replace with fc. 134x200

zhang mei yi

Name. zhang meiyi (张美仪)

Other names. 

장미은 / jang mieun, korean name

may zhang / english name


angel yi / her fans call her this because her angel like face and body proportions

zhangie / just a random nickname shuhua and elkie calls her


Birthdate. may 10, 1999

Birthplace. guangzhou, guangdong, china

Hometown. guangzhou, guangdong, china

Nationality. chinese

Ethnicity. chinese


cantonese / native / born and rasied in guangzhou

mandarin / conversational / learned from working and school

korean / conversational / learned as a trainee
english / basic / learned from working


Faceclaim. zhou jieqiong

Backup. wang yiren


Height. 167 cm

Weight. 47 kg



meiyi stand tall at 167 cm and 47 kg. she has a nice s-line body with wide hips. now her hair is brown hair thats mid length. she is known for her natural beauty face.



meiyi wears whatever is comfy. its a normal style with neutral colors and nothing too crazy or colorful. she doesn't mind wearing skirts or dresses or pants. she isn't picky with clothes. but she doesn't like high heels.



she has no piercings or tattoos. not even a ear piercing.



Personality traits.

independent, caring, perfectionist, playful, reliable, curious, sensitive, tolerant, shy, misunderstood, private

independent: meiyi is the only child and spent a lot of time alone at home as a kid, so she doesn't mind being alone. she actually works better alone and prefers being alone to recharge from spending time with people.

caring: meiyi is too caring, to that that she gets stepped on like a doormat. she loves to help people, even those she's not close with. she will give emotional support to anyone who needs it. she does little things that you probably won't notice, like get a drink for you too if she gets on for herself, or clean up the mess you left behind. usually this goes unappreciated but its ok because she doesn't do it for a thank you or recognition, just the bottom of her heart.

perfectionist: she gets an emotional attachment to anything she puts a lot of effort in. so she always wants the outcome to be good. any type of failure she'll blame herself. this can make her overload herself with tasks but hide the stress.

playful: behind all the shyness, she's actually funloving and playful girl. you just have to get past her many walls, which would take a while. she can be sassy in a passive aggressive but joking way and teases people. if you get close enough to her, you'll learn that shes a little weird too, she says random thoughts sometimes and just does random things that will make you say why would you even. so her close friends actually find her funny.

reliable: meiyi keeps her word for everything. if she says she'll be somewhere 2 weeks from now at 2pm, she'll be there at 1:55pm. her memory is amazing so she remembers little details about people and uses that to do nice things like get gifts for them. she's also a great secret keeper because she barely talks anyways. and trust me, she'll always answer your text. it takes her a while to consider people as friends though, just because you talk one time doesn't mean you're a friend. she thinks you're only a friend after constant effort to talk to each other.

curious: she loves to learn new things and get to know new people. this is why she may seem like an extrovert sometimes because curiosity gets the best of her and she just approaches people. but that's only because she wants to know more about others and whats on their mind. sometimes she might do things out of curiosity sometimes doing  things without thinking.

sensitive: meiyi has a habit of taking things too personally. she doesn't forgert anything that happens and she secretly holds grudges. she really doesn't forget anything. actually she's really moody and is bad at hiding it, but her moods are somewhat delayed. she thinks about things before having an emotional reaction. so she'll probably sulk about a situation that happened weeks ago.

tolerant: she has extreme patience, she just lets people do what they want and won't complain. or if someone screams at her, she'll just nod calmly and reflect about it later in her head. if you annoy her a lot, she probably won't say anything. but if you're close and annoy her, she'll have a comeback or chase you around.

shy: meiyi is extremely shy. she cares a lot about others feelings so she often holds her thoughts to herself, even if someone takes credit for her work, she probably won't say anything. she really doesn't talk much unless she's really comfortable around you, but she thinks a lot. even when she's with a big group of friends and they're all loud, sometimes she'll rarely talk, instead just laugh at what other people are saying. and when you ask her, she'll say she had fun because she just enjoys their company. with her group, she doesn't mind being on the side, others usually have to pull her to join in.

private: she never says whats on her mind or whats happening in her life unless she considers you very close. the ones she's close to understand her the best and she values friends who are reliable because she likes to keep her love life or emotions private.

misunderstood: because she's so private, most people misunderstand her, especially those who haven't known them long. they are often unable to either hide or articulate any distress they may be feeling. it may seem like she's sad about something in the moment, but its usually something she's thinking about. it can be frustrating for people who get annoyed easily because she doesn't say anything. most people just say oh thats how meiyi always is or just ignore it since she just shakes her head in  response or says its nothing. also, since she's so quiet and looks distant sometimes because she's lost in thought, some thing she's cold or doesn't like them. but not true, she's just thinking ok.



