Players || Youngjae LeNoir



name: ShawolCassieElf

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Your character!

name: Youngjae LeNoir (French: Ambroise-Papillon Cygnus LeNoir)

ethnicity: Half Korean, Half French

birthdate: 31/10/12

blood type: AB

height: 181cm

weight: 57kg



Youngjae is, in general a cold boy. He isn’t interested in anything, nothing seems to amuse him. It’s almost as if he is bored with life. His expression is always cold and bored, his eyes blank and they seem to look through you rather than at you. You can’t really say that ‘under all that he’s kind and sweet’ because he is not. He is actually uninterested.

He is rather closed off and distant, rather detached from reality but not mentally ill. He can put on a good act when needed, finding a slight bit of amusement when people fall for it, namely teachers. He is a thinker, only talking when it is needed and thinks his actions through before doing anything, making people this he is slow and has bad reaction skills, which he is far from. He isn’t shy, what most people tend to believe but more anti-social and tends to keep to himself. He doesn’t trust easily. Youngjae has this obsession with being perfect, which came from his childhood. If he doesn’t get it, he does get quite upset with himself and angry.

He tends to warp his ‘personality’ to fit the situation. Around his parents and their guests or higher ups, he’s the perfect, charming, polite son. Around his grandparents, he’s a filial child, always helping them as he cares for them deeply. His friends baby him, and he’s fine with that because despite the emotionless husk he has become, he still yearns for affection and attention. There is one thing that is consistent with everyone is that he is always polite, with perfect manners. Even if he’s yelling at you, his voice will be calm with formal language because he can’t speak informally. He is also a perfectionnist on crack basically. He’s OCD about perfection to the point when it’s insane. He’s ambitious, because he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, to have things perfect. Because of his childhood of being pressured to be the perfect child but yet get no attention, if something’s not perfect he freaks out.


Youngjae was born to a wealthy, powerful family as the second child in Shanghai, China. He was not what his parents wanted, his mother wanted a girl she could dress up in pretty clothes, his father wanted a daughter he could marry off to a rich heir, and his brother didn’t like the competition two sons made. As a result, Youngjae strived for his parents’ attention, acting the part of the perfect son. He was polite and charming, and many adults liked him. However, his parents already had their firstborn son as their perfect child and they didn’t want another one. He was neglected, and almost kept hidden away from the world. He was homeschooled, and the only balls he could attend were the ones that were hosted at his place. He was never taken to balls or gatherings at other places. Though he would be taken along for the annual family vacation, he was never really included properly.

Starting from when he was 10  years old, he was sent to stay at his maternal grandparents’ place in London, England as his brother, at age 16 was deemed old enough to tag along to business outings, which happened often, and sometimes dragged on as many business outings could be merged into one by staying overseas in one of their holiday villas. His mother was full Korean, born and raised in London, but her parents had died when she was 2 years old, thus she had been placed in an orphanage. She was adopted by a wealthy couple, who after having one son, decided that they would adopt a daughter as the woman could no longer have children. She was raised in a wealthy London environment as a proper daughter of the House of Isis, however she was still ‘nice’ as the Isis family kept the customs but still were welcoming. Youngjae found with his maternal grandparents, more of a family than he had ever had. Secretly, his grandparents started to refer to him as ‘Orion’ and he stuck to it, as he hated anything that related to his neglectful parents, his birth name, Minghua included. He still received his home-schooling in Chinese, though he started English lessons.

When he reached 12 years old, his parents started to ban him from leaving the house altogether. He wasn’t allowed anywhere, and thus wasn’t able to go to his grandparents house. He soon realised that at the age of 18 years old, his brother was finally an adult and they didn’t want him tagging along because apparently he ‘soiled’ the name of LeNoir, though he was every bit the perfect son. He had patience for a year, under minimal parental contact and being taken care of by servants before he broke. If his parents were so determined to view him as a wayward son, then he should act the part. As most of his belongings were at his grandparents’ place, as he stayed there longer, he packed his belongings, running away from China to England. His grandparents disapproved of this action but they said nothing. His uncle had married a Korean woman, and thus he was sent to live with her family in South Korea. After viewing kpop, he realised that this would be another way for him to rebel, and he genuinely enjoyed it, thus he started training. 



  • RAIN. Loves the rain so much, loves the smell the look, the feel. However the rain must be in cold weather because he hates humid rain. Loves to stand in the rain. Loves to stay inside and watch thunderstorm. Just rain, loves it a lot.
  • pretty things
  • quiet
  • solitude
  • music
  • dancing
  • cats
  • sleeping
  • crystal and glass figurines


  • manual labour
  • ugly things
  • noise
  • bugs
  • dirt


  • painting
  • origami
  • playing music
  • dancing
  • sleeping
  • jigsaw puzzles
  • collects crystal and glass figurines

other talents: Almost all classical instruments except for some wind instruments (french horn, trumpet etc.). Has a silver tongue.


love interest: Kai (EXO) or Band member or Kris (EXO)

friends: Sehun, Himchan, Vachel-Sorrel Beauchene (Childhood friend, OC)

inspirations: Michael Jackson


personal fanclub name: Pretties

fanclub color: Gold


password: Well...I don't really play video I don't know. Um, let's see, Final Fantasy has pretty art, so this girl. I dunno why, I searched Final Fantasy up and she's the prettiest in the image results. So yea, her. I really don't know.




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