
Well I'm restarting my writing, but a lot of these fics are going to be torn down and their plots used for other fandoms. I'm terribly sorry. Depending on how I feel, I will keep some of theunpromised ones but to be quite honest, I don't feel that a lot of these belong here in the fandoms I originally chose for them. Starting next week, I'll start taking things down. Only co-authored fics and a select few personal ones will remain. 


Thank you so much for your support and sticking with me [even if you forgot me over time] but I'll still be around wrecking your lives in small ways.


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I'm in that boat, too. Not really what you're doing, but I'm doing things differently with my fics.
Well, if they don't feel right, they don't feel right, and perhaps you'll be able to repurpose the plots like you said. Either way, I'm sure it'll be fascinating to see how things unfold and I for one and intrigued by which ones you'll keep and who you'll use for them. ^_^ And it's good to hear from you, my dear. Please do continue to 'wreck my life' with your plots. haha I look forward to it. ;)

Good luck and happy writing with your current path! :D *cheers enthusiastically*
/pokes you/