I feel bad, but...

I feel horrible and guilty, but I dislike the fact that EXO have sold over 500,000 copies of the album.

They shouldn't be doing this well so early on, should they? Since 2009, only Suju managed to do that.

Thing that annoys me/worries me: Super Junior and ELFs worked for everything they have right now. It's no secret that they're LSM/whoever's in charge least favourite group, but they deserve what they have right now. They defied everything. We shouldn't have these guys that we have, we should have new one. But, thankfully we do.

However, despite Suju working for everything and deserving their fame and more, the hate for them unbelievable. The trash that people say about them is awful. Why would you say that? Super Junior are all really good people.


The thing that worries me about EXO is that they're putting the cart before the horse. Yeah, the album was really good, but their sales shouldn't be to this extent, should they? I mean, how long did it take Suju to do that?

EXO get sympathy from people because of their sasaengs, but if the comments aren't about that, it's trash about them. They, too, worked hard, extremely hard, for the their debut and their promotions.

But, if you take away the sasaeng sympathy, all people do is hate on EXO.

Suju's fans get hate a lot. But Suju can handle everything. They know how to not lose face. They get angry, but never to the extent that a normal person would under the situation (in public, at least).

EXO's fans are hated on a lot. And, as a fan, to read comments for both groups (about fans and their music), it's not nice.

But if EXO's fame keeps being propelled at such an alarming rate, surely they'll be placed as a contender for the most hated group. It's like One Direction.

I don't need to say how many times I see people who are EXOtics say, "I only dislike 1D because of their fans." People say the same about EXO .-.

There are groups that are known for rising and breaking through the charts even though they come from a relatively new or unknown company - it's a great image for a group to have. I fear EXO will get the opposite image. Only famous because of their company. (Please do not tell me that EXO are the SM wave, I hate that statement ...)


And, comparing EXO to people that B.A.P are compared to (a.k.a DBSK, H.O.T), I really really hate. Find other legends to compare them to (there are loads, some a lot more alike EXO than DBSK and H.O.T) .-.

People have been calling B.A.P the next in the eight year line after DBSK and H.O.T since No Mercy or Crash. Get someone new .-.

The fact that people are saying: Exo are getting the daesang this year!!!!!!! Trolls, go away!!!!!!

I think that this will only get them more hate.. The Daesang .... B.A.P apologised a lot when Zelo said that his ultimate goal was to win the award. They kind of looked startled for a moment, and they started saying, "Sorry! Sorry!" As if it were too cocky of them and that at this stage in their career, they shouldn't even think of it for a fleeting moment.

Sometimes I wish that people knew what a troll really was....


Maybe I'm just in a bad mood from school, but, erm, I'm going to go back to fangirling about Block B and learning how to describe pictures in another language .-.


Tomorrow shall be a good day, Kim Heechul will be back and it's the weekend ^u^

Guys, you have no idea how happy I am! Up-to-date shows with Kim Heechul ^~^


And people are seriously judging me and my love for EXO after this post orz

I'm just worried that they'll get so much hate that it'll be too much to bear and they'll snap .-.

It's not Suju, men who are eight years into this business and can handle this, it's boys who have been around for a year and a half. I'm afraid that EXO'll crack. Not only public hate, they'll have sasaengs to deal with. Baekhyun admitted his struggles after only their debut ....

I'm afraid that the fans are going to be too much. Bands are hated on for their fans (especially high pitched teenage girls), so I think fandoms should be like Beast's be really respectful and kind. B2ST are loved in all the comments I see.

Even though I'm not one, B2uties are kind. I went onto videos during my B2ST song marathon, there were so many kind, lovely comments welcoming new people and just being nice to people. I have yet to see a troll on a Beast video or a troll claiming to be a Beauty. Has any else seen one?


I have a feeling I'm just digging myself in deeper here and no one agrees, but hey, it's my opinion. Everyone has different ones. I was always taught to speak my mind and say what I feel about a topic and stick up for that.

Even if I dislike comments about Suju, I see their point. All Suju get is recylced stuff. They need new songs. Wolf was lacking, for me.

But, even if you don't agree and are enjoying EXO's rapid success, I hope you see where I am coming from.

That's all, I guess.


EDIT: This isn't a blog about album sales, but about the hate they're receiving/will receive


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bethann591 #1
Well, I like both EXO and Suju but I'm not going to claim to be an expert on either. Keep in mind when Suju debuted 8(ish?) years ago Kpop hadn't gone global like it has since EXO debuted. There has been so many technological innovations - not even mentioning all the social and economic changes that have happened in S. Korea and Asia in general. Suju and other Kpop groups that have been together for awhile (ehrm: BigBang) have laid and an amazing foundation for the newer groups to more easily come up and succeed on a a global scale. Are they young, beautiful, talented, and hard working? Yes. Do they have some of the best people in the industry helping them come up with cool music? Yes, again. Would they be this successful if they didn't have groups like Suju, BigBang, and The Wonder Girls paving the way for them? Doubtful.
Sometimes I feel like that. I don't want to bash EXO or anything but I feel like their huge spike in success is only because 1) they come from SM and 2) They're like younger version of SJ only with much more skinship. I feel like they could release a horrible song and the fans would still love it because they're their precious 'oppas' and can't do anything wrong. I'm not saying that all fans are like that but most of their fanbase is insane. I feel bad for the other groups who have good music but just can't compete with Exotics :/
I agree with, completely. I also think that EXO's fame is getting too much now, especially when they're still count as rookies (a bit) and that a lot of other groups need to shine too. EXO recently had their EIGHTH win for GROWL, a repackaged album song. It's very rare for repackage albums to have a win, talk about EIGHT freaking wins. I'm not like mad or anything, but it really for the groups who also have a ton of talent but still didn't win.
Take B.A.P as an example. They gave us tons of comebacks, and all, yet they didn't win yet. I think that B.A.P should shine as much as EXO.

