渡辺春香 is joining the SINGLE PARENTS CLUB。


FULL NAME. watanabe haruka.

  moon haru + her korean name, with her husband's last name. haru is also just a common nickname for her as well.
      mama + the name that shota calls her

DATE OF BIRTH. july 5, 1997. (23)
NATIONALITY. japanese-korean.
ETHNICITY. japanese.

BIRTHPLACE. osaka, japan.
HOMETOWN. osaka, japan. 
--> japanese (100%) being born and raised in japan, this is her mother tongue. she speaks osaka dialect more comfortably but can also speak the standard tokyo dialect.
--> korean (65%) learning korean was a lot harder than she anticipated. she's conversational after staying in the korea for 3 years but far from fluent. her husband spoke japanese fluently so they never had a communication problem. she only had to speak it whenever they went to his parents house or when she had to run errands on her own, which she hated. she isn't confident in her korean and her voice becomes softer when speaking the language. her sentences are usually chopped up with an occassional ano as she tries to translate what she wants to say in her head. but being at the single parents club helped her get better faster.

FACECLAIM. myoui mina.
UALITY. straight.
APPEARANCE. haruka is 163cm and 46kg. she's a tiny and gentle looking girl with faded dyed brown hair up to her shoulders. she goes out with a really light makeup on. she says she's ugly without makeup but she looks the same basically.
STYLE. simple solid colors, a mix of feminine and tomboy fashion. it depends on the day but its always very minimalist. she always makes sure to dress neatly and don't like wrinkles or things out of place. 

sweet, organized, polite, passionate, observant, caring, gentle, shy, curious, stubborn, passive, sassy, playful, passive aggressive, judgmental, timid, uptight, pessimistic, secretive, anxious, misunderstood     

Haruka is the only child and spent a lot of time alone at home as a kid, so she doesn't mind being alone. she actually works better alone and prefers being alone to recharge from spending time with people. She is extremely shy. she cares a lot about others feelings so she often holds her thoughts to herself, even if someone takes credit for her work, she probably won't say anything. she really doesn't talk much unless she's really comfortable around you, but she thinks a lot. even when she's with a big group of friends and they're all loud, sometimes she'll rarely talk, instead just laugh at what other people are saying. and when you ask her, she'll say she had fun because she just enjoys their company. she doesn't mind being on the side, others usually have to pull her to join in.

She has the tendency to be too caring. she loves to help people, even those she's not close with. she will give emotional support to anyone who needs it. she does little things that you probably won't notice, like get a drink for you too if she gets on for herself, or clean up the mess you left behind. usually this goes unappreciated but its ok because she doesn't do it for a thank you or recognition, just the bottom of her heart. she gets an emotional attachment to anything she puts a lot of effort in. so she always wants the outcome to be good. any type of failure she'll blame herself. this can make her overload herself with tasks but hide the stress.

Since jaewan passed away its been hard to cope, she’s great at putting on a strong face for shota and hiding her feelings which is why she's so overbearing to him. Her crippling anxiety made her doesn’t want to go out and is timid when it comes to trying new things. All because her fear of her or shota getting hurt and losing each other. Shota is safe with her in their own house and thats all they need. when out with friends her brain would go a hundred miles an hour instead thinking of all the dangerous possibilities and she’s most likely leave early from being uncomfortable for being away from shota too long or overthinking. Needless to say, she has a hard time keeping friends because of this.

She’s very motherly, babying almost every one she comes across. She would be that one parent to lecture another parent about their shoe being untied and the possibility of him falling and hurting himself. In this aspect she’s very helpful, makes sure everyone has a seat and eats and everything is organized so no one trips. Being quiet makes her observant and she remembers little things that everyone says. Somehow she remembers everyones birthday and bring their favorite dessert that she remembered that they liked from the first meeting.

Haruka keeps her word for everything. if she says she'll be somewhere 2 weeks from now at 2pm, she'll be there at 1:50pm. she's also a great secret keeper because she barely talks anyways. it takes her a while to consider people as friends though, just because you talk one time doesn't mean you're a friend. she thinks you're only a friend after constant effort to talk to each other.

