Site Update: Replaced the Chapter and Blog Page Navigations

Another quick update today. Turns out some people's devices couldn't handle the chapter dropdown in stories (that we've had since forever) so I replaced it with simpler links above where it used to be. The "Table of Contents" link should scroll you to where the current chapter nav is (but is a little bit buggy because of the comments loading after). The "⇐ Foreword    ← Previous Chapter    Next Chapter →" links should be self-explanatory and should work exactly the same as the bigger buttons below the story content. We've had the chapter dropdown since forever ago so I was a little hesitant to remove it even if to help fix some mobile issues. If you use it all the time and really need it back, comment below. If you don't mind the change, comment below too so I can get a feel for how this affects everybody. If nobody comments, I'm just going to assume nobody noticed! Thanks!

Update: Well it looks like it's unanimous down in the comments so I'll keep the chapter dropdown and get rid of the table of comments link. I'll just keep the next and previous links for the people whose dropdowns aren't working for whatever reason.


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aww, sad about the drop down as it definitely helped navigate things better when you didn't want to scroll.
the <- and -> isn't bad either, but just seems kinda redundant when there is the buttons at the bottom of the chapters, too.
but i mean, thanks for all that you do, Jason, and keeping up to date and fixing bugs here and there all these past years.
i really don't mind as i adapt fairly well, but maybe other users may think otherwise tho!
Hi Jason! First of all, thanks for the updates. I hope you're having a good holiday/end-of-year celebrations. Thanks for keeping AFF up and running!

Secondly, I think that the dropdown menu was the most efficient when it came to longer stories with 50+ chapters. I know there aren't a lot of stories with over 50 chapters, but on mobile, having to scroll down through chapter content + comments (it doesn't load properly for me either) just to go a certain chapter is a lot more "work" than having a dropdown. When I use mobile, I hardly ever scroll down all the way to the bottom to see the table of content because of this.
I also think more characters of the chapter titles were able to be seen with the dropdown menu. By only having the sidebar on desktop, it could be harder to navigate/read long chapter titles?

I personally prefer the dropdown menu, and I've never had problems with it on mobile.
I also preferred the drop down menu. Always worked perfectly for me and was much easier than the table of contents. :)
Personally I much preferred the drop down menu and never had any issues with it across different devices (8yrs and counting!). The new way isn't terrible but it does feel a step backwards to a sort of livejournal early 2000s sort of look ^^;;
Noooo the drop down :((( honestly I prefer the drop down menu because I have a hard time with little buttons like the new ones; I tend to misclick just when adding tags or trying to promote things in feed. I think having both , like the commenter below suggested, might be a good idea