Teen || Application


Youngjae LeNoir


I just wanna know your name~ Jay Park


Username: ShawolCassieElf

Profile link:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/74700

What should I call you?: Lulu


Bring the boys out~ Girls' Generation


Character's name: Youngjae LeNoir

Other name: (French) Ambroise-Papillion LeNoir

Nicknames: Little Butterfly (only Sehun and Vachel call him this though Vachel calls him the French variant 'Petite Papillon'. This is because Papillion means butterfly)

Date of Birth: September 18th 1996

Blood type: AB

uality: He thinks he’s straight but he’s actually bi. (He never felt attraction to guys before because all the boys at his primary school were bullies, and when he was homeschooled he only really knew Vachel and their relationship was friends. His parents have also told him that loving a boy is wrong and unnatural, and that he should mary a proper girl)

Ethnicity: Half French Half Korean

Languages spoken: French, Korean, English, Italian (learning)

Birthplace: London, England

Hometown: Paris, France


Wow Fantastic baby~ Big Bang




Youngjae was born to a rich, wealthy family as the second child in London, England. His father owned a big company, whose base was in Paris. He was rarely home, and at when Youngjae reached 5 years old, his entire family moved to Paris in order for his father not to travel so much. His parents played favourites, often favouring his older brother over him but he didn't escape from their eyes. He was under constant pressure to be perfect but he was regarded as a backup plan as obviously he wouldn't get a chance to succeed the company. This made him an emotionally unstable child. He was sent off to boarding school as soon as he was of school age where he was treated with scorn, people mocking him because his parents had a lot of power. He was withdrawn from the boarding school after a particularly nasty bullying incident.

When he was 8 years old, just after he was taken out of the boarding school, he learnt that his parents had been fighting during the years that he had been away. They were getting a divorce. He was upset about this, but didn't let his emotions show, for fear of being told he was weak in front of his father. Soon after, his mother moved back to South Korea, his father staying in Paris and moving both of his sons over too. He was homeschooled by private tutors until he was 13. His mother and father had both remarried then.

His father called him weak for letting himself be bullied, which made him quite angry and disappointed in himself. He was sent to a private high school to continue his education and his after school hours were spent being 'educated' on his responsibilities. He learnt from his younger days that showing emotions would mean that he would get picked on, so he hid them, keeping up his superior demeanour. He learnt many things from his teachings, which made him view his life as predictable as he could see through anyone who was trying to get close to him because of money. Because of that, he closed himself off, eventually growing tired of those type of people.

When he reached the age of 13, he grew tired of his father and his stepmother treating him like a robot. He decided to move to South Korea to live with his mother. His mother had remarried to a man who's wealth couldn't even begin to compare with her first husband's but he was far from poor as well. He gained a stepbrother from the man's previous marriage. He stayed in Korea, initially for only a year, but he was scouted by the entertainment company and encouraged to audition. He made it and has been living in Korean ever since. It was also when he moved to Korea when he started using his Korean name which he hadn't even thought about before.

From when he was a child, and could barely walk or talk, his parents have always put pressure on him to be ‘perfect’. After all, they didn’t want anything less than a perfect robot. This pressure has made Youngjae go slightly insane, as he now has an obsession with perfection with has been induced from his childhood. Everything has to be perfect. He has to look perfect, act perfect, have perfect grades and win every single thing he enters. If he doesn’t get his perfection, he gets upset and angry with himself, which makes him try even harder to be perfect which makes him even more unstable and the cycle continues.




Youngjae is, in general a cold boy. He isn’t interested in anything, nothing seems to amuse him. It’s almost as if he is bored with life. His expression is always cold and bored, his eyes blank and they seem to look through you rather than at you. You can’t really say that ‘under all that he’s kind and sweet’ because he is not. He is actually uninterested.

He is rather closed off and distant, rather detached from reality but not mentally ill. He can put on a good act when needed, finding a slight bit of amusement when people fall for it, namely teachers. He is a thinker, only talking when it is needed and thinks his actions through before doing anything, making people this he is slow and has bad reaction skills, which he is far from. He isn’t shy, what most people tend to believe but more anti-social and tends to keep to himself. He doesn’t trust easily. Youngjae has this obsession with being perfect, which came from his childhood. If he doesn’t get it, he does get quite upset with himself and angry.

