tagged by Banana_Dreams, Rnow_seoshidae, 2PMSoul & icehstv



Yes, I realize I've done this a lot already, but I was tagged so I want to answer.

And in the off chance that I happen to have a stalker, I want to make her/his life easier LOL.. Stalking is fun!

Besides, now I'm too tired to write my stories, but too addicted to Hush to do anything that doesn't allow me to listen to music, so this is just perfect for now LOL :)





1. Let's say I'm not a Kpop fan and you want me to become one...which 3 MV's would you show me in order to impress me?

Hmmm.. That's a difficult question... Because it depends a lot on what kind of person it was... But knowing me, I'd probably show them two 2PM vidoes regardless of whether it was the smartest thing to do or not LOL.

Probably show them Heartbeat and ADTOY, or Heartbeat and Hands Up if it was a boy... 

Then probably one Miss A MV just in case this person was more into girlbands.. I'd probably show them Touch if it was a girl, and Hush or Goodbye baby if it were a boy... 

Though I did show my baby brother all kinds of K-MV's with different bands, both boys and girls, and he liked Miss A's I don't need a man the most...

And I showed a friend of mine (girl), some 2PM, and JYP videos.. maybe even some Big Bang MVs too... But she liked Miss A's Touch the most.. 

So Miss A has a nice track record with me LOL... Which I understand, cause they are beautiful and their songs are so catchy and they often have catchy dance moves as well... But I love them so I'm biased :)

But the smartest thing would probably be to show Big Bang's Fantastic Baby, Exo's History maybe or BAP's Warrior, and some 2NE1 song... But I would never play it smart LOL... I'd just flail over my 2PM babies lol... And if this person doesn't like them, well then I don't care if he/she likes K-pop or not LOL...


2. Who's your ultimate bias? (I know...thats an overused question...but I want to know ^^ Oh...and please only one~)

Hwang Chansung... nobody competes with my baby ❤❤


3. Name me your favourite Kpop group and why you fell in love with them.

2PM... Short version: their songs..  (and Chansung)

Long version: I knew 2AM from their Personal Preferences OST, and I was dipping my toes into K-pop... but nothing had really caught my attention... Then I noticed 2PM's Without U single they were releasing at the time.. And since the name was so similar to 2AM I thought it was funny, and was like: What, are ALL K-pop acts with time-related names?!?!

Then the first song I heard was Don't Stop Can't Stop... And I just... Completely fell for it... I remember thinking it had sort of a Dangerous Minds feel to it... For those who don't know, Dangerous Minds was sort of a big thing back in the old days when I was a teenager LOL... 

But Anywho... I didn't like Without U (or so I thought), and was disapointed they didn't have a MV for Don't Stop, Can't Stop... But reluctantly watched Without U... But then I just... Couldn't stop... Ended up watching it the entire day (though I was supposed to be writing my master thesis... still graduated though by some miricle.. but anywho) and I definitely LOVED the choreography LOL.. How can one not!

And I ended up watching this dance tutorial here: (but the original version, not this mirrored one, but I can't find it at the moment so the mirrored version will have to do.. 


It might not look like much, but after those 3 minutes of dance tutorial, I was utterly and irrevocably in love with Hwang Chansung, LOL... Just seeing him eating his bananas... Then a few seconds of dancing... and then goofing around... and just... Nobody moves like him. Nobody. And to this day he is my favorite dancer in K-pop, and my favorite dancer ever. Not saying he's the best, but he's my favorite and I could spend my life watching that boy dance.

After this day... and a couple of more days of repeating these songs.. I checked out some more songs, but managed to check out only weird songs like What's Your Celebration, which is possibly my least favorite 2PM song to this day... And besides, I was mostly into Chansung, Junho (because he looked like Rain) and Junsu at the time... But of course Wooyoung, Nichkhun and Taec were a million times more popular... so most variety clips were more with them... which made me frustrated cause I wanted my Chansung LOL.. Because at the time I considered him to be the hottest Korean man I had seen... (But now I know that he is the hottest man to have ever lived on this planet LOL)

And I wasn't really into pop at the time, only rock (like I had been my entire life) and a dash of J-pop... So I just convinced myself that this had just been a fluke and I wasn't that into 2PM... But I just... couldn't stop playing those songs... So eventually I checked on some more songs, found Heartbeat and that was it. I have been a Hottest ever since... 

