→ Young Athletic 〖 moon saerin 〗







ladylokiofasgard | 6 | anna



→ Just a part of myself

birth name :  Jasmine Saerin Moon-Rosier

other names : Korean - Moon Saerin (She'll be called this in Korea, since...she's in Korea) Western - Jasmine Moon

nicknames : Jas - Called that by Krystal and ONLY Krystal (Saerin calls Krystal 'Stal'), Minnie - called that by her older brother and ONLY her older brother tbh she finds is embarrassing but it's a nickname that she's grown up with

birthdate : October 30th, 1996

age : 17 (turning 18)

birthplace : Paris, France 

hometown : Cap d'Ail, France(on the French Riviera aka Cote d'Azur)

ethnicity : French-Korean

nationality : French

languages : French - fluent - native language, Korean - semi-fluent - mother tongue, English - semi-fluent - everyone has to learn it since primary school



→ This is a reality


traits : Playful, prankster, troublemaker, reckless, childish, independent, impulsive, stubborn, competitive, prideful

personality : Let's pick one word to define Saerin. How about...fun? Yes that works, that works very well. If there was one way to describe Saerin, it would be that she just wants to have a little fun. Life's too short to waste it being boring and serious, live a little, do stupid things just for fun right? It's this kind of, well yolo mentality that has lots of people being annoyed with Saerin because they don't think that she's serious enough. We'll get to that later. But first, let's discuss her playful nature, Playful, cheeky, mischievous, however you like to say it, the fact is, Saerin is fun. A bit of a prankster really because if there's one thing that Saerin can't stand, it's standing around doing nothing. It's absolutely horrifyingly boring. And Saerin hates being bored. A fear of being bored, either doing nothing or worse, having a routine. Liven things up a bit, make things interesting and pranks are the perfect way to prevent herself from being bored. If others get angry, who cares, she finds their reactions hilarious! Actually, their faces are the best part, she really should have a camera for that. But that's the nice part of her fun nature, her playful, harmless pranks. And then there's the not so good part. The troublemaker part. Because really, pranks are nice and all but that are so tame. Chaos is far more interesting, particularly when she's the instigator. She's a reckless, daring girl with no care for her well-being. A real adrenaline junkie but extreme sports aren't enough for her, she wants to straddle the line between life and death itself, bending the rules just so or just plain breaking them. No, she's not a hormonal teenager trying to rebel, she doesn't caer about any of that. She just does it because she can. And because it's fun! And that's what it all comes down to in the end.

But another way of looking at that is when you realise how absolutely childish she is. See, she can't stand boredom, hates order and thrives on mischief and chaos. She's a child, a twenty year old with the mentality of a four year old. But shh, don't let her hear you say that, she'll tear your throat out. All her pranks and chaos are her way of getting attention. She's a bit of an attention-seeker. She's unpredictable, a bit of a loose cannon because it's impossible to get her to stick to the plan, she will always do what she wants. She's an independent person, a one-woman team and prefers to work alone rather than with others. In fact, she in a team because she refuses to accept her part and wants things to be done her way with an obstinate stubbornness. In some people, you can call stubbornnness determination. Not in her, she is completely and utterly set in her ways and will argue to her last breath to get what she wants. You see, childish. She's a bit of a show-off, when people say that her way won't work, even though on the inside she might agree, she'll do it her way just to gloat about it. Because she's got a real mean competitive streak and when you challenge her, she isn't backing down from it. Ever. Saerin is also an impulsive person. She doesn't think things through but just jumps into them feet-first, definitely not the look before you leap person. More the, we'll cross that mountain when we reach it kind of thing. She doesn't plan, doesn't think but just acts.

Don't think that Saerin is nothing but fun and mischief. She's not dumb, far from it in fact and she's not lazy. In fact, she's one of the cleverest and hard-working people that exist on this world but she doesn't use it properly. Why do you think that no one has ever escaped her pranks? If only she could put the brains she put into them into her school-work. And why, despite donig such dangerous, reckless things and causing so much trouble, she's still so well-liked by everyone? Well that's less to do with her cleverness, but there's no doubt that Saerin is a charmer. There's this charisma about her that's impossible to ignore. She's definitely the sociable type, friends with everyone and know's everyone's friends friends. She has a wonderful sense of humour, if it wasn't already evident and is a sarcastic, witty person with a tongue of quicksilver. But she's also someone with a lot of pride. Call her arrogant if you will, call her perhaps a bit selfish, egoistical but she's prideful and that's her biggest flaw. When she falls, she spits on the hand that would help her up. She can also be insensitive at times, because her pride makes her blind to the emotions of other people. She's terrible at lovey-dovey, touchy-feely stuff. It's too deep for her and she isn't very good at knowing what other people feel and so can say the stupidest things. But from the heart, she doesn'y really mean it. It's just that she distances herself from people, how even though she knows everyone, she only really knows a select few. See Saerin isn't completely this hardened troublemaker. On the inside, she's a little bit of a softie. Sure she's got the attitude but she's a bit of an idealistic person. A bit of a hopeless romantic, someone who believes in true love and is waiting for her one. Call her foolish and stupid but she's just someone like that. But she finds it pathetic and weak and vows never to show that emotional side of hers.

