SHINee description HELP? ..Please?




Hey guys! I love this blog thing, it's so great for communication! Hahah! ANYWAYYYY! I have a HUGE QUESTION about SHINee...about the boys & I would LOVE you help PLEASE~!


okay! So how would you guys describe each of the member's personality/ their image? Like (insert name here) is a player blah blah blah (insert more adjectives here) for example.


If you can guys like describe each member for me, THAT WOULD BE LIKE....AWESOME~!  so please? PLEASE? PLEASEEEEE?! 

like how would you describe Key? Taemin? Minho? Jonghyun? Onew?

like in your stories...what kind of description do you usually give them?


No hate please...I'm just I was trying to figure it out through stories & research and I fail SO BAD . Sigh. But i would be so GRATEFUL. LIKE FOR REAL. THANK YOU~! ❤❤❤ :D


I'm kinda new into the fandom of SHINee so please don't mean to me, or I'll like cry..then eat..but I don't get fat..CURSE MY FAST METAOLISM~!


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Key is a diva. OTL
But some stories make him too girly.
He's still a man.
Just a really naggy one.
And same with Taemin.
He's a young person but some stories make him ridiculously innocent.
He can't be asking Minho why he feels something weird in his pants.
I mean, seriously. ;;
Rant ends.
I haven't put them in a story... but Taemin is sort of like a sun. He's so bright and cheerful, I guess how I would think a maknae is. Jonghyun is aaayy. If anyone was a player, it'd be him. Key would have to be the beautiful boy. But not girly. Girls would flock to him and call him Prince.. I'm not too sure about Onew.. Minho could be another prince character, or the cold guy type that girls love.
Onew: a.k.a Ondubu, he loves eating chicken, no seriously, he is shy, sweet, quiet, and has a really amazing unique voice.

Jonghyun: probably known as the hottest member due to figure. Handsome, funny, dinosaur.

Taemin: the sweet little maknae, mushroom, laughs a lot, crazy, and sometimes his innocence can be kinda stupid and cute.the dancing machine.

Key: key is a total diva, he can have a really funny ignorant bishy attitude. He laughs a lot and is very fashionable.

Minho: the charismatic, athlete who can be very serious and very funny at times. He is very serious but very caring.
If you watch SHINee's One Fine Day (I recently became addicted) there personalities are really there.
Well for the image... It kind of differs depending on which concept you preferred them in... Although for Jonghyun, he's often described as looking like a dinosaur xD. Him, Amber [f(x)] and Donghae [SuJu] are dubbed the 'dinosaur siblings of SM entertainment'.

In terms of personality....
Onew - Kind, Caring, Clumsy [Onew Sangtae] Kind of lost and out of it? LOL but always dependable. Oh and of course Onew = Chicken hahaha.
Jonghyun - Playful, A tease, a player? (sometimes) I think for Jonghyun he could fit the mild of alot of different things...
Key - Diva, Cold but protective of those he cares about, caring, the 'Omma' of the group.
Minho - Charasmastic, Cold, player, kind of douchey. I have nothing against Minho, but that's the feel I get from him in some Fics lol, he always ends up sweet and caring though!!
Taemin - cute, cute and cute LOL! Bubbly, child-like? But can step up and be a mature man when he needs to be. Loves banana milk xD

Can't really think of much else.. ^^
There's only one word that I can descrive Onew with:
He is INLOVE with chicken keke! Search up Onew chicken on youtube, trust me, you'll be laughing your head off with all of his chicken obsessions heheh!!