Engaged to Demon || Moon Saeryun


Engaged To Demon

Application Form


















Let me know about YOU!

AFF username: LadyLokiofAsgard

How regulary are you on AFF: 6


Let's meet your guy

Character's full name; Moon Saeryun

Nickname: n/a no one mutilates his name!

Age: 19 turning 20

Date of Birth: 29/10/94

Birthplace: London, England

Current location: Seoul, South Korea

Nationality: English-Korean (100% Korean by blood but born and raised in England)

Height: 175cm

Weight: 55kg

Ulzzang: Bae Sang Gon

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Chi Hoon

Style: In general, Saeryun is someone who cares for his appearance. He pays attention to it and while he's not pedantic about following the latest trends ro anything, he does like to look good, dress fashionably. He's someone who dresses to attract attention, the good sort, he doesn't wear loud clothing or anything, heaven forbid! The defining point of his style are his shoes. Or really, boots because boots are all he wears. He is in love with boots, all kinds but he prefers the slightly chunkier kind, either with chains and zippers or military style combat boots. They are usually black or some dar shade like that. He's usually wearing tight pants, either leggings or skinny jeans, also in black most of the time. The colour is with his tops, they are relatively plain and simply, hanging more baggily on his form and he always loves to top it off with a nice jacket. Hoodie, leather, trench coat, anything! As long as it looks good. And of course, he hides the colour as often as possible, covering it up with a scarf, a high-necked top or if that's not possible (like who wears a scarf on a summer day?), he overlays jewellery on top of it.

one two three four five six seven


What kind of guy is he?

Personality: Some people call him, and I quote, "an annoying little brat". Others think more along the lines of "awesome and fun". To those people Saeryun both finds that these comments are compliments and accepts them both graciously. Because they are both two sides of the one coin, which is that Saeryun is someone who can be encapsulated by the one word of fun. Everything he does is because he's bored and he hates being bored. Saeryun is a playful,mischievouscheeky person who has a wonderful sense of humour. There are a select few things in the world that he takes seriously, but usually, he is happy to waste away his schooling life playing pranks on his teachers and racking up more detentions than his entire grade. School is boring, pranks are funny, people's faces to his ingenious pranks are even better. Because he's not a stupid person despite what his failing grades would suggest but clever enough that no one can escape his fun, if only he would put his brains to a better use. That's the good news, when he plays harmless pranks to relieve his boredom. The bad news is his troublemaking tendencies. Sometimes, these little pranks aren't enough, he needs more of a thrill, a real adrenaline junkie. Because the other half of the time, he's doing stupidly dangerous things that could get him killed but won't because he's not stupid. It's just walking on the edge of a five storey rooftop after all, he's sure of himself enough not to fall off. Saeryun is a troublemaker, someone who lives off chaos and is the most recklesscareless and daring guy that has ever lived. He is an impulsive person who tends to leap before he looks and competitive enough to do such foolishly reckless things if someone dared (challenged) him to.

Saeryun has a real issue with authority, an issue with being told what to do generally. He is an independent person, his own leader who doesn't take orders but does what he wants the way he likes it. He's someone who "doesn't play well with a team", his sense of teamwork is in the negatives. He prefers to work alone, a very independent person which usually isn't too bad of a thing. No one wants him on their team anyway, he's a bossyself-centred person who always wants to take the leadership and control everything, a bit of a perfectionist in a way. It's his way or the highway, that's the attitude he takes towards teams and life in general. Saeryun hates being dependent on people so much which is due to his biggest flaw, his pride. He is one of the most prideful people and a blow to his dignity is worse than a blow to anywhere else. He is an ambitious person who knows what he wants and once he has set his mind to something, he is determined to get it and doesn't care how many heads he steps on the way up the ladder. He is practical and logical, someone who is realistic and will work hard to reach his goals because he doesn't believe in miracles. He's someone who stands up for himselfstubbornly so and is a fiestyfiery person who always speaks his mind.

But we've forgotten one of the most important things and that's how Saeryun speaks, how other people hear him. He is a sarcasticwitty person with a sharp mind but the most important thing is the amount of charm and blatant flirting that oozes out of him. Every second breath comes with a pick-up line or an innuendo in there somewhere, it's just natural for him to flirt like he breathes to anyone, girl or guy. He calls it "flirting without intent" because all it is is some casual charm, it's not like he's actually interested in the entire world. Some people call him a and he doesn't care because it is true that he has commitment issues. He isn't the type to be tied down and has trouble staying in a long-term relationship. That's why he doesn't really have them but more dates and dumps fast and often. Saeryun is always an honest person though, he doesn't really lie unless he really needs to. He tells things like they are, without any sugar-coating and because of that, he can be awfully blunt and insensitive. He's always been terrible at reading other people's emotions and doesn't know when to use a little bit of tact. Despite that, Saeryun is a sociable person who has plenty of friends, or at least plenty of connections. He's certainly not shy, outgoing and friendly enough.

For all that he might act, Saeis still a childishimmature person. It all ties in, his pranks and troublemakng tendencies are like how a child would seek for attention by doing things that are so out-there or at least, dramatic. And he definitely has a taste for the dramatics. He doesn't understand, or even try to understand the concept of responsibility and growing up, but is perfectly content to simply waste his life away in his own little dream world where he is the king. He believes, very narrow-mindedly, that the world is divided into good and evil, into black and white and doesn't believe that grey patches exist in-between.