background : Anyone else would call Saerin's life lucky but to her, it was anything but. She grew up in nobility, literally. Her father was French, her mother Korean and her father could trace his ancestery all the way back to French royalty from the olden days. Her mother was the daughter of a massive conglomerate in Korea. Saerin grew up as the only daughter (with one older brother) in a very high-class family. Yes she was rich, yes she lived in a massive mantion (honestly, it was too big) and yes she had so many servants. But she hated that sort of lifestyle. See, Saerin is the type who cannot be controlled, she hates having to sit still in a mansion, wearing stiff dresses and uncomfortable stockings, holding her teacup just so and listen to adults give each other fake compliments. She just can't stand it! As she was growing up, it was always, "Jasmine (as she is called more often than not) be on your best behaviour" "Jasmine, be perfect " "Jasmine, don't talk. Children should be seen, not heard." It was a stifling, suffocating sort of lifestyle to grow up where she wasn't free, always having to follow the rules to the dotted i and the crossed t.

The only thing that made up for it was what came with the wealth. Now, Saerin would be lying if she said that she honestly hated the lots of money they had, she loved being rich and being able to spend without worries. She just hated the sort of pressure and expectation that came along with it. Don't think that she's a tomboy who hates wearing dresses, if anything she loves it. But she's someone who wants to do her own thing. And one of the advantages of having lots and lots of land, enough for a swimming pool, courts of every sport type and just plenty of beautiful rolling hills was that they had their own stables. They had quite a few horses and Saerin loved everyone of those. When she was younger, the horse, she often rode a beautiful black Arabian mare named 'Onyx'. It was Onys that allowed Saerin to fall in love with horse-riding and she showed a lot of talent at it. She quickly surpassed her parents expectations, excelling in all areas, in dressage, eventing, cross-country etc. Onyx was an all-round mare. But what Saerin truly loved and was passionate about was show-jumping. She was a natural at it and she loved the feeling of flying through the air, like she was free.

Her parents weren't blind and they noticed her passion for horse-riding. Saerin was entering in competitions and winning most of them, usually riding Onyx. But as she grew up, so did Onyx and her current horse didn't jump high enough for her level in showjumping. At ten years old, she was gifted with her first very own horse, a bay Hanoverian gelding, but she also quickly outgrew it. Once she reached fourteen, she was given the best present of her life. A pedigree show-jumping horse because her parents could see how serious she was about it, and why not give her the best horse to win it? Her birthday present was a purebred from lines of showjumping champions, a palomino thoroughbred stallion, young, only three years old at the time.  He had a star on his forehead, a white marking that looked like a flame with a beautiful cream/golden coat that shone with a white mane and tale. He also had quite a fiery temperament, had not been broken in so that she could do the honours herself. Saerin named him 'Phoenix', show name 'Risen from Ashes' because of his fiesty attitude and his golden coat. Despite Phoenix's tendency to behave badly towards other handlers, once he was broken in, Saerin and Phoenix developed an unbreakable bond and it seemed that he was only sweet to her. She was given the choice of whether she wanted to geld him, but she decided against it because she felt that his uncontrollability at times was part of him that she didn't want to take away. The two of them became inseparable, a dream team that went to win so many more. He was a champion jumper.

Young Athletics Academy caught her attention for her choice of high school because she wanted to pursue equestrian professionally. It was her mothers home country as well, so it worked out, and Phoenix could go with her. There was no way that she was being separated from him. Of course, a winter sport was also compulsory but definitely equestrian was her forte. For winter sports, she had always been a dare-devil, and skiing the half-pipe was something that she had done from a young age. Granted, she hadn't been as serious about it as equestrian but she definitely was not an amateur and could hold her own.

hobbies : Horse-riding (duh), taking care of her horse, playing with her horse, did I mention horses? Playing the violin, art (origami, sketching or painting, not much of a sculptor), dance (ballet and contemporary), baking desserts (especially with apples and cream)

trivia : 

- Likes:

- Horses

- Apples

- Chocolate (and sweet things in general, she's got a MASSIVE sweet tooth)

- Playing pranks

- Pretty things

- Fresh snow

- Summer and sunshine

- Going to the beach! (with Phoenix!)

