"Tired" is Officially a Personality Trait

I'm so ing tired all the time. I'm working two jobs, 40 hours a week total. Plus I've got two classes on top of that, though the classes aren't all that difficult it does cut into my sleep time. I have to get up at 6:45 am 6 mornings in a row. I miss sleeping in. I woke up this morning at 6 (it's a Sunday) having to pee. When I realized what time it was I had a moment of total dread. Then I realized it's Sunday, my only day off. And I nearly cried with happiness. 

I'm interning at a prosecutor's office. I won't name where, but I've got an hour long commute. I drive to the train station (30 min) then take the train (20 min). I love taking the train, dealing with rush hour traffic on a regular changes a person. But yeah, hour long commute. So it's nice I don't go in until 9. I enjoy working at the P.O. My issue is, I'm always exhausted. My social life is nearly nonexistent. I sleep every time I get the chance. I can't accomplish anything once I get home. It . And the worst part is, I don't have anything to show for it. 

Over the summer when I was working two jobs, I was tired, yeah, but I had more money and that made it worth it. But this is an unpaid internship, that I HAVE to do in order to graduate. So unless this results in a job offer (which I doubt) all this is going to do for me is spice up my resume. And it's such a bummer that I'm struggling with money. Gina Marie is being a on the regular, which is what's destroying me financially. 

Speaking of graduating. Holy . I'm getting my diploma in 3 months. Like seriously holy . I'm not ready to be an adult yet. I can't handle this crap. I'm going to have an actual career type job, I'm going to make actual money. I'm going to move out. Have responsibilities. EWWWW. Like seriously?! This is terrifying. I don't want to be an adult. I want to go back to being a child, running around and playing video games all day. 

Ugh seriously I don't want to grow up. I'm not ready for it. Send help. 


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