TaoRis - Diary of a Lonely Dragon Head [Update]


Hello again, all. This is a little head's up saying that I'm going to be working on this for the time being while I get myself together for the other fandom that I'm going to write on. No, I can't stay away from here even with my kind of resovle DX...I even took the time to make a new poster to make up for the other that was such bad quality. That and the fact that it was just...too colorful. It popped, yes, but it glared at me, in hindsight. So something softer to accent the angst in the story, yeah? I'm looking forward to the end of this thing because it's one of the most complicated plots I'd come up with so far. To those of you just stumbling across this tiny little blog, I really do hope you'll be interested enough to just glance at the foreword and tell me what you think of the idea. I'd love to hear what you think of it.

As for the familiar ones, I'll do my best not to take forever to update.


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Woot! Excited as per usual! I thought the other poster was nice but this one is awesome too! ^_^ I like the layout and the color scheme as well as the images and I am very much looking forward to future updates. Huzzah! <3

Is it bad that I'm just a smidgen happy you weren't quite able to stay away? *does happy dance* Though I still wish you luck with the other fandom story too! Yay!