BLΛƆKOUT | WEI, NOIR is ready for world blackout domination

- TW: mentions of drugs


i'm awakening a different me...
[ NAME ] zhang wei
[ other names ]
- anson zhang / english name
- 장희 / jang hui, korean name
[ BIRTHDATE ] august 18, 1998, 22
[ BIRTHPLACE ] chengdu, sichuan, china
[ HOMETOWN ] chengdu, sichuan, china
[ ETHNICITY ] chinese
[ NATIONALITY ] chinese
[ ual orientation ] panual
[ romantic orientation ] panromantic



[ mandarin ] - native - born and raised in chengdu
[ cantonese ] - semi fluent - his father was born and raised in guangzhou
[ english ] - semi fluent - learned at school and studied in america for 2 years

[ korean ] - conversational almost semi fluent - learned after moving to korea


[ PERSONALITY ] an obnoxious hippie "gangster" boy that just wants everyone to chill and meditate.

[ TRAITS ] flirty, clumsy, unpredictable, tolerant, goofy, questionable, considerate, respectful,  irresponsible, wise, persistent
flirty: "i seem to have lost my phone number, can you give me yours?" wei is a naturally flirty person. he's comfortable doing skinship with another and is a smooth talker. even if its unintentional he can still come off as flirty. he likes to give others compliments and be really cheesy with his flirtatious ways. its really a hit or miss but you have to admit that they're funny. he doesn't discriminate when it comes to this, he likes all people and would publically flirt with guys too. mans really doesn't care.

clumsy: /trips on stage and bursts out laughing in the mic/ tripping, falling, breaking things, he really does it all. but he always tries to be smooth after. he's really a lot cooler in his head than he comes off. in his mind he's the smoothest and coolest person thats a flirt machine and chick magnet but girls actually fall for him because he's a cute goofy mess. he swears hes y though.

unpredictable: /stares at the floor quiety/ "do you think worms have feelings?" wei is a spontaneous person. he doesn't plan much of anything and goes with the flow. this can cause him to be unpredictable because he might feel like doing something on a whim. he's willing to jump into things head first and take risks without thinking about how his actions will affect him. usually these aren't bad actions, its things that he thinks will help those around him or himself. for example, taking s to a club so they can have some fun for once!

tolerant: /reads the comments/ "wei is ugly. good, i hope my ugliness helps my other members shine more." wei is very easygoing. he's good at controlling his emotions and doesn't stress out easily either. he's very good at staying level headed. even when he gets criticism he takes it with a grain of salt and just improves himself instead of crying or complaining about it. with hate comments he doesn't get upset by it either because he knows their internet trolls. it really takes a lot to tick him off. but if you disrespect him or his friends then he's ready to fight and stand up for himself.  

confident: "i think i should be nominated as the iest man alive but the world is sleeping on me." wei is really confident. he doesn't care waht others think. he knows he looks good and knows he can dance well and rap and sing. he never doubts his abilities which is why he can be so playful and not stress. he doesn't mind making a fool out of himself just for laughs but he cares about his outer appearance a lot. 

goofy: "i accidentally dropped my pillow on the floor, i think it has a concushion." wei is the king of dad jokes and cheesy pick up lines. he likes to play around and make fun of his friends and annoy them on purpose. he thinks people shouldn't take life so seriously and have fun since we only live once so he purposely annoys the more serious members and is always cracking jokes. in the practice room he goofs around a lot, the longer he's in there the more playful he becomes. mostly because everyone is tired and its not make them laugh between all the hard work.

questionable: "guys i wish we were vampires so we can be friends forever" sometimes wei is just ??? he says things that make you think he's high af even if he's not and he really just does random things. his korean still isn't that great so he messes up a lot and says the wrong things putting the korean members in a panic. (i'm not sure if i described this well so here's an example from my favorite man: example)

considerate: "wanna shower together? no homo dude, just saving water and time." wei doesn't mind putting others before him and going along with what other people want to make them happy. if he sees someone struggling then they'll help them and he's just a good person overall. his memory is bad with important things but he'll remember the little things about people like that a member doesn't like his sandwiches with crust so he'll take the crust off for example.