LOL this was long.. This was not supposed to be this long LOL... But everyone has read enough of my tagging anyways... so nobody is really going to read this, so it doesn't matter if I make it long LOL (sounds logical?)


4. Did you bring someone to listen to Kpop? Like, the person really became a Kpop fan? (Like me...I changed three of my besties into Kpop fans ^^)

I changed my two baby sisters... Converted them into K-pop and J-culture in general... So much that they changed major and are now studying Japanese, in Japan... And are Hottest of course (I know how to raise my sisters), and just... are getting way better at it than I am, winning all sorts of contests and concert tickets *sigh* but they Do love 2PM, and that's what is important!

And then they have converted like, dozens of people, so I think in some sense that can be contributed to me LOL...

And my best friend is a K-pop addict... but we sort of... got into it at the same time.. so not really anyone turning anyone there.. 


5. Does your family know that you are in that genre? (My mom has no idea what Kpop is...xD)

Yes. Everyone LOL.

6. Where do you get your inspirations from when you want to start a new fanfic? (I mean, if you do write fanfics...of course)

I don't really know... Probably mostly from 2PM's interaction... Like, of course they are real people, so they have all complicated relationship with each others... but usually I see like one aspect of their interaction, like Chansung being submissive to Khun LOL... And then taking that aspect... a story starts forming in my mind, enhancing or exaggerating it a bit (There's my Angel on the Outside...)... Or like when I see Minjun being all hyung-like, but then melts completely at Chan-cuteness so Chansung has got him at the palm of his hands LOL... (there's my Another Night together)... basically stuff like that.

Though some things I write are just for fun, and no thought goes really into it.

But I think this, taking one aspect of their relationship, inspires me the most... And then I just... like to put them in different situations and imagine how they would response LOL... That's just so much fun for me.


7. How did you get into Kpop?

I had finished all the J-drama in the world, so I started watching K-dramas.. Knew some OST songs, like this 2AM song... so when I saw 2PM's name it caught my attention, and then I was hooked


8. Could you recommend any good movies, k-dramas or asia movies? (I've currently no idea what to watch xD)

I don't know how much you watch.. so maybe you have seen this, but if not you should watch:


Sungkyunkwan Scandal 

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (though nobody likes it as much as I do LOL)

Movies... It's a bit graphic... but I seriously recommend "Lust, Caution" It's a Chinese movie, and it's awesome... (and I pictured Taecsung watching it in one of my Two-Faced chapters LOL), but don't watch it with your parents unless your comfortable watching graphic scenes with them LOL... But it's not the reason I love it... It's just.. so good.

And then there is this Korean skiing movie I always meant to watch about the olympics or something... based on a true story... I even have it on my hard drive but I haven't watched it yet, but I'm going to, because supposedly it's really good, but more importantly Chansung sometimes said it was his favorite movie LOL... 


9. What do you hate the most when reading a fanfiction? On the opposite...what's the most important thing when starting to read a fanfic?

hate is a strong word... But... I don't usually start reading stories that have character death, are too angsty, have mpreg or straight stories... (or stories where I think it's too likely that my OTP will break up, and Chansung will end up sad and alone (or a jerk)) But I could make an exception though... But I need a reason to read those... 

Most important thing when starting to read a fanfic is that 2PM is in it LOL... 


10. How would you react when you are attending a concert of your favourite group (or bias) and he/she/they come towards you, shaking hands or dancing in front of you? (It's always funny to hear different reactions xD)

I would probably freeze, I'm the freezing kind of girl...

11. Tell me...why do you love kpop? Why is it so special to you? Why is it hard for you to stop listening to it?

Hmmm... I love music... And I have an obsessive personality... So the music I'm listening to at each time I'm usually obsessed about... That being said, of course I love the language.. and it has some really good music...

And western music went through sort of electronica-phase a few years back, the rock died, so I escaped to J-rock and then J-pop which led to K-pop... So yeah, now I have a few bands I'm in love with, and so addictive to... But aside from them, I probably *could* stop listening to K-pop and go somewhere else... Though I have no plans to. 

But like.. 2PM no way I'm stoppin... I'm a hottest for life, because they are to precious to quit and they just make me so happy.


And to Banana_Dreams I have one question (just answer in comments) because I'm curious, but if you don't read this, or don't want to answer I don't mind... But just because I'm curious, what's your favorite 2PM pairing with Chansung? I know you like all Chan-pairings, but I was wondering if there is maybe one pairing you like a liiiittle more than the rest? (or a lot more?)