Since she tends to do research on many things she has a lot of knowledge on different subjects. For example the shoe laces, she uses a elastic non-tie shoelace for all her sneakers as well as shota’s so she doesn’t have to worry about tripping on it down the stairs and breaking her neck. Next week she’ll probably comes to the meeting with the laces for you. Oh and don’t even get her started on the dangers of sodium. She basically just has random facts about everything, and a lot of facts on babies from naver. She isn’t the kind to bring it up usually, only when people ask or whenever she feels like she should chime in, quietly starting with “e-excuse me but..”.

Despite her shyness reaching an all time high in the past year, she’s very stubborn to change. She thinks the way she lives now is fine and the most face way for her family so theres no reason for her to change, even with talking to her parents she's stubborn about that. She knows deep down that her and shota’s attachment to each other is unhealthy but refuses to change due to fear. she doesn’t like confrontation, she’s okay with saying her opinion and defending her own but would prefer not to argue and walks away before the situation persists. she has extreme patience, she just lets people do what they want and won't complain. or if someone screams at her, she'll just nod calmly and reflect about it later in her head. if you annoy her a lot, she probably won't say anything. but if you're close and annoy her, she'll have a comeback or chase you around.

behind all the shyness, she's actually funloving and playful girl. you just have to get past her many walls, which would take a while. she can be sassy in a passive aggressive but joking way and teases people. if you get close enough to her, you'll learn that shes a little weird too, she says random thoughts sometimes and just does random things that will make you say why would you even. so her close friends actually find her funny. she loves to learn new things and get to know new people. this is why she may seem like an extrovert sometimes because curiosity gets the best of her and she just approaches people. but that's only because she wants to know more about others and whats on their mind. sometimes she might do things out of curiosity sometimes doing  things without thinking.

Not many know much about haruka, just that she somehow knows everything. she never says whats on her mind or whats happening in her life unless she considers you very close. the ones she's close to understand her the best and she values friends who are reliable because she likes to keep her love life and emotions private. because she's so private, most people misunderstand her, especially those who haven't known them long. it can be frustrating for people who get annoyed easily because she doesn't say anything. most people just say oh thats how haruka always is or just ignore it since she just shakes her head in response or says its nothing.

also, since she's so quiet and looks distant sometimes because she's lost in thought, some thing she's cold or doesn't like them. but not true, she's just thinking. Haruka has a habit of taking things too personally. she doesn't forgert anything that happens and she secretly holds grudges. 

tw // miscarriage & death

phase I

haruka had a normal and easy childhood, she was the only child to her parents in osaka. they owned a restaurant that wasn't insanely popular but they made enough for the bills to be paid and have some extra left over. she was close to her parents, especially her father. she was daddy's little girl but wasn't too spoiled to make her a brat. even now almost all of her memories with her parents are positive, her favorite ones being when they would light fireworks on her birthday. it was like their tradition.

in school she was a good student, she studied hard without her parents asking. they weren't the type who pushed too hard. they would be happy with her getting into a normal college and getting any job as long as she's happy. but she was the one that was hard on herself. they wanted her to live her life and be wild while she was young as long as she didn’t do anything illegal but she was always cautious.

all throughout her school life she never had a serious boyfriend. all they did was hold hands for a few days then he moved onto someone else. she was a hopeless romantic, she always wanted a strong relationship like her parents had. they were each others first loves and haruka wanted the same. she still had hopes that her knight in shining armor would come and sweep her off her feet.  

phase II

haruka majored in dance at a college in osaka, she loved ballet since she was little. when she wasn't at school she was either hanging out with friends doing one of her many hobbies or working at her parents restaurant, life was simple.  she tried to get back into the dating scene by going on dates with whoever was interested in her first but it never worked out until she met jaewan.

she saw him a few times at the restaurant first, he became a regular, always showing up around lunchtime. they didn't talk besides her asking what he wanted to eat and small talk here and there. she learned that he was originally from korea and was only there for a few months helping with huge construction project on a nearby building. haruka never liked older guys but jaewan felt different, he wasn't overly flirty or creepy and she felt comfortable with him. they went on numerous dates and he didn't try to kiss her or anything, which she liked because she wanted to take things slow. they finally kissed on their 12th date.

he still went to her family's restaurant almost everyday but her parents had no idea of their mutual liking for each other. haruka excused her giving him a free drink or appetizer on the fact that he was a regular. after months of getting to know each other and way too many dates to count, the building finished and jaewan had to go back to korea. on his last day he finally asked haruka out and she said yes. their official date was december 3, 2016 and that was also the same day jaewan left. haruka still never told anyone about jaewan, she only wanted to tell them after she was sure it would last forever, like she always wanted. 