1998: a young 20 year old thought she found the love of her life. they did everything together and he was the sweetest to her. the young love relationship did not last long, she was soon to learn that their love was one sided and she had a even bigger surprise coming.

1999: meiyi was born on may 10, 1999, in guangzhou, the capital of guangdong, china. she lived in a small apartment in a run down building with her mom. her parents were disappointed in their daughters pregnancy and refused to help. her mom had to drop out of college to take care of her and work many odd jobs. they were behind the rent for months. meiyi spent a lot of time in daycare as a child, being neglected by the caretakers because they had so many children. she cried all day, but as soon as she was in her moms arms, she was happy.

2006: at the age of 7, meiyi was already walking to school by herself. she's a naturally curious person so she had a lot of friends even though she was shy. she was never embarrassed of where she lived, until one of her friends mothers offered to drive her home. when they arrived, the friend said "ew, look at that building, it looks so dirty." meiyi was so embarrassed that she didn't even go to school the next day. she wasn't mad at her mom though, she knew her mom was trying her best.

2008: when super junior m debuted, meiyi's mom was hooked. she watched all their tv appearances and had their song on repeat. her mom loved singing, she sang to young meiyi all the time. so much so that meiyi knew all the lyrics and developed a love for singing as well.

2013: she found out sm entertainment was holding auditions in guangzhou. now 14, meiyi kept her singing hobby as a secret. even when she went karaoke with her friends, she never sang all the way.  it was too embarrassing. but it was something she really loved. she also loved seeing her mom so excited everytime she watched people sing, that was her main drive to become a singer. when she got to the room, she planned to sing 不得不愛 by 弦子, but as soon as it was her turn, she froze. her mind went blank and she forgot all the lyrics. everyone was just staring at her like she had three heads, and next thing you know, she ran out the room crying. thats when she discovered she had stage fright. she knew she was shy and hated public speaking, but she didn't know it was that bad.

2014: at 15, meiyi got her first job, she worked at a restaurant, mostly cleaning tables and mopping the floor. she didn't make a lot but at least it was something to help her mom out. every check she got, she gave it to her mom or somehow spent it on her.

2015: by 16, meiyi had 3 jobs. she still had her restaurant job, eventually getting promoted to manager because of her outstanding effort. she learned both english and improved her mandarin in order to talk to customers from all over the world, which the other staff couldn't do. when she wasn't working there, she would tutor kids and sometimes even her classmates, and babysit for her neighbors daughters on the weekend. it was a busy schedule but she somehow balanced it all. later that year she surprised her mom by buying her tickets to exo's concert in guangzhou. exo was her mom's second love, after super junior. it was their first concert and it was amazing. she knew she wanted to be a singer, but seeing exo live made her more determined than ever.

2018: meiyi got awkwardly scouted by box entertainment on her way to work. since they were a small company, they weren't holding auditions in china, but instead she got offered to go to send in an audition video. she sang 不得不愛 confidently like she was supposed to at sm then soon got an email saying she passed. next thing you know, her and her mom were on a flight to korea, and the rest is history. but the day her mom left korea, was the last time she saw her mom since then.




- eating

- classic songs ( like from the 80s-early 00s )

- chinese dramas

- silence

- romantic movies

- bubble tea



- disorganized places

- people who are loud all the time

- rude people

- loud chewing

- skinship ( if she does skinship with you, then you know she really is fond of you )



- cleaning when she's stressed

- taking walking in the late nighs

- sleeping early when she had a day full of socializing

- playing with her hair

- doing a little dance when food is good

- watching her own fancams to see where she can improve

- calling her mom everyday



- gaming ( her level is really high on league and pubg )

- darts ( she has a darts board across from her bed and quietly practices that for hours on end )

- cooking ( she loves making chinese food for her members )

- reading ( she brings a book everywhere )

- writing music ( she gets inspired by peoples stories or emotions, her lyrics are often deep and artistic... but its in chinese... )

- drawing ( she's actually an amazing drawer and has her own drawing pad that she doesn't show anyone. usually she draws things by memory, like people she met or places she's been)



-she gets mistaken for a dancer in the group because she has energetic dancing

- her specialty is casually avoiding the mic so she doesn't have to talk

- she can play the ukulele and the piano, she never learned how to read music so she does it by ear

- she writes songs but most people don't know this, her lyrics are in chinese anyways so its not like they understand