- The colour red

- Dislikes:

- Ugly things

- Manual labour (unless it's related to horses)

- Dirty things (unless it's related to horses)

- Bugs

- Rain and thunderstorms

- Citrus fruits

- Tiny animals like mouses, hamsters, guinea pigs etc.

- Reptiles (especially snakes)

- Habbits:

- When angry: It bottles up inside of her and she usually goes to Phoenix and takes him out for a hard gallop to vent it out. But don't think that she'll forget about it, if it's because of someone else that this anger happened (they insulted her family, or her horse, or provoked her) she is going to plan the bestest prank ever

- When sad: She won't allow herself to cry. Not in public, not in private because to her, crying is a sign of weakness

- When excited: She bounces all over the place, causing quite a bit of chaos on the way. Her talking speeds up, her voice goes high and she looks so much younger and freer

- When lying: She fidgets A LOT. Her voice goes higher, she can't meet the other person in the eye so it's pretty darn obvious

- When she's nervous, she'll worry her bottom lip, twist her hair around her finger and pace

- Other trivia:

- She's left-handed

- A moderately light sleeper

- Definitely not a morning person, a girl needs her beauty sleep!

- Doesn't eat a lot for breakfast because she can't stomach a lot of food in the morning. Lunch is her biggest meal of the day, dinner is just average

- Because of her short stature, she's always wearing heels. Okay, she rides a horse all the time so heels aren't prudent but does she ever wear insoles

- She has type 1 Diabetes, is lactose intolerant and anaphylactic to all nut except peanuts. When she was younger, she was quite the sickly child and her parents overprotectiveness as she grew more healthy never realy wore off

- She's a Cathlotic and wears a cross necklace at all times, and goes to church every Sunday. She's not a devout Cathlotic though, but doesn't disregard it entirely

- Phoenix is her horse right how. He's a 6 year old palomino Thoroughbred Stallion, coming from a long line of jumping champions. He has a white marking on his face in the shape of a flame as well as white socks on each leg, a white mane and a white tail. Phoenix is a rather pale palomino, more creamy than the golden. His tack is royal blue and Saerin also wears the same shade when competing because he just looks beautiful in it. His show name is "Risen from Ashes" and already, the two of them are a winning team

- She's panual ie. she's attracted to people regardless of their gender




→ The look isn’t everything

face claim : Park Hyemin aka Pony

links : gallery

back-up face claim :  Byeon Seo Eun

links : gallery

height : 158cm

weight : 44kg

style : Her style is pretty badass. Okay, so she does't wear leather and studs (all the time), but it's edgy, rebellious and a bit funky. She prefers to keep her colour palette neutral, wearing black, whites and creams and sometimes wearing dark shades of colours. Brights and pastels? No way, they're just too...cutesy for her. She loves to wear shorts, she's definitely a shorts and pants person but that's mostly for ease of riding. After all, she hops onto her horse all the time and a dress/skirt gets in the way mostly. But it's not that she doesn't wear them, it's simply inconvenient for her. The best part of her style is definitely her shoes. She is obsessed with shoes, they're the highlight of her outfit! Especially botts, any sort of boots are amazing, knee high, ankle, military style, peep-toe, boots are definitely her style! She likes to keep that chunky and black with silver accessories, and of course with boots she can fit her insoles in them. You could say that Saerin isn't afraid to wear clothes that are bit more revealing. You know, a pair of really short shorts, a low cut shirt, things like that. She does like her accessories, necklaces, bracelets but nothing over the top or too much because once again, it'll get in the way with riding. But a girl can pamper herself right?