jaewan visited once a month but a long distance relationship was hard, so he decided to propose in the summer of 2017. he proposed to haruka in front of her family, it was also the first time they met him and even heard of them dating. haruka was ecstatic but her parents were angry and concerned. jaewan explained his plan for haruka to move with him to korea, a plan that they talked about for a while and her parents were not having it. moving their only daughter to a foregin country at 20 years old when she isn't even finished with school and doesn't speak the language sounded crazy to them. jaewan was more than 10 years her senior, they were at two different stages of their life and her parents thought there was no way it would work out.

but haruka couldn't understand how her parents didn't see how amazing jaewan was. she was genuinely happy and they always said she could do anything as long as she's happy yet they didn't agree to her decision to get married. it was the first time she fought with her parents, after the screaming match she went stayed with jaewan at his hotel that night. she felt so betrayed that she just decided to leave, by next week she was in korea and the following week they were legally married. august 9, 2017 was the official day of their marriage. there was no wedding, just filed out the documents from. she left her school behind, her family, her friends, everything, for jaewan and her new life in korea.

phase III

life in korea was amazing but it had its hard parts. one being the fact that she didn't have any friends, all she knew was her husband and five out of seven days of the week he was at work for more than half of the day. other than when jaewan was home for the weekends and they went on dates and explored the city, he helped her have fun. she studied korean everyday but still wasn't confident enough to order her own food or ask for directions. staying home didn't bother her though, haruka was always a homebody and was comfortable with just watching a movie all day in some pajamas. and it was that exact behavior that caused her to be pregnant not too long later. 

her pregnancy was going smooth like any other pregnancy, she had morning sickness a few times but nothing crazy. haruka wasn't in much contact with her parents since the big fight.  

phase IV.

haruka's first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at four months. they took the loss hard but after trying again she got pregnant a few months later and it was more stressful. she was very cautious about everything because of the previous miscarriage even down to what she ate and what position she slept. she read endless number of forums about pregnancy myths which just made her more stressed out. on top that she still wasn't talking to her parents. all of it made her more worked up. she internalized her feelings, acting like it was all ok when she wasn't and it ended up affecting the baby.

she was in her 6th month of pregnancy and the stressed caused her to go into an early labor. it was a hard 37 hours but she gave birth to a baby boy weighing only 4.5kg on september 18, 2018. she decided to name him shota after her father, and gave him a similar sounding korean name of soontae. luckily everything was intact but he was extremely weak and had to stay in the hospital for a while so he could gain more weight. after her discharge haruka was at the hospital everyday until he was healthy enough to go home.

shota became the light of her life, he gave her a reason to get up every morning and she strived to be the amazing mother that her mom was to her. haruka's korean improved a lot once shota was born, she learned a lot from the baby books she read to him and the children's shows she started watching. jaewan was always a fun parents and their weekend dates turned into fun family outings. jaewan and shota would do messy art projects at home and draw on the walls together. it was tiring but all worth it to see him grow up into a bright young boy.

phase V.

on their 3nd anniversay, haruka was waiting happily for jaewan to come home from work. shota was at his grandparents house and for the first time in a while, they would finally be going on a date. she called him numerous times and nothing. she thought that maybe he got held up at work and fell asleep but when she woke up she saw 14 missed calls from a number she didn't recognize. when she called back, she fell to her knees. the building collapsed at work and jaewan was one of many employees that didnt survive. he was found in the rubble of the building. a happy day of her life turned into a tragedy.

with no friends in korea, haruka had to go through it alone. jaewan's parents didn't like her much, his mom always complained about her parenting style saying that the korean way was better. every little thing she did was bad in her eyes. the only reason they stayed in contact was because shota was their only grandchild. being a single parent was a hard sudden switch for her especially when dealing with a loss too.  

phase VI.

haruka found out about the single parents club on instagram. she has an account for shota that has a few thousand followers. she met up with other moms from instagram before to have a playdate, but meeting their husbands and seeing them be such a happy family tore her apart so she stopped responding to dms. after reading choehee's post about the club she thought it would be a good way to meet other single parents, maybe find friends for herself that understand what she's going through. she was tired of holding everything in and dealing with it herself, she couldn't take it anymore and she hoped the experience would make her feel less alone in the world. she decided to attend the first gathering with shota, she didn't dm anyone, just showed up asking with her soft korean, "i-is this the single parents club?". 