Background: Everyone thinkgs that Saeryun has always had it all. He was filthy rich, his father was a CEO and from nobility somewhere, his mother was a famous supermodel, his brother is the golden boy. What's not to love? But Saeryun doesn't bother to correct them, he doesn't want their pity. From the day that he was born, Saeryun was doomed to a life in the shadows. The baby of the family, four years younger than his big brother, he was always never as good as his brother. Gabriel as he was known there, when he was younger, he idolised his brother. He always knew that his parents favoured the first son but it didn't matter to him because he loved his brother, practically worshiped his brother. Zachary, or Zach was perfect. Handsome, with the strong features of his father that were softened with the delicate beauty of his mother to give him a face of Adonis. He was smart, always topping the grade, sporty always winning every race and talented at everything he tried. Everyone at school loved him, he was the king. Gabriel loved him.

But as Saeryun grew up, he started becoming more bitter. Why was it that Zach got everything? He started to realise that he could never be better than Zach and he realised that his parents were never going to approve of him. Initially he tried. He tried so hard to be perfect, just like Zach but everything he did was shot down, he was always second-best. Saeryun wasn't handsome, his features were too feminine, he had too much of his mother in him. He was smart but could never focus on his studies for long periods of time. He was sporty but wasn't interested in channeling his energy into it. The only thing he was good at was horses. He loved horses and with their amount of money, they had personal stables and he had his own beautiful, purebred black Arabian stallion when he turned twelve years old. Eventually Saeryun realised that nothing he did would ever earn his parents approval so he just stopped trying. Something inside him snapped and he became rebellious, dropping his rank in school so fast and doing everything that his parents hated. When he wasn't plotting up humiliating pranks for Zach, he was out with his horse, an activity his parents named was 'for women'. Gabriel became known as the rebellious child, the boy who could not be tamed. Gabriel was sullying his family's reputation.

So it made sense that he would be shipped off to some country that wasn't part of the Western hemisphere. Somwehere like Korea where he still had estranged family from his great-aunts-cousin-in-law or something. Out of sight, out of mind after all. He was forced to leave his horse 'Onyx' behind in England as he arrived in Korea for his high school education, when he was 15-16 years old. In Korea, surprisingly he found that he liked it better than in England. At London, he was always ruled by rigid rules, but his guardian which he called Uncle Jin was relaxed and let Saeryun do what he wanted. After he graduated high school, he decided to stay on for university but he never has stopped thinking of London as his home, despite the less-than-favourable circumstances there.

Traits: (++) Playful, Independent, Ambitious, Sociable, Honest / (--) Troublemaker, Self-centred, Flirty, Insensitive, Childish

Likes: Pranking people, strawberries, chocolate and desserts and cake and candy and anything sweet really, horses, pretty things, summertime, fresh snow, going to the beach, the colour red

Dislikes: Ugly things, manual labour, bugs, snakes, citrus fruits, passionfruit and passionfruit flavoured things, cats


- Sad // Won't ever let himself cry because tears are a sign of weakness in his opinion

- Angry // Puts on a face of completely calm but is going crazy inside. He won't strike immediately but don't ever thing that he will forget it, he will get his revenge and it will be dramatic

- Excited // Bounces all over the place with way too much energy

- Nervous+stressed // Pulls his hair, worries his bottom lip and paces a hole into the floor

- Lying // Really terrible liar, his voice goes higher, he can't meet your eyes and he fidgets

- Sleeping // light sleeper, sleep-talks, not a morning person but always goes to sleep late, is almost insomniac because he sleeps like 5 hours a day (probably because he eats way too much sugar)

Fears: Claustrophobic, fears death


- English name is 'Gabriel Moon'

- Panual

- Left-handed

- Is a Catholic, wears a cross necklace and goes to church (you can imagine his reaction when he sees the demons). He is not a devout Christian though, he follows the Bible but he's not all "no premarital , no drinking" and stuff because that would outlaw 90% of his personality

- Anaphylactic (allergic to the point of death) to all nuts except peanuts

- He has cross-dressed just for kicks in the past and honestly, he kind of liked it. Probably because he looked smashing in it

- He can eat so much (sugar) and he just doesn't get fat


Who will be the one?

Love interest's name: Kim Jongin aka Kai

Choose the lucky number: 1

Back up Love interest: Kris (then Sehun, then Lay)


You are the KEY

Choose an KEY you are: 

CTBtuwi.png KEY name: Helian, Hidden power: Controling weather.


Back up KEY:

lXTGcV7.png KEY name: Jiala, Hidden power: Controling fire.

(Backup-Backup would be the 'water' power, then the 'darkness' power, then the rest. I'm not too fussed about it tbh)


Your wishes may become reality

Your scene request for your character: I would love it because since Saeryun is a Christian, freaking about about 'OMG demons are real and I'm engaged to one!'. He would be pretty prejudiced against his fiancee/whatever because he's stereotyping them and can't see past the stereotype. Kai would get mad and be like 'look at me!' and would probably need to slap Saeryun around the head to get Saeryun functioning again. I mean I don't expect them to hit it off straight away, I expect them to be all hate-y with each other.

Another request where Saeryun is more daring than a demon. I'm assuming demons are pretty reckless since they aren't limited by human constraints but Saeryun is a daredevil okay? If Kai was shocked by all the things Saeryun suggested (like jumping off a building but manipulating the wind to carry him which is pretty risky) it would be awesome.

Any questions for me: Hmm not a question just a comment about his 'hidden power' thing. Since obviously, he doesn't have it but as he likes horse-riding, it's implied that he prefers to spend time outside rahter than inside...weather kind of?


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