→ Family more than anything

family members : 

father | Charles Rosier | 56 | CEO | Her father is always working thus he wasn't around very much. The very rare times that he was at home, he was still working even then so Saerin grew up without seeing much of her father. But her father always tried to make an effort for her, seeing her big competitions, trying to get involved with her school. But he was busy, she trained all the time and the two of them grew distant over the years

mother | Marissa Moon/Moon Misook | 50 | Housewife/Socialite | Saerin's interaction with her mother is...not that good. You can't blame her mother for it, because after al they do have a lot to uphold. Image means everything to her mother and she focuses so much time on coming off as the perfect noblewoman/wife that she barely has the time to be a mother. Even at home, she's mostly the one who puts the pressure on Saerin to be the perfect daughter. But you can't fault her for it, she's just doing what she's been brought up to do.

older brother | Rowan Moon-Rosier/Moon Ryuhee | 24 | With a six year between the two of them, they're pretty close. Or they used to be. When they were younger, Saerin/Jasmine and Rowan were very tight, he was always the mentoring older brother to his baby sister. But as they grew older, yes they remained close but he was always still six years older and as the heir, he had responsibilities. Even though their freindship is not what it used to be, don't think that they still aren't pretty close! Rowan is very protective over his baby sister and is always cheering her on and supporting her, even with their parents don't.

best friend(s) : 

Jung Krystal | 18 | YAA Student/Tennis | Every good prankster/troublemaker needs a partner and Krystal and Saerin, or Stal and Jas are definitely partners-in-crime. Well Saerin's in it for the fun and games, Krystal is just there for the ride. Krystal is a honest, blunt, tell-it-like-it-is person and most people call her a bit well...y and two-faced. Saerin thinks that she's awesome and the two of them often skip school, muck up in classes and end up in detention together. Is it worth it? Definitely. The two of them get along fabulously. They're a dream team. Both of them are a bit untrusting to strangers and when the two of them managed to place their trust in each other, considering how Krystal is naturally a bit of a manipulative person and Saerin is just a chaotic , it was pretty ironic.

friend(s) : n/a. Saerin doesn't make friends easily because it takes a lot for her to place her trust in anyone. So Krystal is the only friend she has and the only friend she needs. Sure she has a lot of connections and seems to know everyone but no one is quite close enough to be counted as a friend. If you put one of the other characters as an eventual friend, that would be pretty cool too.

rival : 

Seo "Seohyun" Joohyun | 19 | Equestrian | Don't ever doubt Seohyun's passion for the sport because she puts just as much effort into the sport as Saerin does. It's just as the effort in her case is unfounded, in Saerin's belief. Seohyun, like Saerin was raised in a very rich upper-class family and it was always expected of her that she would excel in a sport like equestrian. It's in her blood as because of that, she wins competitions simple to have the glory and the gold, not because she truly loves it. But does she try hard? Yes she does. But Saerin hates that, she thinks that a sport should only be done because you love it and Seohyun could not have a more different reason. Seohyun, well you can't really blame her uptight, kind of snobbish nature because after all, she was raised that way. She looks down on Saerin competing in her age division because Saerin is supposed to be competing in the lower division but because she's so talented, she can make the higher ones. She thinks that her Danish Warmblood is better than Saerin's thoroughbred, that everything she has is better and she has a superiority complex, looking down on everyone else. Which is why Saerin absolutely detests her. The two of them are very skilled in their skillset, which is showjumping and are often competing with each other for first place.



→ Being a real athlete, it’s my dream

summer sports: 

[8] Athletic (100m / 1000m / high jump.)

[4] Archery

[11]  Badminton

[3] Basketball

[1] Equestrian (Jumping.)

[9] Fencing

[10] Football (Soccer.)

[12] Golf

[2] Gymnastic (Artistic.)

[7] Swimming

[6] Tennis

[5] Trampoline


winter sports : 

[2] Figure Skating (solo.)

[6] Freestyle Skiing (slopestyle.)

[5] Couple Figure Skating ( boy x girl)

[1] Freestyle Skiing (halfpipe)

[4] Alpine Skiing (race.)

[3] Ice Hockey

[7] Speed Skating (1000m/ 1500m)


→ Still trap at school

year : Grade Two

optional Subject :

            Chemistry – Physics – Biology

            History – Economy – Social Study

            Other options- French

academic  performance: Saerin's grades are a mixture of Bs and Cs. You see, the thing is that Saerin doesn't try at school. The only thing that she's interested in is her horse and she doesn't listen in class, doesn't study for the exams and even so, still gets Bs without trying. If Saerin put a bit of effort into her work, she would top the grade no problem but she doesn't have any motivation.

best subject : History/French

worst subject : Mathematics

behaviour in class : How does she act in class? Well, she doesn't pay attention in class firstly, she's mostly looking for ways to disrupt class. She pulls pranks on the teachers so often that they don't even bother trying to reprimand her for it. When she's asked to read something out, she'll do it in the most ridiculous, troublemaking way. She won't do her tests properly, drawing on her paper, swining on her chair, playing on her phone. In short, she's a terrible student, she doesn't care about class. She talks to Krystal like ALL the time, sometimes she jigs when she cannot be bothered attending. And yet even so, her grades are mostly in the Bs. If only she put more effort in...