Haruka and shota are very dependent on each other, every child is dependent on their mom especially when they’re young and vulnerable but shota is very clingy. Since the passing of jaewan they both developed separation anxiety. Haruka can’t even go to the bathroom without shota sitting in there with her and she doesn’t mind at all because when he’s not around she gets anxious too. Even if he’s just with his grandparents she’s constantly checking up on him and just getting him to let go of her and go to them instead is a hassle. One time she was hyperventilating and having a panic attack because seyoon didn’t pick up when she called. After jaewan passing, haruka has learned that death can happen any second so she tries to prevent it as much as possible and having shota with her 24/7 is one of the ways.

She’s very protective, in an overbearing kind of way. Her whole house is baby proof, all the sharp edges their smoothened out or covered and every outlet has a cover on it. She doesn’t even trust the preservatives in food and prefers to buy organic food from the farmers market and grow her own vegetables because who knows what are in those chemicals they put in the food anyways. Shota can already go to daycare but she refuses to put him in one because she simply doesn’t trust other people with her kid. Recently shota fell and hit his head at the park so ever since he’s been wearing a helmet everytime he leaves the house. Call her excessive if you want but she calls it protection.

She doesn’t think anything is wrong with her parenting style and is reluctant to change but as shota gets older she knows that he’ll eventually have to go to school and interact with others. Though she is considering home schooling him. His life is already very structured, shota is a well behaved kid most of the time and follows whatever his mom says. She has a schedule on the fridge that they follow whether its playtime, reading, eating, she has it all written down and he follows diligently.

But he has his days where he remembers his dad and can be really difficult. Especially if he sees a father and son interacting together at the park or something he’ll become quiet and later on he’ll sit in front of the door like he’s waiting for him to come back or just throw a temper tantrum. On multiple occasions shota has slept in front of the door because he was waiting for jaewan and there are times that he gets frustrated and throws a tantrum about wanting to play with his dad instead. Jaewan always played dinosaurs with him and he refuses to play dinosaurs with anyone else. Things like that make haruka feel lost about what to do. She wants to tell him that hes not coming back but can’t say it out loud. Deep down she wants shota to be able to have friends and doesn’t want to be that overbearing mom that she already is but she can’t help it, she’s just afraid for her baby.  

your current playlist! 
✔ good evening by shinee
✔ six feet under by billie eilish
✔ i miss you by miley cyrus
✔ with you by bap
✔ lovely by billie eilish ft khalid
✔ breathin by ariana grande

character quotes:
"shota kimbap! kimbap! cheeseu kimbap!" she says as she tries to take a picture of him smiling getting strange looks from those around her since the correct phrase is kimchi
"shota you have to eat all your veggies or you won't grow into a big strong boy. you want to be able to protect mommy right?" 
"sorry to interrupt, i'm listening, but your shirt is wrinkled. i have a mini iron in my purse, do you want it?"
"ahh the fresh smell of clean laundry"
"shota give mommy a kissy before you go"
"shota i already told you papa is on a business trip, he'll be back soon. now please come to bed."   








✔ she doesn't have a job and is living off the money jaewan left behind. her dream is to open her own dance studio and teach little kids ballet
she meditates every morning before shota wakes up and does yoga at home with shota
everyday is laundry day
sanitizer is her best friend
she doesn't get upset easily so when she screams its really scary.
when she's mad she calls him shota-kun but when he's being cute she calls him shota-tan
her ears get red when she's embarrassed or lying
she doesn't call jaewan her ex husband because they never divorced
she's never been to a club before
before she wrote a fake letter pretending to be jaewan to shota because he kept asking about his dad
she likes perfume and flowers. her favorite perfume scent is vanilla and she likes 
she puts her hair up often when she goes out
she likes to soak in a nice smelling hot bath but hasn't done that in a long time  
she carries a big purse with her everywhere filled with conveniently everything anyone would ever need and a first aid kits 
✔ she has a phobia of buildings, she goes inside them anyways since seoul is full of them but it makes her feel uneasy when she hears loud sounds and she seems extra anxious (i.e habit of shaking her leg and looking around to make sure its safe or asking about the history of it)
✔ shota isn't in daycare because she wouldn't have anything else to do if he left and is too scared to leave him in the care of others so she teaches him herself with the help of youtube
✔ she's kind of a neat freak and hates messy places as well as imperfections
✔ she cleans when she's stressed
her house is really clean, shota even knows to take off his shoes and neatly put it in the rack. if he doesn't she makes him go back and pick it up
✔ she loves reading and reads everywhere
shota wears kneepads, elbow pads and a helmet when going to the park because she doesn't want him to get hurt
she likes bike riding but now thinks its dangerous so she doesn't and she doesn't give shota a little bike even though he wants one. he has a car instead
✔ she's actually a really good artist but doesn't show her art to anyone
✔ she can play the ukulele and the piano but she never learned how to read music so she plays by ear
✔ shota speaks both korean and japanese
✔ shota doesn't have many friends due to his moms antisocial ways besides the random kids he plays with at the park
she knows how to windmill but hasn't done it in a while
she hasn't danced ballet since she was in japan
they live in a small house right outside of seoul in seongnam that jaewan built himself
✔ she has a garden in her backyard and likes to grow fruit and veggies there and has a beautiul garden, shota also has a playground in their backyard and a tree house that jaewan also built
sometimes shota hides in his tree house when he's upset
a lot of the fruit and veggies that shota eats is from their garden and she likes to shop organically at farmers markets
✔ she's an amazing cook and likes to bake as well
✔ she's that one parent to bring food for everyone during the meetings

