➳  LUNE BLACK  黄小猪

judy (朱迪) (주디)
lune black 

lead vocal, dance 

  ➳ vocal: minnie (elkie)
  ➳ dance: jieqiong (mimi)
  ➳ rap: here if applicable

trainee time:
➳ SM (2010-march 2015)
➳ JYP (april 2015-april 2016)
➳ YG (may 2016-sept 2016)
➳ Sunbank Media (oct 2016-present)

trainee life: trainee life for xiaozhu was fun yet mentally exhausing more than physically. she was really happy at sm to be pursing her dream of being a singer. and the other chinese trainees helped her a lot. but after a while, switching companies, constantly not being enough for anyone. it effected her a lot. but everytime she went to a new company or show, the trainees looked up to her and she was like a big sister to them because she trained for so long. even netizens respected her and her fanbase only grew and grew. but in the end she was always disappointed and just missing the mark. she saw sunbank media was her last try to make it in korea. if she fails once again then she'll just go back home.  

pre-debut experience:

2013 ➳ sm rookies  she was introduced on december 2nd 2013 with seulgi, jeno and taeyong.

2014 ➳ sm the ballad - breathe  cameo

2015 ➳ sixteen  she came in 11th place and didn't make the final lineup.

2016 ➳ pd 101  she joined under jyp with somi. she was in grade A and reamined in the top 11 throughout the season. For each voting period she got rank 3, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, in that order. On episode 10 she dipped in popularity and ranked #19 but went back up in the next episode and got #6 once again. On the final episode she come in 12th place, just missing the final lineup.
2017 ➳ mixnine  she joined mixnine to represent sunbank media and had a grade A remaining in 2nd place throughout the whole competition. but in the end the male winning group was chosen to debut. and their debut got cancelled anyways.
2018 ➳ pd101 china  she was the only trainee representing sunbank media and maintained high ranks throughout the show and once again had a grade A the whole time, but came in 12th place in the final line up just like produce 101 in korea. 


 "the cursed trainee makes her debut"  after years of switching between the top 3 companies and participating in every idol survival show known to man, xiaozhu is finally making her debut in sunbank media's new girl group lune black. 
[+204, -13] its about time. she's been a trainee since she was born geez
[+211, -29] i feel like i've seen her before...
[+192, -12] lol the cursed trainee, you guys are mean
[+241, -45] damn imagine being a trainee for all of the top 3 then debuting in a small company group. what a downgrade

 "lune black's judy and blackpink's jennie feud?"  during music shows and award shows, fans notice that xiaozhu seems extra uninterested when blackpink appears and the same can be said for jennie when lune black appears. according to reports xiaozhu was supposed to debut with blackpink but it was never confirmed and their negative interractions only adds feul to the fire for fans.
[+216, -11] people say she didn't debut with blackpink because jennie didn't like her kekeke she has some serious power over yg
[+102, -71] she's popular and has a lot of idol friends though, maybe jennie's the problem..
[+215, -24] she has beef with yeri too lol so bitter

"chinese netizens speculate that phoenix's jiali and lune black's judy are dating"  just like jiali, sunbank media was pushing xiaozhu in china like crazy especially since she developed a fanbase in the country due to pd101 china. the two of them had the same schedules there often and went on the same shows. xiaozhu didn't like it and neither did tao, but they had no choice. and because of their past, fans felt a connection between them that was more than just friends and thought the two were dating. many videos of their interractions went around and there were even accounts made dedicated to the jiazhu pairing.
[+204, -13] they're so cuteeeee 
[+211, -29] jiali always looks so jealous when she talks to other guys *^* my heart can't take it
[+192, -12] they're like old married couple
birthname: huang xiaozhu (+黄小猪)
other names: here

  ➳ hwang soojoo 황소주 ➳ korean name
  ➳ judy huang ➳ english name
  ➳ the cursed trainee ➳ she got this nickname because of her extensive training period and constantly appearing on survival shows but failing everytime 
  ➳ soju ➳ korean friends gave her this nickname to make fun of her korean name since its similar
  ➳ juju ➳ korean version of zhuzhu that korean fans and friends call her
  ➳ zhuzhu 猪猪 ➳ common nickname given to her, by chinese fans and chinese friends, it means piggy piggy 

birthdate: april 4, 1997
birthplace: jiljin, china
hometown: jiljin, china
ethnicity:  chinese
nationality:  chinese