→ Love is always around

name : Kim Jongin/Kai

age : 19

year : Grade Three

personality : Let's pick one word to descibe Jongin. How about...flirt? Yep that works, that works very well. Because if there is one defining characteristic of Jongin's, it's his flirty behaviour. His dazzling looks, drop-dead smile and those eyes phew! It's hardly a surprise when all he has to do is open his mouth and girls fawn all over him (and guys too). Flirty, charming and charismatic, a few words from him and he'd have anyone wrapped around his finger and he knows perfectly well what he's capable of. Yes you could say that sometomes he manipulates that to his advantage but mostly, he's a good, honest man with noble intentions and someone who would never exploit another like that. The thing about Jongin is that he's so passionate about his sports and he finds it his duty to spread that passion to everyone else. He's someone who when he laughs, when he's excited, you just feel happy alongside him. He's ambitious, an enthusiastic hard-worker. But he's also realistic. He doesn't set big dreams that he might never reach, he set goals and creates plans to reach them. He's practical and pragmatic, a logical and clever person. Jongin is very smart, he's practically number one in the grade! He believes that effort should be put not only into sport but into everything you do in life. He's also a very determined person at that.

Jongin is also quite headstrong. He gets a bit bossy and naggy at times because he believes that things must always be done his way. He's a pretty serious guy, he doesn't really break the rules to do anything because he's someone who cares too much about his image to really know how to have fun. He's also got a strong moral compass, he believes in doing what's right and he understands that sometime's, what's right isn't what's good. But he believes in justice over mercy. Sometimes he can get a bit overconfident in his abilities and when he doesn't live up to them, he can get very hard on himself. With his lovers, Jongin is one who gets easily jealous and possessive, over-protective at times which makes them sometimes feel like he's suffocating them.  But Jongin is just so damn hard to hate because with his enthusiastic attitude and charming words (and his flirtatious attitude), everyone falls in love with him instantly.

how they meet : Jongin, Mr Perfect Boy of course would be a prefect/SRC/position of leadership in the school. Sometimes, when the headmaster/headmistress or the deputies get too sick of dishing out more detentions for Saerin that never really make her attempt to be a bit less disruptive and troublemaking, it falls to the prefects to oversee the detention. Jongin was, unfortunately, saddled with Saerin detention duty one day and Saerin mistakenly thought that since he was a student, a goody-two-shoes at that, that she would be able to easily give him the slip. That was definitely not the case. Jongin was a ing slave-driver! He seemed to take great pleasure in giving her the most ridiculous tasks to do, so much so that Saerin has vowed that she will get her revenge! Nothing but a few pranks will fix that stick up his ...

love story : Right now, they probably really don't like each other. How could they when they're the polar opposites in the school? She's the troublemaking dunce, he's the straight A prefect. Their ideals often clash with each other and their attitude could not be more different. But even after torturing each other for a while, Saerin with her pranks and Jongin with his detention-giving-authority, they would have to stop eventually. I don't think that they would become friends but perhaps they would be able to call a truce, start to get to know each other better and realise that the other is more than what the troublemaker/prefect stereotype would have them portrayed as. Saerin would probably be able to get Jongin to lighten up a little, have a little fun maybe even take him horse-riding. And Jongin, maybe he won't be able to reform her ways but at least she isn't going to flunk classes when he's always there. They probably would skip past the friends part and go straight to lovers though neither of them will admit it straight off.

his summer sport : Gymnastics, Basketball, Archery

winter sport : Figure skating (solo), Slopestyle, Alpine Skiiing

back-up love interest : Luhan



→ It’s finally the end


comments ? : Sports apply fic! Wooo, I love horses so please like my character! Can you just imagine dancing machine Jongin doing gymnastics and figure skating? It's just so perfect for him!

scene Requests ? :

- A detention scene with Jongin and Saerin when they both still hate each other

- Something angers Saerin and she runs off with Phoenix for a few days which gets everyone worried. Even Jongin was though he says it's because he missed giving her torturous detentions

- Saerin's brother Rowan comes to watch one of her big games at YAA

- UST between Seohyun and Saerin (If you're uncomfortable writing borderline yuri scenes then don't worry about it)

- Saerin and Krystal disrupting the class, a lot, insulting the teacher and everything

- Saerin gets injured from horseriding/half-pipe

- Someone (Seohyun?) puts nuts into Saerin's food and she starts having an anaphylactic reaction. Jongin gets really pissed and protective

anything else? : I think that's all :)


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