everytime she goes to someone's house she brings something
✔ she likes to knit as a hobby
✔ she has no idea what she's going to do after jaewan's money runs out, she didn't think that far ahead
very health conscious when it comes to both herself and shota
✔ she doesn't let him eat candy because he gets really hyper from even a little bit and its bad for his health
anything that contains too much sugar she doesn't let him eat like ice cream, so he gets hyper really easily but he can eat the sweets she makes
✔ she enjoys watching korean dramas and her favorite actor is gong yoo
✔ she really doesn't have any friends or anyone to talk to about her problems so she holds a lot in
her favorite food is unagi don and her favorite korean food is jjamppong
✔ shota's instagram is @wsmstae, she doesn't have an instagram for herself
✔ she doesn't eat isntant noodles since its bad for your health
✔ she hasn't had junk food or fast food since jaewan passed away
✔ shota really likes tofu so his favorite dishes are miso soup and sundubu jjigae
✔ shota goes with her to almost every meeting and he just plays with his toys on the side
✔ she giggly and touchy when she drinks
✔ she doesn't have a set schedule of when shota goes to his grandparents, just whenever he can't go with her
✔ shota is already potty trained but haruka doesn't like him using public bathrooms so he wears pull ups outside
shota is a neat eater and can use baby chopsticks but prefers to eat with his hands, haruka doesn't like when he eats with his hands though since its messy
shota doesn't like sharing with others that aren't his mom. if he shares than he likes you
shota hits when he's frustrated or doesn't get what he wants
shota likes his hair long


1. hello! please introduce yourself and say a few fun facts about yourself. "hello," she gives a two hand wave then bows. "my name is watanabe haruka, but please call me haru. i am twenty three years old from japan."

2. how many children do you have? what are their names? is there anything you want to say about them? "i have a son, his name is moon soontae in japanese its shota. he is a little shy but very cute. he really loves anpanman and spiderman so he wants to be a superhero when he grows up."

3. how old were you when you became a single parent? "i was twenty one... yeah.."

4. at what point did you really realize you would have to take all the sole responsibilty of your child/children from now on? she hums as as she reviews the question over and over in her head trying to make out the meaning. "i'm always taking care of shota. my husband worked and i stayed at home to take care of him. but last year it became only me... so... yeah very hard..." her voice trails off and she looks down at her hands twiddling her thumbs.

5. personally, what do you think is the hardest thing about being a single parent? "there's no... hmm... wait" she takes out her phone from her pocket and looks up a word in her japanese-korean dictionary app. "v-validation?" she mumbles awkwardly not sure if she's pronouncing it right then lets out a chuckle, "i don't know if i'm good mom. my korean is not very good so leaving home is a little scary. my son is only 3 so he can't help me at doctor... times like that i think ahh very hard. and in-law's... very very hard.."

6. what is one thing you want to tell people who have single parents or are a single parent themselves? "please be nice to your parents, we work very hard. and help is ok, that's what i'm doing now so.. i want others.. to feel.. the same...yeah..." she lets out a nervous laugh at her awkward response.


