Teenage Problems #1


I have a problem: All my close friends have boyfriends and I don't. 
Yea typical teenage problems right? The opposite . You know how it is when your friends are dating someone. They talk about them all the time. Somehow you always become a third wheel. They try to find someone for you so you won't feel left out. I haven't yet faced all of these, but I know they're coming soon.
I already suffered a moment when one day this week my friends were making couple collages on their phones and I was sitting there like "...yup I'm still single..." :/ 
My three best friend are all in a relationship. Even the one that I thought wasn't the slightest  bit into that stuff. And when more than two of us have boyfriends we all want to have boyfriends. This happened once a couple years ago.
Anyways, now I feel like I need a boyfriend. I've actually been checking out boys. I don't usually do that. Sure there are some people that like me or that I have a crush on but I'm afraid that I will go out with anyone just because my friends want me too. I do feel a little left out when they talk about their boyfriends but... I don't know.
I want a boyfriend but then I don't. I have school (I'm in an advanced math class) and marching band (and Kpop) to focus on. I don't know if I'll have time. Plus I don't think any boy at my school is my "type"
What do you think Chingus?? Should I start looking for a boyfriend or just roll with the single life...


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I think you should roll with the single life.

At least until the right one comes along. ^_^
If your going to find a boyfriend, do it because you really love them, not because your friends have boyfriends.
I've had this problem ALL MY LIFE, not even gonna lie, hahaha. I was always the fifth wheel (well, sometimes the seventh) and it's escalated now since my friends are getting married off. I'd say, if you want to look for a boyfriend because it makes you happy, go for it! I tried doing that, back in college, but then it turned out that most of the available guys were jerks (I was super-unlucky, hahaha) so in the end, I was like, "Uh, forget it, I'm just gonna fly solo. Better that than suffer inane conversation." So basically, for me, i tried it and didn't like it, because I was just doing it not to feel left out but it was even worse cause I got stuck with some morons. Hmmm. not sure if that was helpful, but just sharing. :D Fighting anyway!
Just go with it. Nothing wrong with being single. Plus, I know how much time marching band, school, and Kpop (especially Kpop) take up. As a friend of mine says "I want a boyfriend, but I'm not sure how to take care of one. Like, when so you feed it?" The single life is the easy life, my friend.
Well, I have no experience in dating BUT what I can say is to think clearly when you are deciding. Make sure not to let anything else outside of your mind to influence what you think.

And plus, don't worry. One day, you will meet that one special person you were destined to be with. It's just that now is just not that time.

If nobody at your school is your "type" then that's it. Don't pressure yourself into getting a partner that you won't be happy with in your life. Don't force yourself into doing this. Falling in love should be natural. That's my advice. :)
Just roll with it ;) lol don't make me sing Super Junior
"y, Free, and SINGLE~~~~~~"