full name: Ayanokoji Ayame
nickname(s): --
age: 14 (turning 15)
gender: female 
bloodtype: B-
birthdate: 28th October
birthplace & hometown: Cerulean City & Kanto Region
languages spoken: Japanese // fluent, English // intermediate-learning
height & weight: 154cm & 44kg

faceclaim: Kuroyukihime (Accel World)
gallery: zerochan
backup faceclaim: Yukino Yukinoa (Yahari Ore No Seishun)
gallery: zerochan
style: Ayame is pretty feminine in her appearance but she doesn't dress in horrendous pinks and lace, like a twelvie or anything. You could say that Ayame dresses older for her age. She always wears dresses or skirts or sometimes if it's summer, she'll wear short shorts but usually she doesn't wear pants or /gasp, heaven forbid jeans! She does wear heels but they aren't sky high as she doesn't have enough practise to strut around in them quite yet so she sticks to wedges or square heels if she's feeling daring. She's trying to make up for her height you see. Ayame prefers to wear colours that are lighter which is rather impractical and inconvenient but since when does she ever do something that would actually be better for her in the long run? You can tell from her style that she definitely is pretty wealthy and possibly sophisticated until she opens and her bratty attitude just shoots everything up.
gallery one gallery two
extra: Ayame is especially proud of her long, thick black hair, she always takes the time to brush it 100 times in the morning so that it can flow in the wind like Pocahontas. Usually she wears it down but if she needs it out of the way (because waist-length hair is pretty inconvenient), she wears it in two high ponytails but leaves her bangs out. She has no tattoos and no piercings because a, why would she want to mar her flawless white skin and b, she is absolutely terrified of the pain, zero pain tolerance in this girl. Her nails are always done in a lovely way, either sparkly or shiny, or both! She also does wear minimal makeup, just some eyeliner, mascara and maybe some lip gloss if she has time. Remember that she's 14, of course she's trying to appear older.

personality traits: Snobby, childish, selfish, innocent, socially awkward, loyal, protective
personality: "You have GOT to be kidding me." It seems like the world has personally offended Ayame all the time with number of times she incinerates everything in her path with a glare. Ayame is someone who was raised with a silver spoon in , she was given everything she ever wanted from a young age and her attitude certainly has not changed along with her age. Ayame is someone who thinks herself better than everyone else, she has a very superior look on life, someone who is very snobby, someone who's a bit up herself. It's clear to everyone else that she was definitely spoiled as a child and still is from the way her parents completely pamper her and feed her superiority complex. When Ayame wants something, she will GET that something else she will actually throw a veritable tantrum complete with sitting on the ground and banging her fists on the pavement. She's a bratty girl, quite rude with no sense of manners or respect for her betters. Ayame is more likely to give them some lip than the bowing of her head. In addition to her bratty, spoiled attitude, Ayame is, predictably, completely a child. She has the mental age of a 4 year old which in this case means that she has the very bad disease of completely selfishness. She only ever thinks for herself, someone who is very self-centred and doesn't realise the impact that she has on other people at times. She also has a one-track mind, she has the tendency to cling onto something with a child-like tenacity and obsessiveness.

There are also other ways that Ayame is completely a child. Because of her parents, she was completely pampered and protected, her parents were overprotective in fact. Ayame lived a very sheltered life which is why she practically knows nothing about anything else. She is qhat you call innocent. Of anything relating to true, but also innocent of things relating to ife, love and human interaction. Ayame is someone who just doesn't understand a lot of things that most people view as common sense and this usually makes people think that Ayame is just a dumb airhead when she completely isn't. She just hasn't been introduced to these kinds of things before. Ayame is also someone who is quite naive and gullible, it is simply too easy to trick her into doing things that aren't necessarily good and because of her attitude, there are certainly people who would find her humiliation absolutely hilarious. Growing up, Ayame didn't really have proper friends, all her friends were only on the surface and they only put up with her snobby attitude because of her status and her no shortage of wealth. Because of that, Ayame really doesn't understand the concept of social interaction, she isn't anti-social but she is certainly socially awkward. Her people skills are "rusty" because she can't figure out that the concept of friendship is a two-way street. She doesn't know how to be nice to other people so hat they can then be nice to her