respectful: "not to be rude mr. kyubong sir but do you have to scream? i got 2 hours of sleep last night and my head is killing me," wei is very respectful to everyone. even those younger than him. he is the type to say wahts on his mind, even to his seniors, but he'll say it in a respectful way. even the people he hooks up with, he never disrespects them by calling them hoes or talking bad about them behind his back. he's respects all of them and usually doesn't kiss and tell. 

irresponsible: /is backstage/ "i think i left the shower on at home... rip to saving water." due to his unpredictablility he can be irresponsible sometimes and do things he knows he shouldn't just because he wants to. he can be stubborn in this way, if he wants to do something then he'll probably do it and deal with the consequences later. he forgets things easily as well even minutes after hearing what was said. sometimes he encourages bad behavior that he know will get them in trouble just because its fun. deal with consequences later. 

wise: "its time for you to look inward and start asking yourself the big question, who are you and what do you want?" wei thinks he's wiser than he is. half of the time what he says doesn't make sense but sometimes its really helpful and deep and everyone is just staring at him in awe. his solution to everything is either yoga, weed, drinking tea, or meditating with scented candles. he randomly says deep quotes as advice or just when things are tense and it actually kind of helps. he thinks he's a philosopher. he recommends crystals and juice cleanses to get rid of the bad energy. he's like uncle iroh from the last airbender. if you ask him he says he got reincarnated as buddha because he's so wise. but really all the scented candles just got into his brain.

persistent: "its not that she's uninterested, she just didn't get enough wei lovin yet." WEI doesn't give up easily. he can be forgetful and lazy but he never gives up! if he wants something he'll keep trying until he gets it. he doesn't focus well though so he jumps from one thing to another (like with relationships). when he wants someone he keeps going after them until they like him, even if they end up hating him in the end he'll still give them a wink.


[ zenwei 禪伟 ] - Zen is apart of buddhism, meaning meditation and wei is his name. Its actually pronounced chanwei in chinese but its a play on words from the english version zen. Its His alter ego, when he’s not being loud and goofy he becomes zenwei. The quiet and peaceful guy who meditates on his spare time. When he gives people advice or meditates with them and offers them tea he wants to be addressed as zenwei. “Guys shh zenwei is meditating.” “Who’s zenwei?” “Wei’s alter ego.”

[ wei ge 伟哥 ] - His name is wei and gege means older brother. Wei means great so it translates directly to great older brother but its also the word for in chinese. So he uses it as a play on words when flirting with chinese people to say he has a big dingaling. “You can call me wei ge if you know what i mean.”

[ here ] - elaboration 国コソミヤ百上フが探点ラホナ市二イ多制だれ来就イヤ勝均タエラ旨数設樹ヌレカ埼隅スクラニ社織ヌコウハ物変明づめすぶ。

the face


[ FACECLAIM ] xiao gui (lil ghost)
[ BACKUP ] seventeen minghao
[ HEIGHT ] 178 cm
[ WEIGHT ]  55 kg  

[ APPEARANCE ]  Wei stands tall at 178cm and 55kg. he's just a skinny dude. he has a dragon tattoo on his side because dragons are seen as luck and good. so he thought he would get lucky if he got a dragon tattoo. about a month later he got accepted into yg so it mustve worked. he has two lobe piercings. his hair is just black now, he used to have dreads when he joined yg but they made him get rid of it. he hopes that someday they'll let him get it back. he likes to dye his hair many colors.

[ FASHION ] wei likes to experiment with fashion with most of his clothes being street style. he loves colors and hates just wearing all black. he likes to accessorize with hats, glasses, and especially chains. some of his fashion choices will have you questioning if he's sane but the great part about fashion is that its self expression and you can do wahtever you want. 

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[ elaboration ] wei had a normal childhood. he was born in china. wei is an only child and his family was normal. his parents owned a hair salon and a hair store. selling wigs and hair products and stuff. he's been practicing wushu since he was 5 years old. he was a good student back then in elementary school and got good grades. by the time he reached middle school he discovered chris brown and fell in love with dancing, specifically break dance and his grades started slipping. he never dreamed of being an idol though, he just liked dancing.

