I Met Coldrain!

Legit this happened like 3 weeks ago. I wanted to post about it but I'm lazy. Plus I've been working a LOT. I've been having eleven day work weeks. So I work for 11 days, then I'm off for two days. I'm on my second 11 day work week. Ends on Friday, then I'm going on vacation for a week which I'm looking forward to. I'm not gonna say where cause who knows who reads these. I'm still thinking about making a new account so people I don't want in my life can stop stalking me. I enjoy typing freely without much of a sensor, without worrying about consequences. But I haven't been able to enjoy that for a long while. But I also hate the thought of having to go out of my way cause people can't be decent human beings.

Anyways, I'm trying to procrastinate, I've got a project due tomorrow that I've barely started. I was working on it earlier but bailed to have with this guy I've been talking to for a while. But now I'm back. And even though I've got a new video game to play I still have to work on this stupid project. I'm just going to enjoy a quick delay with a blog post :D 

So I met "Coldrain" a Japanese rock band I've been a big fan of for like 6 years now. Never thought I'd get the chance to see them live, let alone meet them. Mosato... you're even better looking in person. *heart flutters* God damn like seriously. He's just so naturally good looking. Gah. Anyways. I saw them at Warped Tour, I bought their new album, VENA and jesus I love a couple songs on there. I'm currently in that mode where no other song can compare to the two songs I love off this album, Gone and Runaway. I can't bring myself to listen to anything else. And Coldrain performed Gone live and it was amazing. Gah. Gimme a sec so I can calm down, I don't want to write out a long blog post that features me just fangirling the entire time. I've moved on from that. I've grown up. Kinda. 

Here's a picture. I look like total , I was kinda sunburnt, and absolutely exahusted. But ayo Mosato how you doin. Gah LIke seriously zoom in on that goregous face! *dies* Anyways so I nearly passed out at Warped Tour cause I'm an idiot. I was like "WATER?! WHO NEEDS WATER WHEN YOU HAVE MUSIC" and didn't go looking for the station where they refill your cups/bottles of water. So because of that I missed out on Yellowcard which . And I didn't get to see Against the Current cause they started playing 5 minutes before Coldrain. And there's no way I'm letting someone get inbetween coldrain and I. 

I wish they were slightly more talkative when I met them. They all just passed around my album, singing it. I spoke to the lead guitarist (white tshirt) for a brief second about the weather.. Then when Mosato signed my CD he looked at me (EYE CONTACT) smiled and said "Thanks for coming" 


You busy later?

I just had the absolute greatest idea. Cause I have the album on my phone, but I'm gonna delete the album cover it came with and replace it with a good pic of the album cover I GOT SIGNED. That'd be so pretty. Check out that shoulder-meets-neck-area-that-I-don't-know-the-name-of. So y. BECAUSE that's actually Mosato's neck/sholder/hand/earlobe. He actually has that tattoo. Dat jawline tho


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