- she really can't freestyle dance, she's really awkward

- she eats anything, isn't picky at all

- she isn't afraid of bugs or animals really

- she likes snacking

- she's usually the last to shower out of curtesy for her members

- she can't swim

- she doesn't have a personal instagram

- she's really bad at keeping up with the latest trends

- her ideal type is zhang yixing because he's a hard working

- she's the member that gets a lot of cfs and photoshoots because of her looks

- everytime pandora is about to perform, meiyi quietly has a mini panick attack but does what she has to do anyways

- samsung user and her phone is pretty outdated





bandmate / go eun / '97 / idol at pandora / spontaneous, warm, people orientated, enthusiastic, creative, energized, sensitive / meiyi was happy when eun joined the group, they first met when eun and hoon scouted her in taiwan. she actually thought that eun would be a trainee there too but was confused when she didn't see her around. when she joined, meiyi was happy to have someone that could at least speak some sort of chinese. even though the other members hated her, meiyi tried to be with eun often. she's close to the scandalous too so whenever they're together, meiyi usually just lets them be and goes to her room since she doesn't want to be a burden to eun that has to translate back and forth. they didn't know each other long so meiyi isn't all the way comfy with her yet but its the most out of everyone else. later one, she'll be the first one to know meiyi's playful side and funny side.


bandmate / kwon duri / '99 / idol at pandora / harmonious, creative, adaptable, gentle, independent, sensitive, carefree, private / they're awkward. the first day that meiyi started training, duri was the first one to go up to her and try to be friends but meiyi didn't understand a word of korean so she didn't say anything. since that time duri thinks that meiyi is rude and doesn't really like her so they don't talk.

bandmates / pandora / meiyi isn't close with her members. she's not confident in her korean and a lot of the time doesn't understand what they're saying anyways. usually she will just sit there while they talk. sometimes she'll ask what a certain word means if she never heard it before. because of the language barrier, the girls don't invite her to do things sometimes or forgets about her since she's quiet. a lot of the time she's in her room or with eun. but the other way around, her members think she's standoffish and cold because she doesn't talk so some of them don't like her or think she doesn't like them. when pandora debuted and meiyi started making friends, they were surprised at how outgoing she was and took it as she just didn't like them because they were korean. which is really untrue, she's just shy and embarrassed to speak the language. she gets hurt when the girls don't include her sometimes and she wants to get closer to her members but can't express it because the only member she's kind of friends with, isn't close with them either.


↓ ( friends that meiyi made after debut ) ↓


best friends / yeh shuhua 葉舒華 / '00 / idol at gidle / outgoing, bubbly, cheerful, sensitive, clingy / chong ting yan 莊錠欣 elkie / '98 / idol at clc / enfj, outgoing, empathetic, encouraging, mature, sensitive, caring / meiyi met these two because when shuhua found out meiyi was chinese, she instantly ran to talk to her and started talking. not far later, she introduced her to elkie and they all became friends. elkie is like the mom and shuhua is the loud chihuahua. she screams and do dumb things that sometimes meiyi will join her or make fun of her with elkie. since meiyi isn't very confident in her mandarin, she is closer to elkie. but shuhua ends up knowing everything eventually anyways because she always goes "tell me! tell me!" she's like a younger sister to the two girls that they love and take care of because she's so cute. elkie is the best at korean out of all of them so she helps them a lot and always there to solve their problems. shuhua isn't called shuhuahua for no reason, if her mess with her sisters, she'll bark and bite!


pain in the / wong yukhei 黃旭熙 lucas / '99 / idol at nct & wayv / estp, loud, flirty, funny, moodmaker / lucas is really outgoing and moodmaker so he can make anyone feel comfortable in the conversation. both lucas and meiyi have cantonese mother tongue so he wanted to get close to her since he wanted more friends who can speak it. he heard her speaking it with elkie backstage, and ever since then he hasn't left her life. he bothers her and does everything he can to annoy her because she's usually quiet and finds it cute when she gets annoyed. if you ever hear her scream its probably because lucas did something annoying to her that push her over the edge. which is hard because she has good tolerance.. so yeah.. thats how annoying he is. she never calls him lucas, only yukhei, so she'll scream "WONG YUKHEI!" and probably chase him around. usually elkie just sits and shakes her head at the two like old marry couple but shuhua will chase him too and jump on his back.