his parents didn't support his dancing dream, they wanted him to be at the top of his class and go to an ivy league and be a doctor or a lawyer. like most asian parents do. in high school he found a second home in a local dance crew. they were like his family and they participated in dance battles with other crews. just street battles, nothing official. the guys in his dance team were amazing friends but not always the best influence, he started smoking, doing drugs, and partying with a fake id. living the typical stoner life in high school. his grades werent bad but they couldve been a lot better. he also got an interest for making music, like djing. he started djing at underground parties and became a soundcloud rapper with his friends looking like the boy asian kid with his pants kind of sagging, dating the abgs and flexing on weibo and instagram.

in 2016 when it was time for college he wasn't planning on going but his parents said if he applied to college in america then they'll buy him a car. he didn't get into any ive leagues but got accepted to cal state la. his parents wanted him to study aborad because they didn't like his friends and the path he was going down. his parents didn't have much money but they took the risk so he could have a better future.

when wei got to la, it was better than he thought. his behavior didn't change much at all and the best part was that weed was actually legal there. he spent his first year messing around and partying in a frat.  he passed 1/4 classes that year and by his second year his gpa was a 1.7 so he was back home on academic probation. he was happy to see his friends back home but his parents were pissed. they were tired of him wasting his time and their money. they kept saying doing music is useless.

wei didn't really care what they said though. he couldn't help it that all he liked to do was dance and make music. his djing skills only got better in america and now that he spoke english better he could rap in english too. in 2017 his song made in china that he made with his friends went viral and he was performing in clubs and big summer festivals. thats when he discovered his dream of being a rapper. the girls screaming for him and everyone screaming to his song. it was crazy and he loved it. he put so much effort but wasn't really making that much money from it since they all had to split it and they only had one hit song. he still lived with his parents and blew a lot of his money away on clothes and a motercycle that he crashed the next day (he was fine don't worry). 

his parents got annoyed and told him if he was going to waste his time then he might as well make a lot of money from it.  his mom saw a poster on the street and told wei to audition for yg who was having an audition in sichuan that week. he was hesitant to being a robot idol because they didn't make the music he wanted. but then he saw gdragon and how cool he was and decided to audition. he rapped his own song and the rest is history. apparently he was the only one in sichuan to make it and one of 3 in china. his parents still don't really support him but they're happy that he's somewhere safe and not wasting their money anymore. 



[ LIKES ] 

  • ♕ bubble tea, 
  • ♕ girls
  • ♕ boys 
  • ♕ skinship
  • ♕ sleeping
  • ♕ haidilao hotpot
  • ♕ long hot baths
  • ♕ cats
  • ♕ skateboarding
  • ♕ sports
  • ♕ dogs
  • ♕ llamas
  • ♕ parties
  • ♕ drinking
  • ♕ tea 


  • ♕ uptight people
  • ♕ slow songs
  • ♕ when people dont take his advice
  • ♕ people who don't respect zenwei the master
  • ♕ cooking 
  • ♕ dieting
  • ♕ judgmental people
  • ♕ slow music like ballads
  • ♕ blemishes


  • ♕ his morning wellness routine: stretch, meditate, yoga, tea, get ready
  • ♕ he wakes up later often so his wellness routine gets cut short a lot
  • ♕ night time wellness routine: shower, skincare, play a round of lol with face mask on, play pubg on his phone for a few hours, meditate, sleep
  • ♕ plucking s arm or leg hair when he's bored
  • ♕ speaking in chinese when he's mad
  • ♕ speaking louder when he speak chinese
  • ♕ mixing languages together
  • ♕ skateboarding everywhere
  • ♕ he's a night eater and always get hungry when he stays up late
  • ♕ vaping literally everywhere, he would secretly take a hit before they start filming
  • ♕ high // when he's high he laughs at everything and is more quiet and his words become even more questionable   
  • ♕ mad // yells and curses, his first insinct is to fight. but if he can't fight then he mumbles angrily to himself
  • ♕ sad // he cries openly if he's sad. he doesn't care about acting manly then
  • ♕ walking out the shower
  • ♕ walks around the dorm in just underwear and sleeps sometimes
  • ♕ bringing people to the dorm to hook up without informing s before 
  • ♕ snoring 


  • ♕ djing
  • ♕ painting
  • ♕ wushu
  • ♕ meditating
  • ♕ yoga
  • ♕ skateboarding
  • ♕ karaoke
  • ♕ dancing
  • ♕ gaming
  • ♕ basketball
  • ♕ shopping

[ FEARS ] 