  ➳ mandarin ➳ 100% ➳ born and raised in china
  ➳ korean ➳ 90% ➳ lived in Korea since 2010 and her hometown has a lot of koreans
  ➳ english ➳ 50% ➳ learned as second language from training, she can understand more than she can speak it

faceclaim: zhou jieqiong
backups: wang yiren 

height & weight: 167cm / 47kg



style: she wears whatever is comfortable. if sher style had to be categorized its like a feminine and streetystyle. she will wear anything except heels since they're so uncomfy. mostly she just wants to be comfortable.

howl to the lune


perfectionist: since she trained so long, xiaozhu takes her work very seriously and works until its perfect. but she also knows when to take a break and have some fun so she doesn't overwork herself. she gets easily stressed, especially since she feels like her clock is ticking and she's slowly becoming burned out the longer she stays a trainee. 

competitive: part of the reason she's such a perfectionist is because she's so competitive. she hates losing and the fact that she lost so many times already in the past definitely lowered her self esteem. she used to be confient but there's only so much someone can take. when she feels like she failed in any way, she becomes extra hard on herself and isolates herself from people so she can regroup on her own.

open minded: xiaozhu is a carefree person. when doing something in a group she tries to incorporate everyones ideas and doesn't like judging people because everyone is different. she doesn't like people who are really strict and traditional because she thinks it limits their creativity. she's a very imaginative person and has grand ideas that some people wonder where she comes up with them.

independent: contrary to many beliefs xiaozhu is an introvert (isfp) and she needs her time alone. she likes being with her friends and in a happy environment but she needs that personal time to recharge. when she's down she especially likes to be alone. she will probably be seen walking the beach alone at night if she had a bad day. 

curious: xiaozhu loves exploring new ideas and new things. she's actually a shy person but her curiosity gets the best of her at times and she talks to anyone she finds interesting. she can be unpredictable sometimes because if curiosity gets the best of her then she'll do what she wants anyways.

charming: once she warms up, xiaozhu is an easy person to talk to, her curious ways makes her asking all types of questions and talking about anything and everything with them. which is why she has many friends. she can be weird sometimes too and is playful with her friends. she's a realist and says the most weird but true things. it's a strange charm she has. 

emotional: xiaozhu is emotional in the way that she understands others emotions easily. she wears her emotions on her sleeve, if she doesn't like you you will know it. she is terrible at acting like she likes someone and can't help but look dsigusted when someone she hates talks. so whatever she is feeling in the moment you will probably know it.   

passionate: xiaozhu is passionate to the point of being stubborn. when she loves something she wants to do it until she succeeds and doesn't give up for a very long time. this can be seen in her training history. the downside to this is that she gets so caught up in the moment that she never thinks about the future.

mature: even though she can be playful and unpredictable sometimes, xiaozhu is a very mature person. when she has a deadline she has to meet, she never misses it and is reliable when it comes to completing tasks. she takes her work very seriously and will be strict and harsh if she has to. but she's only that way because she wants everyone to do their best.




1997: married couple huang jiahao, a regular salary man, and song peiyi, an elementary school teacher, gave birth to their first child. a beautiful chubby baby girl named xiaozhu.

2000: xiaozhu was really close to her parents, she especially loved playing with her dad who tried to spoil her with the limited money they had. but even so xiaozhu always wanted a siblings, and that year peiyi gave birth to renjun and xiaozhu couldn't be happier. she helped her mom with the new baby as much as a 3 year old could. 

2002: xiaozhu discovered her love for singing at the age of 5, she would put on performances for her parents and force little 2 year old renjun to join her. after seeing how passionate she was at such a young age, her parents enrolled her in ballet classes.

2005: xiaozhu joined the youth theater near her house, she was the youngest member at the age of seven and stole all their hearts away with her cute singing and dancing. at the theater she participated in many neighborhood plays and was still apart of ballet as well. 

2008: xiaozhu was valedictorian at her elementary school graduation. she was a popular student due to her friendly personality and theatrical ways.

2010: xiaozhu auditioned for sm global audition in beijing. her family took a 10 hour road trip just for the audition. she sang 我们的爱 by f.i.r. at her second audition she sang 'u', the chinese version by super junior m and did a freestyle dance. soon after that she was accepted as a trainee into the company. renjun wanted to audition too but their parents thought he was too young. a week later she flew to korea with her family, and she didn't see her parents again until 2014 when they went to drop renjun off at sm as well.


