character name

ayanokoji, ayame


Ayame started out trying to become a trainer like any young person with a pokemon but soon discovered it wasn't her thing. That doesn't mean that she doesn't get involved in battles though. While she hasn't been involved in many tournaments or pokemon leagues, she's done plenty of battles with wild pokemon, mostly using her (then Deino) Hydreigon. Ayame was always helping out at as many pokemon doctor and nurse's places in Kanto as she could (her parents refused to let her out of Kanto until she went to Kalos) and she also saw many cases of pokemon who were not being properly cared for by their trainers and was more than happy to teach them a lesson.

battle style

Ayame's battle style is definitely the aggressive side. Her preferred method it to strike quick and fast and strong, preferring to finish her opponents with a continuous stream of attacks. She isn't the patient type so doesn't really know to hold back and use a better strategy that is more effective but her current way of battle isn't too bad. Unfortunately, there is one weakness that her opponents could exploit and that is that she exhausts herself pretty quickly and if they held back and waited for her attacks to die down, they would gain the upper hand. She needs a mentor or someone to teach her patience.

are any of your pokemon able to mega evolve?


keystone and megastone

No mega evolutions yet

partner pokemon

name of pokemon.  Espeon
nickname. Peony
gender.  Female

Peony is someone who kind of reseembles Ayame. She is definitely pretty fussy and slightly snobby in that she has this thing where she believes herself above others. But definitely not to the degree that Ayame has it. She is fiercely loyal and protective and quick to defend Ayame even at times when Ayame certainly deserved whatever it was that she was getting. The espeon is a patient, playful character who always knows how to cheer Ayame up or get her motivated.


*The Beginnings: Eevee was given to Ayame as an egg for her birthday after months and months of pestering her parents for one.
*Evolution: Eevee --> Espeon
*Interactions: Peony and Ayame are really two of a kind. They both have that sort of 'elegant stuck up'air about them it's almost scary just how closely their auras seem to match. Ayame is so much more different to pokemon than she is to people and absolutely adores her partner, spoiling her as often as she can but Peony is sensible and didn't allow herself to turn into a complete brat. Sometimes it seems like they are having conversations with the way Ayame talks to Peony then makes weird voice to pretend that Peony is talking back. Strangely, it's Ayame's 'Peony voice' that is always the one with reason.
*Habits: She gets easily distracted by shiny pretty things, chasing after butterflies at times or taking an interest in a piece of jewllery.
*Trivia: Peony always travels outside of the pokeball as she prefers to be as close to Ayame as possible. Unless it's really dangerous, she'll retreat but if it's just a bit of danger, she prefers to be held in Ayame's arms, almost like a cat

pokemon #2

name of pokemon. Arcanine
nickname. Aspen
gender.  Male

Aspen is someone who definitely has a presence. He's a pokemon who always makes sure that you can see his presence, constantly vying for attention. He's a bit of a clingy pokemon, affectionate with the tendency to get overly attached and not know when to lay off at times. Aspen is rather impulsive, when he senses the slightest threat he instantly attacks without thinking and while Peony is even more protective, at least she hangs back for a bit.


*The Beginnings: From a young age, Ayame had alays adored the Nurse Joys and helped them out with sick or injured pokemon whenever she could. One day an abandoned, injured Growlithe was brought in and after he was patched up, Ayame was the one who brought him back up to mental health. The Growlithe developed a bond with Ayame and has refused to leave her side since.
*Evolution: Growlithe --> Arcanine
*Interactions: Aspen likes to pretend that he's Ayame's partner pokemon but everyone knows that it's really Peony and since he respects Peony so much, he finds that he doesn't mind it. Aspen is very clingy and greedy for affection, always demanding gratituous shows of love from Ayame which she is usually more than happy to indulge.
*Habits: Walking so close to Ayame, pressed up against her legs that sometimes she's afraid that they'll end up tripping over each other.
*Trivia: Aspen likes to be out of his pokeball and walks beside Ayame. When Peony is feeling particularly fussy, she rides on Aspen's back and he's completely cool with it. But he is a bit of a coward so retreats to his pokeball when there is a big danger but will come to battle to protect Ayame when called.

pokemon #3

name of pokemon. Hydreigon
nickname. Hemlock
gender.  Male

Hemlock is a vicious, violent type of pokemon. He's definitely the brawn over brains kind of guy, the type to rush into physical confrontation without thinking about the consequences beforehand. Despite that, he is an obedient pokemon and will follow orders if given by the right person.


*The Beginnings: Ayame happened upon the stray Deino at Diglett's Cave in Kanto. As the Deino was blind, Peony and Ayame managed to work together to catch him.
*Evolution: Deino --> Zweilous --> Hydreigon
*Interactions: Ayame treats her Hydreigon like a naught child at times. When she first found Hemlock, like any other Deino he was covered in wounds and she couldn't help but try to patch them up even though they kept happening again and again. Still, she couldn't bear to see any of her pokemon injured in the slightest way thus Deino was very much mollycoddled.
*Habits: Pretending to have 'conversations' with the heads on his arms when he's bored.
*Trivia: Ayame often uses Hemlock to fly when she's tired or doesn't feel like walking and since she keeps him in his pokeball most of the time to prevent him from going on a rampage, he is more than happy to stretch his wings.

pokemon #4

name of pokemon. Mawile
nickname. Willow
gender.  Female

Mawile pretends to act all shy and delicate but really, she is a strong, sassy y lady who don't need no man! She has a lot of moodswings, one day she'll be optimistic and bubbly and the next she's the most miserable pokemon to ever be around.


*The Beginnings: Mawile was the first pokemon that Ayame caught in the Kalos region, finding her on Route 9. It was mostly Aspen and Hemlock who brought her down, destroying her defenses with their attacks.
*Evolution: Mawile
*Interactions: Mawile pretends that she doesn't like Ayame but really, she totally does. She just likes to let herself believe that it's a coincidence that she's always by Ayame's side.
*Habits: Flicking her 'hair' over her shoulder when she's making a point.
*Trivia: Mawile is usually inside her pokeball because it's not like she likes Ayame or anything... She also gets along the best with Hemlock which is funny to see a great dragon type pokemon being brought down to his knees by a fairy type.

pokemon #5

name of pokemon. Nidorina
nickname. Rose
gender. Female

Rose is definitely the mother of this odd team. She is gentle and caring but also mature enough. She is a very calm pokemon by nature and generally dislikes conflict.


*The Beginnings: Nidorina was the latest pokemon that Ayame had caught. She found her wandering around the Kalos region, nervous, lost and confused, separated from the others of her kind. Ayame easily defeated her and adopted her into a new family.
*Evolution: Nidoran --> Nidorina --> Nidoqueen
*Interactions: Ayame and Rose haven't had enough time to properly develop a bond but from how easily Rose situated herself into their misfit team, it won't be long before Rose joins the hoard trying to kill Ayame with cuddles.
*Habits: Stamping her feet on the ground when she wants attention and mostly order.
*Trivia: Ayame rarely brings Rose out to fights as the Nidorina prefers not to. Mostly travels in pokeball.

pokemon #6


love interest

OC: Natsume, Watanabe OR applicant (I honestly can't decide, as long as the applicant makes her less up herself or out-annoys here, I'm cool with it, male or female)

scene requests

Any scene where Ayame is basically being a snobby prat. But other than that, go wild :)



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i love ur girl lol
i have a feeling her and ringo would but heads a lot