Guess who's going to China????



I've been awarded a great opportunity to study abroad in Shenzhen, China next month. I'll be studying there for 5 weeks starting at the beginning of July. It was totally unplanned and unexpected. I found out about it in April. My advisor at my university told me I could go on a scholarship. So I had to go!! I couldn't turn something like this down. I'm so excited and overwhelmed about it!! At first me going to China felt so surreal almost like a dream. But I recently bought the flights and hotel and got my acceptance letter and it suddenly felt real. 

I've never been overseas so this will all be new to me. I don't know Chinese or Chinese culture. All my knowledge about Asia lies mostly in Korea and a little Japan. I've been trying to learn as much as I can but there's still so much I don't know. 

I'm planning on going there with an open mind and I plan on dealing with things as they happen. I've always wanted to go to Asia. I even considered teaching English in Korea because I thought that was my only way to go. Of course I thought that I would have years to prepare for that. But I'm leaving in about 3 weeks. It's funny how plans change.

I have my worries. 

1. Language barrier - not being able to speak Mandarin 

2. Being Black in China - I'm African American with brown skin and I'm nervous about how Chinese people will react. I've heard that people will stare, take pictures, and touch my hair because Black people are so rare there. And there's always the possibility of racism...

3. Squat toilets - I've never used one and the whole concept just gives me anxiety 

4. Getting sick - there's always a possibility that I could drink or eat something bad and get sick. That gives me anxiety too.

5. Afraid I won't like it - a part of me feels like if I won't like China it will discourage me from traveling to Korea or Japan. I realize each country is different but I also think they are alike in some instances as well. I'm staying for a little over a month which is kind of a long time. 

I guess 5 concerns aren't really that bad. My excitement outweighs my worries. But I still think about them. I'm a person who likes to expect things and plan ahead. However, with going to China I'll be going in blind. I will be in culture shock no matter how much I prepare. I'm also in this because no one I know has been to Asia. It has been a dream of mine to go to Asia. I'll also be going to Shanghai, Hong Kong (it's across the border from Shenzhen) and possibly Macau. I'm so excited to eat Chinese food, especially the spicy kind, drink tea, go shopping, and learn about the culture!!

I still can't believe it's happening!! I'm going to China!!


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