About me


FIRST step: Spell your name with songs:
S - y, free and single - Super Junior
H - History - EXO
E - Easy - Beast
R - Ring Ding Dong - SHINee
R - Replay - SHINee
Y - You and I - IU

Name: Sherry
Country: Australia
Nickname: Lulu
Eye color: Sorta a dark golden brown
Hair color: Black
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 1
Platonic love: All my babes

Shoes you're wearing today: Brown school shoes
How are you dressing: Senior school uniform
Your perfect pizza: Something with cheese. Love cheese. And prawn maybe. Garlic prown or marguirita (LOL I can't spell)
Favorite group or singers: EXO
Favorite music video:  ...well...you see... currently...EXO's songs. All 3 of them! Except history, cos that was a tad boring. But the other two, MAMA and What is love is awesome!

Your best physical feature: My lips. But I can't smile with my mouth closed but I think it looks pretty not smiling XD
When you go to sleep?: 10pm
The largest loss of memory: Year 7. Cannot remember anything from that year like wtf

Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
So, Adidas, Nike or Converse?: Converse
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
With or without Pajamas: With
White or black: Black
Are you jealous?: Yes. Need to be smart. Why am I even doing this when I should be studying...
Hot or cold: Cold.
Letter or mail: Letter
Kiss or hug: HUGS.

Do you curse: What counts? I don't drop the f-bomb if that's what you mean.
Sing: Tried auditioning before.
Dance: Yea
Do you take a shower daily: Of course!
Do you want to go to College University: who doesn't?
Do you want to get married?: 26 years old
Do you go out with your parents?: A bit. Once or twice a month.
Do you eat a lot?: Heck yes. And I'm supposed to be losing weight for my formal. Argh stuff it!
Do you drink alcohol?: No
Do you trust easily?: In a way

In the last month...
Gone to the Mall: Yes
 Do eat a whole box of Oreo?: No
Went on a stage: No
Dance: Yes
Did at home "cake"?: Yes
Do swim or with a very y suit?: No
Stole something: Don't think so...

You played a game that requires to remove clothes: Yea once. It was kept innocent though! No guys were there and we were in our camp rooms.
You've been hit: Not out of violence or anger. Oh, right my sister has hit be quite a bit when I was little...does that count?
Stolen in stores: Don't think so
You would go to live in another country: Yup, France!
Stolen Kiss: No

That age are waiting to get married: 26
Number of relationships: Nil. My life
Describe the wedding of your dreams: Indoors in a beautiful giant ballroom. But the ceremony, perhaps outside in a garden.
What country/city you would like to visit more?: Korea, all of Europe
Your future children name: My son will be named something that starts with 'Chris', maybe Christian and my daughters...I want to name ther after Harry potter! No screw the son thing. My son will be called Regulus, my daughters Andromeda and Narcissa. Sorry Bellatrix, I think my kid will hate my for life if I name her that.
TENTH step:
Best eye colour: GREY! Oh Draco, how can you be so beautiful? Love grey eyes, they're BEAUTIFUL!
Best hair colour: Black or platinum blonde (Malfoys...)
Short hair or long hair?: Long
Type of hair: Wavy, fluffy
Height: Short
Age: High school aged
Personality: Neat

Tell the person you most want to something: SMTOWN come to Australia!
Sing your favorite song: Every every every day~ lalalalala HISTORY!
Number of people that you can trust your life?: 2
Favorite number: 3
Number of tattoos: None...yet
Number of holes: As in piercings? I have 2 on each ear but one ear is infected. ARGH!


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Can I steal this? >3<