  • ♕ bugs
  • ♕ any animals that arent cats or dogs or llamas 


  • ♕ he carries a small bottle of perfume on him so he can get rid of the weed smell whenever he smokes it
  • ♕ he eats anything, if the members don't like something, give to wei because he'll eat it even if its not yummy
  • ♕ his diet is really bad but he doesn't gain weight. it consists of a lot of junk food and soda
  • ♕ he has a few skateboards jaehwa doesn't like when he rides them though because he jumps everywhere and does a bunch of tricks then comes back all scratched up
  • ♕ the type to cry during a sad movie and screaming during a scary one but claims hes brave and doesn't get scared easily
  • ♕ he loves spicy food probably because sichuan is full of it
  • ♕ his favorite food is dandan noodles
  • ♕ he has dry skin
  • ♕ he doesn't mind sharing his things and expects others to be open to it too but others aren't always so open
  • ♕ he has crystals in his room to keep the bad spirits away and it always smells like scented candles that match his mood
  • ♕ he stashes his weed in a jar in a pair of jordans that he never wears
  • ♕ his solution is almost everything is "drink some tea" 
  • ♕ his favorite korean food is soondubu jjigae
  • ♕ he loves llamas for some reason, he thinks they're beautiful and wants a pet llama at the dorm but jaehwa wont let him  
  • ♕ he gets injured often but its nothing serious usually
  • ♕ he's buddhist
  • ♕ on the last day of every month he tries to get all s to meditate with him. if they refuse he says something like "okay but i'm telling you bro you needa get rid of all that bad energy from last month. its not good for your body dude."
  • ♕ his favorite artist is chris brown
  • ♕ his room is messy with clothes on the floor but he cleans it once at the end of every month 
  • ♕ his ideal type is rose 
  • ♕ he has a cat named kush and he takes him for a walk sometimes
  • ♕ his favorite color is green and yellow
  • ♕ he's panual, its not something he talks about openly. if you know you know. like if you're a guy and you wake up next to him the next morning then you know boys not straight
  • ♕ he curses a lot in english chinese and korean
  • ♕ his favorite vape flavor is black mamba
  • ♕ he playfully flirts with all the staff memebers esp the girls
  • ♕ he knows how to fight but prefers not to because he can really hurt someone
  • ♕ he always writes his own raps and songs for himself
  • ♕ he helps choreograph sometimes but never a whole song by himself
  • ♕ he doesn't consider himself a composer either because just makes edm remixes 
  • ♕ the only times he writes songs for blackout is if its in chinese
  • ♕ he wants to take all s to chengdu so they can have hotpot together
  • ♕ his favorite season is summer because thats when the booties come out

[ wei says ] 

  • "you look tense, you want some jasmine tea bro?"
  • "not to sound gay but you look fine as hell right now"
  • "dude calm dooown"
  • "if you stay mad like that, all that bad energy is gonna resonate in your body and you're gonna have like blood pressure or some dude chill"
  • "netflix and chill mamacita? thats spanish for i want you in my bed tonight" 
  • "are you jewish? cuz you israeli hot?" /winks/
  • "nah i'm not high, just tired." /when his eyes are literally red af/
  • "ya feel me" at the end of every sentence
  • "swag" at random times

[ social media ] 

he only has a weibo and an instagram. both of them have the same user name. his instagram is more like a finsta because he's a whole clown there while his weibo is more professional-ish. he likes to joke around with fans and flirt with them in the comments and post embarrassing pictures of members.

Layout by Finire
Edit Profile
Zhang Wei 张伟
your fav blackout member :)



- bandmate / moon haneul 문하늘 / idol at blackout / '98 / outgoing, sassy, overemotional / haneul and wei's relationship is complicated. they get along well but not all the time with haneul usually getting annoyed at how chill wei is sometimes. like when he vapes in the studio when they're composing music together, haneul hates that to his core. but they have a playful relationship most of the time. wei finds haneul hilarious especially when he's mad because he's smol like a chihuahua. but the fact that he doesn't get scared or angry back just makes haneul even more mad. maybe its because he's a brat but wei is seriously attracted to haneul and flirts with him not so subtly. most people think its just joking and playful since its between guys but wei is actually trying to get some *^* while haneul plays hard to get. but someday when they're alone in the studio he'll make his move!  