There was already a lot of rumors saying that EXO is gonna replace Super Junior, which I have a feeling it is true. Ugh, I hate the fact that a 1 year and a half rookie group is gonna replace a older, and more experienced group.
Are you serious ? i love how you never even for once mentioned how hard EXO worked to get where they are too right now , but you go on and on about suju hard work. Even tho i'm not a ELF i would never sit here and talk about them in such away you're talking about EXO. it's just really sad that you have to put on this act like you care about them only to put them down .you really should do more research on them because you sound like you don't know anything about them or us Exotics.
I agree with you.
Honestly I'm a bit afraid of their rapid sucess too. Its like, Why???
I'm not really an EXOtic but I am a true ELF <3 so maye my opinion doesnt matter here.....

Omg did you say Heechul comes back soon?! Wow, away from the computer for a few days and I miss a lot :(
I agree with all of the things you've said on this blog. The number of fans they've gotten has increased pretty fast and they've only been around for 1 1/2 years. It's really annoying how SM just keeps on using their money for EXO's fame. I keep seeing their ads everywhere! For the hate to stop, I think they should speak up like one Heechul and other members did, I even remember GD saying something to his fans about something and they listened and understood, but I forgot what. I think it was something like idols aren't dolls you can control, we're people too. well something like that???? idk
You can't go off physical album sales since many people buy the albums in bulk and when you have a huge fanbase willing to buy 10+ albums, some people buying 100+ albums (most likely unofficial fanclubs), physical sales are usually only there to tell people how big the fandom is and how much they are willing to spend on their bias bands. It's the digital sales that you should pay attention to because digital sales are usually the things that explicitly tell someone how well a group is doing, because unlike physical albums you can buy in bulk, you can only buy digital albums so many times before you can't anymore. So even though 500,000 albums seems like a lot, but when compared to digital sales (which are pretty decent for EXO, but still show where EXO stands), it's a different thing. Because people who buy digital albums may be fans, but more often than not, it is also people who like the album as a whole and are not willing to buy 10+ albums.

But the thing that EXO really needs is for one of them to speak out like Heechul or someone like Dongwan from Shinhwa who has explicitly stated many times that Shinhwa is not responsible for the lives of fans. EXO needs someone like that and they don't have that person. Sad to say, but most of EXO are nice guys and the ones that do have some attitude probably won't be listened too. Tao has already voiced his displeasure and has been ignored. Plus, a couple years from now when SM finally gives EXO an official fan name and fanclub yadda yadda, things will be less crazy, especially when official fanclub members can call people out and punish the stupid fans that keep making problems for EXO.
i agree with most things you said and as an ELF im glad im not the only one who thinks that way, even thought im not an EXOTIC i cant say they have no talent what so ever , yeah they are good singers and dancers, but SM keep using their money to get Fame for EXO thats annoying. i am pretty sure EXO would do pretty good without the help of their company's money, and this is coming from an anti.
I understand you completely. I worry about EXO, too because of the same reasons. EXO does have too much fame too soon, but they did work hard for it. But ee cant forget the fact that they are under SM so they were bound to be famous fast, unfortunately =/ but still, they make good songs and worked hard to get where they are now, and I'm not speaking from a die-hard fangirl's perspective.! >·<
And I'm glad Heechul's coming back ^-^ About time!
I love Super Junior and EXO both but I don't think one should be treated better then the other...I feel bad how SM treats SuJu. SM needs to give SuJu better songs, better mvs and better styles instead of having them re using the same stuff over and over again.

As for Wolf...I didn't think it was terrible, could be better but I liked Growl a lot more then Wolf.
Super Junior and EXO are two completely different thing! I think their fortune is to have debuted in a time in which KPOP is BIG. When When legend such as TVXQ, BoA, Super Junior ecc.. debuted surely there wasn't too much interest into Korean music and they needed to work hard to get where they are now, nowadays rookies have a easy path since the internet and the Kwave...
EXO SM best artist? I don't think so... they are nice kids but they should work harder... unfortunately c'est la vie... T^T

YES!!! Heechul is coming back tomorrow *^*
i love SJ and EXO too.
SJ is the first group that i stan. they got me into kpop. ^^
about the massive album sales, i get what you mean. but EXO's albums have two versions, right? and SJ's only have one. so SJ still sold more? ^^