                [fc: wang fang and zheng ziyi]

黄家豪, 宋沛宜: xiaozhu is close to her parents, especially her dad. it was very a hard for her to leave them behind and go to korea to pursue her dream. they're still supportive of her, they know she's having a hard time but they don't know how hard. xiaozhu doesn't tell them the bad parts of training because she doesn't want them to worry. since its been so long they tell her to just come back home for a little while and rethink being an idol is what she wants to do. but she refuses so they just support her as much as they can from a far.

黄仁俊: xiaozhu adores her little brother. and he adores his older sister. unlike some siblings like fight like crazy, they're very loving towards each other and xiaozhu babies him a lot, even spoiling him. he's naturally a mama's boy so xiaozhu acts like his mom when their real mom isn't around. she screams at anyone that messes with him, when other nct members she pulls their ear or flicks their head and he just sticks his tongue out at them. so some of nct is scared of xiaozhu, especially the playful ones that mess around a lot. when lune and nct dream are at the same place, he looks around for his sister and clings to her when they see each other. he tells her just about everything, but for her, she mostly tells him the good things because she doesn't want him to worry. 




joy and xiaozhu are best friends who work perfectly together like two peas in a pod. they've been attached to the hip since she became a trainee at sm in 2012. they're the picture perfect best friends straight out of those teen movies that everyone lowkey wants. they know eveything about each other inclding their deepest darkest secrets. they do typical girly things like having sleepovers and doing facemasks while gossiping and stealing each others clothes so much that they lost track about whose is whose. they FaceTime every Friday night and basically talk about their week and watch Netflix together. its been a tradition since xiaozhu left sm and they haven't broken it yet. people actually think they're lesbians because they're so affectionate and kiss each other without a problem. they don't even deny it at this point and just say they're girlfriends.

周子瑜: after joy, tzuyu is xiaozhu's closest friend. tzuyu and xiaozhu basically became friends because they both speak chinese. tzuyu didn't really have friends as a trainee because she couldn't speak korean so when xiaozhu came in she was like her life saver. they became instantly close even though they were competing against each other. they have the same personality type and are very similar in many ways. tzuyu is more calm than xiaozhu though and even though she's younger and sometimes acts more mature. just casually watching xiaozhu act weird judgingly. they're both savage and casually diss each other whenever they can, mostly tzuyu calling her tiny and make fun of her height. they're also travel buddies and visit each others hometowns when they have time.   

강슬기: seulgi is so lovable. she was already a trainee before xiaozhu joined sm. even though xiaozhu couldn't speak the language well, seulgi was there to help her however she could especially with dancing. they've always been supportive of each other and still are now. seulgi sends xiaozhu kind words often and is so proud to finally see her debut. whenever she can she praises lune black and xiaozhu and invites them out to eat to celebrate their wins and accomplishments. whenever they're promoting at the same time and lune black wins on music shows, seulgi and joy run to her and hug her tightly.

배주현: irene is the ultimate mom friend. they don't talk on the daily but as soon as irene sees a headline about her she's the first to ask if she's ok. when it even looks like xiaozhu lost a little bit of weight, irene is like "why you so skinny!!" and instantly gets food to feed her. she's really protective over xiaozhu because she's her little baby and no one can mess with her.        

sehun and xiaozhu have known each other since they were teenagers. they hung around each other a lot because they had mutual friends so they automatically became friends. sehun is kind of weird. he's a good friend and always pays for meals and gets you gifts sometimes when he feels like it and sees something that reminds him of you. but he's not that reliable. he's always the last to know things, mostly because he's the expert at leaving people on seen unless you ask to go get drinks. then he replies in a matter of seconds. which is why they're drinking buddies. and when you finally tell him the news, it was already 2 months ago and he's like "what why didn't you tell me??" but even though he's flaky, he cares for xiaozhu and if anyone tries to mess with her he'll stand up for her. if they see each other in public, he'll act like he doesn't see her on purpose just to annoy her and when they walk past each other he'll do something obnoxious like pinch her side which makes her jump.   