Ayame isn't someone that you can completely hate. Underneath that bratty attitude is someone who is just a socially awkward child. Ayame is someone who you could call a bit clingy when she even gets somewhere close to a friend. Considering her decisive lack of human friends, Ayame's next best thing is her pokemon, Eevee. Eevee was her first friend and Ayame absolutely adored her and quickly became very attached to her. Ayame is someone who gives her heart quite easily once someone lets her and has a very strong sense of loyalty. Once her friend, always her friend, she is not someone who takes betrayal lightly. But she is also a bit clingy, not that a pokemon minds and if she ever found a proper human friend who could put up with her, she would probably get pretty jealous and insecure if she saw said friend talking to someone else. Ayame has a protective, bordering on possessive streak inside her which again, stems from her completely spoiled upbringing. If she toned down the snobby tones a bit, it could almost be cute in a bratty sort of way. Once you, you know, get over her constant looking down of you that is.
- Likes: Pretty things, pokemon, horses, chocolate and anything sweet (massive sweet tooth here), summer time and sunshine, the beach, fresh snow (only looking at it though)
- Dislikes: Manual labour, getting sweaty, getting dirty, bugs, snakes, rain and thunderstorms, winter time, cold weather
- Habits: Angry - blows up and throws a tantrum complete with girly fist punching a person/the floor. Sad - she doesn't let herself cry in public because her parents tell her that it's unbecoming so she bottles it up until she's in private. Stressed + nervous - She paces, pulls at her hair and worries a hole into her bottom lip. Excited - She starts bouncing all over the place and talks really really fast. Lying - she's a terrible liar as she starts fidgeting, she can't meet anyone in the eye and her voice goes even higher than it's already pretty high tone/
- Hobbies: Horse-riding, art (sketching, origami and painting usually), playing the violin, playing with her Espeon
Other trivia:
- left handed
- Anaphylactic to all nuts except peanuts
- Has Diabetes Type 1 (not that it stops her from doing many things)
- The primary reason why her parents were so overprotective is that as a child, she had a lotttt of immune problems, she was a sickly and weak little girl. As she grew up, her health improved but her parents sheltering tendencies did not
- She must sleep 8 hours a night or she will be the crankiest brat in the morning
- Her Espeon was her starter pokemon, Eevee and definitely Ayame's preferred
- People tick Ayame off but Pokemon she adores
- Her parents initially did not let her get a pokemon when she pleaded with them at 13. But eventually they relented and gave her one for her 14th birthday with the condition that she was to be careful and not kill herself with it

love interest: Watanabe Natsume (face claim: Miketsukami Soushi from Inu x Boku SS)
personality: Natsume is someone who is very outgoing, friendly and sociable. It's like everyone is friends with him because he has a bright personality, always looking on the lighter side of things. Natsume is very much optimistic, trying to keep away from 'negative thoughts' that cramp on his style, he always has that gentle smile on his face (unlike the frown that adorns Ayame's). Clearly, Natsume is just someone who looks at the glass full. He is someone who gets pretty passionate about certain things, like training Pokemon as he is an experienced trainer and with those passions, he absolutely works his off for them. He gets very determined about them, knowing that he couldn't possible reach there by a miracle because miracles don't exist. Despite his optimism, Natsume is a realistic person who works with his own blood, sweat and tears, he hates the idealistic kind who jusst rely on luck. He is someone with a lot of patience and determination, he is able to tolerate quite a lot of things with an even temper that it's reall hard to get him to lose. If you ask around, almost no one has ever seen him angry, it's almost frightening!

Natsume is a very independent person and he expects the same from other people. He expects respect from his juniors and has no tolerance for barely pubescent teenagers who believe that they're better than everyone else. Even for his wonderous patience, this is just one thing that ticks him off a lot. Natsume is also a pretty competitive person, and this is really evident in battles. While he doesn't get angry, he does get pretty worked up, the most worked up any one ever sees him. It's because he takes every battle so seriously, determined to completely quash his opponents (especially if he has a personal vendetta against them). Natsume isn't completely perfect, he has issues in that he has a lot of pride. More so than most people, it's not that he parades about with a cocky attitude but he is confident in his abilities and thus has a tendency to overestimate himself and his abilities at times. The fall is always the worst part. He also has quite a lot of ambition, he is absolutely determined to reach the top no matter the cost. With his optimistic attitude as well, he is certain that he will get there one day.
how they met: They met by coincidence when Ayame was playing around with her Espeon when she stumbled upon a pokemon with a minor injury. Because it was something that she knew how to do and the poor thing was so pitiful, she healed it. Said pokemon turned out to be one of Natsume's. When Natsume came over to thank her, she was completely bowled over by his good looks kind ways that she didn't know what to say. See her lack of social interaction didn't really help her so she ended up rebounding on something that she knew how to do and said something so bratty and childish that she refuses to remember that she certainly royally screwed up that first impression.
interaction: With the few years between them, they aren't exactly in the same league. Natsume very much views Ayame as a child, a bratty annoying yet kind of endearing child but nothing more. Ayame on the other hand has developed a complete infatuation with the trainer and thus an unrequited crush. It's not as if Ayame makes her crush on Natsume anything subtle but she has convinced herself that Natsume knows absolutely nothing about it (when he totally does). Around him, Ayame turns into an incoherent ball of mush and while initially Natsume hated her guts, he has grown rather fond of her and he knows the effort she puts into making herself presentable and more respectable when he's around. And hey, if his presence is making her a less snobby of a brat, then clearly it's working. Unfrotunately, Natsume hasn't even friendzoned Ayame, he has completely child-zonedher. He's bordering on 18, she's not even 15 yet and he doesn't want to take advantage of her.
status: one-sided crush

preferred type: She likes the Psychic types as they are the msot useful for her (hopeful) future field of work.
trainer class

[ ] experienced/novice trainer
[ ] coordinator
[ ] breeder
[x] doctor
[ ] connoiseur/connoiseuse
[ ] other. state what they are

ambition: Ayame wants to become a Pokemon Nurse. Not because she wants to help people but she definitely gets along better with pokemon than humans. Maybe it's because Pokemon have a higher tolerance for her attitude. Or maybe it's because since it's harder for them to communicate, she feels a deeper connection and it is just easier for her to work with Pokemon. 



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