Graphic Review for: Hiirah


First Impressions: 9/10

When I first saw this the only thing I could do was stare. And stare. And stare some more. It really is a pretty poster. Something that says 'look at me'. I could see all the hard work you put into making this, and I really liked...well I liked everything! The glass peices at the top also made me think that you put lots of thought into this.


Technique: 19.5/20

For your blending everything was exceptional. Except the head of the second guy. I cant tell who he is, but the head is blended it just suddenly disappeared. The glass pieces didn't stick out weirdly, and it was blended so that you can't even tell it was added on. I also liked how when your flower at the bottom reached the characters on your poster it seemed normal, and like it belonged there.


Resources: 20/20

Oh my! I loved everything that you used on the poster! They all fit well, and you used a lot! Not much to say since everything is good. They enhanced your poster perfectly! OMG...the creepy hand sticking out of the flower was so...CREEPY! I didn't notice it at first, but then when i look closer i almost freaked out! Now the only thing i can see is the hand...


Composition: 19.5/20

Here you also did a good job with making both sides even. The glass balanced everything, but i felt that the right side was just a little bit 'heavier'. I think its because of the quotes, and how your title seem to go more towards the right. The glass tried its hardest to make everything even, but it wasn't enough. (That was weird...i just made the glass seem like it was a person >_<) Overall when you look at it, the poster seem to be pretty balanced.


Quality: 5/5

The quality of your pictures seem to be fine. But because of the textures you put over it who knows? I did like the line texture over everything, and i think the pictures were hq.


Typography: 4/5

I liked the font you used for the title. It was really pretty. Not super crazy, but just elegant and nice. The only problem i had with the fonts were on your quote. The first half seem to be boring, and it didnt seem to fit with the rest of the fonts. The last word was too much I thought. It was maybe too fancy?


Theme/Mood: 9/10

For the theme overall you did a really good job. It wasn't cute, and happy. It was angsty like you wanted. It was dark, mysterious ect...but if you didn't tell me i would have never guessed it to be related to zombies in anyway. The colors weren't enough for the zombie mood.


Extras: 9/10

This is an amazing piece of work^^ I really enjoyed reviewing it, and it really showed your talent, and skill as an artist! This piece also gives inspiration for others to improve, so i thank you for making such a lovely poster!


Total: 95/100



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