I don't see how our Kpop idols do it...

I don't see how they do it. I don't see how our beloved Kpop idols survive on little sleep. For the past couple weeks I have had a busy schedule. I got about 5-6 hours of sleep. (2-3 hours less than the recommended) By the afternoon I felt extremely tired and I yawned and felt slugish on some days. I couldn't focus well on some days. I even fell asleep in class twice (never done that before)

Things will calm down for me after a few days but things won't calm down for SHINee, SNSD, Exo... ect. They work non-stop with way less sleep than I get. I just can't understand how they do it. How do they get over the sleep deprivation and put on a smile?! Makeup, cold water, and energy foods must be the trick. When I am tired the last thing I want to do is perform a concert, be interviewed, or appear on a variety show. And to deal with that kind of stress everyday for years seems unimaginable.

I have a different level of respect for them now that I understand a tiny bit of what they had/have to deal with. I hope I and our Kpop idols will get some sleep soon~

Fighting!! <3




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XSapphireX #1
I'm used to those hours of sleep and have been si ce I started high school (I was 13 then and now 20).

I'm not a morning person so anything before 9 am is early for me, however i have a job in a bakery so I have to get up at 6.15 every week da. Its hard but it becomes routine at some point and i always get a energy kick in the evening so....

my guees would be that its part of their training, i mean most of them are high school student when they become trainees so yea...

but i always have respect.for them i mean just dance for 3 to 4 hours straight everyday of the year!!! O.O
Well I think that they try to sleep as much as possible in the vans, on the plane etc.
They muss drunk a bunch if coffee etc.
Lol, all I can think about is Sunggyu konking out everywhere...poor baby.
The student life: where I survive with sometimes just 1 hr of sleep. :b
I agree.
Sometimes I wish I could go to them and baby them until I know they are healthy.
CosmoQueen #6
Yeah I know. They get no sleep and still perform and always seem so happy. I swear when I'm sleep deprived cuz of my jobs, I'm so cranky and mean lol.
It also helps to sleep whenever and wherever possible. That's why many behind-the-scenes videos will show idols snoozing in vans either en route to another booking or even on-site.
Loljkjk #8
I basically do that every day. smh