Mah new place!

I moved lol


I just reread my "I got my own place!" Blog post. I've been in the new place for a week now but my lease just ended at the old place today. I'm still 100% independent, still at mah dream job (hopefully until I'm old and decrepit), still the same great friends (plus more friends!), still single, still happy. I'm waiting to hear back about a dog application (I really want a dog) but I dont want to put a bunch of details about that in here, in case it doesn't work out.


I don't really have much to add. This apartment, though smaller, is cheaper & SO much closer to work. I have a 15 minute commute. It's amazing. There's a gym right around the corner from me. I'm going to join sometime next week I think. I really wanna get back into working out.


This past year has been amazing. I've done so many things I never thought I'd do. I went to London BY MYSELF to see my favorite band! Got to meet them and everything! I've been traveling a lot: London, I went to NYC for a party lol, Los Angeles, Poconos, Seaside Heights, and Ocean City Maryland. I've also tried a ton of things. Pole dancing classes, mounted archery, shooting a long bow. I've learned to cook so many things too. And I actually really enjoy cooking! I used to hate it. But I actually prefer my own cooking over plenty of restaurants. Also my hair is red now lol


Yeah my life isnt great all the time. The past few months have been kinda difficult. But overall the great outweighs the not great. And things are about to get fantastic. 40 something more days until I go to London again, spending 3.5 days there and then I'm going to Ireland! I'm super excited about that. Then right after I get back im going to New York Comic Con!! Super excited!


Anyways i gotta wrap this up. I'm mainly writing this to procrastinate lol I still have a couple more things to unpack, I've gotta decorate, and a ton of stuff I'm supposed to get done on my day off. So I'm gonna get started on that.


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