小樣 / liu yangyang 劉揚揚 / '00 / idol at nct dream / loud, prankster, creative, funny / meiyi and elkie love yangyang, they just finds him adorable. just one year younger but she treats him like he's a baby. she calls him 小樣 (xiao yang literally means little sheep but more translated to little guy like affectionately). he's similar to lucas, pull pranks on people and he says random weird things but she still thinks she's cute. his smile aww. everytime she sees him she runs to him and squish his cheeks. and lucas get jealous for that and yangyang sticks his tongue out at him. yeah he loves the attention meiyi gives him. yangyang always gets a hug, but lucas, never. shuhua sometimes gets jealous too and say "hey! i'm cuter than him!!" and sulks because yangyang gets more attention. yangyang and shuhua argue all the time but elkie and meiyi think its because they have a crush on each other. they try to always push them together. but if she had to choose, she'll always baby shuhua instead of yangyang.


best friend / xiao dejun 肖德俊 xiaojun / '99 / idol at wayv / isfj, quiet, tolerant, creative, positive, emotional / xiaojun is very quiet but when you get to know him he becomes more outgoing. just like meiyi. he's usually the one to break up the playful fights or defends meiyi with hendery when lucas bothers her so much. and then lucas acts like he's betrayed or hurt. out of all the boys, meiyi is most close to xiaojun. they talk often on the phone and discuss many things. like favorite books, current events, music, or just their day. they have similar personalities and similar interests. sometimes they would facetime each other and just read together in silence, or write music together, watch movies, play ukulele together. they're both ok with silence so they don't mind if no one talks, sometimes its nice to have company even in silence. they're both emotional people so sometimes when they have a bad day they would call each other and rant. if meiyi is having a boy problem, she'll probably tell him because he knows how guys think. he gets bothered easily if she's upset over a guy though. he speaks cantonese so she's more comfortable talking about feelings and stuff with him. he's attentive to her and does little things to show he cares, like share food or gets her things. so elkie and shuhua make fun of them together, but every time she makes fun of his height and calls him a shortie.


china/taiwan line has a groupchat that they talk regularly, about serious stuff or send memes (mostly memes), gossip, and sometimes all hang out together. this tradition was started by amber liu who passed it down to jackson wang who passed it down to lucas so now he's in charge of it and basically befriends chinese or taiwanese idols to be in it. meiyi is friends with everyone in the group but not as much as elkie, shuhua, xiaojun, lucas and yangyang, they are also apart of the chat. everytime she sees any of them backstage or during music shows, she'll probably go to them instead. obviously she's closer to the girls here and they have their own seperate groupchat to complain about the boys but she hugs and talks to any of them when she sees them. ( hover for more info ) ( oldest → youngest )








Stage Name. mei (美 / 메이)
Plotline. the other?


Vocal Twin. jessica (mina or tzuyu)
Dance Twin. twice tzuyu (blackpink rose)


Trainee years. 1.5 years

Trainee Life.
meiyi had a hard time while training. she didn't know korean, she never took a dance class in her life, and she had stage fright. she cried in the bathroom before taking her first dance class, thats how scared she was. she expected everyone to be amazing but there were others struggling like her so she didn't feel as bad. she doesn't take long to learn the choreography, and she makes sure to put extra effort into her dancing since it was her weak point. working one on one with vocal trainers wasn't scary, they all said she had a beautiful soft voice, it was just a matter of getting it out that way in front of other people. monthly evaluations were the worst. she wouldn't be able to sleep the night before. she was terrible at hiding her nerves, her hands would shake slightly when she was sing and her voice was a little shaky too but it got better overtime. she realized she can sing more easily when in a group, but singing alone is what terrifies her. she was one of the only foreign trainees at box entertainment, so she didn't have any friends and was alone for a year and a half, but she's thankful to hoon for being so forgiving and helpful to her. 



20?? / false / "pandora's mei is racist?" / fans have noticed that mei is a little detached from her group. it can especially be seen for music shows, mei is usually seen with the chinese or taiwanese members of other groups instead of her own. 
[+1203, -349] she should go back to china lol 

[+949, -123] does she forget what country she's famous in?

[+843, -235] i always see her in the back laughing with shuhua but when she's with her own group she looks annoyed haha

[+792, -473] she can't sing anyways, kick her out


Love Interest

Name. go hoon

Backup. shin minguk, producer at box entertainment (fc: gongyoo) or xiaojun



hoon is like the cool ceo, he's an excellent people person and supports his artists well. since box entertainment is a small company, he knows all his trainees by name and is the opposite of scary, but can be when he has to.