FULL NAME: she isn't looking and isn't interested, just joined the club to make friends and learn to be free and funloving again but if you feel like there's someone who fits her well then feel free to match her. though i'm sure it'll take her a long time to be able to fully be interested in them.

FULL NAME: kim hojun
- ahjussi / shota calls him that.
DATE OF BIRTH: april 14, 1996.
BIRTHPLACE. busan, south korea.
HOMETOWN. busan, south korea. 
LANGUAGES. korean + fluent because born and raised.
japanese + learning, he only became interested because of haruka and is trying hard to learn 

FACECLAIM. bts j-hope.
BACKUP FACECLAIM. seventeen hoshi.
UALITY. straight.
APPEARANCE. hojun is 177cm tall and 65 kg. he's toned but not extremely muscular. he isn't conventionally good looking according to korean standards but something about him is attractive. he just carries himself with confidence.
STYLE. street style, he likes to experiment with fashion. wears whatever he wants without caring what others think. mostly loose clothes that he can move around in comfortably.


PERSONALITY: outgoing, clumsy, persistent, optimistic, playful, hardworking

hojun is very happy go lucky kind of guy. He’s happy for no reason all the time and has an optimistic view. Some people think he is annoying because he’s too energetic and can’t sit down. He likes thrill and adventure and can be a sensitive boy. He knows what he wants and goes after it no matter what other people say. He just wants to live a happy and simple life without complications. He's sensitive guy and notices others feelings easily, just because he's playful all the time doesn't mean he can't be deep and serious too but sometimes he can't read the situation and doesn't know when its enough.

FIRST MEETING: They first met at the supermarket where hojun works, he’s seen haruka a few times but never consistently like normal shoppers. She finally checked out on his line and he sparked up a conversation and realized she was super shy. But he got a little info on her like she lived nearby and liked usually bought a lot of groceries at one time because her korean isn’t so good and she prefers to limit her social interactions.

He helped take her groceries to her car and gave her his number offering to be her personal delivery boy for her groceries and basically anything else she needed. Even though they had apps for that he said he wouldn’t charge a delivery fee which intrigued her since she wanted to save money. She thought he was strange but kind of cute, in a jittery little kid kind of way. But him, he fell for her the moment he saw her, love at first sight at its finest.

LOVESTORY: Haruka added the number to her phone but didn’t take action on his offer, for all she knew he could be a serial killer or something trying to lure her and shota in. But her anxiety was at an all time high the next month so she sent him a text and he answered in a second, maybe even less. He paid close attention to all her specific wants and even went to multiple stores to find the right things at the best price. At first he just dropped it off at her front door since she wouldn’t let him in but after a while he started coming in and helping her unload it. They texted more often, with him leading the conversations of course and got closer, spending more time together too.

CURRENT STATUS: strangers, either they didn't meet yet or she didn't reach out yet
ENDING: dating or in the inbetween stage like they obviously have feelings but its still too soon for her, depending on how far the story goes of course. hojun is constantly trying to flirt with her which she either doesn’t notice because of her lack of korean or she smoothly turns it down. The more hanging out he realize that she’s really funny and a savage to him. He started showing up more often just to play with shota and she opened up to him. Even though she isn’t interested as fast as he was she is fond of him and he brings out the fun side of her. He teaches her to calm down and have more fun, take them on all type of adventures like jaewan used to do. It’s nice to have that back but painful at the same time that its someone else.
TRIVIA: hojun is really playful with shota and gets him to play with him even though he doesn't like hojun

✔ he would do anything for her
✔ he talks a lot but she doesn't mind because she's a good listener
✔  hojun doesn't care of the fact that haruka has a child because he loves kids
✔ cheesy pick up lines are his specialty
✔ shota has pulled his hair too many times to count
✔ she treats him motherly like a son sometimes because he at taking care of himself. he walks out with a wrinkled shirt... who does that?
✔ she can't understand why he likes her because she doesn't think she's interesting but he finds it intriguing how quiet she is and wants to break down all her barriers to get to know her truely
✔ everytime he sees haruka he always brings something for shota so he can loosen up to him
✔ he's a messy person and haruka is always cleaning his messes
✔ she's currently trying to get him to stop smoking since its bad for his health
✔ he goes with haruka to doctor appointments and stuff since she's too scared and offered to babysit shota on many occassions
✔ he's a dancer and choreographs on his free time, he wants to open his own studio some day, he doesn't know that haruka dances yet
✔  hojun is trying to learn japanese so they can understand each other better
✔ haruka gets shy from skinship easily but hojun loves it
✔ he actually enjoys to watch cartoons with shota 
✔ he loves haruka's cooking, it beats the ramen that he's constantly eating at his own place
✔ he likes when she gets "sassy"
✔ he acts like everything is happy all the time but he doesn't talk to his parents and they don't support his dancing career