(And LOL don't worry, I won't get sad if it's not chanwoo.. since I know you like them, that's enough for me ❤)





1. Who is your favorite kpop band/group/singer



2. Which kpop idol do you wish to marry/date/make love to?

If I can choose jpop idols as well it's: Ohno Satoshi/Chansung/Chansung

But if it's only kpop idols, it's: Chansung/Chansung/Chansung

(yeah I'm Chansung biased in case you were wondering LOL)


3. What's your favorite kpop song?

Ah, this is hard... But the 2PM song I've listened to the most (over 1000 times) is I'm Your Man... But that's in Japanese, so I don't know if it counts...

Actually... My favorite Korean kpop song might be Heartbeat.

But if we go by songs I've listened to the most in Korean then it's (and I'll put the playcount in parenthesis because I hold a count of these things)

Miss A's Touch (673)

LeeHi's Dream (672)

2PM Chansung's Love you down (short version) (649) (+ the full version 235 times)

2PM's I Can't (586)


4. Who is your overall kpop bias.

It should not come as a shock at this point but it's Hwang Chansung


5. What is your favorite feature of your bias?

If we are talking about physical features then it's hard because that man is perfection and I love everything about him... But if I can only one thing... it's his shoulders... or his upper lip... Nope.. It's his shoulders.


6. Do you get angry when you find out your bias is dating or do you feel happy they have someone special in their lives?

No... not really... Mostly I do want him dating, but I prefer not knowing anything about it though... Because if I don't like the girl... I won't be happy.. And in the end nobody's good enough for my baby (except other 2PM members)... So better not knowing anything about it... But no, I don't want him living like a monk, that's a waste of a perfect man like that.. Besides, I'm pretty sure he has needs LOL... 

But most of all I want him to end up with someone who is kind. I could not bear the thought of Chansung dating someone who's not kind.


7. Do any of your best friends like kpop?

Yep, my best friend is into kpop, she's a VIP... and very 2PM-tolerent because I keep spamming her with 2PM news, so she knows so much about them everybody thinks she's a hardcore hottest LOL... 


8. Do you feel sad about your kpop bias or groups eventually having to enter the military?

I want to ignore that question because otherwise it will give me an anxiety attack.

I just pray to god that Nichkhun will release some songs to keep me alive.


9. Is your kpop bias older or younger than you?

Younger LOL... All my kpop biases are younger than me... Except for Rain Yay! 


10. What impact has kpop had on your life?

Well I listen to kpop constantly all day long, my walls are decorated with posters, I've been to Korea twice now (and counting)... so yeah, pretty much I'd say...


One question for Rnow_seoshidae, because I'm curious, but I don't know if it's rude so if you don't read this and don't answer, or simply don't want to answer never mind, but what gender are you?

And yeah! Welcome to AFF :)





1. What was your first K-Pop song you heard?

Hmm.. I don't remember... If OST-ballads don't count... LOL.. But the first one to make an impression was Don't Stop Can't Stop with 2PM


2. In which korean variety show you wanna be a guest?

Strong Heart


3. When you could spend one day with your Bias/Idol, what would you do?

Whatever Chansung would want to do.


4. Could you imagine being famous? When yes, what would you be? (singer, actor….)

Hmm If I would have to be famous, I'd probably want to be a famous scientist, but preferably only in a small field... Or a famous Children's book writer in my own country but not globally (though I haven't written a single children's book yet and maybe never will LOL)... 

But yeah, mostly I don't really want to be famous LOL... Not a fan of attention really. At least not where I cannot control it when I want to go into hermit-mode... 


5. What is your favorite MV?

2PM's I'm your Man


6. What is your favorite body part of your Bias/Idol?

Well, I was asked this in another list above, and then I said shoulders... So now I get to say upper lip right? That's only fair I can give that man's lip some credit LOL... 


7.  Cats or dogs?



8.  Are you a morning or a night person?



9. What do you like about yourself the most?

Hmmm... I try to be open minded and not too judgemental about people who want to live their life differently than the rest... And I try to see things from other people's perspective even if they are very different for me (or maybe especially when they are), though I maybe don't always succeed.

But then again I'm very judgemental of narrow minded people who think everyone should live their life the same way...

So that maybe doesn't count as being open minded... LOL...

But I love learning in general... And improving, albeit slowly... So I like the fact about me that I like learning.


