CHROME || Youngmin and Youngjae Hanabusa


Personal Information

AFF Username: ShawolCassieElf

Profile Link:

Character Information:

Name: Youngmin and Youngjae Hanabusa (Japanese: Akatsuki and Tsukiya Hanabusa)
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 31/10/1995 (Youngmin is the elder twin, born 30 minutes before Youngjae)
Height: Youngmin is 180cm. Youngjae is 181cm.
Weight: Youngmin is 57kg. Youngjae is 58kg.
Blood Type: AB
Nationality: Korean


Youngmin/Akatsuki: It's probably because Youngmin is the elder twin that he is more mature. He definitely matured earlier then his twin, and though he wanted freedom and didn't want to be the heir, he knew that protesting would get him no where, and only make things worse for him. So he conceded and acted the part, being the perfect charming gentleman. Youngmin is quieter than his twin (but not mute), responsible, logical and the smarter one. He is the one who thinks plans through, thinks about the consequences. Even though he is soft-spoken, he is the one who assumes the leadership position. He has a soft spot for injured animals and loves flowers.

Youngjae/Tsukiya: Youngjae is reckless, foolishly brave and careless, and tends to express his thoughts with actions rather than words. He does tend to be violent sometimes, and violence is his way of solving things. He is physically taller slightly, and stronger than his twin, and his jawline is harsher, more masculine. While Youngjae is the brains, he is the brawn. He loves sport, and has a rebellious character as he is rather selfish. What Youngjae wants, Youngjae will get and he wants his freedom so badly. He loves danger, after all, what's life without a bit of danger?  He doesn't look before he leaps, and if it weren't for Youngmin, he would probably be dead already. The most important thing, is that he is a PRANKSTER. And Youngmin is too, as Youngmin helps him finetune his glorious plans, though Youngmin would never admit it.




·        Flowers

·        Oceans, water

·        Cute animals

·        Shiny things


·        Dragons, and dangerous mythical creatures

·        Danger

·        Sport, especially soccer

·        Pranks

·        clubs



·        Dirty stuff (he's a bit OCD about cleaniness)

·        bugs

·        loud noises

·        clubs


·        Being sensible

·        Conforming to the beliefs of others (when others expect him to be)

·        pathetic people (who expect people to save them. In other words, Damsels in distress but he would save Youngmin anyday)



Akatsuki (As they lived in Japan, they were addressed like this. Once they move to Korea, I'll use their Korean names)  and Tsukiya (Youngjae) were born to a very conservative, wealthy, upper-class family. Their parents were rather close-minded, believing that women should marry men, no until marriage, no divorce and things like that. They frowned down on idols, saying that they (Jpop and kpop idols) dressed hideously, and their music was painful on the ears. Their older sister, Amaya (Korean: Boyoung) was a easily swayed, eagar to please person and she tried hard to please their parents until practically all of her original personality was lost and she took on her parents views, though she wasn't as old-fashioned as they were.

Akatsuki was to be the heir to Hanabusa Group, and he was fit for the job. This created a fair bit of sibling tension and hatred, as Tsukiya was jealous. This started around 12 years old, when they were old enough to understand. Thus Tsukiya started to rebel, ignoring their parents and doing everything their parents hated. Perhaps it was only because their parents were conservative, that Tsukiya wasn't disowned. Akatsuki was favoured even more, but he didn't even want to be the heir. It was only when they were 16 years old, that they put their feud to an end.

When the twins were 15 years old, they were on an exchange to Korea, as their parents decided that they were old enough to care for themselves. Tsukiya realised that Akatsuki wasn't up to their parents, and grudgingly apologised. They reconciled, and became even closer then they were before. Tsukiya decided that he woud stop being so rebellious (though he loved it), but to have a grand exit, Tsukiya suggested that they audition to be a kpop star. Surprisingly, they made it in, and loved it. They didn't tell their parents, deciding that if anything, they would graduate high school first. They went to a special arts high school in Korea, telling their parents that it was 2/3 years long, and their aunt helped them, as she whole-heartedly supported their huge rebellion. 