dong. si. cheng. he's quiet and kind of xiaozhu's little punching bag but she loves him. she put him and kun in charge of watching renjun before she left sm. kun is more like a dad and winwin is like a big bro to renjun. whenever xiaozhu's around he gets all awkward and clumsy because he lowkey like her. even though he says he doesn't, its really obvious he does and all of nct knows it. renjun hates that he likes her and gets protective when they're around each other. since xiaozhu knows he likes her, she's extra playful to him and does skinship like hug him or mess up his hair. it makes him even more awkward and its really hilarious.  




xiaozhu doesn't like yeri because she took her spot in red velvet. sm said they weren't adding anyone else to the lineup and yeri randomly got added which pissed her off since xiaozhu had a better connection with the rest of red velvet too. when xiaozhu sees red velvet she runs to them and hugs all of them except yeri and its just awkward.

김제니: when xiaozhu almost joined blackpink, jennie was not happy about it. she just ignored her and was rude even though xiaozhu was trying to be nice. jennie made xiaozhu feel isolated from the group and was kind of a bully. even now when one of them win something, they don't clap for each other.

리사: xiaozhu was fine with lisa until she overheard her and jennie talking bad about her. so now xiaozhu thinks she's twofaced. she acts cute and nice but she just kind of goes with whatever the crowd thinks. lisa doesn't know xiaozhu dislikes her so she still tries to act nice and smiles at her but xiaozhu just acts like she doesn't see.

모모: xiaozhu is bitter because she got eliminated later than momo but still didn't make the cut. momo never personally did anything to her, she's just bitter. but she still cheers for twice because of tzuyu.  

lune black

xiaozhu couldn't help but look at these girls like family. she didn't want to get close to them at first due to the fear of not debuting with them, but with spending two years together, she really sees them as sisters and will defend and fight for any of them if she has to. there isn't one member that she's closet to because she's close to all of them.  

lune blue

xiaozhu can't stand lune blue. everytime she's around them, she can't help but get in a bad mood. the fact that they came out of nowhere and have the opportunity to debut so easily is crazy to her. especially since they get way more screen time and lines than her when some of them aren't even talented. if any of them are rude, she's quick to point out that they should respect their seniors and is extra strict to them even though that's not really her personality. instead of being nice she's usually just extremely sarcastic and passive aggressive with them. insert dramatic eyeroll here.  




수리암: liam only have one thing in common, they both pretty much hate the entertainment industry and find it draining. whenever they talk its really just complaining about how annoying everything is and gossiping about the stupid decisions their bosses make. oh yeah, and they both hate taejun.   

xiaozhu is closest to sangho in phoenix. they met at sm and since he was apart of the nct lineup she was quite familiar with him but not really friends. after they met again at sunbank they became true friends. he's annoying as hell. they made a deal that if they're not married by 30 then they'll get married, she agreed taking it as a joke but he was dead serious. he's a sweet but also a troublemaker and he gets in trouble like once a week usually dragging xiaozhu along with him. he's close with jiali too since they're groupmates and knew all about their relationship and when they're near each other and its awkward he tries to crack more jokes than usual. every time xiaozhu even talks to a guy he tries to hook her up with him because he wants her to move on and encourages her to hook up with people. such a bad influence. he acts like a boi but he's actually a soft sweetheart. their hobby is talking about sm together.   

翁嘉李: jiali is xiaozhu's ex boyfriend. they started dated in the beginning of 2017. they were dating secretly since dating wasn't allowed with only their close friends knowing. all of phoenix and lune black knew about their relationship and keep it a secret till today. their biggest problem in their relationship was the constant fighting. their personality clashed a lot. jiali is a very traditional and basically a workaholic. he's the picture perfect idol because he's literally... perfect. but he isn't good at dealing with emotions and puts all his attention into his work and is very strict when it comes to that. xiaozhu on the other hand also takes her work seriously, but she can also be carefree and spontaneous which jiali didn't understand. every time she talked about her emotions, he provided a solution instead of emotional support. he can be arrogant and dismiss things as a waste of time or stupid when it doesn't match up with his goals or views or even interests. he's also really clingy and wants to know where she was all the time or why she didn't answer his text he sent earlier and would spam her constantly. she loved him but was tired of the fighting and disagreements so she broke up with him in early 2018. to cope with that he emerged himself even more in his work, overworking himself even and neglecting his own needs. when she sees him so exhausted looking like he's going to pass out, she can't help but scream at him for being so careless and he just responds coldly to her but she takes care of him anyways buying him food and watching him eat with a frown. their relationship now is weird because they still care about each other yet don't really talk and when they do talk they bicker about even the little things that don't matter, but they also both get lowkey jealous when they see each other interacting with a guy or girl. anyone can tell that they have a relationship that's more than friends but whenever they talk to each other its in mandarin and most people can't even understand them.

