Coming to terms

Today it's pretty nice. I was a bit upset at first as there's no lack of opportunities for job openings, so in the afternoon, deciding to take a 🚶 for a breathe of fresh air. The weather is getting warm which is nice too. And for me to not look at my laptop all day is a great day for me. 

i bought some adult coloring books and some color pencils at daiso. It's weird, I know, but it feels therapeutic. And i can't wait to relax my mind a bit with that. Purchased some interesting things at the mart and looking at second hand shops which is great (but i didn't purchase any) 


at first i didn't want to update because my day just went by like that. A sudden opportunity, and yeah a day to break away from 👩🏻‍💻. Random, but i think i feel a pimple coming through 😑

sorry if it's short and sweet, not like ystd. I even just finished working on applying stuff. Wish me luck! 

hope everyone's doing good today! Hang in there and y'all did well too! Sleep tight xoxo


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Hey i hope you will be alright. Don't worry much, things will fall on places soon. They always will. So chins up ❤️😊
It's good you took a break for the day. We all need those once in a while. Some of us don't take advantage of breaks - I for one don't ever so I need to somehow find a time to just relax. It's good you were able to especially when you were bit upset regarding the lack of job opportunities. Coloring books are very therapeutic, I've been told so it's definitely not weird at all. Sleep tight to you too❤