Comments, Subscriptions and What-Nots

Okay, so I am subscribed to this writing tips "story". It's called Why People Hate Your Story. I've been going around AFF lately for writing tips articles, just to get some fuel for my own and while I just somehow gets pissed at certain RULES of the craft that I think is too much generalizations and grammar nazism that they are seemingly trying to douse creative fire.

I just hate web writing enumarations:

Step1: Write.

Step 2: Oh god why you write so awful?


Step 4: Quit writing!

Well, I guess that's not how writing tips usually go, but I really do think life and writing should not be taken in steps. If you go about the Plot Hill analogy, it is one step at a time, but the stride and the pace is still totally up to the hiker-writer, so yeah. I feel like Seventh Haven, which is a y title I know, is a place for writers to see the tools of the craft, and whether or not they take it and use it, is still up to them.

Yes, I niggle at word choice, but word choice IS not a story's personality or soul. It's like a brush to your art and I am giving writer's options, like maybe this wide-set brush is better for that. And in my experience sometimes the perfect word is at the tip of my tongue and I actually feel relieve when somebody lets me know.

But I should get back to what I am talking about which is... um... subscriptions and commnents, and the hooky pocky... wait, scratch that last one. (do the hooky pocky... that's like a dance, right?) Anyway, so Why People Hate Your Story seems to be the most popular collection of writing tips, and I got to say that I really like how it's a discussion, or it takes a conversational tone. I don't necessarily think the title speaks to me per se, since well, I don't really give a if people hate my stories. I do however enjoy the authors writing voice, and though I do not agree with a lot of what she says, I think her thoughts are expressed really well.

This blog is actually in response to the latest chapter about umm... discrediting subscriptions only stories, which all my stories are, and somehow the main argument of her update is speaking about subscribers only are more or less hording subs. And of course, as a subscibers only author, I do not agree. I am not hording subs. I do not get off on New Subscribers! alert. I think I get more unsubs because I require people to subscribe. But then what do I get from it?

I get that small nod that someone is reading, and though I do not do a happy dance everytime, it's a small acknowledgement that someone has deemed my "work" worthy of their time. Of course this person is allowed to change their mind, and it might just be me, but I appreciate the nod. I mean, I use the term "work" quite lightly, because I don't want it to seem like I do not enjoy writing because I do. Immensely. It is the fulfillment of my soul. But writing is an act completed by reading, and I do need that nod. I spend more or less an hour on one update (usually more, I can spend about 5 hours writing). And average person reads at the rate of 200-400 words per minute. For a 2000 words per hour from a writer, a reader spends about 5-10 minutes, and all I ask is you click the subscribe button and somehow I am seen as an attention , or someone greedy for subscribers... but exactly, what do I get from your subs? From karma? Popularity? What does one do with that? I mean, I am relatively popular, but do I have anything more than the next person in AFF? No. I have readers, who I cherish and am grateful for, but what does that really get me?

Some of my stories are whim-based but some I have spent researching about... and I think of myself as somewhat serious about writing, and I don't how and why anyone would think that makes me stuck up. I just want the minimum amount of courtesy that you spend half a second to let me know you are reading. You can leave. I am not grabbing at your sleeve and pushing your face down on your screen. I don't know... I mean, why do readers begrudge me so much as click-sub that is much, much less effort than opening a door. If you want to get into a room, you open the door, right? It's not like I have it locked. And you have to scoure Middle Earth for the key. You just click Subscribe. WHY IS THAT HARD?

I am not complaining about people who judge my stories and deem it unworthy of their time because I have it on subscribers only. Of course, everyone is entitled to their time and judgement. I do not cry over my unpopular stories, as I am sure you do not cry over not reading it because you don't want to subscribe. I just think that me asking a reader to subscribe is not unfair. I don't really care if you come in, but please, if you do, at least open the door for yourself.

I appreciate everyone who has spent time and read my stories. I really, really do, but I don't think you are doing me a favour. It's your choice to read, as it is my choice to write. We are in this relationship because we want to be in it. If you don't want to be in a relationship with me, then I think that's fair...

So yeah, I can be your wifey, if you, you know, put some effort in it and open the goddam door.

I love you, honey.

If you comment, I might even give you some extra-lovin'. ;)


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"I appreciate everyone who has spent time and read my stories. I really, really do, but I don't think you are doing me a favour." Having just read a whiny comment on a story (not mine, thankfully) from an entitled reader, this needs to be branded at the top of every story, book, poem, etc.

As far the the post about subs-only I also disagreed with her reasoning. She was equating blind purchasing a book with an extra click. The argument doesn't hold up because you actually can preview a small snippet of the story prior to subscribing. So there's little risk vs reward. And if an extra click is so tiresome for a reader than perhaps they should nap prior to reading any story on AFF. Most important, this is free content. A tap on the mouse isn't taking any cash from your wallet so I don't understand the gnashing of teeth.
You put into words what I exactly feel about this. Courtesy, pure and simple. Initially my fic wasn't subs only but as I saw the wide disparity between chapter views and actual subs, it got me so frustrated. One click is all it takes for me to know that someone's reading it. With how much time and effort I put into writing the fic, it's but a little thing for the reader to do to acknowledge that effort.
ficsystem #3
A few days ago i did fast clicking. I didnt notice that i was reading a subs only story. So dude, apparently as long as we log in to the site we can read subs-only stories without subscribing to them. So i tried to check to see a random story if it was still working and it was. Well, is my comment relevant with the post? Lol but anyway AFF has those boxes you're free to tick..subs only,members only,that's your story do whatever you want i guess :)
Recently I got criticised after talking with a friend of mine about AFF subscribers/upvotes and what not. Her point was basically: You don't HAVE to subscribe for everything bla bla bla. I don't think she understands or writes that much to understand. Bottomline was that she wanted to remind me that AFF was just a side thing for most people and that a lot of others really don't care that much and are too lazy to comment on stories etc. She does got a point there, but why agree to it and add to it? Why not fight it and be the better person to decently comment or subscribe when reading? Sometimes you sit there for a full hour to make an update and when you get no notifications after you've posted it online... it just feels sad. Right? We all know they're reading. I feel only 1 out of 30 to 40 people will actually comment or upvote something. That is quite bad. All it takes is like... less than a minute??? Right? So, yeah. I feel you.
So true about the grammar sht. I think "these" people (esp reviewers no offense) are way too critical on that subject. Which is just ughh. I mean do readers came to read a story mainly bc you write beautifully.... uhhh what if the story itself ? Lol. Besides do a writer want to get plenty of comments like "your writing is beautiful" ... uhhh what about the story? True its fluttering but i think a writer looks forward more on a comment ABOUT the story.

Sighs. Im on the same boat as you on the subonly issue. Subbing is like a little reward from the time we 'wasted' (lol jk thats just me). And besides, you can keep track who are just visiting, who are the silent readers and such. And id like to know who those people are since im like a cat--always curious
I used to think it was attention seeking with subs only stories, especially when the story didn't have any themes that could be triggering or something. I still get a little "uugh" when I encounter them but it's because I'm so lazy, lol. I think I've become more lax about it though. You do you, I do me.
The only trouble I have with subs only is when people argue that it "minimizes the risk of getting plagiarized". If someone wants to plagiarize, they'll do it and subs-only isn't going to prevent it, nor is it necessarily going to make it easy to find who plagiarized you. It's a false sense of security (in my opinion). Being honest about why they're subs only is cool enough. ~