If you do manage to worm your way into your heart, and gain his trust he opens up more. Underneath, perhaps he isn't the nicest boy in town but he isn't the cruellest either as he appears. He makes those close to him feel special because he treats them differently. He does have some hidden aegyo which he rarely uses (except when he eventually ends up in a relationship). He does respect his seniors and the higher ups at the entertainment company, because it was what he was taught, whether he likes it or not. His friends baby him a lot, because even though he has that cold, superior outside appearance, it came about to hide the emotionally unstable child from his younger years. He likes being taken care of and enjoys being babied. He longs for attention and affection as his parents failed to give him any.




  • pretty things
  • quiet
  • sunshine
  • solitude
  • music
  • dancing
  • cats
  • sleeping




  • ugly things
  • noise
  • parties
  • bugs
  • dirt




  • tunes out really easily
  • tilts his head to the side when confused
  • stares when you make mistakes
  • laughs when in (mental) pain (laughed at his grandmother’s funeral and his father slapped him for being so rude and callous. But he wasn’t making light of it, laughing is his way of trying to keep the pain away)




  • painting
  • oragami
  • playing music
  • dancing
  • sleeping
  • jigsaw puzzles




  • has a phobia of water, since the incidence from his boarding school where he nearly drowned
  • fears death (as in himself dying, he doesn't care if strangers die)


Other talents:

  • dance: ballet, popping and locking, contemporary, hip hop etc.
  • Piano, violin and flute (all passed AMUS)
  • Figure skating
  • Can learn choreography quickly and easily (like Key of SHINee)

Trivia: (unlimited)



Oppa Gangman Style~ PSY


Height: 181m

Weight: 55kg

Ulzzang: Lee Chi Hoon

Ulzzang links: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-up ulzzang: Yu Hamin


Naega jeil jal naga~ 2NE1


Previous company/other companies he'd auditioned for?: N/A

Other jobs: Model

Was he..? Scouted [X] Auditioned [ ]

Number of year as trainee: 2 years

Trainee experience:


His audition was pretty simple since he had been scouted for his pretty face. He had made it in easily, incredibly easily since he was amazing at dancing and that was a source of jealousy for some other trainees. Him and the other trainees didn’t really get along well, since they thought of him as a spoilt brat and thought he had bribed his way in, and he couldn’t be bothered to correct them because he found them rather inferior to think such thoughts.

He wasn’t included in a lot of things, and he was completely fine with that since he likes solitude anyway. It would make them livid afterwards when they realised how much he had kicked their arses. Newer trainees that arrived after him didn’t hate him, nor were they jealous but they steered away from him. He had this rather frightening aura which clearly said that he didn’t want to associate with them.

He worked hard because he didn’t want to fail and return to his father. Though he wouldn’t have to anyway, but he wanted to prove that he was of some worth and not simply a backup plan. Because he wanted everything to be perfect due to his insanity about perfection, every dance choreography and note must be hit correctly otherwise he essentially punished himself. The coaches didn’t need to push him at all because he did it all himself. They also thought that he overworked himself, as even when it was break time, or there were holidays he would still practise to get everything perfect that he could do it in his sleep. He stays behind after practise has ended, willingly subjecting himself to more work because he can’t stand for anything less.


Stage name: A

Persona: Ice King

Position: Main dancer, vocalist

Back-up position: Lead dancer, lead rapper

Voice: Luhan

Dance: Kai

Solo fanclub name: Pretties (because he likes pretty things not that humans are things, and he would call his fans 'my pretties')

Solo fanclub colour: Pale gold


Jugeodo mot bonae~ 2AM




BIOLOGICAL MOTHER: Park Soyeon |AGE: 40 |OCCUPATION: Fashion Designer |PERSONALITY: Plays favourites, favouring Youngjae's older brother over him. However when she remarried, she became warmer and more opening. 

STEPFATHER: Byun Daehwan |AGE: 45 |OCCUPATION: Coffee shop owner |PERSONALITY: Very very nice and sweet to everyone. Treats Youngjae like his own son 

BIOLOGICAL FATHER: Aldric-Reginaud LeNoir|AGE: 47 |OCCUPATION: CEO |PERSONALITY: Mean and demanding to anyone who is not his favourite. And obviously his favourite is his eldest son.

STEPMOTHER: Madeleine-Fleur LeNoir nee Beauchene |AGE: 30 |OCCUPATION: Model |PERSONALITY: Rather blonde (as in an airhead) and a stuck-up. Acts much younger than her already young age (considering her husband)

BIOLOGICAL BROTHER: Adrian-Blaise LeNoir |AGE: 22 |OCCUPATION: CEO-in-training |PERSONALITY: confident and 'perfect'. It's almost impossible to hate him, despite what he took away from Youngjae. he's very likeable and popular, however his reason speaks before his conscience.