강원: won is best friends with jiali so they used to be friends too but after they broke up their friendship kind of ended too. and won became more quiet after the scandal so they really don't talk much at all. and the fact that he actually supports taejun is baffling to her to the point where she kind of lost respect for him for not being loyal to mirae.

노현민: xiaozhu thinks hyunmin is hilarious, him and sangho fight a lot trying to out-funny each other and xiaozhu just ends up rolling on the floor laughing. its always good vibes with him and they goof around a lot. but when he goofs around too much when they're trying to work she isn't afraid to kick his . literally.

김기연: kiyeon is the leader and a huge perfectionist so he an be strict when it comes to s but sometimes xiaozhu thinks he's too strict. especially with hyunmin so she defends him sometimes. but other times when they're seriously goofing off too much, she takes his side and they scold him together. its either they're scolding people together or she's telling him to loosen up about something.       

sunbank media staff


장미래: mirae loves xiaozhu and the feeling is mutual. compared to other trainees that she's harsh to, she's really sweet to xiaozhu and admires how determined she is. when it comes to the whole taejun and mirae thing, she's fully on mirae's side and will defend her in a heartbeat.   

xiaozhu hates taejun and doesn't think he's experienced enough to be such a big boss in the company. he's really a mess and all over the place and she hates how he plays favorites. she thinks its completely unfair that newbies get more lines than her when she's been training for 9 years. on the other side, lune blue does help bring more attention to lune black, but she still dislikes taejun as a person anyways. 

지종수: xiaozhu sees jongsu as a reliable older brother. she calls him grandpa and likes to about how old he is. he knows that xiaozhu isn't good at hiding her emotions, especially when she doesn't like something so he always nudges her or reminds her to fix her face with lune blue is around or anyone she doesn't like. when she's feeling down and overwhelmed he's someone that she can go to. she's also always asking about his son and always begging him to bring him around more often because he's so cute that xiaozhu just dies.

others: as for the rest of sunbank, she isn't fond of anyone associated with taejun. if you're not then she's super friendly but if any of the staff got hired by him then she doesn't put the effort to get close to them. but she still treats all of them with respect. except taeha. he doesn't even work there but keeps showing up and she finds him absolutely useless. so whenever he strolls in to distract the girls she's like "can you leave? we're actually trying to work here" and he gives her some gross arrogant response like "aww come on I know you missed me" and tries to kind of be flirty. insert extreme eyeroll here!!! 
 ➳ she attended beijing contemporary music school online and graduated in 2018
 ➳ some other idol friends she has are wendy, exo, nct, luhan, kris, victoria, snsd, henry, shinee, somi, ryujin, heejin, doyeon, jung chaeyeon, son chaeyoung, dahyun, soyeon, chungha, meiqi, xuanyi, elkie, jackson, and yibo. 
 ➳ her name means piggy, her parents chose that name for her because she was a fat baby
 ➳ she's kind of lactose intolerant. milk makes her gassy but she really loves cheese so she got pills to help with it and has to take it before she eats anything with dairy or she'll spend a looooong time in the bathroom.
 ➳ she loves hot pot and pork. she wants to get hotpot with all her members. lune black i mean.
 ➳ she choreographs her own dances and dances for lune black
 ➳ she writes music in both chinese and korean 
 ➳ she has a fanbase in korea, china and international
 ➳ she really likes jay chou
 ➳ she loves taking walks at night when its quiet just to think
 ➳ she has a habit of watching her own fancams to see where she can improve
 ➳ she's good at freestyle dancing
 ➳ she doesn't have an instagram account because they don't allow it during training. she's also just very bad at technology and gets easily impressed with new things like vr games
 ➳ despite appearing in so many korean shows, she's more popular in china
 ➳ she's a samsung user and her phone is pretty outdated
love interest
name: huang zitao
birthdate: may 2. 1993
faceclaim: huang zitao

personality: tao might seem cold on the outside but he's actually a softie and quite emotional. he wears his heart of his sleeve and when he falls, he falls hard. wanting to be the best for his significant other and treat her like a princess. he's an honest person who isn't afraid to show his vulnerability with the right people. he's also a hardworking, putting all his effort into something he believes in. he's not the type to give up easily or just because there's some obstacles. this can be said for his work life and love life.