- bandmates / blackout / wei is friends with all s. he doesn't have issues with any of them. even the more serious members, he likes to mess around with them to get them to loosen up. wei doesn't get mad easily so he's an easy person to work with because he's willing to compromise. he can hang out with any of the members and its not awkward. he treats all of them like brothers and an optional cuddle buddy if they need one. whenever they are in a fight he is the one to split it up and break up the tension with some wisdom and tea. and if anyone needs advice just come knocking on his door. maybe theres one member that is his zen buddy and always goes to him for advice and they meditate and do yoga together. he thinks wei is really wise and smart. and theres another member thats his partner in crime and they skateboard and do dumb things together.

- best friends / idols at wayv / liu yangyang 刘扬扬 / '00 / enfp, loud, prankster, funny, innocent / huang guanheng 黄冠亨 hendery / '99 / intp, caring, smart, goofy, mature / hendery and yangyang are wei's best friends. they met while they were trainees through a mutual friend. there's not many chinese trainees so they have a habit of sticking together. wei knows all of wayv but is closest to these two. they're a trio of stupidity with hendery being the not so mature yet smart older brother, wei being the messy middle child and yangyang as the goofy younger brother. hendery is the geekiest one, he's not the oldest but somehow the most mature (sometimes) and attempts to stop yangyang and wei from doing stupid things but ends up joining them anyways. he always has some geeky comment to make. yangyang is the youngest so he's curious and innocent. he looks up to wei and thinks he's cool for getting so many girls so he copies him a lot and supports everything he does. even when wei unsuccessfully flirts with rose yangyang is there like "wow! i think she really likes you!" basically if you will hear guys screaming in chinese then its probably them.

- friends / yeh shuhua 葉舒華 / '00 / idol at gidle / esfp, outgoing, sensitive, clingy / chong ting yan 莊錠欣 elkie / '98 / idol at clc / enfj, outgoing, mature, caring / shuhua, elkie, and tzuyu is like wei, hendery, and yangyang's female counterpart. the three girls are best friends and the three guys somehow got entagled with them. they make fun of each other, bicker, and got hotpot on the weekends. elkie is the mature motherly one, shuhua is the loud chihuahua thats very protective over her friends and never stops barking, and tzuyu is the calm savage one. its a complicated relationship with intertwined feelings and drama. to sum to up, wei and elkie hooked up in the beginning when they were first getting to know each other. it was a long time ago and they were friends with benefits very briefly but she still has a little feelings towards him. the only reason wei stopped tapping that was because hendery liked her and wei can't break the bro code. she tries to be flirty with wei at times though. elkie doesn't pay hendery much mind other than friendship but hendery tries sometimes yet his flirting gets turned down fast. his gentelman ways and extra effort goes unnoticed by her because she's trying to seduce wei in subtle ways. she finds yangyang adorable and babies him. shuhua only likes hendery. she thinks wei is a poop and protects her friends from him. she stands between them and say "yah! leave them alone! no one wants to date your lame !" and wei just pushes her head away. as for yangyang, she secretly likes him, thats why she's mean to him. he likes her too but he's more afraid of her. even though they're a mess, they have each others back and hang out often as a group. 

- ideal type / roseanne park / idol at blackpink / '97 / infp, sweet, outgoing, chill / wei is in love with rose. like in love!! the problem is she barely knows who he is. he's a certified fanboy though! wei would bend over backwards for rose, whenever he sees her around which is rare since blackpink is so busy, he tries to flirt with her with his terrible cheesy pickup lines. and she's just like "... okay" and talks about how weird he is to lisa then he brags to s who he's so close to cuffing her. when he actually really can't be further away. he tells everyone rose is his ideal type, if they're backstage together he brings her food or drinks or even a dozen roses because she's a rose obviously. he's just so extra with it that even the other blackpink girls make fun of rose and say "hey rosie your boyfriend is coming". he publically lets everyone know that she's his ideal type and he'd marry her if he could. or in his words, "i wanna make rosie wifey instead."

- staff / bae hyunjung 배현정 / blackout makeup artist / '98 / quiet, focused, cold / to hyunjung wei is a nuisance. every second he's saying some cheesy pickup line and flirting with her in chinse. talking in her ear while she's trying to work and she hates it. she shuts him down coldly or just subtly elbows him in the stomach without anyone realizing. but wei doesn't give up even though she showed she's not interested many times. in his head she just needs a little more of the wei loving and she'll come around eventually.  