STEPBROTHER: Byun Baekhyun |AGE: 20 |OCCUPATION: EXO member |PERSONALITY: Really nice and sweet, sometimes a bit greasy and treats Youngjae like an actual brother. He's delighted to finally have a sibling



Best Friend || Sehun || 19 || EXO || A good listener and keeps secrets well. Doesn't speak too much but knows how to joke around || They can tell each other everything and anything and their friendship would still stay strong.

Close friends || Himchan || 20 || B.A.P || Flamboyant and confident, a show off || Tries to get Youngjae to loosen up and stop being so stiff. Youngjae finds him funny and they somehow managed to become close

Childhood friends || Vachel-Sorel Beauchene || 16 || Student || easy going and laid back, a flirt and popular with the girls || As he was also the son of a CEO, they met a a very young age and fast became friends. Both of them wish to escape the pressures of their parents, but as he is the heir, he has less freedom. Get along fabulously, Vachel loves to embarrass Ambroise (as they met in France) with memories from their past

Friend || Kim Chinhwa || 18 || Student || Very kind hearted, and loves to help people. Has an especially soft spot for animals || They were in the same class when Youngjae transferred into their high school, and Chinhwa, being the very nice person offered to show Youngjae around. He managed to worm his way into Youngjae's heart

Friend || Ren || 17 || NU’EST || Soft spoken but not feminine. Gives good advice unlike Chinhwa who fails at that.  || They met after Ren’s debut, which means that their friendship is short-lived but it’s strong. Ren was at the café that Youngjae’s stepfather owned and Youngjae was there and bam… instant friendship


JR | 17 | NU'EST member | um...alive? | Outgoing and very sociable | They used to be best friends in the same high school but they were the two best dancers. Obviously there was competition, a lot of competition between them which has continued through to their idol eras. They don't hate each other, but it's a friendly rivalry and both are unwilling to lose to their former best friend.


Neoneun ma-ma-ma-ma-machine~ EXO-K


Love Interest 1: Kai

Age: 18

Personality: Arrogant and self-centred but very sociable. Flirty and Well-liked and has a rather controlling personality which means he wants everything to go his way

Occupation: EXO

Status: alive

How he/she act with him?: Kai tries to get Youngjae to basically submit (not in a ty sense but you can make it rated if you want XD) because he's being a controlling bastard. Youngjae is pissed off with him and doesn't want to because he likes being in control and having the world around him.

Picture link: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uWzoaw9fiik/T86gnvjAIII/AAAAAAAASi8/4LInc11SuRk/s1600/bDdKH.jpg

How does he met him/her?: Met through Sehun back when EXO were trainees. Sehun dragged Kai on one of his bubble tea outings with Youngjae and the two instantly hit it off... not. Kai tried to flirt with Youngjae, Youngjae got pissed and protective (trying to deny his attraction to guys) and instant... annoyance with each other.

Is he/she his..? Crush [ ] Lover [ ] Love Interest [X] Ex [ ]


Love Interest 2: Band member (but if you're not doing band member love then I'll put Chanyeol. The following info is for Chanyeol)

Age: 20

Personality: Happy go lucky and always smiling and cheerful. Very optimistic and tries to see the best in everyone

Occupation: EXO

Status: Alive

How he/she act with him?: Chanyeol tries to get Youngjae to see the beauty in life and stop hating his father

Picture link: http://irena040506.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/chanyeol8.jpg

How does he met him/her?: They met through Sehun... yet again since Sehun is Youngjae's connection to everyone. Youngjae was waiting for Sehun at the SM building and Chanyeol was exiting with Sehun. They talked for a while then left.

Is he/she his..? Crush [ ] Lover [ ] Love Interest [X] Ex [ ]


Sowoneul malhaebwa~ Girls' Generation


Anything else?: He's bottom.

Do you want your character to be with one of the member?: ahahahaha whooo didn't see this bit. YES I DO! It's my first preference alongside Kai. I don't mind whether I end up with Kai or band member but just remember that my character is bottom. He would be unwilling to bottom but I do not want him to top. Not cool.

Do you want love triangle in your character's relationship?: Sure, as long as everyone gets happy endings

Any desired scene?: Um...something y. Doesn't have to be , but it can be. Flirting between Kai and Youngjae would be awesome <3

Do you want other k-pop group to be in here? Who is it?:  Er... EXO?

Suggesion for the debut song: EXO's Machine! Something dark and y, not the cute bubbly type.

Suggestion for the fanclub name and fanclub colour: Fanclub colour should be...hmmm... I like emerald green. And the name....er... schoolies? Nah you probably don't have those in your country...something to do with teens XD



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