·        Drums with his pen on the nearest surface (repeatedly hits the surface with some sort of rhythm) when he is thinking

·        Fidgets with his clothing when he is nervous

·        When he's angry, he won't explode right away at the person who provoked him, but smile then a few days later, get an awesome revenge


·        When he's angry or upset, he goes and wreaks havoc on a room, breaks things

·        When he's thinking of a prank, he will start chewing on his pen

·        He often runs a hand through his hair to mess it up. Like all the time. It's just a habit with no reason.



·        Painting

·        Jigsaw puzzles

·        Origami

·        Figure Skating

·        Piano


·        Soccer

·        Guitar (acoustic)

·        Painting

·        Pranks



  • Both of them are allergic to tree nuts (NOT CHOCOLATE)
  • Youngmin has a pet Siamese cat named 'Yuki' []. A girl who is incredibly proud, spoilt, and mean but completely taken with the twins
  • Youngjae has his birhtday in roman numerals on his lower back (like Jaejoong's one) and it's got some water lily's scattered at the base and a dragon flying above. Youngmin doesn't know about this.
  • When they were young, they had nicknames for each other. Youngjae's nickname for Youngmin was 'Ren', and Youngmin's nickname for Youngjae was 'Ryuu'. The nicknames meant 'water lily' and 'dragon' respectively. Since then (which was very very young), they had always called each other that. It was their way of escaping the expectations placed on them by their parents. It has stuck since them, and in a way is simply their name, but with no legalities. The twins will never address each other by any other name, but will never allow anyone else to address them by it. It’s their own special thing.
  • Both twins are very protective (bordering on possesive) of each other. Youngae would instantly beat up anyone who hurt his twin, while Youngmin will stew on it for a few days before destroying them in other ways than physical, and more longlasting (Maybe he will discover a secret and blackmail him or whatever). They go to extreme measures.




Ulzzang Name: Lee Chi Hoon
1 2 3 4 5

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Dong Hoon
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Family Members:

MOTHER: Hwang Soyeon || AGE: 47 || OCCUPATION: N/A || PERSONALITY: Conservative, traditional, raises her children to be perfect

FATHER: Hanabusa Kazuya || AGE: 52 || OCCUPATION: CEO || PERSONALITY: Strict, and rules with an iron fist

SISTER: Hanabusa Himeko || AGE: 24 || OCCUPATION: N/A || PERSONALITY: Sycophantic, eager to please, no personality basically, gentle

AUNT: Hwang Jiyeon || AGE: 42 ||OCCUPATION: Cafe owner || PERSONALITY: Really nice and sweet, supportive




Best Friend || Youngmin|| 17 || Boyfriend || Confident, bordering on cocky but in a good way, and the Youngmins get along best because they have the same name! || They can tell each other anything

Best friend || Kwangmin || 17 || Boyfriend || Funny, loves to tell jokes || The two younger twins get along best. Yea, complete trust.


Love Interest: You know who it is *wink wink*
Back Up Love Interest: Jo Youngmin for Youngmin. Jo Kwangmin for Youngjae.


Idol Stuff:

Stage Name: Sun and Moon (For Youngmin and Youngjae respectively)

  • Youngmin: Main Dancer
  • Youngjae: Lead Rapper

Back Up Position:

  • Youngmin: Lead Dancer/Sub-Vocal (anything dance-y, or vocal-y really)
  • Youngjae: Lead Vocal/Sub-dancer (anything rap-y or vocal-y really)



·        Almost all classical musical instruments, piano, violin, flute, viola, clarinet etc.

·        Figure skating

·        Traditional Japanese and Korean dance

.         Tea Ceremony and Flower arranging (all those kind of traditional Japanese stuffs)


·        Almost all sports, especially soccer

·        Guitar and drums. He, like Youngmin has learnt the others, but stopped most of them (except piano) when he started rebelling

.        Acting (Youngmin can never resist Youngjae's puppy eyes)

.        Seducing XD He's y and he knows it, practically a casanova, a player because his parents are all like 'One girl for life'!


As for the triggers hmmm... you can really choose whatever you want. You can give both of them the same trigger, or give them different triggers. Currently, I'm more inclined to the cutting trigger for Youngmin and the trigger for Youngjae. Or you could give only one of them a trigger, and let the other twin help him out of it? Your choice :) I'm looking forward to what you do!


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