he's very upfront with his feelings, really bad at hiding them. if he is excited about something he will show it and its the same with being mad or sad. he takes criticism really badly and has a fluctuating self esteem. he can be pouty and moody mostly when he doesn't get his way or when he wants to be cute. yet also he can be really romantic and sweep you off your feet. even though he's manly he can sometimes be like a baby.

since he is the only son and born into a ruch family, he's quite spoiled which is why he gets whiny sometimes. some may find it annoying actually. he also loves skinship and sometimes can be moody. 

love story: tao and xiaozhu have known each other since 2010 when they both joined sm. him and the other chinese members of exo (luhan, yixing and wufan) looked out for her like their little sister since they were in a foreign country.

even after he debuted, they still talked and got food together. it was nothing more than an older brother and little sister relationship. she was closes to him out of exo chinaline, maybe because he was the youngest. but that changed in 2018 when she went to participate in produce 101 china. tao was the main judge during the show they hadn't seen each other since 2015 when he left exo, so it was a pleasant surprise to see her. 

the little girl that he considered his sister was no longer little. they talked a lot backstage and even after recordings they would hang out often. tao talked about his solo career while xiaozhu was still struggling to debut. it made him sad actually, but it was nice to catch up and have someone to talk to from his past.

xiaozhu had a high rank throughout the show. she was constantly in grade A and always ranked within the top 5. the first time she got rank 1 was on the 3rd episode. to celebrate tao took her out for drinks after filming. it was a fun night and just what she needed from all the hard work she was doing. their conversation started getting spicy, talking about relationships and exes. she learned that tao was single and he learned that she was fresh out of a relationship. she went on about jiali for a while calling him "a big fat meanie". and tao just listened admiring her beauty. she really grew up well. maybe it was all the alcohol but he really didn't remember her being that pretty back in the old days.

he studied her face from her eyes, to her nose, to her lips. and while she was talking he just went for it and kissed her. she was taken aback and quickly pulled away.

" I'm sorry" he said immediately regretting his actions. xiaozhu just giggled and he tilted his head in confusion. "you taste like strawberries... I like strawberries." she bit her lip then pulled him by the collar and kissed him passionately. the two spent the night together and woke up late for recording the next day. she took a taxi to the studio while tao took his car.

no one knew about their relationship and that was the best part. it was like their own little secret. they did what they want without worrying about others judging them. xiaozhu ended up going to tao's house almost every night and it was the most fun she's had in a long time. 

but the fun didn't last long. everyone was sure that xiaozhu would be in the final line up. she already had a fanbase for being in sm rookies, sixteen, produce 101 and mixnine, and she was consistently in grade A and had high rankings throughout the whole show. even tao was confident in her making the group. when they announced the final lineup, she was ranked number 12, just missing the lineup by one. everyone was surprised by the results including xiaozhu herself and tao.

she spent her final days in china with her family and with tao who even met her family. while all this was going on, tao was in the midst of establishing his own agency. he asked her to be the first artist he signs, but she refused and wanted to see how everything would go with sunbank media and lune black. and after that she went back to korea.

when she was in china she was all for tao, the two acted like a couple for three months straight but never put a label on their relationship. when she came back to korea, the first thing she saw was jiali and it had her questioning if tao was just a rebound or not.             

ending:  up to you! they can date or not, i don't mind. i love angst so you can break her heart if you want lol. 


  ➳ if lune black doesn't work out he still wants her to be apart of his agency  
  ➳ he flies to korea to see xiaozhu randomly to surprise her and he buys her expensive gifts and spoils the crap out of her just because he can
  ➳ only joy and tzuyu knows about their little fling while she was in china
  ➳ he doesn't like jiali and thinks he's an based on what she said about him
  ➳ xiaozhu's parents like tao a lot and think that his offer to go to his company is a good decision
  ➳ he's very outspoken and will clap back at netizens that have anything bad to say about xiaozhu
  ➳ he secretly stalks her on social media. likes all the lune pictures with her in it

application for lune


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