10. Do you have a special ability or quirk?

I have this amazing ability that whenever I sing a song, nobody can recognize it no matter how I try to make them do so... It's supernatural really... You might just say I'm a bad singer... But I think it goes beyond that and I consider it a special talent.


11. What book or fanfiction are you reading right now?

 I was reading Haruki Murakami's 1Q84... But I'm somewhere in the middle and haven't read it lately.. 

The fanfictions I'm most obsessed about now are

nuneokcat's Love, Love Love   &

panda-_-'s Redemption

If anyone hasen't read them already, stop reading this blog and go read them Now... They are awesome 


Just a curiousity question to 2PMSoul (if you're reading this) how long have you been a hottest? And how long have you been reading fanfics LOL?





1. Which KPOP group do you prefer in terms of popularity, iness, and too much hotness?

I love 2PM most of all in every aspect.

2. What makes you inspiring about the KPOP industry?

The music.

3. What are your reactions/opinions about the future plans of the KPOP industry?

I don't know about any future plans

4. Who's your favorite actor and actress in the TV industry? (Not the younger ones...)

Of course it's Chansung ❤❤

But excluding 2PM it's: Lee Seung Gi and Suzy... 

5. Name your favorite bias and describe him in one adjective. After your answer, tell the reason why do you choose that adjective.

Hwang Chansung, perfect. Because he is so perfect even in his flaws and just the fact that he exists makes me happy beyond belief.

6. If your bias asks you on an international date, what country would you go through? (aside from Korea, their hometown.)

Japan, or maybe not because he's famous there... Well we'd just go to a remote location in Japan LOL... 

7. What kind of food you would like to eat on a date?

Good food. Maybe bulgogi or something casual... 

8. If your bias ask you to sing, what love song would you sing to him/her? (English love song for recommendation.)

I love my bias, I wish him no harm so I would not sing to him.

9. If your bias wanted to go home and leaving you, what kind of gesture would you give to him?

Wave him goodbye.

10. Name your biases at least 3 that you hated most? And tell us why?

I'm not really sure I understand this question. Sorry!


And a quick question to icehstv, What's your favorite 2PM song?


I did it!!! I managed to finish LOL... This was a lot... but at least I managed to answer... 

Thanks for reading... or not reading... Either way LOL

2PM fighting~



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Ok...wait a moment unnie~

*hits her AFF account*
Apparently my account doesn't show me when you update a blog...-.-"

So~ Since I already told you that I love stalking you, *winks* It's only logical that I just found this blog ^^

I love your answers and I agree in so many points with you...for example with Miss A! They are my favourite girl group <3

Ok...to your question :)
Honest speaking....I have no idea xDD

I have to admit that ChanHo was the first pairing I ever read in my life.
But...honestly...I already tried to answer this question a while ago...
I was like: "Mone, (It's my nickname, but feel free to call me Banana-girl xD) if you had to choose...which pairing would you take?" But I couldn't answer ._.

I love ALL 2PM pairings...or at least I'm open minded. No forget that...I really love to read ALL pairings o.o
But as you already said...as long as Chansung is a part of the couple; I'm in love with it x)

Lately I would say...that BuckSung, ChanWoo and TaecSung are the pairings I admire a TIIINY bit more than the rest xD

But since I somehow feel bad to not let Chan's other two hyungs have a bite of that y man...I already planed two stories for them ^^

One ChanK (or is it ChanJun or rather MinSung? *gets khunfused*) and one ChanNuneo/ChanHo.

And as a nice appetizer...there is also another ChanWoo story ahead xD
They seemed to fit the characters in the plot line. ;)
I'm going to update it on CHRISTMAS! *shakes her to 'This Christmas'*

*hehehe~ I guess they all suit Chanana so well *sigh* :3

... I'm glad my bias finished his military duty this aug 30th <3
SeraizaLee #3
Come to think about it, I think I can be counted as one of your crazy stalkers.... LOL..!!!! Its nice to read a lil more about you... Thanks for all the fun stuffs bout you...!! And thank you for writing such crazy stories..!!! ^_^
@2PM2PM2PM my favorite 2PM song is "Hands Up" and "Again and Again". Excluding 2PM songs,Taeckhun is my OP. My OTP song to dedicate them is "My Valentine" by Jim Brickman and Martina McBride.
so am I considered as stalker if I read this kitsu? haha...