- other idols / wei is friends with basically every chinese idol, they're in a groupchat together. he is someone that makes friends easily so you can also make him friends or have connections with random people throughout the story if you want. you can also make him hook up with any person since thats something he'll do since he's a lil thot. i didn't want to make a long list, instead i wanted it to go with the flow of the story. 



blackout's noir

[ PLOTLINE + BACKUP ] noir + lakuda or qara

[ POSITION ] lead dancer, lead rapper (vocalist), he doesn't have extras on his profile because he doesn't think he does enough to be considers a composer or choreographer or lyricist.

[ STAGENAME ] wei / he wanted his stage name to be weezi (pronounced wheezy)  but yg didn't like it and said wei is just fine. he still prefers weezi though. 

[ PERSONA ] kungfu panda / he got this persona because he's talented yet still somehow chaotic and clumsy like po

rap: dawn for korean (xiao gui for chinese)
dance: the8 (xiao gui)
vocal: the8 (xiao gui)


 Wei is taking over

[ PREDEBUT EXPERIENCES ] soundcloud music with his friends (any songs by higher brothers) and his song made in china that went viral     

[ TRAINEE YEARS ]  2 years   

[ TRAINEE LIFE ] Trainee life for wei wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. He’s the type to jump into things head first and that’s exactly what he did at yg. It was hard to adjust at first. At home he slept in and was never a morning person. He was late a lot in the beginning and still is at times but not as much. Training was hard and physically exhausting but he loved to dance and perform so he didn’t mind doing the work. Some of the trainers were really mean and screamed, but wei didn’t care because he couldn’t understand them anyways. It didn’t stop him from making friends though, he made friends with the other chinese trainees and the ones that spoke some english faster. Even with the korean trainees he still found a way to talk to them.

Somehow he knew everyone and became the peacemaker and sometimes the unintentional mood maker. He’s gotten in trouble for being too lenient and “chill” and ignoring the rules but he usually played it off as a language barrier thing. Even though he knew he wasn’t supposed to go clubbing at 3am and he definitely wasn’t allowed in the girls dorm. Not just the girls dorm, Wei was in all the dorms, sleeping with guys, girls, whoever was down. He never had a problem because the guys never said anything since its looked down upon in korea and the girls didn’t want to get in trouble themselves. Yg like many other entertainment companies had a dating ban but he didn’t remember anyone saying he couldn’t just have with no strings attached. What else could you expect when you put a bunch of teens and young adults in a room together 24/7.

the only hard part about training for wei besides the waking up early and strict schedule was the fact that it was so hard to find weed in korea. he had all the connections in china but in korea he had none. but after being there for 2 years and making friends with the locals and going to parties, he eventually found the connection he needed and gets it easily now. when the other trainees were on the verge of a mental breakdown he offered it to them in secret behind the building to calm them down. he would say "come on dude just one hit and i promisse you'll feel better. stop being such a little ." even though it wasn't something he should do, he felt like he was helping them.

Wei kind of treated training like college, except he was doing well this time. He felt that everyone was so uptight for no reason and stressed out. He would buy drinks for everyone and invite them all to his dorm at night and they would just party away all the stress. Then when kyubong and his uptight asked why they all looked like they hadn’t slept, all eyes went straight to wei.

On his spare time he was probably fooling around in the dance studio, out with friends or playing league of legends. He didn’t take it as seriously as the other trainees, if you enjoy something it shouldn’t feel like a job, it should be enjoyable. No one wants to work hard, but if you have fun while working hard then you can work hard without even realizing. This kind of logic made him less stressed out than the others. He looked like he enjoyed what he was doing instead of sweating and shaking during evaluations. He helped the other trainees he was working with enjoy it too by trying make it fun. There was just something likable about him that made him popular, it didn’t stop at the trainees either. the trainers knew he was talented and he got a lot of praise, he just lacked in the listening and discipline department. 

[ FUTURE EXPERIENCES ] being one of the only chinese idols at yg and member in blackout, yg took this as an opportunity to promote in china. when blackout wasn't promoting, wei would go to china and do photoshoots, become a judge in shows, interviews, commercials, variety shows, anything to help blackout penetrate the chinese market. he was one of the overworked members but it benefited him and the group and he was just happy to be in his home country where he understood everything. his fanbase grew bigger in china than korea.
// he would also like to make remixes of blackouts songs!
// "meditation time with master zenwei" - a monthly vlive special at the first of every month to get rid of all the last month bad energy. he does yoga and meditates with fans and gives them advice.

