Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, day after Thanksgiving anyway for those who celebrate it. Hope you guys had good times with good things to eat! I missed out on the turkey this year but I settled for lamb instead (which was amazing).

Whenever I hear someone try to explain Thanksgiving to someone from a place that doesn't celebrate it, I usually hear them tell the whole story of how the pilgrims and the native americans had a three day feast nearly 400 years ago. At the end of the day though, it's an event that symbolizes that you should just be thankful for what you have, which is something that I think every culture can appreciate.

I suppose having said that, it's unfortunate that Black Friday has been slowly getting earlier and earlier and encroaching on Thanksgiving day. Now you have companies making their employees come in at night on Thanksgiving and interrupt dinner with their families which isn't cool. Not to mention everyone in line also interrupted spending time with their families to go shopping. Let Black Friday stay on Friday!

Anyway, I'm just stopping by to wish everyone a good time. I'll be off for the weekend to celebrate more of Thanksgiving so I won't be around at all. If you haven't already, subscribe to AFFHelper and they'll help you out with anything you need. They're good people and I'm definitely thankful for that.


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happy thanksgiving :D
My country doesn't celebrate it but i know what thanksgiving is,families gather together and eat turkey and are thankful for what they have? or something like that~ my country has it's own thanksgiving day which is similar to it but i have no idea what black friday is ._. i guess it's something bad? haha but anyways Happy Thanksgiving to you,Jason. what i would be glad to have is AsianFanfics C: <3
happy thanksgiving to you Jason ^^
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jason! We don't celebrate it here in Indonesia which is :/ I really want to try eating turkey hahaha.

Hope that you have a nice weekend and time with your family and loved ones :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you enjoy your time, have a great weekend!!
Happy thanksgiving!
i agree about the whole Black Friday thing. Thanksgiving is suppose to be a day of thankful for what you have, not a day for others to make profit and $$$. It's a shame that our tradition is slowly going down the drain cuz of targets, walmart and bestbuy *sigh*

btw i got lamb for thanksgiving dinner too and no turkey this year :))
Magical_Girl #8
Happy Thanksgiving, Jason! :D
Although we don't celebrate but I wish to experience it one day! XP
-natsukim #9
happy thanksgiving to you. hope you have nice weekend
Happy Thanksgiving to you ^-^
though we dont celebrate it, again happy thanks giving ^-^
We don't celebrate it here either, haha. But thank you, happy thanksgiving!
baoZicaekeu #12
even we don't celebrate it here I hope you guys had a great day!~ and great food too!^^
Happy Thanksgiving :)
We don't celebrate it here at all but thanks all the same