望的戰士 ::

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what would you do when you finally realize all you've fought for has gone in vain? the answer, for sheva at least, was to admit the mistakes and darkness of the past and lose everything. that was how she could truly achieve freedom. it takes courage to stand up again and endure another day but only the fearless can let go of the notion of enduring unconditionally. only then, will the reality that was untold will unfold upon one's eyes. that was sheva.
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thorny, so prone to catching fire, there is a mystery to the presence xahi holds as he stays in the corner of the elites' worlds. so used to covering himself in darkness, xahi has never wanted to be the center of someone's world as much as now. he wants to shine, for the first time in his life as the center of his own world and the center of hers. it is no longer a faraway dream for him and hopefully, he'll be there for her until kingdom come.


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Omooo xinlin