[ SCANDALS ] 20?? / false / "rumor: blackout's wei and blackpink's rose are dating" /  fans speculate that rose and wei are dating because he keeps mentioning her and he stands next to her, looks at her, waves at her, whenever he gets the chance. they say its way too obvious they are going out but its not true. he's really just a fan. wei's cfans get mad though saying things like "chinese girls aren't good enough for him?" "who does rose think she is? wei is mine" and bash rose causing a fanwar between the fandoms. but wei clarifies himself that they're not dating and he's just a big fan but if she's willing to marry him then he'll buy the ring tomorrow.

20?? / true / "wei spotted at strip club in shanghai" / fans took pictures of way throwing money at pole dancers in shanghai. he got a lot of hate but when asked about it on vlive he says some wise answer that doesn't really make sense but makes him sound like a feminist and ends up getting praised instead of hated.

20?? / false / "rumor: blackout's wei and gidle's shuhua are dating" / the two are always seen bickering and shuhua looks like she hates him all the time so it must be love or past love. fans blew this way out of proportion and shuhua was more grossed out by him, but it just fueled the rumors more. 

20?? / true / "netizens surprised by how many male fans wei has" / it was discovered that male fans look up to wei after a fan posted on a forum that wei gave him advice during a fansigning and it actually worked and now he has a girlfriend. after that a bunch of comments from male fans followed stating the same thing that wei gave them good advice. since then wei's male fans grew with him being like a relationship guru for them. they look up to him a lot and he treats them like little brothers remembering all of them and their situations. which makes them feel even more special.

[ CONCEPTS/SPECIALTIES ] wei likes any concept with a good beat he can dance to. the cute one's are cheesy so cringe but he doesn't mind to do it. he likes more serious concepts though so he can look cool.

solo: any xiao gui song or cai xukun or o.wen or 88rising collabs featuring higher brothers or the8 solo songs
units: eung freestyle, bermuda triangle, literally any h1ghr music collabs (wet the bed coughcough)
chinese debut: nex7 songs, nine percent songs (mack daddy please omg)


My heart is yours

[ love interest NAME & group ] chou tzuyu twice
[ BACKUP ] wang yiren everglow  

  • ♕ tzutzu, a cute nickname that people call her in general
  • ♕ t-treezy, its her hiphop name. t because her name is tzuyu, tree because she's tall, and zy to make it sound hiphopish. wei sometimes goes up to her yelling "yo yo yo t-treezy!!" AND SHE FEELS LIKE HIDING IN A DITCH EVERYTIME.
  • ♕ cat lady, she has three cats, she's a certified cat lady. wei calls her this to make fun of her.   

[ PERSONALITY ] isfp / tzuyu is a quiet and calm girl. she's very reserved and prefers to keep to herself and in quiet places with a few close friends instead of a big party. she's good at reading the room and is mature for her age. if you're not close to her, she can easily get lost in a crowd because she prefers to blend in. the only thing thatll make her stand out is her looks. but when she's comfortable with you she becomes outgoing and playful and talkative. she can be quite a savage and likes to playfully diss her friends but she cares for them deeply and helps whenever she can. she isn't a very romantic person and doesn't like skinship much so when someone does that she gets flustered. her personality is very honest, she's straight forward and you'll know if she likes you or not. but she's also a very indecisive person and can't make decisions on the spot. 

[ LOVE STORY ] wei and tzuyu met through mutual friends, basically elkie introduced them. she's a hard person to get to know. wei always thought tzuyu was pretty and his pants was thinking before his head like the usual. but tzuyu wasn't that type of girl and hard to get which made wei want her more. 

he tried his cheesy pickup lines and acting smooth which all failed to impress her. she would stare at him with a blank face or just walk past him completely ignoring his existance. but he really has a talent for not giving up. 

he saw her around when he hung out with his group of friends anyways. she was closest to hendery out of all of them and he became wei's wingman. wei found out things about tzuyu through hendery and tried to impress her with gifts but it just made her feel weird and awkward.