Love Story.

meiyi first met hoon and eun on her way to work back in guangzhou. she was running late so she was hurried and turned the corner bumping into hoon making him spill his coffee on himself. she apologized to him many times and offered to make him a new one, even though he refused she did it anyways. brought him and eun back to the restuarant and made them both coffees for free. it was then that hoon saw how beautiful meiyi was and gave her his business card to audition for his company.


when meiyi first got to korea, hoon gave them a tour of the building and reassured her mom that she was in good hands and promised to take care of her. meiyi has really good intuition and usually gets vibes from people, she wouldn't be surprised if he was some shady guy because she's dealt with her fairshare of those at her work back. but he was the opposite, she could actually tell he genuinely meant it, and because her mom trusted him too, she trusted him as well.


at first their relationship was just a regular trainee to ceo relationship. but after a while he realized that meiyi still wasn't opening up to anyone and she seemed bothered by something. so he bought her in his office to talk because he knew it was especially hard for her out of all the trainees. thats when he found out about her stage fright and he gave her advice, that when she gets scared, just think of her mom and imagine that she's watching her perform. it actually helped a lot and meiyi slowly got better and better.


these little meetings became a monthly thing, hoon spoke conversational mandarin so they were able to talk but not deeply since both of their vocabulary wasn't good enough. slowly he saw the girl open up to him and actually say her feelings, she even started to get more comfortable around him. their monthly meets that would last about 10 minutes at first turned in 20 mintues and later 30, now they last an our sometimes because they just get lost in conversation. since hoon is an esfp he jumps from one topic to another sometimes and meiyi's curious nature always wants to learn more.


he made it a little obvious that they had a connection because he would walk past and ruffle her hair in the hallway or specifically give her more detailed feedback than the others at times. but the moment meiyi realized that he really cared for her was during their last monthly assessment, instead of giving feedback to her in mandarin like he usually did, he said it in cantonese. she really didn't expect that and was touched that he put effort in learning for her.


they both really care for each other deeply and like each other, and the only person that knows this is eun. they keep the relationship professional though because at the end of the day, hoon is still the ceo and she is still the artist. they both don't know how each other feels because they don't want to assume that its more than it is.


possible suggestion?:

meiyi is practicing late at night, she's suddenly been getting a lot of cfs and photoshoots so she hasn't had much time to practice and thinks her dancing is lacking. hoon sees her in the practice room thinking that no one else is in the building so he goes inside and checks up on her. she tells him that she thinks her dancing is lacking so he offers to give her feedback. he actually says that she did well but she breaks down crying and doubts her abilities, just being really hard on herself. he gets frustrated at hearing her words so he just pulls her into a hug.


they thought that they were the only ones in the building, but another pandora member was practicing in the next room and saw the whole thing. but she saw it incorrectly and twisted the story to be that they kissed. so the members put the pieces together and assumed that she was suddenly so busy with commercials because she has a thing with the ceo and thats why she thinks she's better than them. but none of that is true.


Status. friendly

Ending status. dating? up to you



- they never hung out outside of the professional setting

- they text often about random things since they both like discussing random topics

- he subtly flirts with her but nothing really obvious, she can never tell anyways

- after the late night incident, they became awkward for a little because of the way her group reacted

- she is completely clueless in love

- sometimes she brings him food that she made

- she actually gets jealous easily but doesn't say anything, although hoon can tell and finds it amusing so he does things to make her jealous on purpose sometimes

- hoon doesn't know that she writes music but she shares one with him and he translates it to korean and it ends up on pandora's next album

replace with fc. 134x200



Comments/questions. i wasnt sure what plotline fits her, so i just put the other, i hope its ok! and soorry i write so much :0


- lucas annoying meiyi and her and shuhua attacking

- meiyi babying yangyang with jealous shuhua and lucas

- meishukie moments!!

- xiaojun being obvious af that he likes her and she crushes him by calling him short

- just chinaline interractions

- xiaojun being jealous

- meiyi making the first move on hoon, maybe holding his hand? or a kiss?

- meiyi getting sulky at hoon bc she's jealous for something dumb

Password. gems? 



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Hey there Xiao! Thanks for applying for Pandora. There are just a couple of changes I need you to make before I can accept Meiyi so lets get into it!

First off as there is some contention between Taiwanese idols/people being seen as Chinese, I would rather you change Meiyi's faceclaim to a Chinese faceclaim. Moving on to Meiyi's talent twins, you don't have to do this but if you were to change Meiyi's backup vocal twin to just a normal vocalist, there is a higher chance she could be chosen as I am looking at possibly extending the line up by one or two members (as mentioned in the cheatsheet). Other than those points I love Meiyi! I am also such a er for an relationship and I could see Hoon and Meiyi's relationship possibly going so many different directions (some more angsty than others).

Anyway, if you change what I have mentioned I would be more than happy to accept Meiyi! Thanks for applying!