending on which side you look for. Saerin is insanely jealous of Uee, she hates how perfect the other girl is and how there is no way that Kahi is going to love her. Uee just sees Saerin as another fly to protect her previous Kahi that she needs to swat away. Thus their interactions are very one-sided. Saerin is always very aggressive with Uee with her words and her fists, instead of a "Hello", Saerin tends to greet Uee with a "ing " or some other variation. Uee on the other hand, plays the demure lady, countering Saerin with dainty rebuffs and ultimately gaining the upper hand which makes Saerin hate her even more. Kahi of course, is away of this rivalry and just finds it entertaining.

Stage Name— Cinnamon

Persona— Sweet and Sour

Position— #1 Main Rapper, Main Dancer ( Anything else tbh I'm not fussed about the position, I'm cool with anything )

Fanclub Name— Doughnuts (Cinnamon doughnuts?)

Fanclub Colour#ff9933 Light Orange

Twins — 

— Singing: Minzy (2NE1)
— Dancing: Hyoyeon (SNSD)
— Rapping: LE/Elly (Exid)
— Talking: Lee Hyori

Training Years— 

— DSP Media ( 7 years )

Trainee Life— As a trainee, Saerin was completely dedicated to training and working to be the best. As a result, she was a rather antisocial trainee who didn't really make friends with the others but instead had close relationships with the coaches who praised her hard work. "Teacher's pet" she often heard whispered around her back or "brownnoser". She wasn't really well liked and whilst she wasn't bullied, she wasn't included in many things. When trainees went out to celebrate another one's debut, she preferred to stay back and work at perfecting her upcoming routine. She often stayed back at the practise rooms just to get more work in and even when she was given a break, she would prefer to spend it working towards her (hopeful) future.

Pre-debut Experiences— 

— Minor role in a drama
— Online shopping model and ulzzang before she became an idol

Comments/SuggestionsYou don't have a section for twins so I'm kinda confused about where to put them?

Scene Requests

— Kahi and Saerin getting into plenty of fights with a ton of
— Saerin gets hospitalised because of injury/allergies/sickness (I want to see her vulnerable *.*)
— Kahi having to mediate a fight between Uee and Saerin with a sly smile because she knows exactly why they're fighting (not like she has the guts to admit her feelings)
— Everyone around Kahi and Saerin noticing that they're totally in love before the two idiots realise it themselves. Bonus points if a betting pool is created for how long it will take them to hook up (and not just in a way)
— Saerin finally confessing to Kahi but running away instantly without giving Kahi a chance to reply and then moping the whole time back
The following are all M rated so I don't know how comfortable you are with writing that
—  with Kahi (obviously like hey lover). I really doubt their will be anywhere near vanilla, feel free to make it as as you can go (Dom:Kahi, Sub:Saerin)
—  with Bora
/cough/ with uee and kahi /gets bricked/


Password— KARA's Mamma Mia

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Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credit


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