Shota is very shy and imaginative. Since he’s used to only being with his mom he’s learned to be comfortable playing alone and turning something as simple as a piece of paper into a whole universe in his head and play with it for hours even talking to himself in the process. He is a bright boy and knows a lot for his age, he can speak both korean and japanese and read in them as well. When he talks he sometimes mixes japanese and korean. He can also do basic math, adding and subtracting. He can be a bit of a brat when he doesn’t get his way. He isn’t used to playing with other kids so when someone else touches his toys either moving them around or misplacing them he has a problem with it and might hit them in retaliation or take the kids toy instead. he suddenly gets fussy whenever haruka interacts with other males, he only likes being around women and whines when a male even attempts to pick him up, sometimes even hitting them or pulling their hair. But besides all that he’s shy around others, even other kids. He would play on his own when put in a group of kids, when they invite him to play he refuses or looks to his mom for permission if he’s interested. He would never approach them on his own. The only thing to get him to open up to adults is if you talk about something he likes like superheroes or dinosaurs. Other than that he’ll just hide behind his mom if you try to talk to him and mumble quietly when she tries to get him to speak. But even though he gets fussy these days, he still cares for his mom like crazy because she's really the only one he has. His mood changes with hers, seeing her cry even fake cry makes him cry and he gives her kisses when he can tell that she's sad. Since his dad isn't around he clings to his mom a lot because he doesn't want her to go too, like he just likes to make sure that she's always there. In the rare times that he's playing with kids he comes back a few times to say "you okay mommy?" then runs back to play when she reassures him that she's fine or randomly gives her a kiss.  


Jaewan was the love of haruka’s life, he was a good dad and husband. He was good at balancing work and home life, even though he worked a lot he still did housework and cooked sometimes as well as play with shota everyday. Every time shota has a doctors appointment he would go with them because haruka was always too scared to go on her own. He brought the fun into their lives. Even though they lived in korea he tried his hardest to include her culture as well and they mostly spoke Japanese at home. Just the ideal husband. Everyday she misses him but she hasn’t visited his grave since he passed because she just can’t get herself to do it.


Haruka isn’t on good terms with her parents, mostly her mom, the one that she fought with that day. Her parents are lenient and friendly people but she gets her stubbornness from her mom. Her dad wants to reach out but they actually don’t know her korean number, she knows theirs though. She just hasn’t reached out.

鎌田愛理 & 渡辺大地

Haruka’s relationship with her in-laws aren’t that great, especially seyoon. She didn’t like haruka from the beginning simply because she was Japanese and found the flaws in everything she did. For example, Haruka is big on shota eating organically but she feeds him anything either way, not respecting what she says. Both are stubborn and they clash heads a lot. But Inhyun is more understanding and tries his best to be open minded with Haruka and respects her ways as a mother. Since Jaewan is no longer around, he just wants to enjoy the time with haruka and his grandson.

김세윤 & 문인현

Chohee and haruka were really awkward at first. She isn’t as social as chohee and even though she tries to include her in things haruka still didn’t loosen up. Haruka was the one person that chohee couldn’t get to open up to her or like her. Later they get closer after shota has a tantrum about wanting his dad and chohee successfully calms him down. They bonded over their losses and since their kids are similar in age they have playdates. Shota was shy but Jihoon held his hand and helped introduce him go play with the other kids.


From first meeting hyunwoo and haruka liked each other because of their similar personalities. They have an almost telepathic and unspoken connection where they just get each other. They can sit together in silence and its not awkward unlike with chohee at first. Shota is really shy around bora and has a crush on her because she likes superheroes too.


COMMENTS. not me changing the story line like 50 times.
SCENE SUGGESTIONS. hojun being annoying and cringe to haruka

✔ shota having a temper tantrum at one of the meetings demanding for his dad and haruka not knowing that to do in the situation
✔ all the kids from spc hanging out and shota being antisocial 
PASSWORD. matcha white chocolate cookies that she makes.

6 out of 10.


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