AFF and plagairism

Okay, so if you read my previous post about this. I have spoken with moderators of AFF about the matter. They now explained to me that they are following the policy of having copyright owners be the only people who can request content to be taken down. I can't really say that I am happy about this, as this only means that if one wants to put up say, Twilight, here, AFF wont take it down unless Stephanie Meyer takes time to email them to take her book down. Wow. AFF. Wow.

I am severely disappointed in AFF right now, as this should be a hub where people share creative works and now they are, even in their negligence, supporting teens, pre-teens, young adult plagiarizing content like they are saying that as long as you can't take it to the courtroom, they won't do anything about it. I am just super, super disappointed. I know some of you might be happy, but I just can't believe a company who is growing and do take some profit from Ads and Clicks are now just going whatever on such blatant disrespect to another person's work and livelihood. I am just really, really upset.

I mean, I don't even like this book, or like the author, or hate the person posting the story, but AFF is telling me that even if I see someone spitting on someone else's hard work, I can't say anything because I am not the owner. What about social culpability, huh? What about that? Does AFF not care that they are hosting pirated material? That Hachette Groups can sue them they were asked to take it down three times but refused? No?

Sigh. I don't know. How can being right feel so god awful?


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Just to be clear, there is no law that says AFF can't take down plagiarized content. They choose to not take them down because AFF is getting bigger, hence the bulk of these request would be too much to do. So this choice, the new policy is much more because it's convenient. They don't want to deal with the matter unless it becomes a legal demand.
Shouldn't you be disappointed at the one who made that law instead of being disappointed at AFF? It's not like AFF has a choice when it's a law.
cottonmouth95 #3
I actually saw a lot of these stories (mostly Daragon because i only read DaraFF) and attached in every foreword of all these stories is the word "ADAPTATION" which i believe meant that there was suppose to be a difference between the two stories so I usually read the original story before the one here in AFF and tbh, they're all the same. Same words, same places, some even forgets to edit the name of the original character of the story so its obvious that its down right copied and pasted (not even re-typed or something). I know they just wanted to share the story but why not share the link then? Anyways, good for you for standing up for the authors of the stories and thank you for enlightening us (although i do wish the authors could learn a thing or two from you about the word "adaptation").
Woah. I actually had no idea that whenever you're writing an existing book based story that you're basically screwed if another AFF-er would literally copy it and updates YOUR written work. I mean... There still has to be a rule where they can't literally copy your story and get away with it? I am in awe. How could they even say such thing? Right now I am about to write a Harry Potter AU story and I'm worried.
Wow its new to me...damn the policy
This...makes me very upset. I need to think of something more coherent to say later.