when he realized it wasn't working he got her number from hendery and started texting her often. not everyday to overwhelm her but like once a week even if she didn't respond he would text her a week later. he realized that she was really quiet and sometimes can get lost within the conversation when they were in the group so he thought she would be more outgoing through text and he was right. when she finally answered they started talking about her mutual interests and realized their love for cats.

they sent cat memes and videos often. after a while they started texting everyday and talking on the phone once a week just discussing how their week went. when tzuyu got more comfortable they videochatted and introduced their cats to each other. they grew a lot closer that way.

she started to find his lameness funny and loosened up to him in person. savage tzu came out and was to him like, "sorry i only date guys at least 180cm". so the next day he started stretching every morning. they have a playful dynamic which comprises of him attempting to flirt and her shutting him down and dissing him. but its nothing that makes her uncomfortable. wei became one of the few guys she is comfortable with.

wei tried to get tzuyu to hang out with him alone for a while but she always refused. she knew what kind of guy he was and wasn't into that. he knew he liked her but he was questioning if it was his usual like for girls. he was always considerate but wei found himself going the extra mile for tzuyu. more than he did for any other girl.   

after months tzuyu finally accepted his invitation to hang out alone and they went to a cat cafe together and just talked. she loved watching how playful wei was with the cats and how they were naturally attracted to him. after talking everyday for a while of course she had feelings but she didn't want to get hurt by him. she was really protective over her heart. wei even bought her cute matching outfits for her cats later that day. it was a fun day that they both didn't expect to go so well. as wei was walking her to her dorm, he took the chance and kissed her before she left. she kissed back for a second but then quickly pulled away and went inside.

she didn't respond to him that night. for once in his life he was scared of losing someone. he would stay friends with her if thats what she really wanted. but tzuyu didn't know what she wanted, she knew elkie liked him and the kind of person he was. she didn't know if she was ready to risk it yet. 

[ STATUS ] friends

[ IDEAL ENDING ] up to you, you can make it angsty if you want!  


  • ♕ she calls him xiaowei to make fun of him because he’s under 180cm. xiao means small in chinese
  • ♕ their cats have matching outfits
  • ♕ they want to adopt a cat together and be co-parents. more like wei keeps mentioning it
  • he tries to do skinship with her and she always removes his arm
  • ♕ shuhua is always on protection mode when wei is around tzuyu and tzuyu just laughs
  • ♕ elkie knows they're getting closer and she's jealous because wei never asks her to hang out alone anymore but in order to keep the peace she doesn't address is /yet/
  • ♕ they always talk in mandarin
  • ♕ he doesn't smoke around her because he knows she hates it   
xiao's corner

hanxings. 6/10.
[ ENDING COMMENTS ] oh boy i feel like this is such a mess. writing for boys is harder than girls for some reason. i think i didn't do such a great job at describing some things but i hope you understand everything :')
[ SCENE REQUESTS ] hendery and yangyang and wei being loud af // hyunjung hating wei // zenwei moments // wei being a dorky lil fboy // unsuccessful flirting moments with rose  
[ SONG SUGGESTIONS ] monsta x songs 
[ PASSWORD ] ateez wonderland


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Hi, xiao!!! Thank you so much for applying for blackout! In order to save time, I'm going to be posting a partial review now of your app with your status and coming back AFTER the deadline to give you a full, detailed review of everything then. I hope that's okay! For now, though, I'm going to be very brief. Wei's app was both fun to read and hilarious. He's SUCH a little boi. You're right af lmao xD I think he's a mess of a person but an interesting mess. Your personality section is GOLDEN. I don't think I've ever seen a person like Wei before, and that's very difficult to achieve with an app. The sheer originality had me impressed af. You can't get someone so out of the typical like Wei with most apps, so you've truly accomplished a difficult feat, and I have to congratulate you on that. Wei is chaotic, he's endearing and just so ing weird that you have to like him or at least relate in some way xD I have to say that his background was also one of the most unique ones I've ever read, and I was living for the unconventional party-boi that Is Wei. His relationships are entertaining af, and he truly feels like a famous person to me? He just has that easy-going carefree vibe like a celebrity. I scream-laughed at his stage persona as well xD WTF, how is that so fitting!?! XD Overall, I LOVED Wei, he's accepted. Thanks again for applying, and please expect your full review of your app after the deadline date! :D