Expectation vs. Reality

Reality vs. Expectation of B.A.P:


Expectation: B.A.P being badass people who do ... badass things on interviews? Idk.


Reality: Six awkward people

 That was supposed to be B.A.P's introduction video ... he never said his name...


With a maknae that they need to teach how to dress...

 I can't find a photo with his pants, but if you'd seen them ... *shudder*


And just 'cos I can include them:


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no offense to zelo but the colorful thing looks like a towel turned into a blanket.lol.
Whoa...Zelo... 0_0
O.O Zelo's outfit...so bright .___.

And the last macro XD
That outfit Zelo's wearing is seriously ridiculous..
marshmellowcakes #5
lol oh gosh :P
Daehyun's smile ~